Grzegorz Grochowski Radosvet Kolarov Enyo Stoyanov ПОДОБИЕ Teresa Dobrzyńska Регина Койчева И РАЗЛИЧИЕ Ewa Szczęsna Александр Панов ПРОБЛЕМА Darin Tenev Magdalena Saganiak ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ Georgi Iliev RESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE. PROBLEM THE OF IDENTITY Maciej Mrozik RESEMBLANCE Magdalena Szczypiorska-Mutor Miryana Yanakieva AND DIFFERENCE Галина Георгиева Kalina Zahova THE PROBLEM Marek Kowalski, Marek Szczepański OF IDENTITY Raya Kuncheva ПОДОБИЕ И РАЗЛИЧИЕ. ПРОБЛЕМАПОДОБИЕ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ ISBN 978-954-8712-97-2 INSTYTUT ИНСТИТУТ BADAŃ ЗА IBL LITERACKICH ЛИТЕРАТУРА RESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE. THE PROBLEM OF IDENTITY ПОДОБИЕ И РАЗЛИЧИЕ. ПРОБЛЕМА ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ЛИТЕРАТУРА БЪЛГАРСКА АКАДЕМИЯ НА НАУКИТЕ INSTYTUT BADAŃ LITERACKICH POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK ПОДОБИЕ И РАЗЛИЧИЕ. ПРОБЛЕМА ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ Редакторы Тереса Добжиньска, Рая Кунчева 2015 INSTYTUT BADAŃ LITERACKICH POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ЛИТЕРАТУРА БЪЛГАРСКА АКАДЕМИЯ НА НАУКИТЕ RESEMBLANCE AND DIFFERENCE. THE PROBLEM OF IDENTITY Editors Teresa Dobrzyńska, Raya Kuncheva 2015 © INSTYTUT BADAŃ LITERACKICH, POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK, 2015 © ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ЛИТЕРАТУРА, БЪЛГАРСКА АКАДЕМИЯ НА НАУКИТЕ, 2015 ISBN 978-954-8712-97-2 CONTENTS FOREWORDS .................................................................................................9 Teresa Dobrzyńska I. DISCUSSING THEORIES Grzegorz Grochowski AFTER IDENTITY. RESEMBLANCE AND REPETITION ...........................................15 Radosvet Kolarov SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCE AS SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY: MATTE BLANCO’S BI-LOGIC ........................................................43 Enyo Stoyanov FICTIONAL WORLDS THEORY AND THE PERSISTENCE OF MIMESIS ....................................52 II. IDENTITY AND SIMILARITY IN LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION Teresa Dobrzyńska ALIKE, OR DIFFERENT? HOW IDENTITY OF OBJECT IS DETERMINED IN UTTERANCE ...................................................................................67 Регина Койчева ДРЕВНЕБОЛГАРСКАЯ ПИСЬМЕННОСТЬ И ЕЕ ВИЗАНТИЙСКИЕ МОДЕЛИ – ПОДОБИЯ И РАЗЛИЧИЯ .........................................................................................85 Ewa Szczęsna THE IDENTITY OF SIGN AND TEXT IN DIGITAL SPACE ..............................................................................96 III. IDENTITY AND SIMILARITY IN LITERATURE Александр Панов ИДЕНТИЧНОСТЬ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ДИСКУРСА КАК ПРОБЛЕМА ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЯ .............................................................. 113 Darin Tenev UNIQUENESS AND IDENTITY OF THE LITERARY WORK ........................................................... 132 Magdalena Saganiak IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCE IN THE EXPERIENCE OF A WORK OF ART ....................... 138 Georgi Iliev RECURSIVITY, SIMILARITY AND IDENTITY WITH EXAMPLES FROM THE WORKS OF JAVIER MARIAS ........................................................................... 152 Maciej Mrozik STORY AND CHANGE ................................................................... 165 IV. IDENTITY OR SIMILARITY IN ARTS Magdalena Szczypiorska-Mutor “…AGAIN THE SAME GRAY DOLL, WITH ITS EYES AVERTED”. PHOTOGRAPHY, IDENTITY, AND DIFFERENCE IN IVAN TURGENEV’S CLARA MILITCH ........................... 195 Miryana Yanakieva IDENTITY AND INTERPRETATION IN THE “IMMATERIAL” ARTS (LITERATURE AND MUSIC) ...... 220 V. PERSONAL AND NATIONAL IDENTITY Галина Георгиева СКРЫТОЕ / РАСКРЫТОЕ (КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ В АВТОБИОГРАФИИ ВЕРЫ МУТАФЧИЕВОЙ) ............................................................................. 237 Kalina Zahova EXPECTATIONS, REQUESTS, DEMANDS. EXAMPLES OF RECEPTION CONDITIONS IN CONTEMPORARY CULTURE .................................................... 245 VI. AN ABUSE OF SIMILARITY Marek Kowalski, Marek Szczepański IDENTITY OF ACADEMIC THESES ....................................... 259 Raya Kuncheva PAUL DE MAN AND MARIONETTE – THE PLAY OF DIFFERENCE ........................................................ 279 SUMMARY / PЕЗЮМЕ .................................................................... 