V ALL IS BLISS as (picture at left, left to right) Margie Casebier, Chuck Arnold and Mary Viahovich learn they have been elected to ASCPS vice president, president, and secretary, respectively. Other photo shows three CPS students elected to attend Model United Nations meet in San Francisco. They are (left to right) Dale Wirsing, Meg Koran and Don Hoes. ASGS Elects Three (hosen Arnold Prexy For UN Meet U - Meg Horan, Don Haas and Chuck Arnold was elected as- T H E THE OFFI CIAL P DF ASSOCIATED Dal Wirsing have been chosen sociated student body president to represent the College of Pu- F PUGET SOUND of the College of Puget Sound in STUDENTS OF TH get Sound at the fifth annual last week's final election by a Model United Nations at San Francisco state college, May 5-7, 139-vote margin. Arnold had 353 Tacoma, Washington Trail Editor Terry Schick an- votes; his opponent, Bud Shafer, 1954-55—No. 15 Tuesday, March 22, 1955 nounced. 214. Miss Horan and Haas were Se- Marjorie Casebier won the lected from the student body. vice presidency with 282 votes. Adeiphian Choir to Leave Thursday Noon Wirsing will represent the TraiL John Hewitt had 264. Miss Horan is a junior front The new secretary of ASCPS Wenatchee. Her major is busi- is Mary Viahovich. She received For Annual Three-State Concert Tour ness administration. She is an 293 votes and Elberta Conklin Independent and a member of Thirty-five members of the elkrout, viola, and Janet Joy, in the first half of the program. 253. the International Relations club. College of Puget Sound's Add- cello. The second half features a per- A one-vote margin separated phian choir, the freshman string Appearing with the Adelphians formance of four folk songs and Debates for CPS Terry Schick and Ken Stor- quartet and Dr. Bruce Rodgers, are Delores Crandall, soprano; the appearance of several popu- Haas is a freshman and a mans in the race for senior director, will board a Greyhound Joan Stamey, soprano; Jim An- lar and familiar songs including graduate of Stadium high school. representative. Because of six bus at noon Thursday for their derson, baritone; Dale Bailey, "The Happy Wanderer" and He is a pledge of Sigma Nu fra- fraudulent votes, the election annual tour of the west. tenor, and Ed Coy, tenor; all of "The Gandy Dancers Ball." ternity. Haas participates in IRC, committee ruled that a re-elec- whom are student soloists. In ad- Sunday the Adelphians gave forensics and dramatics. tion for senior representative. The group will give approxi- mately 20 concerts in towns in dition to the choir, soloists and their first concert of the season Wirsing is a freshman and a will be held Tuesday a n d string quartet, the performance in Olympia where they appe'ared member of Phi Delta Theta fra- Wednesday. Washington, Oregon and Idaho with the final home concert April will include a women's double at the First Methodist church. ternity. He is a graduate of Clo- John Ramsey, election com- 19 in Jones hall at 10 am. trio and a mixed double quartet They will perform Wednesday ver Park high school. His major mittee chairman, emph a s i z e d afternoon in the Music building - the first year that a appearing in conjunction with is journalism and literature, and that backers of neither candidate This is at 2 for the Tacoma Women's freshman string quartet has ac- some of the choir's special vocal he is active in forensics. were involved in casting fraudu- College league. companied the group on their arrangements. The Trail is sponsoring the lent votes. Ramsey declined to tour. Members of the quartet are The program includes several Members of the choir include three delegates and will pay all reveal which capdidate had the John Howell, first violin; Joanne religious numbers, music of sopranos Milicent Bulatao; De- expenses except half the food one-vote edge. Storer, second violin; Diane Eg- earlier times and Negro spirituals lores Crandall, Shirley Dickison, costs for the San Francisco trip, Cecil Bell defeated Juris Macs To Represent Italy for the post of junior representa- tive. Bell had 283 votes; Macs The CPS delegation will rep- 243. resent Italy at the Model UN. Since Italy is not a member of Elected sophompre representa- the UN, the delegation will apply tive by 73 votes was Bob Beale. for admission. Italy is also a Beale had 298 votes; Ron Brown, non-voting member of the trus- 225. teeship council and has seats on Donna Dettrich won over Jan- several, other UN organs. et Vroman for the May Queen Members of the committee honor, 287 to 153. which selected the CPS delega- All the proposed amendments tion included Schick, ASCPS to the ASCPS constitution passed President Jim Nelson, Dr. War- by wide margins. ren Tomlinson, Dr. Lyle Shel- midine, Gordon Bertram, Dr. Helen