www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc I I c. a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Ш V Vol. LVII No, 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1989 50 cents Woonsocket church rectory destroyed Ukrainian Canadians commemorate by fire, pastor suffers severe burns January 22 anniversary in Ottawa by Andrew Hluchowecky the Ukrainian nation has contributed, and will again, to the wealth of human OTTAWA - More than 200 people achievements in culture, technology, attended Ukraine's independence anni­ music, literature, and science. Through versary celebrations on Parliament Hill our conduct," continued Mr. Roman­ in Canada's capital city of Ottawa to ow, "we must reflect the philosophy of a hear Roy Romanow, leader of the national group of people - that this opposition in the province of Saskat­ grouping of people is deserving of chewan deliver a keynote address on national recognition. We not only Friday, January 20. demand national recognition: we shall The official ceremonies, presided earn it - over and over again." over by Andrii Krawchuk, commenced The leader of the New Democratic with an eloquent introduction of the Party (NDP) in Saskatchewan went on guest speaker by former member of to outline four major ways in how Parliament from Dauphin, Manitoba Ukrainians can contribute to the pro­ Laverne Lewycky. He emphasized Mr. cess of achieving a free and independent Romanow's outstanding contributions nation. to both the Ukrainian and the general Firstly, he said, instead of heralding Canadian communities. amongst themselves that they want to Thereupon Mr. Romanow went on to he an independent nation and that they deliver an exceptionally inspiring and deserve sovereignty, Ukrainians should powerful speech, which electrified the let the world know how they are already IFrancis A. Pelletier/The Woonsocket Call enthusiasm of those in attendance. contributing to the achievements of Firemen battle the blaze at St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church rectory in "It is with a great deal of pride that I mankind in culture, technology, music, Woonsocket, R.I. call myself Ukrainian," said Mr. Ro­ literature and many other fields. WOONSOCKET, R.l. - An early taken to Woonsocket Hospital but due manow, "the principles I hold most dear Secondly, unity among the Ukrainian morning fire on Sunday, January 29, to the severity of his burns was later - love of freedom, love of indepen­ people is the key to a successful fulfill­ totally destroyed the rectory of St. flown via helicopter to the Worcester dence, love of justice and fairness -are ment of the responsibilities they have to MichaeFs Ukrainian Catholic Church facility. in many ways the result of that heritage. their forefathers. ''Our imprisoned in this city. The Rt. Rev. John Mowatt, The church was not damaged and the That heritage has helped to mold and brethren in Ukraine could not forgive us church pastor, escaped the 6 a.m. blaze, morning divine liturgy was served in shape me as a Canadian citizen." for wasting valuable resources on but suffered third degree burns. He is in English by the Rev. Kenneth Subielski, Mr. Romanow called on all Ukrain­ group-party politics and inter-church critical condition in the intensive care pastor of the nearby St. Stanislaw ians to celebrate the spirit of those who quarrelling, or disputing '"principles" unit of the Worcester, Mass. Medical Roman Catholic Church. Prayers were fought for a free and independent about which party deserves the monop­ Center. said for Father Mowatt. Ukraine and to those who today are oly in leadership and patriotism," Neighbors called for emergency fire The fire's cause is still under investi­ continuing in that inspirational strug­ declared Mr. Romanow. "Trust, honest and rescue assistance at approximately gation. Estimated damage to the rectory gle. cooperation between groups and be- 6 a.m. The Rev. Mowatt was originally (Continued on page 4) "We must convey to the world how (Continued on page 4) Ogonyok editor VItaly Korotlch Korotich gets a taste of politics addresses Ukrainians In D. C. - Soviet-style and American-style by Maria Rudensky artful way with words recently as he captivated nearly 150 people who JERSEY CITY, N.J. - While was scheduled to address. The WASHINGTON Vitaly A. Koro- jammed into St. Sophia's Religious Vitaly A. Korotich spent two weeks groups accuse Mr. Korotich of being tich, editor of the Moscow-based news- Center, in this capital city on Wednes- in the United States, observing an opportunist and a hypocrite. The weekly, Ogonyok, demonstrated his (Continued on page 4) American politics at work, in Mos­ meeting, which was to select can­ cow his district constituents in Sverd­ didates for the new style Soviet lovsk/ Dzerzhinsky elected him over­ parliamentary elections on March whelmingly on January 24 -^ in 26, turned into pandemonium, absentia - as a candidate to the as radical supporters of pere- Congress of People's Deputies. stroika and ultra conservative Rus­ Mr. Korotich