114th Year, No. 16 JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1969 15 Cents At 19 Board 50 pet. pay early taxes St. Johns taxpayers have re­ keep the city in funds until a been a tremendous response." Taxpayers payingin advance of.« acted with "overwhelming" re­ final decision by the state tax The clerk noted that under sponse to the city's request for official billingwill be given cred- - for teen commission is made. normal conditions, approxi­ it if amount paid exceeds that" pre-payment of summer taxes in "I'd say the response has been mately 99 per cent of the sum­ advance'of official billings. which is actually due. However;'.. overwhelming," says Hundley. mer taxes would have been col­ Hundley pointed out, should: vote "The response has been very, "Our industries, retail business­ lected by this time but in view amounts paid be less than taxes very good," says CityClerkTom es and residential taxpayers have of the freeze the amount taken in owed, bills for the difference, Hundley. Approximately $143,- responded real well. It's really is very good. will be issued. In a 7-4 vote Monday, the Clin­ 000 has been collected to date ton County Board of Supervisors representing 49.7 per cent of the approved a resolution in favor of sum of $288,000 requested by Delicious ox-roast sand­ stratlng delayed jumps if weather . the vote for 19-year-olds. letters mailed to taxpayers dur­ Supervisor Robert Montgom­ wiches, rides, games, parachute permits and use trailing smoke, ing July. jumps, a teen dance and an old bombs. Women as well as men ery, of Eagle, said before the The request for payment came DeWitt vote, 'Statistics show that many fashioned square dance will be. will be jumping, during the four* in the wake of a tax freeze by some of the highlights residents' performances. , people don't vote until they pay the state taxcommissionpending taxes. I could contain my enthu­ can expect this Saturday at the A 1969 Camaro Chevrolet will outcome of an appeal on property 21st annual DeWitt Ox Roast. Ox ,be given away at 11 p.m. Tickets- siasm on that (the 19-year-old assessment presently before the vote), although t have no real The day long festivities will for the car maybe purchased at, state. The appeal stems from begin at 10 a.m. with a parade. the Ox Roast. '. .. objection." disagreement of levies in DeWitt "But don't you feel they're The rides and games will open Roast The annual celebration is spon-, Township and determination of at 11 a.m. sored by the DeWitt Memorial" more informed today," asked Su­ the appeal, according to some pervisor Roy Andrews, of De- The teen dance will be held at Association and all proceeds will 4 estimates, could be delayed well be used for the completion of the * Witt, before he introduced the toward year's end. the Junior High School on Wash­ question as a motion. "I think ington Street with the "BentScep- Saturday upper floor 'on the DeWitt Me-. they should have the privilege,1' Meanwhile, faced with a dwind­ tors" providing the music. The morial Building. ling cash reserve,st.Johns com­ ' he added. "I think the' law is a square dance will be at the Memo­ a.m.-6 p.m.t at the Memorial Richard Hogle, president of the, little obsolete now." ' missioners enacted efforts to re­ rial Building. Both dances will be Building. association, reports that Charles, quest taxpayers to forward sum­ Chairman Walter Nobis, who held from 8-10 p.m. The "Sky Hawks" of Lansing Furguson, Charles Fisher, Dave" mer tax payments based on A pony pulling contest will will give four hourly parachute Violetta, Howard Hunt, Kenneth' voted against the resolution, was amounts paid last year. This was concerned that 19-year-olds may take place in the small park Jumping exhibitions beginning at Decker, Gerald Davis, Oscar done with hopes that sufficient during the afternoon. And for 1 p.m. The parachute jumpers Johnson, and Howard Cushman- not exercise prqper judgement. income would be generated to "I can see why the military wants JAY AND SHARON FOSTER RECEIVE CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS those interested in art, an ex­ will land on the football field. will be working on the various 18- and 19-year-olds—they're I hibit will be conducted from 11 The parachutes will be demon- activities. , easily led, not like 22- and 23- For the second year in a row Jay Foster, 11, has won the Grand year-olds,"* he said. Bond - Along with Nobis in opposition Champion beef award at the annual Clinton Count/ 4-H fair. His sis­ to the resolution were Claude ter Sharon, 14, won the reserve championship award. Jay's Angus was Underhill, of Victor-RIley; Ger­ ald Langford, DeWitt, and Wil­ purchased by Zeeb Fertilizer and the McKenzre Insurance Company, for issue liam Hufnagel, Dallas. 