LAKE COUNTY GXAHINOR, LAKUVIliW ORHOON, MAY 2. I90J. lakeview- School Closes THERE 15 Successful Term. m jnl Friday wm the litMt dn.v of tilt' Lakeview School, tiiul examina- tion coiiKiiincd t he principal part of Flection .Monday. MUCH THAT WE MIGHT TELL YOU the lux t week. Tin term wan tilte Pnscom I'lsher was In from his Biicct'HHful HM the high average Ih Vote for Hinder Hermann. west Hide ranch yesterday, lie re- mIiowii In (ho examlnnt ItuiM. Twcn- - Hltijjer Hermann for t'onmi ss. port very little rain Tuesday. ABOUT OUR SPLENDID STOCK t.V-- V ptlpIlM llHVO pIlMHCll the State When you vote, vote rluht; vote Mrs. Mary Phcrsoii wln ha Ihh'ii Flghth tirade Html examination, and for llerinanu. stopplnirat the I'lsher ranch on the OF SUMMER GOODS . ... hold tlipltnutiM certifying t hit t fact. west side, was In Willis Scammoii was oer from town yerlerday. TIiIm Ih th flrnt year t twit Lake- - any Plush Friday. Will T. Iloy.l Is exH-et- home VlfW ptlpIlM IlllVf MIllVfMNfllll.V pUMMCll Tims. Anderson came lotiluht from Altura tfter touring thin examination. over from Warner Sunday. California In the Interests of the A. Stierliiteiident U'lllltrt received O. P. W. order. t'has. M. Oliver tip from New WE WANT YOUR TRADE, and appre- word from the prvNldent of the Med- - mine Pine t reek Friday. Frank Loveless and sister j lord IIunIuckm College offering u fnt' w ho hate li.vn s. ho. i ciate in order to Get it and Mold it, we '. ( attending at. that nix month HcholHrHhlp In Unit col-- ; A. onswell returned t Port-lau- d Mt. Aiiki'I, Or., returned to Pakevlew It'Kv to the nill of I ,ti kc foiinty w ho last Friday. must offer you the Best Values your money last Sat nrday . jutood lil;lict III tin State Mh Krad. t'has. I.iiic harder was In from hU Mon.lity, .lime 1st elei tl.ui day. can buy. final examination. The little ilanuh-- : Mhei camp Sunday. Don't forget to Vote cal l v for ller-man- ter of Vlrull t'olin, Vera, of Paisley, fleo. II. came down a study of Iloue from and put off voting fur We have made careful the value liavlnjf the hlheHt avera:eMtaiiilln. It.aines Chewaucan Saturday. until Tuesday. Is entitled to the Hfholartdili. of our goods and can safely Guarantee the .Ilm llamllcy Is Just recovering A Pe. Stark of Paisley and It. v. Hiiininarv of the enrollmeiit ami from a spell of sickness. Pepper of I t. Hldwcll, Quality and Style in every instance to be the atteiulanee follow m: Were here ye, Thus. Plonk came over from Itnck No. boys) enrolled 'is terday on their way to Ashland to can be for Price. rnvk on IuinIu.-m- s Mon.lnv. Best that Obtained the Kin 1:' at tend conference. ". P. Dtkeman w as In from Dn-w- s Mrs. W. A. MassliiKlll and Total .11 dauuh. Valley on luislneMs Sat ur.la y. t. r llernl.e are visiting with the for- - No. da.VM taught I .m Ten head of registered yearling m. r's l.rot her, W. It. Il. rnard and Cou- - " holida.VH Premium f,.r I I !i t ;, 9 bulls Kale. '. O. vi i i, fa mlly , i .n Cot t on w o. .. 7 I i.'iys at tendance .M.sl!! Friiest Pinter, All the IntWefM. wlliieMix'M. - gJfSf each 25c Cash " al'M'lice l.l'l" of San I'ran.ls.o cnii- GOOD Purchase. TitncH tanly i'7i; stopped at t he .ake lew Sun. lay. teHliintM Mild inrlleH In jit t. li, lull. e it) I'lr. tilt la-f- , Average initnlr Im1oiik;Iiii; M.1! W. I'. Sloeum, cummer, lal travel c.nirt iind ire the hin. I t'lllce, lui e daily attendance l.V. er, was at the l.akevlew Saturday. ii't nriied Innne. .1 I I re-- h lie.i. In .rt i m. ihn Vie ik k f i in 1 candy, Our n. pioneer friend .1. I'rankl leinoin and orange! S. It. i t r THOROUQH-BRE- D at the M. gram '1 irlnnet went iiv.-- t.i Kl.ttn- - THE STALLION writeM that he will ! hen- - during AhNt.om Pro'. ii til I'ulU In v tu take In the the week, lie In htlll in the oo .1. I 'nlderM in id wiim hen from i riic.-- nt that place next vvit-k- . ptirchaHin InisineHH, and lielmj cm-liecte- d Warner mi lim.lneHs tlr- -t ..f the week. Vaughn, represent with the lartrent Iioiih.- - '.'