Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S1. Specificity of PBX3 protein detection. (A) Representative immunohistochemistry of PBX3 in normal colonic mucosa. Scale bar, 100 µm. (B) Immunoblotting for indicated proteins in lysates of normal colonic mucosa and colon cancer tissue, derived from the same patient. (C) Immunoblotting for indicated proteins on whole cell lysates of SW480 and LoVo colon cancer cells after PBX3 or control (siCtrl) knockdown by siRNA for 72 h. (D) Amino acid sequences of PBX3 isoforms obtained from UniProt (www.uniprot.org) and immunogen sequence (epitope) for PBX3 monoclonal antibody (M01), clone 1A9 (Abnova). UniProt identifiers are P40426-1 (PBX3A), P40426-2 (PBX3B), P40426-3 (PBX3C), P40426-4 (PBX3D) and P40426-5 (PBX3-5). 1 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S2. Effects of WNT repression on PBX3 in colon cancer cells. Immunoblotting for indicated proteins on whole cell lysates of indicated cell lines 72 h after transfection with two different siRNAs targeting β-catenin or with control siRNA (siCtrl). Numbers below immunoblots indicate normalized fold change by densitometry. n ≥ 3. 2 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S3. Lack of transcriptional regulation of PBX3 expression by WNT. (A) Illustration of putative TCF/LEF binding elements (TBEs) within 2.5 kb of the PBX3 transcriptional start site (upper panel), and sequences of wild-type (WT) and mutated (MUT) TBEs used for luciferase assays (lower panel). (B) Dual luciferase assays with empty pBV-Luc vector or vector containing 2.5 kb of the PBX3 promoter region with wild-type (WT) or mutated (MUT) TBEs 24 h after stimulation of HEK293T cells with WNT3a or without stimulation (Ctrl). (C) TOPflash dual luciferase of the same HEK293T cells after WNT3a stimulation and without stimulation (Ctrl). Data are mean and error bars indicate s.d. *** P < 0.001, n.s. P > 0.05 by t test. n ≥ 3. 3 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S4. Effects of EMT induction with a conditional ZEB1 allele in LS174T and DLD-1 colon cancer cells. (A) Immunoblotting for indicated proteins at indicated time points after DOX induction. (B) Gene expression analyses by qRT-PCR after 72 h with or without DOX treatment. Numbers below immunoblots indicate normalized fold change by densitometry. Data are mean and error bars indicate s.d. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, n.s. P > 0.05 by t test. n ≥ 3. 4 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S5. Effects of ZEB1 depletion on PBX3 expression. (A-B) LoVo colon cancer cells were transfected using a second siRNA targeting ZEB1 (siZEB1 #2) or control siRNA (siCtrl) and harvested after 72 h. (A) Immunoblotting of indicated proteins on whole cell lysates. (B) Gene expression analyses by qRT-PCR for indicated genes. Numbers below PBX3 immunoblots indicate normalized fold change by densitometry. Data are mean and error bars indicate s.d. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 by t-test. n ≥ 3. 5 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S6. Effects of PBX3 depletion on VIM expression upon EMT induction by SNAIL. Induction of a conditional SNAIL allele in LS174T and DLD-1 cells by DOX and gene expression analyses by qRT-PCR for PBX3 and VIM after PBX3 or control (siCtrl) knockdown by siRNA for 72 h. Data are mean and error bars indicate s.d. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, n.s. P > 0.05 by t test. n ≥ 3. 6 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Figure S7. PBX3, ZEB1 and SNAIL mRNA expression and disease free survival in n=786 colon cancer cases. (A) ROC curves for determining best discrimination thresholds for normalized mRNA expression intensity. Arrows indicate selected sensitivity and specificity cutoff values for binary classification. Values next to gene names are areas under curves (AUC values). (B) Kaplan-Meier plots for disease free survival in this dataset for cases with low and high ZEB1 (cutoff at normalized expression intensity of 39) and SNAIL (cutoff at normalized expression intensity of 106). HR=hazard ratios for cases with high expression. P values are log-rank test results. Ratios on curves indicate the number of events over the number of patients per group. 