Device Manufacturers Information by Handset Reporting Period: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Starting Ending Operating Frequency M- M-Rating M-Rating T-Rating T-Rating Handset Maker Model Name (s) FCC ID (s) Date Date Air Interface Technology(ies) Bands Rating Cert Date ANSI Version T-Rating Cert Date ANSI Remarks (1) M3 rating for the 1900 MHz GSM band uses the Section 20.19(e)(1)(iii) power reduction option, 47 C.F.R. Sec. 20.19(e)(1)(iii), and requires activation of Hearing Aid Mode in iOS 5 or later. (2) iPhone 4 (A1332) supports additional frequency bands BCG-E2380A, BCG- GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA, 850, 850, 1900, 1900, that do not operate in U.S. territories and that were not Apple iPhone 4 (A1332) E2380B 07/ 13 09/ 13 Wi-Fi 2.4 M3 10/04/11 2007 T3 10/04/11 2007 certified under U.S. HAC rules. BCG-E2422A, BCG- Apple iPhone 4 (A1349) E2422B 07/ 13 09/ 13 CDMA, CDMA, Wi-Fi 800, 1900, 2.4 M4 01/20/11 2007 T4 01/20/11 2007 N/A (1) iPhone 4S is compatible with Made for iPhone hearing aids. (2) CDMA available only if iPhone 4S is sold and activated for use on a CDMA network. (3) iPhone 4S supports additional frequency bands that do CDMA, GSM, WCDMA, GSM, 800, 850, 850, 1900, not operate in U.S. territories and that were not certified Apple iPhone 4S (A1387) BCG-E2430A 07/ 13 06/ 14 CDMA, WCDMA, Wi-Fi 1900, 1900, 2.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A under U.S. HAC rules. (1) iPhone 5 includes a Hearing Aid Mode that modifies the handset's acoustic settings to improve compatibility with hearing aids set in "T" or telecoil mode. (2) iPhone 5 is compatible with Made for iPhone hearing aids. (3) Class II permissive change to add 1700 MHz band operations for iPhone 5 (A1428) granted on 03/26/13. LTE, GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 700, 850, 850, 850, (4) iPhone 5 supports additional frequency bands that do WCDMA, LTE, GSM, WCDMA, 1700, 1700, 1900, not operate in U.S. territories and that were not certified Apple iPhone 5 (A1428) BCG-E2599A 07/ 13 09/ 13 LTE, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 09/12/12 2011 T4 09/12/12 2011 under U.S. HAC rules. (1) iPhone 5 includes a Hearing Aid Mode that modifies the handset's acoustic settings to improve compatibility with hearing aids set in "T" or telecoil mode. (2) iPhone 5 is compatible with Made for iPhone hearing aids. (3) iPhone 5 supports additional frequency bands that do LTE, CDMA, CDMA, LTE, Wi-Fi, 700, 800, 1900, 1900, not operate in U.S. territories and that were not certified Apple iPhone 5 (A1429) BCG-E2599A 07/ 13 09/ 13 Wi-Fi 2.4, 5.0 M4 09/12/12 2011 T4 09/12/12 2011 under U.S. HAC rules. (1) iPhone 5c includes a Hearing Aid Mode that modifies the handset's acoustic settings to improve compatibility with hearing aids set in "T" or telecoil mode. (2) iPhone 5c is compatible with Made for iPhone hearing aids. (3) Support for iPhone 5c frequency bands and air interfaces varies based on the carrier to which the handset 700, 800, 850, 850, is assigned. LTE, CDMA, GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 850, 1700, 1700, (4) iPhone 5c supports additional frequency bands that do WCDMA, LTE, GSM, CDMA, 1900, 1900, 1900, not operate in U.S. territories and that were not certified