290 9 TERESA DOBRZYŃSKA FOREWORD Comparing objects in order to establish their similarity or difference, identifying people, things, and phenomena – these ba- sic mental operations take part in the attainment and ordering of knowledge. In human beings’ functioning in the world and in the cultural space that they are surrounded by, such actions and the categories they are connected with – similarity, difference, identi- calness, identity – possess an elementary significance. They are the basis for numerous kinds of human activity. The processes of recognizing similarity or difference, and of identification are present in a number of complex cognitive opera- tions, as well as in communication and art practices. This key role is confirmed in the writings of philosophers, anthropologists, psychol- ogists, sociologists and specialists in other fields of the humanities.1 The process of discovering similarity – despite existing differences – lies at the base of categorization, it determines the limits of linguistic 1 Polish studies on the subject include articles in the volume Podobieństwo, ed. H. Kardela, Z. Muszyński, M. Rajewski, Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS 2006 – particularly: R. Poczobut, O samej relacji podobieństwa. Na marginesie sporu o uniwersalia; K. Sobczuk, Podobieństwo jako kategoria filozoficzna i antropologiczna; P. Francuz, Koncepcje podobieństwa strukturalnego i funkcjonalnego w psychologii. 10 TERESA DOBRZYŃSKA paradigms, it governs the identification of synonyms, it enables the creation of metaphors and similes, it is expressed in various types of parallelisms, it allows the grasping of intertextual allusions in irony, parody and all forms of stylistic imitation. It is present in all those linguistic and textual phenomena that can be characterized as iconic signs (this includes onomatopoeia, paraboles, quotations and struc- tural imitations); and topoi, too, operate on the principle of similar- ity. This recognizing of similarity is the precondition of the identifia- bility of conventions in text and communication and a precondition for their functioning. Similarity underpins the analogies and prefigu- rations that are important in synesthesia and the “correspondence” of arts. It enables the identification of analogies in narrative struc- tures. The paradoxical coexistence of difference and identicalness is present in the idea of the double, it also lies at the base of the motif of metamorphosis. Etc., etc. In the discourse of the modern humanities, the terms similarity, difference, and identity play a key role in important areas of reflec- tion. An especially wide and intensely explored domain of research is connected with the problem of identity in its various aspects: ethnic, cultural, social, religious or biological. One of the significant factors differentiating between various methodologies in the humanities is the type of relations that are given prominence in a theory and the mental operations that form the bases of these relations. In structur- alism, this prominence was given to the notion of opposition, which was rooted in a sharply conceived concept of difference. In conse- quence, structuralist linguistic analyses developed the category of the “distinctive feature”. For cognitive linguistics, the formulation of the notion of “family resemblance”2 had a similar key significance. 2 This idea, outlined by Ludwig Wittgenstein, was taken up by Ele- onor Rosch, who developed the basis for new rules of typology. See L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, trans. G.E.M. Anscombe, 3rd edition, Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1973; E. Rosch, Natural categories, „Cognitive Psychology” 1973, 4. 11 Both the pervasive presence of the categories listed above in basic mental operations and communication practices, as well as their role in the forming of theory, encourage a closer scrutiny of these problems and an elaboration on some of the issues they com- prise. The cognitive processes mentioned are at once simple and mysterious, they are intriguing, they have philosophical implica- tions. The identification of objects, as well as the detection of their similarity or dissimilarity – these are problematic issues. These matters became the topic of interest for two groups of Bulgarian and Polish literary scholars cooperating in the interna- tional project Concepts and their contexts. The analyses prepared within the scope of this program concentrate on questions con- nected with literature, taking always into account its links with language and culture. The studies collected in the present book sum up another stage in the coordinated efforts of both groups. The results of the previ- ous stages of cooperation were published in the following volumes: Память и текст. Когнитивные и культурологичные аспекы – Memory and Text. Cognitive and Cultural Aspects (Sofia 2005); Words and Images. Iconicity of the Text – Слова и образы. Иконичность текста (Sofia 2008); Vision and Cognition. Liter- ary, Linguistic and Cultural Aspects – Взгляд и познание. Лите- ра турные, лингвистические и культурологические аспекты (So- fia 2011).3 The last stage of cooperation is focused on the categories of similarity, identity, and difference. We discuss a few groups of issues connected with the conceptual content and diversified functioning of these categories, which are reflected in this volume. General re- flection on the presence of the notions of identity and similarity in 3 All three volumes, edited by Teresa Dobrzyńska and Raya Kunche- va, were published as part of the collaboration between
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