Planning and Development Committee Agenda Date: Thursday, 16 May, 2019 Time: 9:00 am Location: Council Chamber Forum North, Rust Avenue Whangarei Elected Members: Cr Greg Innes (Chairperson) Her Worship the Mayor Sheryl Mai Cr Gavin Benney Cr Crichton Christie Cr Vince Cocurullo Cr Tricia Cutforth Cr Shelley Deeming Cr Sue Glen Cr Phil Halse Cr Cherry Hermon Cr Greg Martin Cr Sharon Morgan Cr Anna Murphy For any queries regarding this meeting please contact the Whangarei District Council on (09) 430-4200. Pages 1. Declarations of Interest 2. Apologies 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Planning and Development Committee Meeting 3.1 Minutes Planning and Development Committee 18 April 2019 5 4. Decision Reports 4.1 New Road Name - RMA Consents - Reotahiti Ltd 9 4.2 New Road Name - RMA Consents - G and T Herman 15 4.3 New Road Name - RMA Consents - Aubrey Family 21 4.4 New Road Name - RMA Consents - Jasco Properties 27 4.5 Public Feedback on the Draft Whangarei District Growth 33 Strategy 5. Information Reports 5.1 Planning and Development and Strategy Operational Report 135 May 6. Public Excluded Business 7. Closure of Meeting 3 Planning and Development Committee – Terms of Reference Membership Chairperson: Councillor G C Innes Members: Her Worship the Mayor Sheryl Mai Councillors Stu Bell (Resigned 1 April 2019), Gavin Benney, Crichton Christie, Vince Cocurullo, Tricia Cutforth, Shelley Deeming, Sue Glen, Phil Halse, Cherry Hermon, Greg Martin, Sharon Morgan, Anna Murphy Meetings: Monthly Quorum: 7 Purpose To oversee planning, monitoring and enforcement activities, and guide the economic and physical development and growth of Whangarei District. Key responsibilities include: Regulatory / Compliance - Environmental health - General bylaw administration - Animal (dog and stock control) - Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Control - Parking Enforcement (vehicles registrations and warrant of fitness) - Noise Control - Food Act - Landuse Consents - Building Act Building Control - Property Information and Land Information Memoranda - Consents and inspections Resource Consents - Subdivision, Land Use and Development Control - Development Contributions District Plan - Plan Changes - District Plan administration 4 Strategic Planning - Futures planning - Urban design Economic Development - District Marketing/Promotions - Developer engagement Commercial Property Shared Services – investigate opportunities for Shared Services for recommendation to council. Delegations (i) All powers necessary to perform the committee’s responsibilities, including, but not limited to: (a) approval of expenditure of less than $5 million plus GST. (b) approval of a submission to an external body (c) establishment of working parties or steering groups. (d) power to establish subcommittees and to delegate their powers to that subcommittee. (e) the power to adopt the Special Consultative Procedure provided for in Section 83 to 88 of the LGA in respect of matters under its jurisdiction (this allows for setting of fees and bylaw making processes up to but not including adoption). (f) the power to delegate any of its powers to any joint committee established for any relevant purpose under clause 32, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 5 1 Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, 18 April, 2019 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Council Chamber Forum North, Rust Avenue Whangarei In Attendance Cr Greg Innes (Chairperson) Cr Crichton Christie Cr Vince Cocurullo Cr Tricia Cutforth Cr Shelley Deeming Cr Sue Glen Cr Cherry Hermon Cr Greg Martin Cr Sharon Morgan Cr Anna Murphy Not in Attendance Her Worship the Mayor Sheryl Mai Cr Gavin Benney Cr Phil Halse Scribe Jennie Thomas (Democracy Adviser) ___________________________________________________________________ 1. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting. 2. Apologies Her Worship the Mayor, Crs Phil Halse and Gavin Benney Moved By Cr Greg Innes Seconded By Cr Sharon Morgan That the apologies be sustained. Carried 6 2 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Planning and Development Committee Meeting 3.1 Minutes Planning and Development Committee 21 March 2019 Moved By Cr Shelley Deeming Seconded By Cr Vince Cocurullo That the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on Thursday, 21 March 2019, having been circulated, be taken as read and now confirmed and adopted as a true and correct record of proceedings of that meeting. Carried 4. Decision Reports 4.1 Urban and Services Plan Changes – Notification Council officers presented an overview of the Urban and Services Plan Changes process to date. Moved By Cr Sue Glen Seconded By Cr Greg Martin That the Planning and Development Committee 1. Adopt proposed Urban and Services Plan Changes (PC88, 88A-J, 115, 143, 144, 145, 148, 109, 136, 147, 82A and 82B). 2. Resolves to publicly notify proposed Urban and Services Plan Changes (PC88, 88A-J, 115, 143, 144, 145, 148, 109, 136, 147, 82A and 82B) pursuant to Clause 5 of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Carried Cr Cocurullo requested his vote against be recorded. 