was on assignment, sian nationalists screamed at each (January 12-26) covering President other. George Bush's inauguration as the . Supporters of Mr. Korotich began 41 St president of the U nited States. A shouting "Provocation!," "We want physician-turned-poet-turned-editor- Korotich," as they waited for the turned-politician, he is used to writer to address the meeting. His criticism, yet recently, the Ukrainian opponents displayed a banner read­ from Kiev has been under a lot of ing "Korotich is the foreman of the heat from conservative and neo- scum of perestroika." One banner Stalinist groups in the Soviet Union, even showed the Star of David, who consider him detrimental to the heavily crossed out, as these groups system. have labeled Mr. Korotich a Jew, The attacks on Mr. Korotich have reported Helen Womack of the included angry outbursts from such London-based newspaper, The Inde­ groups as Pamiat during a January 9 pendent. Vitaly Korotich (center) at evening sponsored by The Washington Group with official meeting which Mr. Korotich (Continued on page 16) RX. Chomiak (left) and Yaro Bihun (right). THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1989 No. 6 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Students and believers in Kiev mar/c Ctiristmas near St Volodymyr's New demands appear for halt JERSEY CITY, N.J. - A group of group of youth from the Hromada 500 students and religious believers of Society on Kiev joined a crowd of all ages gathered on Christmas Day, believers, who on Christmas evening to Crimean nuclear power plant January 7, in front of St. Volodymyr's were glorifying Christ in the courtyard by Dr. David Marples scale of nine in the next decade was not Cathedral in Kiev to renew the Ukrai­ of St. Volodymyr's Cathedral. As could high. It is impossible to ignore even nian tradition of Christmas carolling, be expected, the carollersV dress and Following the conclusions of the remote chances of such an occurrence reported the press service of the Ukrai­ their sweet-sounding renditions of tra­ Government Commission that has been with a dangerous object such as a nian Helsinki Union last month. ditional songs attracted more and more examining the safety of the Crimean nuclear plant. After an hour of carolling, however, people to the crowd. An improvised nuclear power plant, there have been The Interdeoartmpntfll Council met policemen in civilian clothes reportedly choir of over 500 participants formed, two significant published demands that on September 20,1988, and supported began to harass the carollers for car­ in the center of which stood the carol­ the building work on the first reactor the conclusions of the working group by rying a Christmas star with a trident lers holding a raised eight-sided yellow- unit be stopped. 16 votes to four. In its final conclusions fixed on it, said the UHU press service and-blue star with a steel trident. From The first came from the Vice-Pre- of November 28, the Government in its January 10 newsletter. Despite the everywhere people called for more sident of the Academy of Sciences of the Commission reaffirmed the earthquake harassment the carolling continued and singing, passing around kolachi (tra­ Ukrainian SSR, t. Lukinov, and ap­ danger — which assumed even greater the crowd even formed a procession, ditional Ukrainian breads), pies, candy peared in Robitnycha Hazeta, and the relevance as a result of the Armenian which headed toward the Khreshcha- and money to all the sack holders. second and more lengthy article was earthquake one week later and the tyk, the city's main thoroughfare. On This, holiday of unity which lasted written by 10 scientists, and published desire of some experts to shut down the the way, however, they were stopped by nearly one hour was not to the liking of in Pravda. Armenian nuclear power plant im­ a police cordon and several policemen the guardians of stagnation. So-called The second article was of particular mediately rather than in 1991 as sche­ reportedly assaulted some of the carol­ "people in civilian clothing" began note. It drew attention to what it duled - and also noted the dangerous lers and succeeded in breaking off the pushing closer to the group of carollers, described as the "fierce opposition'' to volcanic activity around the reactor site. trident from its staff. rudely demanding the carollers to the conclusions of the Government The article by the scientists also cited The text of the UHU's newsletter, remove the trident. But here the crowd Commission from officials of the USSR a latter of concern sent to F. Morgun, translated from Ukrainian, follows. showed remarkable solidarity, tightly Ministry of Nuclear Power, and ad­ chairman of the State Committee for surrounding the carollers and not vocated that independent commissions Nature of the USSR by the Scientific allowing passage to the aggressive be established for all major energy Council of the Soviet Academy of "In an effort to renew the folk agents.
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