THE FORDHAMRAM, ,41__No77^77. 14 ~~ Fordham'college, New York 58, N.Y.— April 20, 1961 <€S*' 401 LiZf^i Iwdidates Univ. Council Decision Class Restricts Its Powers, Accents Administrate ampaigns By ELMEU BKUNSMANBKUNSMAN ,J Jrr. I Thirty-two candidates for po- RAM News Editor jlita! office in next year's senior, Alter more than three months of intra-University s^uab* Imior autJ sophomore classes will in tlicir campaigns this Sun- bling, the University Student Council Tuesday night decided st 10 p.m. After a petition! in effect it did not have the power that it once sought. Thfl -lioc' and a week of interviewing ' Council endorsed a resolution which observers feared might original' field of 40 candi- seriously limit its jurisdiction. Ijtf-s lias been reduced. Eight The move would give member student councils addeti rreuirtive candidates were ellm- machinery to thwart U. S. C. measures and welcomes domina," (• on the basis of poor scho- SPRING FORMAL COMMITTEE: Paul Lennon, Al Vita, Ed Chretien Al Hurt and Kay Farrelly display dance favor. tion of the student group by mem- '•'••ins read with minimal fanfare• . avcrages or the failure to bers o-f the Administratio-;..4.._<-.•„., n cot the requirements imposed Id Chretien of the College Sodali- Passed by a 0-0-1 vote, the re- y, meeting chairman, commented n-ing the interview. solution reads: "The dean of any .hat it should settle all objection!* Al Vita, S.G. vice-president, has school of the University may at ,o the U. S. C. constitution. Several Ilinounced a change in the cam- Junior Weekend Features ihe request of the student govern- eprescntatlvos, named to the jfeii procedure. This year there ment of his school veto any ac- Council recently, exhibited little •111 be no forum or question pcr- ;ion or decision of the University mo'.vledge of the entire question. bds. Vita explained that in the 5tudent Council in so far as that Only tlie Booster Club abstain- last forums were plagued by poor Spring Forma! at Plaza iction or decision affects his own :d. Alternates representing the Ittcndance. Those who did attend ! The Fordham College junior class will present its Spring ichool." organization explained they wera ?rc party supporters and were iI Formal tomorrow evening at the Hotel Plaza, 57th St. and Action came in a quiet, resigned given no instruction on this parti- iircady committed. ] manner. A representative of "The cular matter. I The voting will take place in the 5th Ave. Al Madison's six-piece orchestra will provide the mu- Curved Horn," School of Educa- lobby of tlie Campus Center tion newspaper, announced she The measure has yet to be ap- huiEday and Friday of the cam- Sic. had a device to end a constitu- proved by member student gov- Al Vita and Ed Chretien co-chairmen of the Spring For- jrnments. If passed, it woula sign week. The candidates are: tional controversy that has been automatically enter the U. S. C, mal, expect approximately 125 couples to attend. brewing since last November. At , Senior Year that time certain members of the constitution. fHOOIIKSS PARTY: Robert Burns (Pi Poodles will be given as favors* 1C tUXUr~r ui:w uuv. _,_,... „ *- — . The College Congress was ex- Kauilo Uarbat'a tV-pi, Gregory Lee (SI, The entire weekend, including Council sought to make the U.S.C Ruben Cusack ill. to the young ladies, according to the University's dominent student pected to act upon this proposal JAM PARTY: loin Whelan Pi, Joseph the Formal, is open.to everyone last night. The regular business Prtrlllo ,v-P), To-.n O'Connor (Si Joe Petrillo, junior weekend chair- government. [ Th'jinah Bretuwn 1T1. in the college. meeting of S. G.—first of the Len- man. Bids are $13.50. All bids are on sale in the Although the organization pre. non administration—had to be Junior Year A picnic will be held on Satur- viously attempted to placate mem liOODYEAU PARTV: Jim Hawkins (PI, Campus Center lobby. ber student councils by creatim cancelled when a quorum could | Bob MHvin (V-Pl, Jim English (Si, Bob day at Orchard Beach. A bid for Accommodations have beer not be gathered. All the seniors the affair is $3. Dan Scotti and Accommuwtiwuj^ —_ delegates-at-large from e a c 1 IAILMAKWABTYI Tom Gherardl (P), school of the University, not [ and three junior class officers Kobcrl Liwry (V-P>, John O'Connor his band will play at a cocktail made with the Sheraton-Atlantic failed to attend. It would have IS/. Gerald Mcuanghlin IT>. party and dance on Sunday from to provide rooms for the young member organizations accepted. iPIHIT I'.MITY: William Cusack (Pi, Carl At Tuesday's meeting there \va been the last meeting, of their Laimuin IV-P1, Robert A. Gulm <£>>, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Recine ladies from out-of-town. These 1 tenure. otto II. Maurer (T). "Way. The cost of a bid is $5. Aaccommodations will be at special little discussion. The resolutio Sophomore Year combination bid for both the pic- student rates. K'TIOX PAIITY: Al Capolllnl IP). Michael Ryiui (V-Pi, lob Oee IS,, Daniel Parents of Frosh ,;01lim.