Only seven students - the- ¦ thaw ¦ ¦ ¦ —¦ ¦ i ¦ —! ¦¦ ¦ ¦ racing ¦ ¦_-_ i ii ¦ i i ¦ i ¦ ,. - Em ii ¦¦ ¦ b ¦ ¦ - " m — — i - ¦ -i ii ¦ ¦ - -—i., — - — —— — , ¦ i — — attend ACE forum Leaders also discussed the idea BY WHITNEY GLOCKNER of a student activities fee as a means News Editor to improve non-alcoholic program- ming on campus. The fee would be Only seven students attended determined by the students at the the Alcohol in the Campus Envi- end of every year, according to ronment forum for juniors and se- Drew Serbin '94.The fee would then niors on Monday, including three be deducted from tuition and added commons leaders and Stu-A Presi- as a separate item on students' dent Marine! Mateo '94. yearly statements. The forum was designed to get This would increase money students feedback on issues of alco- dedicated specifically to program- hol and the social climate at Colby, ming and put the students incharge according to Janice A. Kassman, of deciding how much money they dean of students. are willing to dedicate to student Despite the low turnout, the activities, according to Serbin. The committee discussed many impor- fee would be mandatory. tant issues with those present. The The separate issue of a social fee possibility of having a cash bar in for parties and some alcoholic ¦ ¦ ¦ events was also raised. If everyone I . , • the Student Center was confirmed Echo photos by Jennnifer Atwood by Kassman and will be tried some paid a social fee, the need for secu- Students dodge puddles on the way to class (left) while Justin Van Til *95 takes in time this year. The cover charge rity at parties would be alleviated, some fresh air on the Drummond porch (ri ght) . Spring officially begins Sunday. will probably be $1-2 and beer will according to Eric Kemp '94. If the be 50 cents for each draft. social fee were not mandatory, it Sign-ups really don t work,' would at least increase funding to said Gary Bergeron '94. "People parties. Coalition plots next move don't really know what they want The ACE committee and the stu- the March 9 CCC meeting." what happened last week, as well as to do that far in advance. It is a way dents present also discussed the BY JONATHAN CANNON "I'm not sure about the number the events leading up to the CCC to get people into the Student Cen- possibility of turning the Spa into a Staff Writer of signatures," she said. "It'sat least meeting." ter." pub. With possible remodeling, stu- three hundred." The coalition, as its name sug- A cash bar party was tried in the dents fel tthatthe Spa could bemade The Coalition for Political Ac- The group has no definite plans gests, is working in conjunction with Student Center last semester, but more intimate and "pub-like." The tion collected signatures last week for presenting the petitions to the other groups of concerned students. the charge was 75 cents per draft. space would still be used for non- onthreedifferentpetitions, and they administration, according to "The coalition supports other activ- Bergeron said he feels that the 25 alcoholic and under-21 functions, will be out again this week looking Awbrey. "It's still all in the works," ity already there," said Awbrey. cent markdown will improve turn- but would be able to be transformed for more support. she said. "We're helping people accomplish out. quickly into a 21-and-over-pub, ac- "The coalition helps out efforts "Basically our larger plans are what they've been doing all along." "This waypeop le under 21 don't cording to members of the commit- on campus/' said Lee Awbrey '94, heavily contingent on how the ad- The coalition is not directly re- have to pay for booze they aren't tee. the group's founder. "With getting ministration reacts over the next few sponsible for the signs which ap- going to drink," said Bergeron. Other issues included possible the petitions signed, we're trying to weeks," said Awbrey. "We'd be peared around campus last week There would also be less need Jitney service to Jokas' at specific i nclude all concerned students." happy with action, but if we find urging students to e-mail their con- for security to keep people from times on specific days as well as a "The petitions address the they're not listening, we'll combine cerns to President Cotter. "I don't sneaking into the Student Center, possible central location for non- selection process of the Dean of In- efforts with other groups." know who put the signs up," according to Bergeron. Security keg deliveries at designated times. tercultural Affairs/' said Awbrey. "This is kind of a joint effort," Awbrey said. "But I did encourage would mainly ensure people didn' t No concrete conclusions were "Also, they are a general letter of she said. "We're getting the signa- people to start voicing their opin- leave the Page Commons Room reached, but the committee plans to support