. The Official Organ of the Students of the University A Legacy of 102 years of the South of Student Journalism APRIL 11, 1994VOLUMECLXXIII.NO. 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH SEWANEE, TN 37383-1000 Is Sewanee Becoming a Suitcase School? hy Kellcy Jay and Jamey Collins social scene is in a stage of transi- tion —meaning that Sewanee se- Sewanee students used to be will have vastly different amused when friends at other memories of Sewanee weekends schools asked: "Do you stay at than present first-year students. Sewanee on weekends"? Statistically, just since last se- If you've been on campus the mester, the frequency of social past lew weekends, chances are functions has decreased. Last se- i< >w understand what prompts mester there were a total of 160 this question. It seems that an parties registered through the stu- increasing number of Sewanee dent activities office. According students are evacuating the Do- toLisaManely, Director of Student main on weekends in search of Activities, there have been "a lot thrills and spills on other college fewer [registered parties!" com- campuses in the Southeast. Some pared to this time last semester. ie more popular destinations This is not soley due to the fact for Sewanee weekend refugees that common sources have been are Vanderbilt, Birmingham- abolished, but seems to reflect a Southern. Em id even general bewilderment as to how to Motlow State. Ing such a What do these schools offer social organ as were kegs. along the lines of weekend en- What is to be done? linment that Sewanee does The office of Student Activities The Sewanee Fire Department setfire to a house on A laba n Or more important, what isuming part of the burde ofa training exercise. According to seniorfireman Ben McGowan, scene. does Sewanee need to do to keep reviving the Sewanee social exercise went "beautifully. " The house, nought by the Universityfor this our finest here? One of Lisa Mauley's main con- specific purpose, was reduced to rubble. Photo by Lyn Hutchinson. 1 Aseveryone knows, Sewanee s (continued on pag< Berkeley Philosopher John Searle and his Mr. Pugnacious Defense of Traditional Liberal Education liberal agenda. by Kevin West against the contemporary do you understand that term to represent However, there's another Editor politicization of American uni- mean, and how does it meaning of the term, where it versities. According to Professor some kind ofdivergence from the underpins the traditional liberal curriculum? means something like the em- John Searle, Professor of Searle, this topic wide-spread and often Professor Searle: Multi- (continued on page 4) Philosphy at the University of currently discourse about multi- culturalism means different things California at Berkeley, delivered heated fact, there and the canon, to different people. In In I'll is Issue . the 1994 Wood Memorial Lec- cultural studies and dead white males, is one meaning where it doesn't ture at Sewanee last week. Pro- minorities liberal Purple Picks so on. diverge from the traditional fessor Searle is a highly renowned and afternoon of his talk. Pro- conception of higher education at Page 2 figure in American academics, not The Spoils Searle found time to meet all, it's just an extension of it. In Spring Photo lissaj only for work in, his discipline, fessor The Sewanee Purple to dis- this way, it just means that it's a Pa»o I I but also for his wide-ranging in- with I'luksMM s |'|,l\ |ik- | lllllllll these issues. What follows is good idea to expand your under- terests and critiques of other aca- cuss 1 transcript of that meet- standing of your own civilization Page I demic disciplines. an edited by having a knowledge of how it M lv n| ilk" W . vk In ing- his talk, entitled "Is There a • ». West: Let's begin with compares to other civilizations. I! !' Crises in American Higher Edu- Kevin ythetom'lrnuiticukurafom*:' Wtwt>, That' s certainl y an old item on the 1 cation?", Professor Searle argued April 11. ivu NEWS pUpcoining^ntenia^ Week When There's Nothing To D Girl, Corona and tat To Do The Organization for Cross- Pauli's Domain Moosehead for just $1 to those the Cultural Understanding (OCCU) with ID. declares the week of Monday, Tom de Luca, n watching the April. Week." At 7:30. enjoy April 25 "International Iv. the hypnotist, will work wild OCCU Fashion Show The week will begin with an crowds, and S Wardrobe." held in the usually draws massive and provocative ex- "Global Luca interesting wii Conference Lounge. It'san no exception. The show hibit in the main lobby of DuPonl BC should be event you won't want to miss' thing to do thi Library: "Clothes from Around