Vol. II No.Philadelphia 79 (239) Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia June 9, 2011 Daily Record Danger To Health STATE SENS. Mike Stack and Shirley Kitchen were among Philadelphians who came to Harrisburg to warn of calamitous consequences to hospitals and to low- income working citizens if House Republican budget passes as is. See story page 4. Meat The Philadelphia Public Record Calendar Jun. 10-12- American Diabetes Ass’n honors & Deli Annunciation BVM Sch. Old Fash- Michael A. Rashid, president of ioned Family Carnival at 1150 AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Prego Pizzelle Baker $29.99 Wharton St., rain or shine. All wel- Cos., as 2011 Father of the Year Uno Panini Grill $39.99 come. honoree at 1200 Awards Dinner at Jun. 11- Loews Hotel, cocktail reception State Rep. Louise Bishop hosts 5:30 p.m., dinner 6:30 p.m. 2024 S. 10th St Spring Fling Kids Health Fair at Jun. 17- Philadelphia PA 19148 Universal Bluford Charter Sch., Annual Health Tech graduation at 5720 Media St., 4 p.m. St. Christopher’s Hospital for Chil- 215-468-5363 Jun. 13- dren, 3601 A St., 10 a.m. Funded by Student Mayoral Forum for 7th- and Kal & Lucille Rudman Foundation. 8th-Graders with Mayor Nutter at RSVP Barbara A. Liccio (215) 427- Laboratory Charter Sch., 800 N. 5398. Orianna, 2 p.m. Jun. 29- PRO-ACT 2-hr. When You Want Your Roof Jun. 15- workshop on “How to Talk to Your To Be Done Right The First Time Oxford Circle Chapter of National Legislators & Get Them to Hear 215-464-6425 Active Retired Federal Employees You, ” at 6 p.m. at PRO-ACT Re- meets at Northeast Older Adult Ctr., covery Training Ctr., 444 N. 3rd St., CANDIDATES • POLITICIANS 8101 Bustleton Ave., 12 m. City Suite 307. Again on Sat., Aug. 13 at News You Can Use! Controller Alan Butkovitz to speak. 10 a.m. at the same location. Free. Jun. 16- Call William Webb (215) 923-1661. Boost Your Popularity, Win On Election Day! Tell Your Constituents To Read About All the Work You Do For Them On the LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 5PM (Preview 3PM) Philadelphiadailyrecord.com LIVE AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY AT 11AM (Preview 9AM) Email them a copy LIVE INTERNET AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY AT 4PM AT: of this Publication! www.capitalautoauctions.com To Register & To Bid 3 BIG SALES WEEKLY Translation/Interpretation Arabic, Hebrew, English, French For more information, call William Hanna 267-808-0287 2 | THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD 9 JUNE, 2011 Toomey Pushes Boeing Contract To make Ospreys US Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) sent a letter to the Sen- “Boeing welcomes and applauds Sen. Toomey’s sup- ate Appropriations Committee asking the committee port for a second multi-year contract for the V-22 Os- to consider a multi-year procurement strategy for the prey. The Osprey continues to receive high praise V-22 Osprey program starting in fiscal year 2013 from the US Marines and Air Force Special Opera- rather than a single-year procurement. tions Command for its outstanding performance in combat, ship-board and humanitarian deployments Military equipment is often obtained through a series around the world. A second multi-year contract would of single-year procurements, but it is not uncommon allow our military to continue to field this critical ca- for Congress to authorize multi-year procurements. pability at a significant savings over a single-year Congress did just that for the V-22 Osprey aircraft for procurement approach,” said Jean Chamberlin, VP fiscal years 2008 through 2012. A multi-year procure- and general manager of Boeing’s Mobility division. ment can be more efficient and potentially cost saving “Any and all support by Sen. Toomey for the V-22 because it provides greater business certainty for program that will bring stability to our workforce, in- manufacturers, enabling them to reduce unit prices. crease the membership of UAW Local 1069 and bring Additionally, the heightened business certainty may more jobs to Pennsylvania is deeply appreciated,” allow the manufacturer to invest in improvements to said Christopher Owens, president of UAW Local the production line, reducing costs further. 