The Plant Cell, S165–S183, Supplement 2002, www.plantcell.org © 2002 American Society of Plant Biologists Cell Signaling during Cold, Drought, and Salt Stress Liming Xiong, Karen S. Schumaker, and Jian-Kang Zhu1 Department of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 INTRODUCTION Low temperature, drought, and high salinity are common ery, or assembly of signaling components, but do not di- stress conditions that adversely affect plant growth and rectly relay the signal. They too are critical for the accurate crop production. The cellular and molecular responses of transmission of stress signals. These proteins include pro- plants to environmental stress have been studied intensively tein modifiers (e.g., enzymes for protein lipidation, meth- (Thomashow, 1999; Hasegawa et al., 2000). Understanding ylation, glycosylation, and ubiquitination), scaffolds, and the mechanisms by which plants perceive environmental adaptors (Xiong and Zhu, 2001) (Figure 1). signals and transmit the signals to cellular machinery to acti- vate adaptive responses is of fundamental importance to bi- ology. Knowledge about stress signal transduction is also Multiplicity of Abiotic Stresses as Signals for Plants and vital for continued development of rational breeding and the Need for Multiple Sensors transgenic strategies to improve stress tolerance in crops. In this review, we first consider common characteristics of Low temperature, drought, and high salinity are very com- stress signal transduction in plants, and then examine some plex stimuli that possess many different yet related at- recent studies on the functional analysis of signaling com- tributes, each of which may provide the plant cell with quite ponents. Finally, we attempt to put these components and different information. For example, low temperature may im- pathways into signal transduction networks that are grouped mediately result in mechanical constraints, changes in activ- into three generalized signaling types. ities of macromolecules, and reduced osmotic potential in the cellular milieu. High salinity includes both an ionic (chemical) and an osmotic (physical) component. The multi- General Stress Signal Transduction Pathways plicity of information embedded in abiotic stress signals un- derlies one aspect of the complexity of stress signaling. A generic signal transduction pathway starts with signal per- On the basis of this multiplicity, it is unlikely that there is ception, followed by the generation of second messengers only one sensor that perceives the stress condition and con- (e.g., inositol phosphates and reactive oxygen species trols all subsequent signaling. Rather, a single sensor might [ROS]). Second messengers can modulate intracellular Ca2ϩ only regulate branches of the signaling cascade that are ini- levels, often initiating a protein phosphorylation cascade tiated by one aspect of the stress condition. For example, that finally targets proteins directly involved in cellular pro- low temperature is known to change membrane fluidity tection or transcription factors controlling specific sets of (Murata and Los, 1997). A sensor detecting this change would stress-regulated genes (Figure 1). The products of these initiate a signaling cascade responsive to membrane fluidity genes may participate in the generation of regulatory mole- but would not necessarily control signaling initiated by an cules like the plant hormones abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene, intracellular protein whose conformation/activity is directly and salicylic acid (SA). These regulatory molecules can, in altered by low temperature. Thus, there may be multiple pri- turn, initiate a second round of signaling that may follow the mary sensors that perceive the initial stress signal. above generic pathway, although different components are Secondary signals (i.e., hormones and second messen- often involved (Figures 1 and 2). gers) can initiate another cascade of signaling events, which Signal transduction requires the proper spatial and tem- can differ from the primary signaling in time (i.e., lag behind) poral coordination of all signaling molecules. Thus, there are and in space (e.g., the signals may diffuse within or among certain molecules that participate in the modification, deliv- cells, and their receptors may be in different subcellular lo- cations from the primary sensors) (Figure 2). These second- ary signals may also differ in specificity from primary stimuli, may be shared by different stress pathways, and may un- 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail jkzhu@ag. arizona.edu; fax 520-621-7186. derlie the interaction among signaling pathways for different Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at stresses and stress cross-protection. Therefore, one primary