Apple iPhone 5c BCG-E2644A 09/ 13 06/ 14 WCDMA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 09/10/13 2011 T4 09/10/13 2011 under U.S. HAC rules. (1) iPhone 5s includes a Hearing Aid Mode that modifies the handset's acoustic settings to improve compatibility with hearing aids set in "T" or telecoil mode. (2) iPhone 5s is compatible with Made for iPhone hearing aids. (3) Support for iPhone 5s frequency bands and air interfaces varies based on the carrier to which the handset 700, 800, 850, 850, is assigned. LTE, CDMA, GSM, WCDMA, LTE, 850, 1700, 1700, (4) iPhone 5s supports additional frequency bands that do WCDMA, LTE, GSM, CDMA, 1900, 1900, 1900, not operate in U.S. territories and that were not certified Apple iPhone 5s BCG-E2642A 09/ 13 06/ 14 WCDMA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 09/10/13 2011 T4 09/10/13 2011 under U.S. HAC rules. Wi-Fi frequency band of 5000 MHz comprised of three sub- GSM, WCDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 1700, 1900, bands with transmitting frequency range: 5200 MHz, 5500 BlackBerry Limited BlackBerry P'9982 L6ARGF110LW 11/ 13 06/ 14 WCDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M4 11/08/13 2011 T4 11/08/13 2011 MHz and 5800 MHz. Only CDMA bands are available for use in standard out-of- box configuration. GSM/UMTS bands are not available for use in standard out-of-box configuration. WiFi frequency band of 5000 MHz comprised of three sub- bands with transmitting frequency range: 5200 MHz, 5500 BlackBerry Limited Q10 SQN100-4 L6ARFQ110LW 08/ 13 06/ 14 CDMA, CDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 800, 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 06/13/13 2007 T4 06/13/13 2007 MHz and 5800 MHz. GSM, WCDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 1700, 1900, BlackBerry Limited Q5 SQR100-1 L6ARFR100LW 03/ 14 06/ 14 WCDMA, Wi-Fi 1900, 2.4 M3 07/09/13 2007 T4 07/09/13 2007 N/A Only CDMA bands are available for use in standard out-of- box configuration. GSM/UMTS bands are not available for use in standard out-of-box configuration. Wi-Fi frequency band of 5000 MHz comprised of three sub- bands with transmitting frequency range: 5200 MHz, 5500 BlackBerry Limited Z30 STA100-3 L6ARFX100LW 10/ 13 06/ 14 CDMA, CDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 800, 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 09/28/13 2011 T4 09/28/13 2011 MHz and 5800 MHz. Wi-Fi frequency band of 5000 MHz comprised of three sub- GSM, WCDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 1700, 1900, bands with transmitting frequency range: 5200 MHz, 5500 BlackBerry Limited Z30 STA100-5 L6ARFY110LW 03/ 14 06/ 14 WCDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M3 09/28/13 2011 T4 09/28/13 2011 MHz and 5800 MHz. GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA, 850, 850, 900, 1700, Bullitt Group B100 ZL5B100 02/ 14 06/ 14 GSM, GSM, WCDMA 1800, 1900, 1900 M3 01/23/14 2011 T3 01/23/14 2011 N/A GSM, WCDMA, GSM, GSM, 850, 850, 900, 1800, Bullitt Group B15 ZL5B15 04/ 13 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, Wi-Fi 1900, 1900, 2.