A selection from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOMERSET GEOLOGY by Hugh Prudden in alphabetical order of authors, but not titles Copies of all except the items marked with an asterisk* are held by either the Somerset Studies Library or the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society June 1997 "Alabaster" in Mining Rev (1837) 9, 163* "Appendix II: geology" in SHERBORNE SCHOOL. Masters and Boys, A guide to the neighbourhood of Sherborne and Yeovil (1925) 103-107 "Blackland Iron Mine" in Somerset Ind Archaeol Soc Bull (Apr 1994) 65, 13 Catalogue of a collection of antiquities ... late Robert Anstice (1846)* Catalogue of the library of the late Robert Anstice, Esq. (1846) 3-12 "Charles Moore and his work" in Proc Bath Natur Hist Antiq Fld Club (1893) 7.3, 232-292 "Death of Prof Boyd Dawkins" in Western Gazette (18 Jan 1929) 9989, 11 "A description of Somersetshire" in A description of England and Wales (1769) 8, 88-187 "Earthquake shocks in Somerset" in Notes Queries Somerset Dorset (Mar 1894) 4.25, 45-47 "Edgar Kingsley Tratman (1899-1978): an obituary" in Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist (1978/79) 123, 145 A fascies study of the Otter Sandstone in Somerset* "Fault geometry and fault tectonics of the Bristol Channel Basin .." in "Petroleum Exploration Soc Gr Brit field trip" (1988)* A few observations on mineral waters .. Horwood Well .. Wincanton (ca 1807) "Ham Hill extends future supplies" in Stone Industries (1993) 28.5, 15* Handbook to the geological collection of Charles Moore ... Bath (1864)* "[Hawkins' sale to the British Museum... libel case v Charlesworth]" in Mag Natur Hist n ser (1840) 4 - Appendix, 11-44* "The inverted strata of the Mendips" in Geol Mag (1875) 2, 566* "Lias exposed in two quarries at Barrington" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1921) 67.2, 72-75 "Mendip mining laws" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1868-69) 15.2, 1-5 "Monoliths form EC circle of stones" in Stone Industries (1992) 27.10, 13* "A new marble from the Mendips" in Stone Industries (1993) 28, 9* "New quarry face for Blue Lias [sic] production" in Stone Industries (1991) 26.5, 47* "Obituary: William Ayshford Sanford" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1902) 48.2, 122-125 "Puzzle of the stones" in Stone Industries (1992) 27.10, 24* "Radon hazard" in British Geological Survey 1992-1993 Report (1993) 29* "Somerset blue" in Stone Industries (1990) 25.9, 24-25 "The stone trade" in Reminiscences of life in the parish of Street... (1977) 8-9 The story of peat (1988) "Thomas Charles Maggs (c1824-1900)" in Geol Curator (1985) 4, 225-226* "The Trevelyan Collection (including elephant tooth from Doniford)" in Somerset County Gazette (9 Sep 1882) 10 A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflowings of waters ... (1607) "Uncertainties over Doulting" in Stone Industries (1993) 28, 10* Wookey Hole (1975) The wonderfull sincking of certen grounde in the parish of Worley (1594)* ACLAND, Thomas Dyke, "On the farming of Somersetshire" in J Roy Agric Soc (1850) 11.2, 666 ADKINS, Lesley, ADKINS, Roy, "Excavations at Ham Hill, 1991" in Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist (1991) 135, 89-94 ALABASTER, C, "The minerals of Mendip" in Somerset Mines Res Group J (Jul 1982) 1.4, 1-52 ALABASTER, C, WILSON, D, "Volcanic clasts in the basal inferior oolite of East Mendip" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1974) 34, 73-75 ALABASTER, C, "Iron manganese mineralization at Merehead Quarry, Eastern Mendips" in Proc Ussher Soc (1975) 