I798 JACKSON INDEX INDEX JORDAN MCGRATH CASE & TAYLOR, INC. I799 798, I2oI, I266, I52I, i601; Thrille~ Japan Advertising Agency Association, 466, Jennings, Peter, 95, 523 Joe Camel, 311, 316, 336, 539, 690, 760, Johnson, Ray, 77 (Durham, North Carolina). See under r520; "Thrille1;" Io92 469, 878 Jenny Craig International. See under Craig 1212, 1369, 1694 Johnson, Robert Wood, Jr., 880, 881, 882 Harttnan Jackson, Phil, 1349 Japan Advertising Council, 468 Jeno's Pizza, 623, 1234, 1235 Joe Chemo, 336 Johnson, Robert Wood, Sr., 880 John W. Shaw Advertising. See under Shaw Jackson, Reggie, 148r, I482 Japan Air Lines, 898, 900, 1462 Jensen, Thomas, 525 Joe Isuzu, 114, II4, 457, 475, 522 Johnson, Samuel, 749 John Wanamaker & Company. See under Jackson, Thomas Penfield, ro3 8 Japan Audit Bureau of Circulation Jenson, Nicolas, 1580, 1583 foe Palooka, 729 Johnson, Samuel Curtis, 884, 886, 888 Wanamaker Jackson & Perkins, 1673 Association, 466 Jenson typefaces, 1580, 1583, 1584 Joe Robbie Stadiun1, 335 Johnson, William H., 139 "Join the Dodge rebellion," 305 Jacksonville Jaguars, 3 3 5 japan Marketing Association, 466 Jeopardy!, 1426. See also color plate in "Jogger," 940 Johnson, William R., 730 "Join the people who've joined the Army," Jackson Wain Agency, 1071 144, 238, I437 Japan Newspaper Advertising Agency volume one John, W.A.P., 791 Mead Johnson & Co1npany, 57, 210, 880 1050 Jack Tinker & Partners. See under Tinker Association, 466 Jep et Carre, 618 "John and Marsha" (Freberg), 623, 824 Johnson & Johnson, 582, 880-83; Ammirati Joint Policy Com1nittee for Broadcast Talent Jacob Ruppert, Inc. See under Ruppert Jardine Matheson & Company, 301 ]e Reviens, 1202 John Birch Society, 1676 Puris Lintas and, 967; Batten Barton Union Relations, 99 Jacobs, Alan, 197 Jarreau, Al, 1395 Andrew Jergens Company: Cunningham & John Brown & Partners. See under Brown Durstine & Osborn and, 267; in "Join up ... join in," 59 Jacobs, Morris, 196, 197, 199 Jartran, 1126 Walsh and, 433; Deutsch, Inc., and, John B. Stetson Company. Sec under Stetson Commonwealth of Independent States, Jolliffe, Gray, 358 Jacobs, Nate, 196 Javelin cars, 1648 477; and green advertising, 531; John C. Dowd, Inc. See under Dowd 1375; Con1pton Advertising, Inc., and, Jollyco .Family, 3 66 Jacobs, Susie, 197 Javex Bleach, 3 52 Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners and, John Cleghorn Agency. See under Cleghorn 3 66; D' Arey Masius Benton & Bowles Jolly Green Giant. See Green Giant Jacobs, Walter L., 734, 737 Javits, Jacob, ll9I 906; Robert W. Orr Agency and, 630. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur and, 447; DDB Needham Worldwide Jolly Rancher, 734 Jacobs Suchard, 1379 ] .A. Wilson Meatpacking Con1pany. See also Woodbury's Facial Soap Foundation. See under MacArthur and, 454; and disposable contact Jolly Time Popcorn, 384 Jacoby, Jacob: Misco1nprehension of Televised See under Wilson jerry & Ketchum, 457 John Deere. See under Deere lenses, 1442; and disposable diapers, Jolson, Al, 911, 947, 1172, I382, 1533 Communications, 53 jaws 2, 1082 jerry Goodis, Inc. See under Goodis John F. Murray Advertising Agency. See under 1275; DPZ and, 496; and feminine Jo Malone. See under Malone Jacoby, Konstantin, I477, 1478-79, r478 Jay Advertising, 1007 Jerry, Inc., 457 Murray hygiene and intimacy products, 577, Jonason,Joakim, 