Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1951 Some Social-Psychological Problems Involved in the Adjustment of Students to the University Community. Bardin Hubert Nelson Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses Part of the Sociology Commons Recommended Citation Nelson, Bardin Hubert, "Some Social-Psychological Problems Involved in the Adjustment of Students to the University Community." (1951). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 7996. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/7996 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. so?ca sooiAix»psycitoXiOQ -1 cAii p h o d leu s im n u Y m u<tu :.; ABTO?TJ«r O'F STl'DCTS 20 TH8 D tflTORSm COMMUNITY A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Ayricultural and Mechanioal College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Sociology hy Burdin Hubert ?!el son B.S., Louisiana State University, 19^2 M. A., Louisiana State University, 19^3 August, 195G UMI Number: DP69374 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69374 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the master xs and doctor*s degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Library are available for inspection* Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author* Bibliographical references may be noted, but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission. Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work. A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY <cgi a o a V *0 r t «4 Xr 00 s «c 4» 00 ft 43 1 1 JS £d ® < -., « ©Vi •H 1*0 © 2 H Av«. * u a , » *• 3 © 1 « H« d 1 * i I fe I t p O j§ N« 2 43 ea a i* u M % 1 4* 4» 1 I t £ »-* & I t t49 2 h & I ® a « I *; i 2 I 2 • Vi •H £ G3 © 3 5 ° £ 49 2 4» Vi 2 2 .3 «. 0 •9 5«rt GO • 0 5 u I ■« H 4» 1 II ill! !8 5 « I % S 0 2 I | I S s i s I J t * i I " A I i i 1? n - c $I !* 1 * * IT) ^ I i 1 111! $ | l 2 * ! 2 H S g < s f i 1 * * ? 8 t i 1 H1 - >* \ contributed immeasurably to the study. To these end the many other individual a who gave generous and sympathetic help the writer Is deeply indebted. To his wife the writer is indebted in many ways# f&v her under­ standing, devotion, and encouragement in trying times he will ever be g ratefu l. i l l TABUS cm CONTENTS page ACOOWUMDGMENTS. ................................................................................, . i i LIST OF TABLES........................................................... y i ABSTRACT..................... * ............................. * ............................. * ..................... v i i i CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1 The Concept of Adjustment ......................... 14 IX. THF. PROBLEM..................... ................................* ............................. 19 I II . SELECTED ASPECTS OF THE LITERATURE........................................... * 28 A General Review. ................... 28 The Relationship of Results from Various Tests to Academic Success................................................................... 44 IV. CHARACTERISTICS OF COUNSELEES .................................... 73 Characteristics of Counselees ........... f, . 73 Sex and Age ................................. 73 Residence Areas ................... ?4 Classification ................... 79 Scholastic Average .......................................... 82 Students Not Registering the Semester After Counseling. 87 Per cent o f Counselees Who Graduated from the U niversity 90 The Relationship o f Selected Family Background Factors to Academic Adjustment ................................. • $6 Educational Status of the Student's Father. ..... 102 Students Whose Mothers Were Working .................................. 107 The Impact o f Broken Homes* ....... 108 V. PROBLEM AREAS: A PRELIMINARY INTRODUCTION. ...... I l l VI, PROBLEMS OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL D>rV“ELOP«TT ...... 123 VII. HOME AND FAMILY PROBLEMS....................................... I 3I V III. PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT.......................... 149 IX. PERSONAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS...................................... 1?3 iv CHAPTER PAGE X. VOCATIONAL ADJUSTMENT. ...................................................... 201 XI* .......STUDY HABITS AND OTHER ACADEMIC PROBLEMS............................................ 211 XXX. CONCLUSIONS*........................................................* ........................................ 221 BIBLIOGRAPHY. ***** .................................... * ........................................................... 230 APFRrDIX* * * * . * . 2**2 BIOGRAPHY................................................................................... * .......................................* * . * 251 v LIST 03? TABLES TABLE PAGE I* Standing on the ACE in Halation to Academia Standing and the Rorshach Adjustment Hating In Halation to Academic Standing After One Tear. ...... 48 IX. Korsh&ch Adjustment Rating Combined with AGB P ercen tiles In R elation to Academic Standing kfy XIX. Rorshach Adjustment Hating Combined with ACE Percentiles in R elation to Academic Stan d in g .......................................................................... ^9 17. Per cent of Deficient and Don-deficient Students Receiving Various Letter Grades In Specific Subjects* ..................... 59 7 . Average Age o f Males end Females Who Reported For Guidance in the School Years 19**0-**H, 194M*5* and 19^6-4?. ..................... 75 71. Average Age of Men and Women at the Time of Entrance to the University* * ...........................................* ................................ 75 711. Percentage of Students Enrolled from Eleven Areas of Louisiana Who Reported for Guidance ............................. 78 V III. C la ssifica tio n of Students Who Honorted for Guidance in 19^0-fol, 19hMt-5, and 19 ** 6~**?. * ............................. 80 IX. Point-Hour Ratio Made by Students Prior to Counseling and After Counseling in 19*K>-hlt 10iPvA5, said 19 ^6- ^ 7 ......................... 83 X. Psychological Scores for Students Who Reported for Counseling In 19 A0-AI, 19 MM-5 * and 19**6-^7 ..................... BA XI. Point-Hour Ratios Earned by Students Who Reported for Guidance According to Sex and Psychological Percentile Range . * . 65 XII. Per cent of Students Not Registering for Additional College Work After Reporting for Guidance .............. 88 XIII. Per cent of Students Reporting for Counseling Who Graduated Prom the U niversity ............................. 92 XIV. Number and Percentage of Students Graduating from College with Breakdown by Sex* Size of Family, and Psychological Tegt Score 99 XV. Point-Hour Ratio by Students With Breakdowns by 8©5c, Number of Children in Family, and Psychological Test Scores . 101 vi TARES PAGE XVI. Percentage of Students Reporting for Outdance Who Graduated from the TMversity, According to the Educational S tatus o f the Student*s Father. .................. ....... .........................., . 105 XVII. Point-Hour Ratios Earned by Students According to Sex end Educational Statue of the Student*s Father* 106 XVIII* Health Adjustment of Students Reporting for Guidance ,1940-41 124 XIX. Problems of Health and Physical Development .................................... 126 XX. Home A djustm ent .**..••**••*»..•* 136 XXI. Social Adjustment ............................................... 154 XXII. Per Cent of Students Reporting for Guidance in 1940-41 Who Graduated from the U niversity by Area of Social Adjustment* 155 XXIII. Point-Hour R atios of Students Who Reported for Guidance in 1940-41 by Area of Social Adjustment .............................................. 156 XXIV. Problems of Social Adjustment Indicated by 15 Per cent or More o f the Male Group, 1 9 4 4 -4 5 ................................................ 158 XXV. Emotional Seore ............................................................................................... 179 XXVI. Personal-Psychological Problems Reported by 15 Per cent or More of the Male or Female G r o u p ............................. 191 XXVII. Vocational Problems Indicated by Twenty-five Per Cent or More o f the Male or Female Students for 1944-45 and 1946-47 203 XXVIII. Per Cent o f Students Reporting for Guidance Who Graduated From the U niversity According
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