DRIVING RECORD CODES Kansas Division of Vehicles AC4 Involved in traffic accident Lifetime disqualification for using a CMV in the commission Driving under the influence with BAC .15 or greater – court C70 of a felony involving manufacturing distributing or A10 conviction dispensing of a controlled substance A12 Chemical test refusal – court conviction Lifetime disqualification for a second offense for any C71 A30 Minor possess/consume/obtain alcohol combination of C11, C12, C13, C14, C15 and C16 Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance or Controlled 60-day disqualification for a second offense in a three-year A33 Substance Analog C80 period for any combination of C18, C19, C20, C21, C22 A61 Under 21 with BAC .02 to less than .08 and C23 in separate incidents Chemical test failure for alcohol BAC .15 or greater – 120-day disqualification for a third offense in a three-year A90 administrative suspension C81 period for any combination of C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, Driving while out of service order in effect and transporting and C23, in separate incidents B19 16+ passengers and/or transporting HazMat that require a C99 24-hour out-of-service order for a CMV placard Limited driving privileges with ignition interlock – KSA 8- DI0 B27 CMV – Violation of out-of-service order 292 B51 Driving with expired license or no driver’s license Driving under influence of alcohol, narcotics, or pathogenic DI1 B56 Driving a CMV without obtaining a CDL drugs or excessive blood alcohol - court conviction B57 Drive a CMV without a CDL in driver’s possession DI2 6 months ignition interlock Failed to show non-commercial driver license (includes Refusal to submit to a test for alcohol or drugs - B78 DI3 Instruction Permit) administrative suspension B91 Improper classification/endorsement on driver’s license DI4 Illegal transportation of alcohol or drugs in a motor vehicle CA2 DUI conviction or diversion expungement Chemical test failure for alcohol - administrative DI5 CA4 Juvenile Offender suspension CA5 School safety violation – administrative action DI6 Limited driving privileges with ignition interlock C11 Operating CMV with BAC .04 or higher DI7 Voluntary ignition interlock C12 Operating CMV under the influence of alcohol (DUI) DI8 Entered diversion agreement after DUI arrest Refusal to submit to a test for alcohol or drugs after DI9 Required ignition interlock C13 operating a CMV D37 Default on Payment Agreement C14 Operating CMV under influence of controlled substance D51 Failure to pay child support C15 Operating CMV and leaving the scene of an accident D70 Driving with view obstructed to front or sides C16 Operating CMV involved in a felony EM1 Leaving vehicle unattended with engine running Operating a CMV in a felony involving manufacturing, EM2 Exceeding weight limits C17 distributing, or dispensing of a controlled substance EM3 Towing or pushing vehicle improperly C18 Operating CMV in excess of 15 mph over speed limit EM5 Failure to dim lights as required or driving without lights Operating CMV with willful/wanton disregard for the safety E01 Operating without equipment as required by law C19 of persons or property E70 Equipment used improperly or obstructed C20 Reckless driving in a CMV F02 Child or youth restraint not used properly as required C21 Improper or erratic lane change in a CMV F04 Seat belt not used properly as required C22 Following too close in a CMV F66 Unsafe condition of vehicle (no specified component) Violation of a traffic control law in a CMV arising in Violation of a motor vehicle law resulting in the death of C23 FA1 connection with a fatal accident another person (includes vehicular homicide) One-year disqualification for driving CMV with BAC .04 or Using motor vehicle in connection with a felony (includes C51 FE2 higher aggravated vehicular homicide and manslaughter) One-year disqualification for driving a CMV under the FL5 Failure to pass required examination C52 influence of alcohol (DUI) FL6 Failure to submit required medical/vision Report One-year disqualification for refusal to submit to a test for FL7 Medical problem indicated on driver’s license application C53 alcohol or drugs after operating a CMV FL8 Failure to complete required alcohol program One-year disqualification for driving a CMV under the FO1 Following too close C54 influence of a controlled substance Failure to meet requirements for liability insurance FR2 One-year disqualification for leaving the scene of an following an accident - administrative suspension C55 accident involving a CMV Failure to maintain continuous liability insurance or file FR4 C56 One-year disqualification for a felony using a CMV evidence of insurance – administrative suspension Three-year disqualification for driving a CMV with BAC .04 Failure to maintain