1153, 1193, 1194 Jacoby, Robert, r43, 499 Jay Chiat & Associates. See under Chiat Jerry's & Dave's Guide to the World Wide John I-Iaddon & Company. See under 579-80, 582; Lintas and, 947; Jones, Billy, 866, 1104 ]ads Salts, 54 Jay Cooke and Company. See under Cooke Web, I68r. See also Yahoo! Haddon McCann-Erickson, Inc., and, 1011; Jones, Candy, 1265 ].A. Folger & Company. See under Folger jay's potato chips, 1110 Jersey City (New jersey), 3 50 John Hancock Building (Chicago), 1263 and radio, r688; and Tylenol Cold Jones, Caroline, 1054, 1659-60 Jager, Durk, 821, i277, i278 Jay Ward Studios, See under Ward Jerusalem Post, 869 John Hancock Financial Services. See under products, 42, 1312; Young & Jones, Christopher, 159, 1535 Jagermeister, 666 jazz, 27 Jet, 27, 28, 410, 1065 Hancock Rubicam, Inc., and, 1687, 1688. Jones, Chuck, 305 Jaguar, i13, 610, 612, 959 Jazz Singei; 1079 Jets. See Sugar Jets John Hobson & Partners. See under Hobson Sec also Aveeno; Modess; Motrin; 1ones, David, 3 60 jahan, Pierre, 32I J. Bamberger & Company. See under Jetsons, 67 John H. Tinker & Partners. See under Tinker Neutrogena; Nicotrol NS; Oentrax; Jones, Deacon, 1472 "j'ai attrapC le schnac," 4I5 Bamberger Jetta cars, 112, IIlO, I611 John Labatt Classic. See under Labatt Rhuli; Tylenol; and color plate in Jones, Duane, 139, 778, 79I, 888, 889 Jaisohn, Phillip, 1461 JBL speakers, 804 Jeunesse-Informations, 1307 John Labatt's Brewery. See under Labatt volume tivo Jones, Grace, 321 Jake and the Patman, 1426 JBR Mc Cann, II 51 jewel Companies, 700, 703 John Malmo Advertising. See under Malmo Johnson & Johnson-Merck Consumer Jones, Howard A., 1261 JAL. See Japan Air Lines J. Brown/LMC Group. See under Brown Jewish Americans, 450, 697, 1064, Johnnie Walker whiskey: in Australia, 105- Pharmaceuticals Co1npany, 883 Jones, James Earl, l 506 Jamaica, L572 JCA, 32 . I518 06; Bartle Bogle Hegarty and, 138; in S.C. johnson & Son, Inc., 822, 824, 884-88, Jones, John F., 722 James I (English king), rr8r J.C. Penney Company. See under Penney Jewish Canadians, r6r8 Thailand, 96, 1358 1123, 1124; Foote, Cone & Belding Jones, Larry, 742 James VI (English king), II8r J.D. Tarcher & Company, Inc. See under J. Fred Muggs, Ioo4, 1642 John Nuveen & Company. See under Nuveen and, 83, 603, 604, 816, 817; and Kao Jones, Lewis Burnell, 507, 508 James, Harry, 221, 903 Tarcher Jherri Redding. Sec under Redding Johnny Appetite (Kraft character), 909 Corporation, 823; Needham, Louis & Jones, Mick, 1093 James, Robert L., 989, 1013 Jean, Gerard, 331 ]icky, 1202 johnny Dolla1; 494 Brorby, Inc., and, 771, lI2I, 1283; Jones, Orlando, 1431 Jan1es Loverick, Ltd. See under Lovcrick Jean & Montmarin, 33re Jidosha-Seizo Kabushiki-Kaisha, 1143. Johnny Presents, 178 and radio, 771, 1283; soap brands Jones, Shirley, 525 James S. !(irk & Company. See under Kirk Jean Paton, Inc. See under Paton See also Nissan Motor Company John Orr Young Company. See under Young acquired by Colgate-Palmolive Caroline Jones Advertising, Inc., 1660 James Thomas Chirurg Company. See under Jeep, 309, 1260; BBDO Worldwide, Inc., and, Jiffy toothache drops, 27 5 John Player. See under Player Company, 354; Armando Testa and, Ralph Jones Agency, 700 Chirurg x177; Bozell Group and, 115; Jif peanut butter, 698, I275 Johns, Willian1 H., 51, 149, 150, 151, 781, 1523. See also