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA, 850, 850, 900, 1700, Bullitt Group B15 AWS ZL5B15AWS 07/ 13 06/ 14 GSM, GSM, WCDMA, Wi-Fi 1800, 1900, 1900, 2.4 M3 07/23/13 2007 T3 07/23/13 2007 N/A Doro 618 WS5DORO618 11/ 12 06/ 14 GSM, GSM, GSM 850, 1800, 1900 M3 06/29/12 2007 T4 06/29/12 2007 N/A Honeywell 6000LU HD5D6000 07/ 11 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 850, 1900, 1900 M3 04/11/11 2007 T3 04/11/11 2007 N/A Honeywell 60SLU HD560SLU 09/ 13 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 850, 1900, 1900 M3 06/21/13 2011 T3 06/21/13 2011 N/A GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 850, 1900, Honeywell 70ELG0 HD570ELG0 06/ 13 06/ 14 CDMA, WCDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M4 06/03/13 2011 T4 06/03/13 2011 N/A GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 850, 1900, Honeywell 70ELGN HD570ELGN 06/ 13 06/ 14 CDMA, WCDMA, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 1900, 1900, 2.4, 5.0 M4 06/03/13 2011 T4 06/03/13 2011 N/A Honeywell 7600BG HD5760003 07/ 11 12/ 13 GSM, GSM 850, 1900 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Honeywell 7600LG HD5760004 07/ 11 12/ 13 GSM, GSM 850, 1900 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Honeywell 7800LC HD57800LC 01/ 12 06/ 14 CDMA, CDMA 850, 1900 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Honeywell 7800LW HD57800LW 01/ 12 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 850, 1900, 1900 M3 11/18/11 2007 T3 11/18/11 2007 N/A Honeywell 9700LUP HD59700LUP 07/ 11 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 850, 1900, 1900 M3 01/12/10 2007 T3 01/12/10 2007 N/A Honeywell 9900LUP HD59900LUP 07/ 11 12/ 13 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 850, 1900, 1900 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GSM, WCDMA, WCDMA, GSM, 850, 850, 1700, 1900, Honeywell 99EXLW HD599EXLW 07/ 11 06/ 14 WCDMA 1900 M3 09/06/11 2007 T3 09/06/11 2007 N/A CDMA, CDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, 800, 850, 1900, 1900, HTC 0P3P100 NM80P3P100 11/ 13 06/ 14 WCDMA 2100 M3 09/30/13 2011 T4 09/30/13 2011 N/A HTC 0P3P700 NM80P3P700 11/ 13 02/ 14 CDMA, CDMA 800, 1900 M3 10/23/13 2007 T3 10/23/13 2007 N/A HTC 0P4E100 NM80P4E100 07/ 13 04/ 14 CDMA, CDMA 800, 1900 M3 09/18/13 2007 T4 09/18/13 2007 N/A GSM, WCDMA, GSM, GSM, 850, 850, 900, 1800, HTC 0P6B120 NM80P6B120 03/ 14 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, WCDMA 1900, 1900, 2100 M3 03/03/14 2011 T3 03/03/14 2011 N/A HTC 0P6B130 NM80P6B130 03/ 14 06/ 14 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 850, 1700, 1900, 2100 M4 03/03/14 2011 T3 03/03/14 2011 N/A CDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, HTC 0P6B200 NM80P6B200 03/ 14 06/ 14 WCDMA 800, 1900, 1900, 2100 M4 03/03/14 2011 T3 03/03/14 2011 N/A CDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, HTC 0P6B700 NM80P6B700 03/ 14 06/ 14 WCDMA 800, 1900, 1900, 2100 M4 03/03/14 2011 T4 03/03/14 2011 N/A HTC PJ40110 NM8PJ40110 04/ 12 07/ 13 GSM, WCDMA, GSM, WCDMA 800,850, 850,1700, 900, 1900, 900, 2100 M4 03/13/12 2007 T3 03/13/12 2007 N/A CDMA, GSM, GSM, WCDMA, 1800, 1900, 1900, HTC PJ53100 NM8PJ53100 07/ 12 10/ 13 GSM, GSM, CDMA, WCDMA 2100 M4 03/08/12 2007 T4 03/08/12 2007 Class II Permissive change on 03/23/12: M4/T4 2007 HTC PJ75100 NM8PJ75100 04/ 12 10/ 13 CDMA, CDMA 800, 1900 M4 04/12/12 2007 T3 04/12/12 2007 Class II Permissive Change on 05/22/12: M4/T3-2007.
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