for the issues brought up at tures and getting people to know ions." ? with beer. explore all the possible options. ? P.E. requirement may chan ge; seminar option introduc ed BY C. SWAN condition, according to Colby Medi- seminars, he or she will complete Staff Writer cal Director Dr. Alan Hume. the "wellness seminars" require- The new proposal suggests that ment. The Wellness Planning Commit- stud ents no longer receive P.E, credit "'Wellness isproviding informa- tee has proposed a series of semi- for participating in a varsity sport tion for students to make good deci- nars and fitness classes that will or for passing proficiency tests. sions," said Hume. replace the existing physical educa- Rather, all students will have to com- The fitness class is also a new tion requirement beginning with the plete one of three options: 1) com- offering. The fitness class will teach class of 1998, plete four of six lifetime activities; 2) students how to use all the equip- Presently, students are required attend eight of ten "wellness semi- ment in the new fitness center and to participate in one season of a nars" and complete two lifetime how to start their own training pro- varsity sport, one season of a physi- activities; or 3) attend the "wellness grams. Students will be able to do cal education class, or pass an ath- seminars" and complete a new fit- the program in a class setting and be letic proficiency test to fulfill one ness class. able to ask the instructor for advice season of the physical education The six lifetime activities are if necessary, according to Sheila requirement. A total of four seasons courses in tennis, squash, SCUBA, Cain, swim team coach and adjunct are required for graduation. lifeguard training, skating and assistan t professor of athletics and The program proposed by the aerobics. The "wellness seminars" physical education. Wellness Planning Committee arc classes on topics ranging from "There arc people working out would shift the emphasis of the eating disorders and body image to all over campus who aren't getting Echo photo by Brian Golden physical education requirement to developing communicative skills. credit for it," said Cain. "We want to These students are stepping their way to P.E. credit, healthy living, not simply physical When a student has attended eight f tee P.E, on page 6 Spontaneous parties back in Heights BY JOSH LUTTON dead.Hopefullythiswillmake Managing Editor it a bit more lively." Historically, "[theHeights] Secret meetin g with SOBHU The Dean of Students office and did get out of control in terms Safety and Security are allowing of people and damages^" said President William Cotter met Sunday with student leaders in the spontaneous parties in the Heights Short. "The new policy seems SOBHU (Student Organization for Black and Hispanic Unity) Room. CommunityRoom again, after ban- to be fair in light of pasf prob- The details of the meeting were confidential, according to Cotter. ning them last summer. lems." "We agreed that we would have an informal meeting," said Cotter. - The new policy allows sponta- 'I hope the policy works, The names of the students at the meeting are not available, according neous parties for up to 100 people but the more people you get, to Cotter. with two kegs of beer, said Joyce the harder it is to control," Since the Students of Color presented their concerns to the Campus McPhetres, associate dean of stu- said Frechette. Last year, he Community Committee last week, some action has been taken, though dents. Parties with over 100 people said, there were a number of no-specific committees have been formed, said Cotter. will still require a planned party problem parties, although not The Financial Aid Committee is looking into issues regarding the form, according to John Frechette, every party got out of hand. treatment of minority students by Hnandal Aid, and the Curriculum director of Safety and Security. The "Spontaneous parties used Committee has already started to plan to improve the African-American Community Room's capacity is 30() to be allowed last year, but" and Hispanic studies programs, according to Cotter. people. they decided to change it be- Echo photo by Jennifer Atwooi "There are a variety of active centers for discussion right now," said The new policy, which is offered cause they exceeded the num- Students relax in the Heights Cotter, "but it was determined that no actual committees would be on a one-at-a-time" pilot" basis, is a ber of people," said Short. Commun ity Room. formed at this time." result of student concern expressed "The Heights is a space unlike any partiesat the Heights, Frechette Cotter is also trying to increase the hours that the minority advisor in to the Dean's office through hall any other," McPhetres said.
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