Drackett Company; Jones & Laughlin Steel, 898 Jan and Dean, 339 Campbell Mithun Esty and, 257; ]. Ilott Advertising. See under Ilott 1625 Glass Plus; Raid; Shout; Spray 'N' Duane Jones Company, Inc., 778, 888-89 J&B whiskey, r4rr International Advertising Association's Jim Beam whiskey, 170, 172, 562 john Singleton Advertising. See under Wash; Windex; and color plate in Jontue perfume, 1205 Jane Parker. See under Parker InterAd competition and, 8 57; Jimmy Stewart Show, 1648 Singleton volume two Jonze, Spike, 484 Jane Trahey Associates, Inc. See under Trahcy Norman, Craig & I<ummel, Inc., and, jingles, II03-I2, 1599, 1603; Alica-Seltzer John Smith's Bitter, 191, 879-80, 1593 Johnson Products Company, Inc., 409, 410, ]oong-Ang Ilbo, 286 Janitor-in-a-Drum, 731 113; "Only in a jeep," 308; "Snow­ and, 922; as executional variables, John Smith's Draught, 880 426, 427, 708 Joplin, Janis, I106, 1108 Jantzen swimsuits, 841, 1098 covered," 115; on television, r52I 558; Kellogg Company and, 892; John Smith's Extra Smooth, 879, 880 Johnson Publishing Company, 410, 778. Jar, Jorge Ben, 1640 Japan, 877-79; and China, 1298; coffee in, Jefferson, Thomas, 372, 500 Mojo Partners and, 1075; in 19th Johnson, Arno, 1533 See also Ebony Jordache Jeans, 567 345; comparative advertising in, 362; Jefferson, Will, 5 3 5 century, 756; for Oscar Mayer Johnson, Ben, 526 B.J. Johnson Soap Company, 350-51, 920. "Jordache Look," 567 diamond rings in, 4 5 6; ecolabeling in, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Wieners, I177-78; Wheaties thought Johnson, Betty, 126 5 Sec also Palmolive Co1npany; Jordan, 1038-39, 1040-41, 1042, 1043 53I; environmental movement in, 528; Committee, 44 3 to be first, 648 Johnson, Beverly, 1664 Palmolive soap Jordan, Edward "Ned," lIO feminine hygiene and intimacy ]cffel'sons, 570 Jingle Workshop, rro7 Johnson, Dick, 114 Johnson Reels, 886 Jordan, Jim, 150, 884, 937, 1123 products in, 582; feminism in, 586; Jeffersonville (Indiana), 3 50 Jinro Soju, 286 Johnson, Earvin "Magic," 526-27 Howard Johnson's, 1183 Jordan, Marian, 1123 fihn and camera companies in, 5 IO, Jeffrey cars, 110 J.J. Newberry. See under Newberry Johnson, Edward Mead, 880 Johnson's baby oil, 882 Jordan, Michael, 485; "Air Jordan," 1141; as 5 r r; General Motors Corporation in, Jell-0: Jack Benny and, 634, 643, 718, 771, J .L. Stack. See under Stack Johnson, F. Ross, 1482 Johnson's baby powder, 880, 882 cultural symbol, 432, Io59; and 656; and global advertising, 679, 680; 824, 846, 1326; and blacklisting, 182; "J'M," 414 Johnson, George, 409 Johnson's Liquid Wax. See color plate in endorsements, 524, 525; and Gatorade government regulation in, 692; and Bill Cosby and, 522, 914, 12I4, 1269; J.M. Gidding & Company. See under Gidding Johnson, H. Fisk, 888 volume two 148, 175, l32I; and McDonald's Korea, 764, 1461; Levi Strauss & General Foods Corporation and, 644, J.M. Mathes, Inc. See under Mathes Johnson, Henrietta Louis, 884 Johnson's Prepared Wax, 884. See also Corporation, 484, 525, 1317, 1473; Company in, 940; magazine 645, 1326, 1686; and Kewpies, 431; J.M. Smucker Company. See under Smucker Johnson, Herbert F.,Jr., 884, 886 Johnson's Wax and Nike, Inc., 522, 526, 800, lr41, advertising in, 757; in 19th century, Kraft Foods, Inc., and, 908, 914; origin J.M.
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