www.plantcell.org/cgi/doi/10.1105/tpc.000596. stress condition may activate multiple signaling pathways S166 The Plant Cell Figure 1. A Generic Pathway for the Transduction of Cold, Drought, and Salt Stress Signals in Plants. Examples of signaling components in each of the steps are shown (for more detailed information, see Xiong and Zhu, 2001). Secondary signal- ing molecules can cause receptor-mediated Ca2ϩ release (indicated with a feedback arrow). Examples of signaling partners that modulate the main pathway are also shown. These partners can be regulated by the main pathway. Signaling can also bypass Ca2ϩ or secondary signaling molecules in early signaling steps. GPCR, G-protein coupled receptor; InsP, inositol polyphosphates; RLK, receptor-like kinase. Other abbrevia- tions are given in the text. differing in time, space, and outputs. These pathways may histidine kinase DesK (Aguilar et al., 2001) are thermosen- connect or interact with one another using shared compo- sors that regulate desaturase gene expression in response nents generating intertwined networks. to temperature downshifts. In the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana, several putative two-component histidine kinases have been identified (Urao et al., 2000), although no evi- Potential Sensors for Abiotic Stress Signals dence has been reported for any of these histidine kinases as thermosensors. Given the multiplicity of stress signals, many different sen- In plants, cold, drought, and salt stresses all stimulate the sors are expected, although none have been confirmed for accumulation of compatible osmolytes and antioxidants cold, drought, or salinity. All three stresses have been (Hasegawa et al., 2000). In yeast and in animals, mitogen- shown to induce transient Ca2ϩ influx into the cell cytoplasm activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are responsible (reviewed by Sanders et al., 1999; Knight, 2000). Therefore, for the production of compatible osmolytes and antioxi- channels responsible for this Ca2ϩ influx may represent one dants. These MAPK pathways are activated by receptors/ type of sensor for these stress signals. The activation of cer- sensors such as protein tyrosine kinases, G-protein–cou- tain Ca2ϩ channels by cold may result from physical pled receptors, and two-component histidine kinases. alterations in cellular structures. This phenomenon was Among these receptor-type proteins, histidine kinases have demonstrated in studies showing that cold-induced Ca2ϩ in- been unambiguously identified in plants. An Arabidopsis flux in plants occurs only following a rapid temperature drop histidine kinase, AtHK1, can complement mutations in the (Plieth et al., 1999), and that membrane fluidity and cytosk- yeast two-component histidine kinase sensor SLN1, and eletal reorganization are involved in early cold signaling therefore may be involved in osmotic stress signal transduc- (O´´ rvar et al., 2000; Sangwan et al., 2001; Wang and Nick, tion in plants (Urao et al., 1999). Understanding the in vivo 2001). function of AtHK1 and other putative histidine kinases and Another type of membrane protein sensor for low temper- their relationship to osmotic stress–activated MAPK path- ature perception could be a two-component histidine ki- ways will certainly shed light on osmotic stress signal trans- nase. Evidence suggests that the cyanobacterium histidine duction. kinase Hik33 (Suzuki et al., 2000) and the Bacillus subtilis Pathways leading to the activation of late embryogenesis– Abiotic Stress Signaling S167 abundant (LEA)-type genes including the dehydration-respon- Phospholipids sive element (DRE)/C-repeat (CRT) class of stress-respon- sive genes may be different from the pathways regulating As the selective barrier between living cells and their envi- osmolyte production. The activation of LEA-type genes may ronments, the plasma membrane plays a key role in the per- actually represent damage repair pathways (Zhu, 2001; ception and transmission of external information. Upon Xiong and Zhu, 2002). Because the activity of phospholi- osmotic stress, changes in phospholipid composition are pase C in plants might be regulated by G-proteins, and detected in plants as well as in other organisms (reviewed phosphoinositols modulate the expression of these LEA-like by Munnik et al., 1998). However, during exposure to stress, genes under cold, drought, and salt stress (see below), the major role of phospholipids, the backbone of cellular G-protein–associated receptors may exist and function in membranes, may be to serve as precursors for the genera- the perception of a secondary signal derived from these tion of second-messenger molecules. Whereas the relevant stresses. In this regard, analysis of stress signaling in the Ar- cleaving
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