Fossum and Dr. Phillip Fehlandt. Ugly Men to Top Delegates from colleges and universities in the 11 western Campus Chest B10 states, I-Iawaii, Alaska, Canada and Mexico are expected to par- An Ugly Man contest provides ticipate in the San Francisco the starting point for the Cam- conference. pus Chest drive this Tuesday, Under the guidance of Dr. chairman Dick Mosier stated. JLIne Kilgore, Anitra Lowman, lyn Sachs, Eleanor Snyder, Sal- den Chittick, Jim Elliott, Dave Tomlinson, the three delegates The goal of the campus-wide Janis Parten, Rylla Hockey, Eliz- ly Stark, Margaret Tucker and Ernst, Doug Evans, Jim Giesy, have already been preparing for drive which will c o n t i n u e abeth Rutledge, Laureen Saku- . Nancy Wagner. Tenors are Dale Robert Kinch, Peter Misner, the conference. This includes in- through Monday, is $1,000. gawa, Patricia Smith and Joan aBiley, Ed Coy, Harvey Denton, struction in Italian history, poli- Frank Niwa and Stebbins Bohr- One-half of that amount is the Stamey. Thomas Martin and Ronald New- tics and foreign policy and UN college's contribution to United Altos are Donna Bell, LaVonne gard. back. Accompanist for the group structure, political alignments Good Neighbor fund. The other Eggert, Maureen Prawitz, Man- Basses are Jim Anderson, Ar- is Janet Joy. and procedure. 50 per cent goes to the World University ser't'ice, an organiza- tion supporting colleges through- out the world. Regester, Thompson to Stir in Faculty Production of 'Winsome Winnie' Barrels picturing candidates sponsorel by the fraternities and Saturday Evening; T w siulint one-Act Complete Program independents will be placed in Faculty members top the tal- head, Dean John D. Regester; in an effort to be helpful, finds son, Nurse; Stewart Brown, Lar- strategic spots on campus and Lord Wynchgate, a dissolute it necessary to part with his go; Nancy astwood, Mrs. X. Y. the winning "Ugly Man" will be ent bill in the forthcoming one nobleman, Dr. Edwin H. Olson; watch, overcoat and progres- Smythe. determined by the amount col- act plays to be presented in Jones hall auditorium Saturday An unknown gentleman, Dr. sively intimate articles of cloth- lected when the "polls" close next The second play "The Florist evening at eight. Only once in John Phillips; Lord Dogwood, ing to appease the customers. Monday. Shop" by Winifred Hawkridge, every scholastic generation does Dr. Robert Springer; the Mar - Complications arise but all's well is also a romantic comedy. It Tuesday evening from 7:30 to the faculty present their talent quis of Frogwater, a diplomat, that ends well. tells the story of Maude, a 9:30 in the SUB, students, will in a thrilling meller-drama of Dr. R. Franklin Thompson; Ade-. Student director is Kathie charming young woman who take part in a dessert box social, yesteryear, Martha Pearl Jones, laide Muddlemert, Mrs. Doris Jones and cast of the comedy in- manages to combine business and proceeds of which will swell the director, explained. Bennett. cludes. Jeanette Wilson, Emma; sentiment. campus fund. This year's production, "Win- Two other one act plays will Terry Jones, Peter; Lenna Sang, Student director is Carol An auction Friday will be an- some Winnie" by Stephan Lea- be presented by the students at Kitty; Norma Kimose, Yetta Skaggs and the cast includes: other highlight of the week's cock is a one act drama in which the College of Puget Sound. Goldenstein; Delores Jensen, Mrs. concentrated drive. Merchan- the heroine, Winifred Claire, "Rich Man Poor Man" by Bertha Bonelli; Sally Marshall, Mrs. Ole David Headburg, Henry; Angela Risalvato, Maude; Janet Tim- dise contributed by campus or- portrayed by Jeanne Davis, is a Burrill is a comedy revolving Oleson; Kay Engelhart, Mrs. mons, Miss Wells; Jesse Hodges, ganizations will be sold to high beautiful orphan. around a young girl in search of Haggerty; Florence Davisson, Mr. Jackson; Dale Malone, Mr. bidders under the auctioneer- Villianous characters in the excitement who decides to open Mrs. McPherson; Ed Hoit, Tom- ship of Jerry Murdoc, drama include: L.awyer Eae a thrift shop. Her beau, Pete; my Browning; Dorothy Peder- Slovsky. 2 The TRAIL Tuesday, March 22, 195 THE T A I L ods Sa I MO SMOrCSPIflt Published weekly with the exception of vacation and exam periods L.-XV d Hb umpus 'nesr irive by the Associated Students of the College of Puget Sound. Entered T/u... By "Slim" Mosier at the postoffice of Tacoma, Washington, as second class matter. tics and the like. At least that Campus Chest Chairman seems to be the general opinion. Editorial and Business Offices—Student Union Building. Mail ad. DEFERRED RUSh The fact our campus is grow- dress—Box 50, College of Puget Sound, Tacoma, 6, Wash.
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