3.2, 236 ALABASTER, C, "Plattnerite from the Bristol district" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1985) 45, 17-22 ALABASTER, C, "Melanotekite from the Bristol district" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1985) 45, 11-16 ALABASTER, C J, "Some copper, lead and manganese minerals from Merehead Quarry" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1974) 34, 76-104 ALABASTER, C J, "Post inferior oolite mineralization at Whatley Quarry" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1975) 35, 73-84 ALEXANDER, T M W, "The peat industry in Somerset" in International Peat Symposium, Dublin (1954) AL-JASSAR, S, HAWKINS, A B, "The Carboniferous Limestone of the Bristol area ..." in Quart J Engineering Geol (1991) 24, 143-158 ALLEN, F J, "Dulcote Hill and quarries" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1907) 53.1, 29-30 ALLEN, J R L, "The post-glacial geology and geoarchaeology of the Avon wetlands" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc (1990) 50, 28-46 ALLEN, N, GIDDENS, C, "Treborough slate quarry and conservation area" in Exmoor Rev (1983) 24, 23-29 ALLEN, N V, Churches and chapels of Exmoor (1974) ALLOWAY, R M M, Cheap coal? ... with an appendix on peat ... (1874)* AMALGAMATED ROADSTONE CORPORATION, "The quarrying industry on Mendip" in HALL, W G, Man and the Mendips (1971), 109-118 AMBROSE, T, ROMANO, M, "New Upper Carboniferous Chelicerate (Arthropoda) from Somerset" in Palaeontology (1972) 15, 569-578* ANDERSON, L I, "Xiphosaurans from the Westphalian D of the Radstock Basin ..." in Proc Geol Ass (Oct 1994) 105.4, 265-275 ANDERSON, M G, "The role of topography in controlling throughflow generation" in Earth Surface Processes (1978) 3.4, 331-344 ANDERSON, M G, CALVER, A, "Exmoor channel patterns in relation to the flood of 1952" in Proc Ussher Soc (1982) 5, 362-367 ANDERSON, R J, DAVIES, B E, NUNN, J H, JAMES, P M C, "The dental health of children ... environmental cadmium and lead" in Brit Dental J (1979) 147, 159-161* ANDERSON, R J, DAVIES, B E, "Dental caries prevalence and trace elements in soil ..." in J Geol Soc London (1980) 137, 547-558* ANDREWS, J T, GILBERTSON, D D, HAWKINS, A B, "The Pleistocene succession of the Severn Estuary ..." in J Geol Soc London (1984) 141, 967-974* ANDREWS, Peter, Owls, caves and fossils ... (1990) ANSTICE, R, "Letter on Arragonite on the Quantock Hills" in Trans Geol Soc 1 ser (1821) 5, 613* ANSTICE, R, "Letter accompanying a specimen of Arragonite ... Quantock Hills" in Ann of Phil (1818) 11, 67* ANSTICE, Robert, "Notice of the discovery of some fossil bones near Bridgwater" in Trans Geol Soc 1 ser (1821) 15.5, 611* ANSTIE, John, "The coalfields of Gloucestershire and Somerset" (1873) APSIMON, A M DONOVAN, D T TAYLOR, H, "Late-glacial and post glacial deposits of Brean Down, Somerset" in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1960-1961) 9.2, 67-136 ARKELL, W J, "Three complete sections of the Cornbrash" in Proc Geol Ass (1954) 65.2, 115-122 ASHURST, John, PRICE, Clifford, ROSS, Keith, "Surface treatments, part 2: the cleaning ... of limestone ..." in ASHURST, John, DIMES, Francis G, Conservation of building and decorative stone (1990) 2, 169-184 ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, ANDREWS, P, "Somerset Archaeology 1977: Westbury Middle Pleistocene Project" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977-1978) 122, 121-123 ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, "Somerset Archaeology 1977: Dunball Brickworks, Puriton" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977-1978) 