RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVII./NO. 10. \ RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31,1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Swimming Races Log Cabin Inn Bought Town Clock For Henry D. Mercer Buys Attractive Residential Eatontbwn Boro At Fair Haven By Union City Doctor Over the door entering the More Colts Neck Land Dock Sunday Place Changes Owners fire department on the Main street side of the Eatontown municipal building: will b« in- Events to Start ' Ocean Boulevard Property stalled an electric clock, the Joseph G. McCue Of Rumson Miss Dorothy Schlicting Sells The first timepiece ever to be At 2 P. M.—Charles placed on the exterior of the Broker In Large Farm Sales H. Norman Hoyt Place On Maple Ave. Sold By Mr. And Mrs. Sculthorp borough hall. Nunn in Charge ••- Purchase of the clock which -•• Log Cabin inn on Ocean boule- has been used at Leon Smock's Henry D. Mercer, president of Councilman Tony Hunting an- The attractive residential prop- vard, between Atlantic Highlands Service station was voted by the United States Marine corpora- nounced at the meeting of the Fair erty at 180 Maple avenue, owned by . and Highland!, which has bean Four Sentenced the mayor and council at last Three More tion of New York, has recently Haven mayor and council Monday Crystal Brook In H. Norman Hbyt, has been sold by " conducted successfully for the last Friday night's short meeting. purchased from Lawrence H. Her-night that plans have been com- Miss Dorothy M. Schlicting, trad- 15 (ummeri by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Council granted the applica- County Girls ring his farm on the east side of pleted for the swimming races Eatontown, Farm ing as the C. Irving Patterson A. Sculthorp, has been purchased To State Prison By tion for , the transfer of the Bucks Mill road In the Colt's Neck unday afternon, September 3, at agency of Broad street, to Peter by Dr. Howard Welcher of Union lfquor license held by Howard section of Atlantic township ii/ public dock at the foot of Fair and Luba Kozachok. ' Monmouth county. Joseph G. Me* City, who will take possession Oc- Judge Giordano R. Hotchkiss for Crystal Join The Waves en road. Charles Nunn Is in Property, Sold The new owners have been resi- tober 2. Mrs. Sculthorp's daughter, Cue of Rumson was the broker in rge of the contests, and the dents of Red Bank for the past Brook farm to Anton Minoprio the transaction, Mrs. Treea Schneider, will manage of Long Branch, who has t race will start at 2 o'clock, two years. Mrs. Kozachok is in the place for the new owner. Edwin Becker Gets bought the property from Mr. Young Women to This farm comprises 80 acres of es will be awarded. Anton Minoprio Buys the costume designing and dress- Situated on one of the highest Hotchkiss and Is taking pos- Receive Training fine, level, fertile fields. The build- Announcement was made by making business, trading as Luba, points on the boulevard and com- 2 to 3 Years Each session tomorrow. Ings Include a farm residence of Councilman Russell H. Minton that Place—To Run Modern located at 141 Broad street, where manding an expansive view of nine rooms and three baths with the Fair Haven fire company Is she will continue her business. Sandy Hook bay, Shrewsbury river On Six Charges At Hunter College hot water heat. There are two raising funds for a welcome home Restaurant Business The dwelling consists of ten and Atlantic ocean, the attractive bains and other outbuildings, as celebration for the men and wom- rooms and has a spacious den, liv- . inn has long been a popular dining Four offenders were sentenced1 to Three Monmouth county young well as two brooks. It ie bordered en of the armed forces, and that The 11-acre Crystal Brook farm ing room, dining room and modern place for motorists pawing through terms In state prison aggregating Property Sold women have been sworn into tlie on the east By the farm estate of three cash awards will be made on on Main street, Eatontown, which kitchen on the main SOOT, four bed- that section, as well as with per- 17 to 27 years by Judge John C. Women's Reserve, U. S. Naval Re- Frank VanSyckle, president of the the co-operative plan by the com-was purchased last November by rooms and bath on the second floor, manent and eummer residents along Giordano at Freehold Tuesday. At Little Silver serve, as apprentice seamen. They First National Bank of Perth Am- pany at the fire house Tuesday, Howard R. Hotchkiss, has been with maids' quarters on the third the ocean and bayshore areas. Three others were sentenced to in- are Miss Doris Mae Smith of Hud- boy, and