INVITATION TO LIMITED TENDER (TWO BID SYSTEM) OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT- 193 BN, CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE AT- BONALOPA, POST-MUSABANI, DISTRICT- EAST SINGHBHUM, JHARKHAND-832104 Tele/Fax:-06585-275105, E-mail:[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tender Enquiry No. B.V-1/2016-17-193-Q Dated, the 2 June , 2016 The Commandant, 193 Bn, CRPF, invites sealed tenders, for and on behalf of the President of India, under two bid system consisting of technical bid and financial bid in respect of the stores mentioned in the schedule to this tender enquiry, from the authorized dealers, contractor and reputed suppliers of outstanding repute and actually dealing in the trade. 2. If you are in a position to quote for supply/construct in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule to tender, all documents attached herewith should be fully filled in, signed and returned to this office before the schedule date mentioned in the tender enquiry. 3. Prospective tenderers are advised to go through the earnest money, payment terms and all other clauses of this tender enquiry carefully before filing the tender. Sl. Tender No. Description of work Tender cost EMD(INR) No. (Non- refundable) I II III IV V 1 B.V.1/2016-17- Supply of raw materials and Rs. 100/- Rs. 4500/- (Rupees 193-Q dated Construction of one plinth size (Rupees One Four Thousand and 02/06/2016 (16x32) with verandah at Hundred) non five hundred ) only HQ/193 Bn, CRPF, Bonalopa, refundable. (Should be valid for Musabani, East Singhbhum, 225 days from the Jharkhand date of opening of tender) 4. All firms who are not registered with DGS&D/NSIC for subject stores as per T.E specification shall be required to deposit Earnest Money as mentioned above along with their technical bid. 5. As per Govt. policy PSUs are not exempted from deposing EMD. Purchase/price reference if any, will be allowed as per policy of the government. 6. Tender documents are also available on CRPF website http://www.crpf.gov.in. 7. Any amendment in the tender if made by this office will be available on CRPF website http://www.crpf.gov.in. Yours faithfully Sd/- 02/06/2016 (Sanjay Kumar Singh) Commandant-193 Bn, CRPF For and behalf of the President of India SCHEDULE TO TENDER OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT- 193 BN, CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE AT- BONALOPA, POST-MUSABANI, DISTRICT- EAST SINGHBHUM, JHARKHAND-832104 Tele/Fax:-06585-275105 , E-mail:[email protected] Schedule to Tender No : B.V.1/2016-17-193-Q Time and date of receipt of tender : By 1700 Hours on 30/06/2016 Time and date for opening of tender : at 1200 Hrs on 01/07/2016 Validity of offer : The tender shall remain open for acceptance till 180 days from the date of opening of tender. Prospective tenderers are advised to go through the Earnest money, payment terms and all other clauses of this tender enquiry carefully before filing the tender. Attached list of questionnaire should also be answered and returned with the tender, failing which your tender will be liable to be ignored, and not considered. Sl. Tender No. Description of work Tender cost EMD(INR) No. (Non- refundable) I II III IV V 1 B.V.1/2016-17- Supply of raw materials Rs. 100/- Rs. 4500/- (Rupees Four 193-Q dated and Construction of one (Rupees One Thousand and five 02/06/2016 plinth size (16x32) with Hundred) non hundred ) only verandah at HQ/193 Bn, refundable. (Should be valid for 225 CRPF, Bonalopa, days from the date of Musabani, East opening of tender) Singhbhum, Jharkhand Specifications : As per Appendix – ‘A’ Consignee’s list : As per Appendix – “B” All Tender documents attached with this invitation to tender including the specifications are SACROSANCT for considering any offer as complete offer. It is therefore Tender Acceptance Letter which is a written undertaking that all the terms and condition of the tender are understood and accepted should be signed and submitted with your offer. All firms who are not specifically registered for required stores as per specification of tender enquiry either with DGS&D or with NSIC, are required to submit Earnest Money as mentioned above along with their offer. Registration with any other organization will not allow them from exemption of depositing the Earnest Money. As per Government policy, PSUs are not exempted from depositing EMD. For any changes in Tender Enquiry/Specifications etc. tenderers are requested to visit the CRPF website regularly. Yours faithfully Sd/- 02/06/2016 (Sanjay Kumar Singh) Commandant-193 Bn, CRPF For and behalf of the President of India 1. Purchaser : The President of India. 