fun, and it's the only On Friday, April 29, a the World." night. Lower Cravens, 8:00. match will be held at the On Thursday, April 28, the cricket near Lake an- practice football field OCCU will sponsor the first String Quartet. An. next to the baseball 13 April. American nual OCCU International Beer Cheston, from 1:00 to 3:00. Series performance. Guerry Night in the Tiger Bay Pub, as field, quality Concert 3:30 to 7:00 there will part of "Work Your Way Around From ditorium, 8:00. reggae band in Guerry Garth. the World." Beer from around be a calendar for Inter- world will be served, includ- Mark your the April. Madrigal Dinner, part of th< Week! 14 ing Heineken, Guinness, St. national ; Shakespeare Festival, singers in period c Suitcase, continued perform while you eat. Tickets are $5 larger budget next year to be able cerns is about having taken away (with the t-shirts). Convocation Hall, 6:30. common sources from upper- to fund more activities "of this classmen who have had access to kind," says Ms. Manley. 15 April. Geoff Brown is a comedian. 1 them in the past. As a result, the As another example of what all, but the best thing about his Office of Student Activities might be done to improve Sewanee funny and sponsored two Senior Socials, student life, the recent Dave formance is that he's booked for Guerry kegs, food and musical Matthews Band concert was or- arth, where (unless the weather is 'Tour') . G uerry G entertainment were provided. Ms. chestrated through the coordinated Manley says that at present, two el torts of the 1FC and the ISC. A 21 April. Koyanniquatsu A psychedelic Fan more of these are planned for the core committee composed of so- esque movie. Aptly for the Thur day future. cial chairpersons from various scheduled The Office of Student Activities Greek organizations, which would before Spring Party weekend, the audience may has scheduled two comedians and be charged with organizing such be more interesting than the film. SUT, 7:30. a hypnotist for the remainder of events in the future, has been pro- this semester, and hopes to have a posed. SPRING PARTY WEEKEND IS APRIL 21-24. Make sure to hit the Delt House for the Elvis Party (w/ ADT) Friday night, the rescheduled 70s Party • 399-5774 ' . V V^ V 'V OPEN MothSK 11:30am-1 1:30pm (w/ PKE) Saturday night, or, for the select few* Grin cbc*s at 9pm their red-eye formal Saturday morning. One Sunday Brunch 10«nv2pm World is playing at the party in front of the Lodge on Saturday afternoon (Freedom of Expression is no longer). DO NOT MISS Hot Tuna, late Sat- or urday afternoon on the stage at Lake Cheston, Chickenwire, which will play that night in Guerry Garth from 9pm until they pass out. sr^s^y^^if^isa^A^•?* PPY Connie's Rpanfy Shop HOUR 235 Bob Stewman Rd.- Behind Sewanee Market Monday Evenings - 5:30pm to 10:00pm Thursday 5 p.m. until dosing Wed.-Thurs.-Fri.- 8:00am to 9:00pm Saturday- 8:00am to 4:00pm Friday 3 p.m.- 5 pan. •-^xz^^c Connie Warner, owner 589-0012 Anril 11. 1994 The Sewanee Purple Page 3 NEWS The Search for a New Dean of Students Fuqua Pearigen, by Jennifer Eric Benjamin (Direc- ited and interviewed at Sewanee, be offered to the candidate, for tor of Minority Student Affairs), one is scheduled to interview this possible renewal at the end of now As most of Sewanee knows, Professors Perry and Bonds, and month, and the fourth should be those five years. Mary Susan Cushman, Dean of Stu- students Mary Carol Harris and able to visit by the end of the dents, will be retiring at the end of Cotton Bryan—then got down to term. After each person has been this academic year. Current Asso- the task of reading the submitted interviewed, seen the campus, ciate Dean Robert W. Pearigen will applications. and talked to students and fac- N \ become the next Dean of Students. The original applicant pool, ulty, the advisory committee will Costa Rica The search for a new Associate consisting of seventy-five to have the task of deciding which Dean commenced last fall when eighty applicants, was varied. candidate is best suited to the Intensive Spanish classes Dean Cushman first announced her Some applicants were academics, position. The committee's rec- 2-4 weeks including intention to step down. At that time, some administrators, and some ommendations will be submitted tours and stay an advisory committee, chaired by had backgrounds as academics to Dean Keele, who will then home Dean Keele, first asked for nomina- or administrators but are not submit his recommendation to starting at $360. Call for tions from faculty and placed an ad currently working in those fields.
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