VOL P. 69 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 13 PUBLIC NOTICES Jennifer McCullough 215.557.2321 [email protected] ESTATE NOTICES STEIKER, FRANCINE -- Joel WASHINGTON, MARK AN- NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO Steiker, Executor, c/o Thomas O. THONY (a/k/a MARK INVOLUNTARILY TERMINATE PARENTAL RIGHTS NOTICE TO COUNSEL Hiscott, Esq., 100 Four Falls, Ste. WASHINGTON) -- Roderick L. In Re: Sakari Taylor Spears a/k/a Sakari Spears, a minor, No. CP-02-AP- Your attention is directed to 300, West Conshohocken, PA Foxworth, Jr., Administrator, 122-2020, in the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas Section 3162 of the Probate, 19428-2950; Thomas O. Hiscott, 7715 Crittenden St., #382, Phila- of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Estates and Fiduciaries Code Atty., Heckscher, Teillon, Terrill delphia, PA 19118; Roderick L. To: Natasha Denise Spears a/k/a Natasha D. Spears a/k/a Natasha of June 30, 1972 (Act No. & Sager, P.C., 100 Four Falls, Ste. Foxworth, Jr., Atty., 7715 Critten- Spears, Richard Beck, and The Unknown Father, parents of Sakari Taylor 164) which requires advertise- 300, West Conshohocken, PA den St., #382, Philadelphia, PA Spears a/k/a Sakari Spears, a minor born on July 7, 2016, in Pittsburgh, ment of grant of letters to con- 19428-2950. 19118. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. tain the name and address of 01-06-3 01-06-3 A Petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights the personal representatives. you have to your child, Sakari Taylor Spears a/k/a Sakari Spears. The ORPHANS’ COURT OF court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That PHILADELPHIA COUNTY COMPLAINTS hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., prevail- IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS ing time, before the Honorable Paul E. Cozza. This hearing will not take Philadelphia COUNTY place in the courthouse, but will be proceeding via telephone or video Letters have been granted on the conferencing. In order for you to virtually participate in this hearing, it is Estate of each of the following CIVIL ACTION - LAW ACTION OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE important that you contact the assigned caseworker, Cassie McIlwain, at decedents to the representatives (412) 473-2300, or your legal counsel/attorney to obtain information for named, who request all persons Term No. 200800667 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE how to participate by telephone or video conference. The aforemen- having claims against the Estate tioned caseworker and/or your attorney may be able to provide you with to present them in writing and all PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Plaintiff a phone number or link to the virtual hearing. You are warned that even persons indebted to the Estate to if you fail to participate in the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on make payment to them (unless vs. The Unknown Heirs of GEORGE WILLIAMS Deceased without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the court otherwise noted all addresses be- without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the ing in Philadelphia) Mortgagor and Real Owner Defendant hearing by a lawyer. You should contact your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set BLOCK, ILENE -- Michael The Unknown Heirs of GEORGE WILLIAMS Deceased, forth below to find out where you can get legal help. Block, Executor, Apt. 809, 1010 MORTAGOR AND REAL OWNER, DEFENDANT whose lastknown This is also to inform you of an important option that may be availa- 25th St. ,NW, Washington, DC address is 5820 Weymouth Street Philadelphia, PA 19120. ble to you under Pennsylvania law. Act 101 of 2010 allows for an en- 20037. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPT- forceable voluntary agreement for continuing contact or communication 1-6-3* ING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY IN- following an adoption between an adoptive parent, a child, a birth pa- FORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE rent, and/or a birth relative of the child, if all parties agree and the volun- DANDY, SUSIE L. (a/k/a SUSIE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. tary agreement is approved by the court. If you are interested in learning DANDY) -- John E. Dandy, Ad- You are hereby notified that Plaintiff PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL more about this option for a voluntary agreement, contact your attorney or: ministrator, c/o Sean Murphy, CREDIT UNION, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint en- Lawyer Referral Service Esq., 340 N. Lansdowne Ave., dorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common The Allegheny County Bar Association Lansdowne, PA 19050; Sean Mur- Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 200800667 