60 cents per-pound. Sharon's was sold to Clinton Crop Service and the St. Johns schools to sit 'Hufnagel said later that he was St, Johns Co-operative for 50 cents a pound. The champion weighed in viewed not opposed to 19-year-olds vot­ at 869 and the reserve weighed 867. Jay and Sharon are the children of ing because of their youth, hi\ Plans for presentation of a on municipal sewer plan that ofte^ this age groupdoes not Mr and Mrs John Foster of R-2, QoWitt. They both belong to the Olive capital improvement bond issue to tba voters-of SU-Johns moved own property andhethoughttheije^ w, 4-H Projects. The St. Johns School Board Lancaster said he was confident a room at Swegles Elementary were certain instances wheiwion- forward this week with a meeting of city officials arid bonding at- , has decided to "sit" on a plan_ the school could hire its own School ifor Sunday School serv­ property owners were allbiv^dtp which calls for the school to janitors and buy supplies for ices. Theboardindicatedltwould vote on taxes to be paid byprbp- torneys to determine procedural policies. assist the city in fundingasewer about $26,000. give the matter further study. erty owners, such as millage. , project for the new high school. -•Rejected a proposal calling In other action Supervisor 4-H Youth Fair Floats According to City Attorney —Approved prices for hot Paul Maples, a meetingwastobe To provide for immediate lunches to be served only at the for the purchase of jackets for Maurice Gove, of St. Johns, re­ school bus drivers. Estimated ported that as part of the Tri- held Tuesday morning to estab­ funds for the $45,000 project, a new high school and the junior lish the various capital improve­ plan is being considered in which high school. Charge to students cost of the jackets was $250. County Community Health Board, —Appointed Douglas Japlnga a clinic will be opened in St. to a colorful closing ment needs of the city and to the school would lease athletic will be 40 cents. Adults employed determine dollar amounts nec­ facilities from the city at a cost by the school may purchase as head of the high school Eng­ Johns on a part-time basis. The Each club float entry was followed by other lish department to succeed Mrs clinic will be located at Clinton After three full days of activities last week, essary to obtain the improve­ of $1,250 a year, or $31,150 over lunches for 50,cents. the Annual Clinton County 4-HYouthFair closed club members and their livestock. Horse clubs ments. the next 20 years. The schools Dorothy Bates, who will continue Memorial Hospital for counsel­ and various other livestock entries were also —Agreed on a plan to allow as a teacher and advisor to the ing, Wednesday with a parade of floats and livestock In addition, city officials and would then have an option to re­ entries at the St. Johns football field. included in the parade. dismissal of students during tor­ school newspaper and yearbook. Gove said a Sept. 22 target bonding attorneys will'establish new the lease at the end of the nado alerts occurring before 2 A $25 grand prize was awarded to the Olive At the conclusion of the parade, a brief talent the necessary legal groundwork 20-year period at $1 annually. The next regular meetingof the date has been set andrentforthe show was given by 4-H club members of the p.m. Formal approval is ex­ board is set for Aug. 27. The two or three rooms Is expected 4-H Projects Club for their float. Mrs Goldie to initiate action toward a ref­ pected next month. Moore is the leader. county. A style reyiew of state show winners erendum of the question. Last week, howeyer, the City board meets in the executive of­ to be about $,30 a month per highlighted the evening. Commission was unsure of just fices located at the new high room. The Victor Path Finders Club, whose leader The proposal for a capital im­ —Tabled a request from St. Trophies were awarded to top winners in the provement bond issue was ap­ what the sewer projectwould en­ school. In other action, Herb Maier, is Mrs Doris Strouse of Laingsburg, was pre­ tail. John's Lutheran Church to rent sented with $20 for second place. Third place, various livestock divisions. At the program's proved by city commission dur­ of the Tri-County planning com­ end, the outstanding 4-H boy and girl of the year ing a regular commission meet­ mission told the supervisors that $15 prize, went to the Parker's Workers Club.
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