is opposite extensive hold- September 5. The response so far- bought by .Anton Minoprio of the floor. The property has a, frontage The property comprises two anddeterminate terms in reformator- son avenue, Red Bank; Miss ings of the buyer. has been good, Mr. Minton said, but Brighton hotel, Long Branch, who of 70 feet on the west side of Maple one-half acre*, and besides the Inn ies; two were fined an aggregate Sales, Rentals by Blanche VanSchoick of Middletowu A few years ago Mr. Mercer ac- added that additional funds will be I formerly • conducted the bar and avenue and a depth of 250 feet, up- there is a house with sleeping quar- of MOO, three entered pleas of guil- and Miss Betsy Babcock of Brook- quired the Bogart farm on the op-necessary andjthe council should grill at the Orchard Country club. on which there is a large two-car Wiltshire Agency . dale farm, Lincroft, and Woodbury, ter* for ten employees and a two- ty to charges and were he(d to posite side of the road where he consider an appropriation in next Mr. Hotchkiss remodeled the in- garage, car garage. The inn was built in await sentence. Long Island. All will receive their now resides, through the same terior of the main residence, in- The premises were formerly the training at the U. S. Naval Train- year's budget. "I think so, too," 1929 for the Sculthorps, who had The arraignments were made, Mrs. Helen W. Noble of the Molly broker. It was generally known commented Mayor Edgar V. Denise. stalled a bar and served meals in John W. Mount residential prop- Pitcher hotel has sold to J. Dono- ing school at Hunter college in the conducted a drygoods store, mov- with one exception, by Assistant as the Lefferson farm. By the ac- The mayor complimented Officer the attractive dining hall and on erty and some 50 years ago, long frlm of Wallace street the prop- Bronx. ing picture house and a real estate Prosecutor Edward W. Wise, Chief quisition of the Herring farm, he John Matsen, who conducted the the screened porches. The busi- before Maple avenue became a link business in Highlands for several Probation Officer John L. Mont- erty located on Rumson road, Little Miss Smith, the daughter of Mr. now has a total of approximately dog canvass of the borough. "As a jness na<* steadily grown since the > in the Btate highway system, were Silver, and better known as the 450 acres, which is required by his years before embarking in the res- gomery making the other, pro- and Mrs. M. E. Smith was gradu- result of his effort^," said the opening'"". considere•-•—-•d" on---e o-•f 'th• -e mos»t at- taurant business. batlon violator. Joseph Lessig property. The house ated from Red Bank high school expanding herd of pure-bred Guern- The new owner, who is experienc- tractive in that section of Red has ten rooms, modern bath, down- sey cattle. This herd is considered mayor, "130 additional licenses have The new owner plans extensive Tillman Hanna, 60, colored, of and Monmouth Junior college at been issued." The total number of ed In the restaurant line, will make Bank. Improvement! to the property. A the' Perrlneville-Clarksburg road>tai™ lavatory, fireplace French Long Branch. She was a clerk in to be one of the outstanding herds a number of changes and improve- It will be remembered Mr. Mount of thoroughbred cattle In this state. dog licenses issued so far this year circular bar will be installed and was sentenced to two to three windows. The grounds, which are the finance office at Fort Hancock. in the borough Is 377. ments after taking possession to- was the founder of the carriage the inn will be newly shingled and years on each of two charges, sale beautifully landscaped, comprise Miss VanSchoick held a secre- morrow of the property. building business which flourished about one-half acre. Councilman Councilman^ H. Lynnwood Min- the exterior and Interior made even and Illegal possession of Intoxicat- terial position at the laboratories ton said efforts were being made to The property was the original for more than half a century at more attractive than at present. Ex- ing liquors, to which he had plead- Frederick T. Hurley's property ad- at Fort Monmouth. She was grad- Preston LaFetra farm and has had the corner of White street and joins. The Bale was made by the Hear Tax Appeals obtain state funds for the improve- tensive landscaping of the grounds ed guilty. The sentences are to run uated from Middletown township ment of Lake avenue. several owners. A brook runs Maple avenue. The business later will further beautify the place. consecutively. Ella Wiltshire agency.
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