Koppers Building, 4th Floor phy, Atty., 340 N. Lansdowne Ave., wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your 436 Seventh Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050. property located, 5820 Weymouth Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 where- Pittsburgh, PA 15219 01-06-3 upon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia. Telephone: (412) 261-5555 Andrew F. Szefi, County Solicitor DULISSE, CONSTANCE -- N O T I C E Alexandra Gruskos, Attorney at Law Mary Ellen Caldwell, Administra- You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set Children, Youth and Families tor, 45 Spring Road, Malvern, PA forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days 445 Ft. Pitt Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 19355; Roger F. Perry, Attorney, after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appear- (412) 350-7398; [email protected] 734 S. 4th Street, Philadelphia, PA ance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your Attorneys for Petitioner 12-30-3* 19147. defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are 12-23-3* warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a CORPORATE NOTICES NON-PROFIT CHARTER judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN EHRLICHMAN, DIANE -- Ri- for any money claim in the Complaint of for any other claim or relief re- THAT Articles of Incorporation that Articles of Incorporation - chard Ehrlichman, Administrator, quested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights were filed with the PA Depart- Nonprofit have been filed with the c/o Joseph A. Bellinghieri, Esq., 17 important to you. ment of State on behalf of Fox Department of State of the Com- W. Miner St., West Chester, PA YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT Fields Law, P.C., a professional monwealth of Pennsylvania, at 19382; Joseph A. Bellinghieri, ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AF- corporation organized under the Harrisburg, PA, on or about De- Atty., MacElree Harvey, Ltd., 17 FORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH PA Business Corporation Law of cember 7, 2020, for Newfound W. Miner St., West Chester, PA BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMA- 1988, as amended. TROUTMAN RiseUp Fund, 1435 Walnut Street, 19382. TION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. PEPPER HAMILTON SAND- 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 01-06-3 IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OF- ERS LLP, Solicitors, 100 Market 19102. The corporation has been FICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION St., Ste. 200, Harrisburg, PA incorporated under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Nonprofit HOLLIMON, EDNA -- Holly ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO 17101. Corporation Law of 1988, as Hollimon-Baxter, Executrix, c/o ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. 1-6-1 amended. Lisa Comber Hall, Esquire, 27 S. ASOCIACION DE LICENCIADOS DE FILADELFIA 1-6-1* Darlington Street, West Chester, Servicio De Referencia E Informacion Legal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PA 19382; Lisa Comber Hall, At- One Reading Center THAT Articles of Incorporation torney, 27 S. Darlington Street, Filadelfia, PA 19107 were filed with the PA Depart- West Chester, PA 19382. 215-238-1701 ment of State on behalf of Pelican 12-23-3* Partners, P.C., a professional cor- COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. poration organized under the PA Law Center North Central Business Corporation Law of O’MALLEY, ELIZABETH 1410 W. Erie Avenue 1988, as amended. TROUTMAN VERONICA -- Anne Margaret Philadelphia, PA 19140 PEPPER HAMILTON SAND- Find us on O’Malley, Administrator, c/o Law 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 ERS LLP, Solicitors, 100 Market Offices of Michelle C. Berk, P.C., St., Ste. 200, Harrisburg, PA facebook 1300 Virginia Drive, Suite 325A, PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION 17101. Fort Washington, PA 19034; Mi- Lawyer Referral and Information Service 1-6-1 www.facebook.com/legalintelligencer chelle C. Berk, Attorney, Law Of- One Reading Center fices of Michelle C. Berk, P.C., Philadelphia, PA 19107 1300 Virginia Drive, Suite 325A 215-238-1701 PHILA. WATER, SEWER AND STORM WATER RATE BOARD Fort Washington, PA 19034. 12-23-3* Michael T. McKeever Sunshine Act Notice Attorney for Plaintiff Please take notice that the City of Philadelphia Water, Sewer and KML Law Group, P.C., PC Storm Water Rate Board will hold monthly meetings at 3 p.m. on Janu- PETERSON, EILEEN CAROL -- ary 13, 2021, February 10, 2021, March 10, 2021, April 14, 2021, May 12, Albert R. Peterson, Administrator, Suite 5000, BNY Independence Center 701 Market Street 2021 and June 9, 2021. All meetings will be held online and via phone.
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