5. Information Report 5.1 Operational Report April Moved By ` Cr Greg Martin Seconded By Cr Sue Glen That the Planning and Development Committee notes the operational report for April 2019. Carried 7 3 6. Public Excluded Business There was no business conducted in Public Excluded. 7. Closure of Meeting The meeting concluded at 10.35am Confirmed this 16th day of May 2019 Councillor Greg Innes (Chairperson) 8 9 4.1 New Road Name – RMA Consents – Reotahiti Ltd Meeting: Planning and Development Date of meeting: 16 May 2019 Reporting officer: Keryn Ryan – Team Leader Support (RMA Consents) 1 Purpose To name a private ROW in the Whangarei District. 2 Recommendation That the Planning and Development Committee approve the name of the private ROW off The Heights as Lort Point Lane. 3 Background A road naming application for Reotahiti Ltd has been received on 2 April 2019 for the new private ROW off The Heights, Reotahi. Consultation Consultation has been undertaken with affected property owners, being 4 & 16 The Heights, as they have access to the private ROW. Both properties are owned by the subdivider or associated ownership. 4 Discussion The private road name has been considered in accordance with Council Road Naming Policy. ‘Lort Point Lane’ has been approved for submission by LINZ. 5 Significance and engagement Having considered the Significance and Engagement Policy, this proposal or decision is not considered significant, and the public will be informed via agenda publication on the website. 10 6 Attachments 1. Location Map – Reotahiti Ltd 2. Application for the naming of a private ROW – Reotahiti Ltd – Reotahi 11 SD1800064 & SD1800065 Private Road to Be Named 16 May 2019 Reotahiti Ltd Council Meeting 12 13 Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | New Zealand T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632 W: www.wdc.govt.nz | E: [email protected] Application for the naming of a new private ROW Subdivision at Reotahi Below is a summary of the road name submissions from the developer in order of preference Local Māori Proposed status Proposed road consulted & Reason and relevance Accepted/Rejected & class of road name evidence supplied Private Lort Point Lane Road and properties look Accepted N/A out to the coastline previously known as Lort Point, named by Lort Stokes in 1849. Mt Aubrey Lane Road and properties are at Rejected due to N/A the base of Mt Aubrey duplication with Aubrey Road and Aubrey Street. The Heights (ext) Private ROW continues off Rejected as The N/A The Heights Heights is vested by Council and the new ROW is privately maintained. Consultation Consultation has been undertaken with neighbouring property owners, being 4 & 16 The Heights, as they have access to the private ROW. Recommendation That the new private ROW off The Heights be named Lort Point Lane. Document References Location Map 14 15 4.2 New Road Name – RMA Consents – G and T Herman Meeting: Planning and Development Date of meeting: 16 May 2019 Reporting officer: Keryn Ryan – Team Leader Support (RMA Consents) 1 Purpose To name a private ROW in the Whangarei District. 2 Recommendation That the Planning and Development Committee approve the name of the new private ROW off Millington Road as Darligen Lane. 3 Background A road naming application for G and T Herman has been received on 25 March 2019 for the new private ROW off Millington Road, Maunu. 4 Consultation The new ROW provides access to 4 existing lots, with all owners having been consulted, and all approving of the proposed road name. 5 Discussion The private ROW name has been considered in accordance with Council’s Road Naming Policy. 6 Significance and engagement Having considered the Significance and Engagement Policy, this proposal or decision is not considered significant, and the public will be informed via agenda publication on the Council website. 7 Attachments 1. Location Map – Herman 2. Application for the naming of a new road – Gregory and Tina Herman 16 17 SD1700197 Private ROW to Be Named 16 May 2019 Herman Council Meeting 18 19 Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | New Zealand T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632 W: www.wdc.govt.nz | E: [email protected] Application for the naming of a private ROW Subdivision at Below is a summary of the road name submissions from the developer in order of preference Local Māori Proposed status Proposed road consulted & Reason and relevance Accepted/Rejected & class of road name evidence supplied Private ROW Darligen Lane The land and some of its Accepted N/A surrounding land was owned by Darligen Restoration Lane Orchards. The name Accepted N/A Darligen is the European town the current owners (Herman) ancestors came from. They set about Old Orchard Lane restoring the land and Rejected, there is N/A conserving the native bush an Orchard Place on it.
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