required liability insurance - court C61 FR5 or higher while transporting placarded hazardous material conviction Three-year disqualification for driving a CMV under the Failure to stop and render aid after involvement in an HR1 C62 influence of alcohol while transporting placarded hazardous accident resulting in bodily injury material Failure to stop and reveal identity after involvement in HR2 Three-year disqualification for refusal to submit to a test for accident resulting in property damage only C63 alcohol or drugs after operating a CMV while transporting HR4 Evading arrest placarded hazardous material Failure to obey railroad-highway grade crossing Three-year disqualification for driving a CMV under the M09 restrictions not specifically noted in related codes while C64 influence of a controlled substance while transporting operating a CMV placarded hazardous material Failure to obey traffic control device or directions of an Three-year disqualification for leaving the scene of an M10 enforcement official at a railroad-highway grade crossing C65 accident in a CMV while transporting placarded hazardous while operating a CMV material Failure to slow down at railroad-highway grade crossing M20 Three-year disqualification for a felony involving use of a while operating a CMV C66 CMV while transporting placarded hazardous material DC-9 (Rev 01/2016) Failure to stop before railroad-highway grade crossing M21 DRIVINGwhile operating RECORD a CMV CODES – Continued Major Violation Failure to stop as required before driving onto railroad- M22 Minor Violation highway grade crossing while operating a CMV Non-moving Minor Failure to have sufficient space to drive completely M23 through the railroad-highway while operating a CMV CDL Major Failure to negotiate a railroad-highway grade crossing due CDL Serious M24 to insufficient undercarriage clearance while operating a Highway Grade Crossing CMV Failure to stop before sidewalk when emerging from an Out of Service Orders M25 alley, building private road or driveway Medical/Vision Codes Entering an intersection, marked crosswalk or railroad M45 crossing when there is insufficient space to cross over MISCELLANEOUS CODES M81 Careless driving ADM Administrative M82 Inattentive driving CAN Cancelled M85 Texting while driving CON Conviction DEN Denied Misrepresentation of identity or other facts to obtain a MR1 DIS Disqualified driver's license - administrative action EXP Expired MS1 Starting improperly from a parked position OTH Other not valid MS2 Improper backing RES Restricted driving privileges MS8 Suspended/Revoked out-of-state REV Revoked MS9 Insufficient check SUR Surrendered N08 Failure to take action to avoid colliding with a pedestrian SUS Suspended N80 Coasting with the gears or transmission in neutral VAL Valid WTH Withdrawal Allowing an under 14 passenger to ride on the vehicle N84 while in motion and/or unsafe operation ENTRIES ON A DRIVING RECORD PA1 Passing improperly or where prohibited ACTION -- Type of entry: CON - conviction; WTH - withdrawal of RE8 Diversion agreement for a chemical test refusal license; ADM - administrative action; RES - restricted license; AC4 – Heedless, willful, wanton or reckless disregard of the accident RK1 rights or safety of others while operating a motor vehicle, endangering persons or property ACTION DATE -- Date action was taken. Conviction date for a RK2 Vehicle battery - With DUI conviction, order date for a withdrawal, reinstatement date. RK7 Vehicle battery - With eluding or reckless driving OCCUR DATE -- Date of occurrence - also could be order date for a RK8 Diversion agreement for Vehicle battery - With DUI withdrawal or reinstatement. RR2 Suspension for failure to comply with a traffic citation RR3 Restriction for failure to comply with a traffic citation VIOL TYPE -- Code or abbreviation for conviction or action Accumulation of violations resulting in the administrative RV3 suspension of driving privileges STT JUR -- State of offense Habitual violator - 3-year loss of driving privileges – RV4 administrative revocation LCL JUR -- Local jurisdiction RW3 Failure to yield right of way in the manner required CRT TYP -- Type of court which convicted (DIS - District, MUN – Failure to comply with traffic instructions of a police officer SC1 Municipal) or fireman, or obey traffic sign or control device SI1 Failure to give proper signal CMV -- If event occurred in a commercial motor vehicle Contest racing on public roads or highways/Exhibition of SP1 Speed HAZMAT -- If hazardous material was involved with a commercial SP2 Driving too fast for conditions motor vehicle SP3 Driving in excess of posted maximum speed limit REAS -- The reason the action was taken. This entry does not SP4 Driving less than posted minimum speed limit
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