ECOSYSTEMS IMPROVED FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES (ECOFISH) PROJECT ECOSYSTEMS IMPROVED FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES (ECOFISH) Project QUARTERLY UPDATE ( 01 APRIL– 30 JUNE 2015 ) ECOFISH Document No.: 03/2015 Version: Final Implemented with: Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources National Government Agencies Local Government Units Assisting Organizations Supported by: United States Agency for International Development Contract No.: AID-492-C-12-00008 Managed by: Tetra Tech ARD 14 August 2015 Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries (ECOFISH) Project Quarterly Progress Update (01 April– 30 June 2015) ECOFISH Document No.:03/2015 Version: Final Implemented with: Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources National Government Agencies Local Government Units Assisting Organizations Supported by: United States Agency for International Development Contract No.: AID-492-C-12-00008 Managed by: Tetra Tech-ARD 14 August 2015 DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Table of Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 1. Introduction 1 2. Project Objectives 1 3. Monthly Calendar of Key Activities 2 3.1 National Level Activities ................................................................................................. 2 3.2. Site-Level Activities ......................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1. Calamianes Island Group .......................................................................................... 7 3.2.2. Danajon Reef ........................................................................................................... 10 3.2.3. Lingayen Gulf .......................................................................................................... 13 3.2.4. San Bernardino – Ticao Pass – Lagonoy Gulf ......................................................... 14 3.2.5. Southern Negros ...................................................................................................... 16 3.2.6. Surigao del Norte and del Sur .................................................................................. 19 3.2.7. Sulu Archipelago ..................................................................................................... 21 3.2.8. Verde Island Passage ................................................................................................ 22 4. Important Accomplishments 23 4.1. Important Accomplishments at National Level .............................................................. 23 4.2. Important Accomplishments at Site Level ...................................................................... 26 4.2.1. Calamianes Island Group ......................................................................................... 26 4.2.2 Danajon Reef ............................................................................................................ 32 4.2.3. Lingayen Gulf .......................................................................................................... 34 4.2.4. San Bernardino – Ticao Pass – Lagonoy Gulf ......................................................... 35 4.2.5. Southern Negros ...................................................................................................... 36 4.2.6. Surigao del Norte and del Sur .................................................................................. 38 4.2.7. Sulu Archipelago ..................................................................................................... 39 4.2.8. Verde Island Passage ............................................................................................... 40 5. Priority Implementation Issues 42 5.1. Priority Implementation Issues at National Level........................................................... 42 5.2. Priority Implementation Issues at Site Level .................................................................. 42 5.2.1. Calamianes Island Group......................................................................................... 42 5.2.2. Danajon Reef ........................................................................................................... 43 5.2.3. Lingayen Gulf .......................................................................................................... 43 5.2.4. San Bernardino – Ticao Pass – Lagonoy Gulf ......................................................... 43 ii 5.2.5. Southern Negros ...................................................................................................... 43 5.2.6. Surigao del Norte and del Sur .................................................................................. 44 5.2.7. Sulu Archipelago ..................................................................................................... 44 5.2.8. Verde Island Passage ............................................................................................... 44 6. Schedule of Upcoming Important Activities 45 iii Abbreviations and Acronyms 700DALOY - Decidated Alert Lines for Ocean Biodiversity AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines AIM - Asian Institute of Management AIM-SIL - Asian Institute of Management – Social Innovation Laboratory AMPA - Adopt a Marine Protected Area Project ARMM - Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao AR - Artificial Reef BD - Bantay Dagat Network AIM-SIL - Bohol Coastal Resource Management Task Force BEMO - Bohol Environmental Management Office BERT - Batangas Environmental Response Team BFAR - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BMB - Biodiversity Management Bureau BoatR - National System for Boat Registration BuB - Bottom-up Budgeting BPPO - Batangas Province Police Office CAFB - Culion Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches CBLA - Cash for Building Livelihood Assets CFRM - Coastal and Fisheries Resources Management CFGBA - Calamian Fiber Glass Builders Association CI - Conservation International CIG - Calamianes Island Group CLE - Coastal Law Enforcement CLEAR 7 - Coastal Law Enforcement Alliance for Region 7 CLEC - Coastal Law Enforcement Council CMN - Calamian MPA Network COP - Chief of Party CTI - Coral Triangle Initiative CRM - Coastal Resource Management CRS - Community Relations Specialist CSO - Civil Society Organization DA - Department of Agriculture DCOP - Deputy Chief of Party DDBRMC - Danajon Double Barrier Reef Management Council DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources DILG - Department of Interior and Local Government DOST - Department of Science and Technology DOST-ICT - Department of Science and Technology-Information and Communications Technology DSWD - Department of Social Welfare and Development EAFM - Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management ECAN - Environmentally Critical Areas Network ECOFISH - Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries iv ENRD - Environment and Natural Resources Division ENRO - Environment and Natural Resources Office FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization FARMC - Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Council FGD - Focused Group Discussion FIMC - Fisheries Information Management Center FLC - Fish Landing Center FishR - National System on Municipal Fisherfolk Registration FMO - Fisheries Management Office FLET - Fishery Law Enforcement Team FRLED - Fisheries Regulatory and Law Enforcement Division FRMD - Fisheries Resources Management Division GAD - Gender and Development GIZ - German Society for International Cooperation GPB - Gender and Development Planning and Budgeting GPBP - Grassroots Participatory Budgeting and Planning GPH - Government of the Philippines GPS - Global Positioning System GST - Gender Sensitivity Training HIPADA - Hinatuan Passage Development Alliance ICTO - Information and Communications Technology Office IEC - Information, Education and Communication IR - Intermediate Result LCE - Local Chief Executive LGU - Local Government Unit LMP - League of Municipalities of the Philippines LOC - Letter of Commitment LPRAT - Local Poverty Reduction Action Team MA - Municipal Agriculturist MAO - Municipal Agriculture Office MARINA - Maritime Industry Development Authority MARPSTA - Maritime Police Station MCLET - Municipal Law Enforcement Team MDC - Municipal Development Council MDRRMC - Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council MEAT - Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool MENRO - Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office MEPU - Marine Environment Pollution Unit MERF - Marine Environment Resources Foundation MFARMC - Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council MFI - Malampaya Foundation, Inc. MFO - Municipal Fisheries Officer MHO - Municipal Health Office MKBA - Marine Key Biodiversity Area MMSU - Mariano Marcos State University MOA - Memorandum of Agreement MOU - Memorandum of Understanding MPA - Marine Protected Area v MPDC - Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator MRDP - Mindanao Rural Development Program MSI - Marine Science Institute MSOU - Maritime Special Operations Unit MSP - Marine Spatial Planning MSU - Mindanao State University MSWD - Municipal Social Welfare Development NAPC - National Anti-Poverty Commission NFBS - National Fisheries Biological Station NFRDI - National Fisheries Research and Development Institute NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSAP - National Stock Assessment Program NTC - National Telecommunication Commission OPA - Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
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