122, 147 ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, "Somerset Archaeology 1977: Southfield brickyard, Taunton" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977-1978) 122, 147 ASTON, M, MURLESS, B, WARD, A P, "Somerset Archaeology 1977: limekiln survey" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1977-1978) 122, 148 ATES, A, KEAREY, P, "Deep structure of the East Mendip Hills from gravity ... data" in J Geol Soc London (1993) 50, 1055-1063* ATES, A, KEAREY, P, "Structure of Blackdown Hill pericline, ... from gravity ... data" in J Geol Soc London (1993) 50, 729-736* ATKINSON, T C, DREW, D P, "Underground drainage of limestone catchments in the Mendip Hills" in GREGORY, K J, WALLING, D E, Fluvial processes in instrumented watersheds (1974) 87-106 ATKINSON, T C, "The dangers of pollution of limestone aquifers" in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1969-1971) 12.1, 281-290 ATKINSON, T C, SMART, P L, ANDREWS, J N, "Uranium series dating of speleothems: Rhino Rift" in Proc Univ Bristol Spelaeol Soc (1984) 17.1, 55-69 ATKINSON, T C, Hydrology and erosion in a limestone terrain (Bristol PhD thesis) (1971)* ATKINSON, T C, "Water tracing on Mendip" in J Wessex Cave Club (Aug 1970) 11.130, 98 ATKINSON, T C, "Diffuse flow and conduit flow in limestone ... Mendip Hills" in J Hydrology (1977) 35, 93-110* ATKINSON, T C, SMITH, D I, DAVIS, J J, WHITAKER, R J, "Experiments in tracing underground waters in limestones" in J Hydrology (1973) 19, 323-349* ATKINSON, T C, DREW, D P, HIGH, C, Mendip Karst hydrology project (Wessex Cave Club Occ Pub 2 ser 1) (1967) ATTHILL, Robin, "Industry" in ATTHILL, Robin, Mendip: a new study (1976) 145-179 AUSTIN, R, "Note on a fissure in the Quantock Hills near Merridge" in Trans Geol Soc (1821) 5, 613* AUSTIN, Thomas, "On the occurrence of Otopteris in the Lower Lias" in Proc Bristol Natur Soc 2 ser (Apr 1867) 2.4, 43-45 AVERY, B W, The soils of the Glastonbury district of Somerset (1955) BADHAM, J P N, BAYERLEY, M, LLEWELLYN, D J, "A new geological model to explain the gravity gradient ... Exmoor" in J Geol Soc London (1977) 133, 385-393* BAKER, Ernest A, BALCH, H E, The netherworld of Mendip (1907) BAKER, Henry, "Mr Henry Baker ... an ... at Taunton ... 1 July 1757 [recte 1747?]" in Phil Trans Roy Soc London (1750) 46, 689* BAKER, P G, COPP, C J T, "Terebratulide affinity of the brachiopod `Spirifera minima' Moore" in Palaeontology (Nov 1975) 18.4, 879-882 BAKER, W, "Geology of Somerset" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1851) 1.2, 127-139 BAKER, W, "Cannington Park Limestone" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1852) 3.2, 125-132 BAKER, W, "The Williams Museum" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1852) 3.1, 5-8 BALCH, H E, "Dulcote Quarries" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1933) 79.1, 59-60 BALCH, H E, "The smaller caves of the Dinder district" in Proc Somerset Archaeol Natur Hist Soc (1933) 79.1, 61-65 BALCH, H E, "Excavations at Wookey Hole and other Mendip caves, 1926-7" in Antiq J (Apr 1928) 8.2, 193-210 BALCH, H E, Mendip: Cheddar, its gorge and caves (1947) BALCH, H E, Mendip: the great cave at Wookey Hole (1947) BALCH, H E, Mendip: its swallet caves and rock shelters (1937) BALCH, H E, Wookey Hole: its caves and cave dwellers (1914) BALCH, H E, The caves of Mendip (1926) BALCH, H E, Fourteen years at the Badger Hole (1971) BALCHIN, W G V, "The erosion surfaces of Exmoor" in Geogr J (1952) 118, 453-476 BAMBER, A E, "The Avonian of the Western Mendips ..
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