\M I'AHfY: James Donnelly Pi.. f Oifsi... Arcunl (V-I'i. John oarbarlno riiiliard r.umellesu <T|. .... Tour Campus, I> I'AI'TV: Joe Qninlan iPl. Rouam Chalmers 1V-P1, Kevin O'Brien tat. -Rumblings Is Right- Papa IT). .. ! more did I baa mournfully as we flew past the Meet Instructors By RAMESES XlXa Burns Booth, but I guess they were asleep too. Eith- Parents of Fordham freshmen er that or they didn't recognize me. will inspect the campus on Sun- jSodaiitjf Presents "Baa ..." thought I, as the moon began to "Let's take him to Lauderdale," said one. day, Apr. 23. rise over my seven-foot cyclone fence. "Tomorrow "Too far," said another, "and besides, we didn't Parent's Day, an annual tradi- being Spy Wednesday, Joe and Pete and Al and tion, will begin at 1:30 p.m. with Pusnanssm Panel j Ray and Bob and Fitz and Jack will be down to take his food along." "I know a place up in Westchester where there's a reception in the Campus Cen- i give me my Easter bath. How grand to come out of ter lounge. The freshmen will then i hiding after the basketball season beneath a greasy a big lawn," said a third"to. o bad the grass doesn't [Tonight in Keating "Baa ..." thought I, take their parents on a tour of the ' The College Sodality will pres- truck in the Physical Plant garage . , . "Baa!" campus, showing them the various :nt its seventh annual symposi- Just dozing off was I on the hay-covered skid grow in March!" buildings and Fordham landmarks. um, "Humanism in a Scientific that Chicago Joe hewed out of old cafeteria screens At any rate, to Westchester we went and bun- Members of the faculty will be when something like unto a Sherman tank pulled dled was I into a little shed behind a medium- Use," at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Ke- sized house in the middle of a great big lawn with present in the classrooms of Keat- .Rtins 1st. Panel members will be up outside my gate. "That doesn't sound like the ing Hall to receive the guests be- Ramobile," thought I, "but maybe it's Alfonse on no grass on it. "Baa ..." said I. "Thanks a lot!" !Dr. Charles J. Donahue of the There stood I for five days while some uoggle- tween 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Follow- iEnshsh department, Fr. William his way home from the A&P, come to bring me a goons in green flung bread and carrots at ing this, refreshments will be serv- midnight snack . Baa!" [A. Grimaldi of the classics de- - - - *..n Mnnrt Horned Dorset ed in the Campus Center cafe- partment and Fr. Joseph P. Mul- SNAP went the outside lock and do I mean teria. ilisiui, chairman of the physics dc- SNAP! Up leapt I to the wall in my usual friendly within striking distance and A Highlight of the day's activ- il'artmcnt. I way, wondering what the dickens was going on. ities will be the general assembly Dr. L0uis s, Marks of the bio- I Then heard I strange noises mumbling, rumbling, it 4:15 in the Campus Center •ORJ' department will moderate the j grumbling uncouth humanisms. "Haa ..." oallroom. Fr. Lincoln J. Walsh, discussion. All are invited to at- j thought I. "the only time I heard talk like that dean of the College, will greet the tend. | before was the Saturday morning Chicago came larents. Those students who have Areas to be covered include an ; in and found my window all over the floor. Strange been accepted into the Honors historical survey of humanism and '• things nre happening . Maa!" Program will be officially an- on explanation of the roles of tin;; A blurr of green went past my pantry window. nounced at the assembly, as will scientist and humanist in today's j SNAP, CRACKLE and finally POP went my cus- the newly appointed Freshmen age. ' toin fitted main entrance! Suddenly they were thought it was all a big j Moderator for next year. Following the presentation of According to Ed Eidle, sympoKi- i me! . j ,,per._ -Oh oh" said one, "check thithi s llast Paragraph. scholastic awards the president of um committee chairman, "The to- ! walt a minute you guys, «» baa,,, Some guys named Hogan and Paolucc.
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