2. Inspection Authority : The Dy. Inspector General (Ops) Chaibasa, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand. 3. Inspection Officer : Board of Officer of CRPF 4. Stores required at : FREE DELIVERY AT CONSIGNEES LOCATION (Appendix- “B”) Tenderers are required to quote rates on free delivery at Consignee’s lo cat io n basis only. 5. Delivery required by : Within 30 days of placement of firm/work order. 6. Dispatch Instruction : Materials are required to be delivered at consignee’s location at freight, risk and cost of the supplier. 7. Payment Terms : Materials are required to be supplied on credit basis and payment shall be released as early as possible after completion of work. Payment in advance or immediately on delivery can not be made. 8. PRICE Rate quoted by the firms should be on firm price basis. 09. Firms should clearly indicate different taxes and duties, which they propose to charge as extra along with the present rates thereof. Offers with such stipulations like as applicable will be treated as vague and are liable to be ignored. 10. Purchaser reserves the right to get the supply/cunstruct capacity of all firms re-verified irrespective of the registration status. 11. Purchaser reserves the right to cancel/reject or Scrap the tender without assigning any reason. 12 Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of store. 13. The price bid of eligible firms will be opened and order would be considered on the lowest bidder subject to their capacity and performance and workman ship etc. 14. Place of submission of tender document: - Tender documents are available on CRPF website (www.crpf.gov.in) which can be downloaded by interested firms free of cost. The tender will be submitted/deposited at Reception/Control Room of this unit or may be sent through registered post/courier/speed post to the Office of the Commandant-193 Bn, At- Bonalopa, Post- Musabani, Distt- East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, Pin-832104 on or before specified time and date of opening of Tender. Late/ Delayed / Non submission of originals would result in rejection of bid. during tender opening. 15. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT:- The successful firm shall have to deposit a Security Deposit of 5% (Five percent) of the contract value within 10 days of the placement of supply/work order for due performance as per provisions contained in Clause 7 of DGS&D-68 (Revised). Failure at the part of the firm to deposit the security deposit within stipulated time purchaser reserve right to reject or cancel the acceptance of Tender. The Performance Security Deposit submitted by the supplier will remain valid at least for 60 days beyond the guarantee/warranty period. If the supplier fail to deliver the stores in a promised period and places a request for extension of time the supplier will submit an undertaking on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.10/- duly attested by the Notary PUBLIC STATING THAT THE performance Security Deposit has already been extended for 60 days beyond the guarantee/warrantee period. 16. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: - In case the firm does not complete the supply/construct within the Delivery period, liquidity damages including administrative expenses and not by way of penalty a sum equivalent to 2% of total cost of stores as per para 15.7 of DGS&D Manual and para 14(7)(i) of DGS&D -68 (Revised). If liquidated damages is not paid within specified time interest will be charged for delay in payment of LD amount. 17. TWO BID SYSTEM:- All bidders required to submit their offers in two covers as under:- (a) FIRST COVER (Technical Bid) Should contain the following :- i) Tender documents all pages duly completed and signed BUT WITHOUT INDICATIONG THE RATES QUOTED ii) Earnest Money (If applicable) iii) Tender Cost (if applicable) iv) Delivery terms, delivery period should be quoted separately. v) Copy of licence issued by State Govt/Union territory/CPWD/PWD vi) Performance statement of last three years. Photo Copy of pan, TIN No /Service Tax or Income tax statement etc. vii) Pre-receipt challan for refund of Earnest Money. viii) Any other relevant documents which the firm wishes to submit. (b) SECOND COVER (Commercial / Price Bid) should be contain the following : i) Rate of store per Nos/Bag/Cft. Etc. ii) Details of rate, taxes, duties, discounts, if any quoted by the bidder. These details should be submitted on their letter pad. iii) Rates must be clearly written in figures as well as in words. iv) There should not be any cutting/overwriting. v) Validity of rates for 180 days. Both the above mentioned covers should be sealed separately, and super scribed with the tender number stores and date of opening of tender. This cover should thereafter, be kept in a third cover and again sealed. This cover should also be super scribed with the tender no., stores and date of tender opening. The composite bid i.e rate indicated in the technical bid “OPENLY” shall be ignored.
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