. Inif 1. ,. In W . St rlnnl.y, nn nlt.irney fr.ini M.Coiinell A that line ill the 1'. S., he in Iu., San Fraiiclmo, enabled llen.i, m Mti...i, nt the l.uketlew. lu'coiiipanled hy IiIm w Ife, to offer tup prices!. So innch for our arrived In .1. It. McNew Iwiketletv I'.tiriiM, Will Make the Season of 1903 at Lakeview and friend In the tdieep lmliiHlry. T niel li. V. Ihtniui from Sunday. wen-d.i- h frmn I'nUlev flrMt New Pine Creek, Oregon our home folk, the Information of the I'leil Lala, datihter of .1. J. Week. that bin daughter Pearl eoineH on a Moore, at I'aUlev, TtieM.lay, .fay 2i, L. vUlt HceneH of f. Shirk ret nene.J fn. in of ItiiiKM hrou-chla- PRIMROSE to the her childhood Iterkelv Inllatuiuat Ion of and l Iuih Imnmi atti-nd-Inu- - ; Chestnut horse, broad strip in face, right hind leg white above ankle; foaled for health and recreation, will U Saturday, where he IiiIm'm, nj,., yearn and I Bred by Belmont Nursery rttud, Kentucky. l9i. Arurcr home newH. Hchiiul. til. Hit h. (Camel, by Whalebone Touchstone . W. .1. Sunders) ... Hauler, by Master Henry A wiicmi lmul of hi. Hen, con- - and i. .. II.. In, ml, ('.II. .Ioiicm, repreMeutlne; Spruauce, f Newmlnster ! Ir Syntax by Haynator Beeswing . In fnnn Val- IaQKhler of Androesan HiHtinof .Mth. J. Maxwell, the cum' their cninp at iry Stanley A Co., San Fraiii-lnc- whole-Mal- e 11 Ion by Cain ley Tni'Milay. Palmyra by Sultan MlHrteH Alice Aplileate, JeHrieSaii.rH, ll.tnr dealcrM, wiim her IIiIh I Seclusion STadmor (Cowl by Kay Mi.i.lleton AHsM'HHur m K HeUe fame by Helsbaiiar ami Anna Down, started for Klam- Jiihn I'dalr returned Mmi-da- y wti'k t rite ordern for Kentucky Orlando I Touchstone by Camel I by Fallrt TiieHday. Mrn. ? f Marsvaa ! Vulture Lanirar ath Maxwell frntn the extreme in irth went Favorite. i Malibran I Whisker by Waiy Misreia by Octovian H'M'H to visit her daughter .lelinle cril part nf the enmity. Mtm. Win. jl'artisan by W alriou I. Hcryford returned cladiator ) Pauline by Monh over (in the coast, and Miss Apple-Kat- e l Vesuvlenne . Now that Hchuul haw cIum-.- I the from the railroad Monday wlis-renl- 'Venus (Sir Hercules by Whalebone I Kchu by huiiliu returns to her home in Klam- Mtnnll liny Ih an Unroll by Birdcatcher nearly happy us If he went to meet her daughter, Kdna. .. " IThe by (ilencoe ath. Miss Sands also returns to her wan playing w ho Iuim Mpendln f Breadalbane. SStocswell by Humphrey Clinker "hiiiikey." Ini'u the winter In Mary by Miss lyuecu ladiator home in Astoria. Down will A very much 'alif. iruia. 't ) Birdi atrhHr by Sir Heicules needed rain mine Chanticleer ... (Wliiin by I.ish make T lirone a short visit to her Aunt in 1 5 (.Ellermire )L.anercjst by Liverpool Ili Milay. In wiih it little late. Imf MrM. Maud I'leiiMautM and mImIi t 'Kllerdale Agra's dam by Tomboy Klamat h. Will (if 111 1. 1. MImm i Boston by Tiinnlcou flu l.ltrt Millie Itolinett, of Willow fCaiich. iLetiugton Allie Cariieal by 'riarpedoii 15 . were vlwli In J'tKentucky Magnolia (lilencoe by tviltan .Iiidtfe IteiiHiin returned to Klain- - inif Lakeview TucMilay. (Touchstone by at h I'alU w Marie Iteach returned . Cauiel lant lay, here he will with them for Hi . (Beeswing by I. iirnynlax JULY RACES Fletir des SNewinioster by a Hhort vIhII. C (Harkaway Economist onveiie circuit cntirt for Klainath bani(s suspicion by Speculation The Lake C.mnty Arii-tilturu- l Amhk- county. There waM 6th dam Foam by Langar (Hvlim by Buzzard.) another hhort uame of 7th dam St. am by Waxy l'ope(Waxy by l'ol--o.- ) Nation will K've four dayH rucing on Stelner writeM tu hall Sunday the fcth by I Young Jr. Lakeview Lakeview dam Miss otavely Sauitle Marske by Marske their tru k in Lakeview, coiiiineiicirix 8th earn by firone Herod by Tartar frleinlM from Salem, he in Im- nine and a picked nine of Mhecp loth dam by Marchem Cade by liodolphin Arabian July 2d, and ending July 7th, I'.KKI. The that 11th dam Jocasta by Coinforlh's Forester, (Croft's Forrester) proving rapidly In health, MheanTM. The 12th dam Milkson by Caoe ((iodtdpnln Arablan an in of flXH) will he (liHtriliuted in and will latter didn't "do a by by ltth dam Miss Partner Partner (Jigg Byerly Turk a follow h : return. linn" to 'em. Mth darn Brown Farewell by Maxewell Oglethorpe Arabian) purneti hood l'th dam Bay Laytoh's dain . by Brimmer Ili'Arcy Turk FIRST DAV - JULY 2d. A party of 10th dam Trumpett's darn by Pla"e White Turk. The W. ('. T.
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