1069. Casey: Job Training Must Be A Priority US Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), make job training programs more Chairman of the Joint Economic efficient across the country. Let’s Committee, released the follow- get rid of the programs that don’t ing statement calling for faster ac- work or are duplicative and put tion on job training after our resources behind proven ef- President Obama’s speech yester- forts that build skills and lead to day on job training and manufac- jobs. We must train workers with turing: the skills that are in greatest de- “Pennsylvania has a long history mand and concentrate on the sec- of innovation and rebuilding in tors where growth prospects are manufacturing. A lasting eco- strongest. nomic recovery will rely on an evolving and revitalized manufac- “I have also called for an exten- turing sector. Workers must be sion of Trade Adjustment Assis- able to acquire the skills neces- tance to provide job training to sary to advance in their jobs, find workers who have lost their jobs new jobs and meet the needs of because of foreign trade. I will employers. continue to try to overcome the roadblocks that have prevented “The Senate should move quickly this bill from being passed by the to debate and pass an extension of Senate.” the Workforce Investment Act to 9 JUNE, 2011 THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD | 3 Senators, Hospital Advocates Warn Budget Plan Will Hurt Health Care REPUBLICAN HOUSE budget will be “devastat- ing to hospitals,” State Sen. Mike Stack warned at Harrisburg press conference. State Sen. Mike Stack (D-North- They implored the Senate to con- sic health plan in February because east) warned of the disastrous im- sider restoring Tobacco Settlement funding ran out. Another half mil- pact of state budget cuts to health Fund dollars to the adultBasic lion were on the waiting list. There programs and services as the Sen- health coverage plan and uncom- is no mention of reinstating this ate tackles the House Republican pensated care, as well as restoring program in HB 1485 and the Gov- version of the 2011-12 State funding in to hospitals, which have ernor did not mention it in his budget. been decimated by the House Re- budget plan. publican budget plan. He, along with State Sens. Shirley As of May 5, only 32% of those Kitchen (D-N. Phila.), Andy Din- adultBasic recipients signed up for niman (D-Chester), Larry Farnese “We can do better and we need to the Blues’ Special Care program. (D-S. Phila.) and Jim Brewster (D- do better. Our health-care pro- Allegheny); Ken Braithwaite, re- grams need a lifeline and prescrip- The House Republican plan also gional executive for the Delaware tion for sanity under the House cuts over $400 million to medical Valley Healthcare Council and Republican budget,” Stack said. assistance programs. The vast ma- Senior VP for The Hospital & “In this economy, when budgets jority of Medical Assistance recipi- Healthsystem Association of Penn- are already tight and people are out ents are the elderly, the disabled sylvania; and Cheri Rinehart, ex- of work, these cuts are appalling. and children, Kitchen said. They will be devastating to hospi- ecutive director of the “The House Republican budget Pennsylvania Association of Com- tals at a time when more and more funding is needed to help our places a heavy burden on the pro- munity Health Centers, discussed grams and the people whose backs the impact of the state budget pro- state’s most-vulnerable individu- als.” are already breaking,” Kitchen posal (HB 1485) on the State’s said. “They made the Dept. of health programs during a Capitol More than 41,000 individuals from Public Welfare the sacrificial news conference yesterday. across the state lost their adultBa- lamb.” 4 | THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY RECORD 9 JUNE, 2011 The budget bill also eliminates and federal funding,” Kitchen said. month. $31.5 million in State dollars in “These are extremely busy hospi- uncompensated care, thereby jeop- tals that help some of the city’s ardizing $38.6 million in federal most disadvantaged citizens. They He also introduced SB 836, which matching dollars. Hospitals use offer world-class care but they would require individuals to pay uncompensated-care funds to can’t do it on a shoestring budget.” all outstanding court fees and fines make up costs when patients have before they can have their car reg- no insurance and can’t afford to istration renewed. There are $1.6 pay their medical bills. Stack suggested several solutions billion in unpaid fines, costs, fees to restore funding into health-care and restitution owed to Courts of line items, including restricting the Common Pleas throughout Penn- The Hospital & Health Association use of the Tobacco Settlement sylvania. of Pennsylvania says uncompen- Fund to health care programs, as it sated care provided by Pennsylva- was intended to be used. That’s nia hospitals has increased an $350 million dollars to help ease The budget deadline is just three astounding 48% over the last five the budget pain. weeks away, but we can still ex- years. Last year alone, hospitals plore real options to restore fund- provided $891 million dollars in ing to these critical line items,” uncompensated care. The Senator also introduced legis- Stack said. “People will continue lation that would sustain adultBa- to get sick, whether they have sic for another year by tapping the health coverage or not. The eld- “In my home District, Temple Uni- General Assembly’s budget sur- erly, the disabled and children will versity Health System would lose plus.
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