7 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S1. Primary antibodies used for immunoblotting (WB), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF). Catalogue numbers and/or clones are given in parentheses. Antibody Species Manufacturer WB IHC IF active-β-Catenin (clone 8E7) Mouse Merck Millipore 1:1000 α-tubulin (clone DM1A) Mouse Sigma Aldrich 1:30000 β-catenin (610154) Mouse BD Biosciences 1:10000 1:600 1:200 β-actin (A2066) Rabbit Sigma Aldrich 1:1000 E-cadherin (#3195) Rabbit Cell Signaling 1:1000 LAMC2 (clone D4B5) Mouse Merck Millipore 1:200 GFP (#2555) Rabbit Cell Signaling 1:200 PBX3 (M01, clone 1A9) Mouse Abnova 1:10000 1:3000 1:3000 SNAIL (#3879) Rabbit Cell Signaling 1:1000 Vimentin (#5741) Rabbit Cell Signaling 1:5000 ZEB1 (sc-515797) Mouse Santa Cruz 1:1000 8 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S2. Gene Expression (qRT-PCR) primers used in this study. Primers were selected from the Universal Probe Library (Roche). Gene Forward Primer Reverse Primer AXIN2 AGGCCAGTGAGTTGGTTGTC CATCCTCCCAGATCTCCTCA CDH1 ATCCAAAGCCTCAGGTCATA CAGCAAGAGCAGCAGAAT CTNNB1 AGCTGACCAGCTCTCTCTTCA CCAATATCAAGTCCAAGATCAGC GAPDH GAAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTC GAAGATGGTGATGGGATTTC LGR5 TACCCACAGAAGCTCTGCAGAATT TGTTCAGGGCCAAGGTCATG NKD1 TCACTCCAAGCCGGCCGCC TCCCGGGTGCTTCGGCCTATG PBX3 GCCTTGGAGGAAATTCACTG AGATGGAGTTGTTGCGTCCT pri-miR-200c CTTAAAGCCCCTTCGTCTCC AGGGGTGAAGGTCAGAGGTT SNAIL CTAGGCCCTGGCTGCTACAAG AGCGGGGACATCCTGAGCA VIM GAACTTTGCCGTTGAAGCTG TCTCAATGTCAAGGGCCATC ZEB1 TTTTTCCTGAGGCACCTGAA AAAATGCATCTGGTGTTCCAT 9 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S3. Differentially expressed genes (F.C.≥1.25 or ≤1/1.25; P<0.05) encoding for known or putative transcription factors derived from gene expression data sets GSE32408 and GSE17375 of colon cancer cells with high vs. low WNT activity. P values are t test results. Gene Symbol F.C. WNT high vs. low P value WNT high vs. low PROX1 4.55 0.00036 IRX5 2.27 0.00426 ST18 2.07 0.04205 EGR3 2.06 0.00103 HHEX 1.83 0.0424 NFE2 1.79 0.02939 HOXD9 1.75 0.03931 ZBTB20 1.71 0.00199 DNMT3B 1.61 0.00842 PBX3 1.6 0.00037 EGR4 1.58 0.02529 ZNF253 1.54 0.00084 SMARCA1 1.52 0.02548 ETV5 1.44 0.00594 LEF1 1.42 0.00105 ZNF165 1.42 0.02459 NR4A3 1.39 0.00862 SNAI2 1.39 0.03477 PHTF1 1.35 0.00114 ZBED1 1.35 0.00139 MYBL1 1.35 0.01915 KLF12 1.32 0.00191 ZNF764 1.32 0.01581 NR4A2 1.31 0.00104 TCF7 1.3 0.00127 ZNF675 1.3 0.002 NFAT5 1.3 0.004 ATRX 1.29 0.00053 TCFL5 1.28 0.00398 ZNF10 1.28 0.00688 MLXIPL 1.28 0.01309 ZNF302 1.28 0.02705 TOX3 1.28 0.03555 ZSCAN31 1.27 0.02786 ZNF234 1.26 0.01376 NR4A1 1.26 0.03304 ZNF107 1.25 0.01499 HOXC11 0.8 0.0026 CEBPG 0.8 0.0035 PROP1 0.79 0.00113 PPARG 0.79 0.00173 VSX1 0.78 0.0012 10 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S3 continued Gene Symbol F.C. WNT high vs. low P value WNT high vs. low ESRRA 0.78 0.0025 ALX1 0.78 0.00361 MXI1 0.78 0.00372 FOXL1 0.77 0.01016 FOXO1 0.77 0.01123 BHLHE40 0.77 0.01713 TFEB 0.76 0.00735 TWIST1 0.76 0.0246 TFAP2B 0.75 0.01784 NR1I2 0.73 0.0006 NR1H4 0.73 0.00345 NR3C1 0.73 0.00632 PRDM1 0.73 0.01934 DDIT3 0.72 0.00064 CEBPA 0.72 0.02258 FOSL2 0.71 0.00021 CREB3L1 0.71 0.00159 NFIL3 0.71 0.00549 HOXD1 0.7 0.00112 NR5A2 0.7 0.00356 NEUROD2 0.7 0.00415 MAF 0.69 0.04299 HAND1 0.68 0.00626 NR3C2 0.63 0.00289 BHLHE41 0.58 0.00162 11 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S4. Clinical data and PBX3 expression in UICC stage II colorectal cancer. Characteristics Total PBX3 expression P negative positive All patients 244 (100) 54 (22.1) 190 (77.9) Age (y, median 69.3) ≤ 69 122 (50.0) 19 (15.6) 103 (84.4) 0.014 ≥ 70 122 (50.0) 35 (28.7) 87 (71.3) Sex Male 131 (53.7) 27 (20.6) 104 (79.4) 0.54 Female 113 (46.3) 27 (23.9) 86 (76.1) T-stage (UICC) T3 201 (82.4) 41 (20.4) 160 (79.6) 0.16 T4 43 (17.6) 13 (30.2) 30 (69.8) Tumor grade (WHO) Low 226 (92.6) 48 (21.2) 178 (78.8) 0.23 High 18 (7.4) 6 (33.3) 12 (66.7) Neo-/adjuvant therapy Yes 43 (17.6) 5 (11.6) 38 (88.4) 0.068 No 201 (82.4) 49 (24.4) 152 (75.6) Column percent values for totals and row percent values for PBX3 categories are given in parentheses. P values are chi-square test results. 12 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl. Table S5. Multivariate analysis of cancer specific survival in UICC stage II colorectal cancer. Variables Cancer specific survival HR (95% confidence interval) P Age (≥ vs < median) 1.6 (0.94-2.88) 0.084 Sex (F vs M) 1.1 (0.65-1.95) 0.67 T-stage 2.8 (1.56-5.19) 0.0007 Tumor grade 1.2 (0.42-3.40) 0.74 Neo-/adjuvant therapy (yes vs no) 0.8 (0.35-1.69) 0.52 PBX3 (positive vs negative) 3.3 (1.38-7.74) 0.007 13 Lamprecht et al, Supplementary Data Suppl.
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