notes for authors Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Notes for authors and Crystallization Communications ISSN 1744-3091 1. Aims and scope 3.1. Electronic submission Acta Crystallographica Section F aims to provide a home for short Full details of the submission procedure can be found at communications on the crystallization and structure of biological http://journals.iucr.org/f/services/submitinstructions.html. Authors of macromolecules. Structures determined through structural genomics structural papers are encouraged to presubmit their data to the initiatives or from iterative studies such as those used in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and provide a PDB validation report on pharmaceutical industry are particularly welcomed. submission. It is envisaged that authors who presubmit to the PDB The journal is electronic only, articles will be published online as will be provided with a simpli®ed route for the preparation of soon as they are ready, and a streamlined route from database experimental tables (see 6.3). x deposition to publication will be provided. All communications will On initial submission, the article should be prepared as a single ®le bene®t from unlimited free use of colour illustrations, and movies or (PDF, Word or RTF, PostScript, or encapsulated PostScript). Authors other enhancements are encouraged. are encouraged to use the templates available from http://journals. iucr.org/f/services/helpsubmit.html. After acceptance, source ®les of the article (see 3.8) should be uploaded at the URL provided by the x 2. Categories of contributions Co-editor. Contributions should conform to the general editorial style of the journal and normally should not exceed three journal pages (about 3.2. Languages of publication 2000 words). Details of data requirements for structural commu- Acta Crystallographica Section F will publish papers in English, nications can be found at the web address http://journals.iucr.org/f/ French, German and Russian. services/structuralcommunications/. 3.3. Handling of manuscripts 2.1. Protein Structure Communications All contributions will be seen by referees (normally two) before These will be short articles which generally describe the determi- they can be accepted for publication. The editor to whom the nation of a single biological structure. Structures of protein ligand manuscript is assigned is responsible for the review process and for complexes are among those suitable for this category. accepting or rejecting the paper. This responsibility includes decisions on the ®nal form of the paper and interpretation of these Notes when necessary. 2.2. Structural Genomics Communications If changes to a manuscript requested by a Section Editor, Co- This category of papers provides rapid reporting of results from editor or the editorial staff are not received within one month of structural genomics research. Each article should usually describe a transmittal to the author, the submission will automatically be with- single biological structure. drawn. Should the manuscript require further revision, this would normally be expected to be completed within one month of the revision having been requested. Any subsequent communication of 2.3. Crystallization Communications the material will be treated as a new submission in the editorial Crystallization Communications should describe a coherent piece process. of work covering expression, puri®cation and crystallization of a For accepted papers, it is the responsibility of the Managing Editor macromolecule, and the validation of crystal quality including a to prepare the paper for publication. This may involve correspon- presentation of the diffraction data statistics. Authors should also dence with the authors and/or the responsible editor in order to take into account the evaluation criteria given at the web address resolve ambiguities or to obtain satisfactory ®gures or tables. The http://journals.iucr.org/f/services/crystallization/. If the structure of date of acceptance that will appear on the published paper is the date the macromolecule has been solved already, the PDB code and any on which the Managing Editor receives the last item required. publication references should be included in the paper. Correspondence will be sent to the author who submitted the paper unless the Managing Editor is informed of some other suitable 2.4. Addenda and errata arrangement. Papers will be made available on the web as soon as they are ready These are short papers describing additions to, comments on, or for publication. They will receive an online publication date when errata to existing Section F publications and are not intended for they appear, and each month new online papers will be collected and reports of work in progress. Addenda and errata should be submitted published as the next issue. to the Co-editor of the original paper. The journal is partnered by Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography. In general, Section F publishes short articles on structural biology and crystallization; Section D publishes 3. Submission and handling of manuscripts more detailed papers on biological structures and on crystallographic Papers must be submitted electronically via the web at methods and theory including novel methods related to crystal- http://journals.iucr.org/f/services/submitbdy.html. lization. In some cases, the editors may recommend that a paper 160 IUCr Notes for authors Acta Cryst. (2005). F61, 160±163 notes for authors submitted to Section F is better suited for publication in Section D. given in the Abstract should not be repeated in the text. It should not Any change to the section or journal of publication will only be made include the use of `we' or `I'. after full discussion with the communicating author. Literature references in an Abstract are discouraged. If a reference is unavoidable, it should be suf®ciently full within the Abstract for 3.4. Author's warranty unambiguous identi®cation, e.g. [Terwilliger (1994). Acta Cryst. D50, 17±23]. The submission of a paper is taken as an implicit guarantee that the work is original, that it is the author(s) own work, that all authors concur with and are aware of the submission, that all workers 5. Diagrams and photographs (`figures') involved in the study are listed as authors or given proper credit in the acknowledgements, that the manuscript has not already been Figures should be prepared using one of the ®le formats listed in 3.8. x published (in any language or medium), and that it is not being The choice of tables and ®gures should be optimized to produce considered and will not be offered elsewhere while under consid- the shortest paper consistent with clarity. Duplicate presentation of eration for an IUCr journal. The inclusion of material in an informal the same information in both tables and ®gures is to be avoided, as is publication, e.g. a preprint server or a newsletter, does not preclude redundancy with the text. publication in an IUCr journal. An illustration for the ®rst page of the article and the contents Important considerations related to publication have been given in pages may be included. the ethical guidelines published in Acc. Chem. Res. (2002), 35, 74±76. 5.1. Quality 3.5. Copyright Electronic ®les in the formats listed in 3.8 are essential for high- Except as required otherwise by national laws, an author must sign quality reproduction. The resolution of bitmapx graphics should be a and submit a copy of the Transfer of Copyright Agreement form for minimum of 600 d.p.i. each manuscript before it can be accepted. Authors will be asked to transfer copyright during the electronic submission process. 5.2. Size 3.6. Author grievance procedure Diagrams will normally be sized so that the greatest width including lettering is less than the width of a column in the journal. An author who believes that a paper has been unjusti®ably treated by the Co-editor may appeal initially to a Section Editor and then to the Editor-in-chief if still aggrieved by the decision. 5.3. Lettering and symbols Fine-scale details and lettering must be large enough to be clearly 3.7. Contact e-mail address legible (ideally 1.5±3 mm in height) after the whole diagram has been reduced to one column width. The contact author must provide an e-mail address for editorial Lettering should be kept to a minimum; descriptive matter should communications and despatch of electronic proofs. be placed in the legend. 3.8. File format for accepted papers 5.4. Numbering and legends The ®les required after acceptance of the paper are: a single ®le in WORD, RTF or LATEX format of the text, tables and ®gure captions of Diagrams should be numbered in a single series in the order in the article; a high-resolution graphics ®le (minimum 600 d.p.i.) in which they are referred to in the text. A list of the legends (`®gure TIFF, PostScript or encapsulated PostScript format for each ®gure captions') should be included in the manuscript. and scheme; and ®les of any supplementary material not previously submitted. 5.5. Stereofigures Atom labelling when included should be on both left and right 3.9. File transfer for accepted papers views in stereo perspective. Both views should be incorporated into a Files should be uploaded via the web at an address provided by single ®gure. the Co-editor. Full details of this procedure are given at http:// journals.iucr.org/f/services/submitbdy.html. 5.6. Colour figures Figures in colour are accepted at no cost to the author. 4. Abstract and synopsis All contributions must be accompanied by an English language Abstract and a one or two sentence Synopsis of the main ®ndings of 6. Tables the paper for inclusion in the Table of Contents for the relevant issue. Authors submitting in Word should use the Word table editor to The Abstract should state as speci®cally and as quantitatively as prepare tables.
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