i WeJnesiiiiy. Ajiiii Hitli THE TEESOALE MERCURY. Wednesday, April Kith, 1947. 5 START FORTH BRIDE. 61. SiLtS &HUHGH, BOWES. BIOGRAPHY OF STREATLAM GIRL MARRIED. DALESMAN TRAINS GOLD GUP RUTHERFORD NORTON vbaiKY AND Ci- Ui.o.. COUNCIL MEETING. uuhuiHY LAMOUR. ROCERSON—DAVIES WINNER. AT BARNARD CASTLE CHURCH. AT BARNARD CASTLE. ir, the Rev.-, r.. 0, Butler, opened A wedding nf lunch local interest PARAMOUNT STAR. Ai the Trinity Methodist church, Baruai d CAPTAIN HECTOR CHRISTIE. uli' \ e inc. w.ig \\ i, 11 | .•aver, ufiur wnicli place at Iturnaid c'.asijc Parish t'.nurcu •>n Castle, on Saturday, a very pretty wedding lie » KO ui ilie .--ad new i% ine ueaUl 'or tne l'hnrsua\ between Mr Krues Denis liinht .- li •.'.iiy I .amour i- tut _Iilile yul With die was solemnised when Mr ireywr Davics, sou As trainer of Fortina, the easy winner ol the \ . if. >. i. ae. nii-d even nioie. sad yr. lord, oniy .son ol Mr Mini Mrs Win. Ruther­ . oiy nliie-yiey eyes wit0 made the word oi Air iiiid Alls Uavies. ol Caling, Loudon, Cheltenham Gold Cup on Saturday. Caption . un> »,„. .u; • nine UU lue eve 01 Ills re- ford, Shiuslont . liaruaiil t.u>tle. ami Miss lii as Lucie saiuuii.-u ar. nam and eggs waa untied ill marriage lo Miss Cclia Mary Hector L. Christie, was the recipient of many ii..'.. .»ii ceuiis was very highly and pie Jean (JiriMine No:i•'!!. t i<i> i .iuugluei of Mr Ut moue. Hogeraon, eldest daugnter ol Mr and Alls o. congratulations particularly from Yorkshire i ii.. .. n\ .i.;. lie too bad lUsiiuguishcJ u . an.i Mr* Arthur li Norton, • f >' i-au inu u.-. ' a •lite » me ^ni wini. while canaiying with 1. llogciaon, ol sireatlaiu, Barnard Ca.-lle sportsmen. The success for Cord Grimthorpc i- ii. "oi utiting oie war lie received the a, Siartfor.h. liainaul «.a-ile. 11.. ci .inniij Uiiuce oano, decided to do suUielhuig The ceremony was conducted by the Be v. A. of Matton, a National Hunt Steward, was an all in \ ur tApie .-.u Utuch synipainy was i-oiiilu. ted by Die ii v. U. >tlwyii d) MU i career in motion inclines. li. Catelliati, and Mrs O. Parkinson officiated Yorkshire one. Fortina. a six-year-old hy v. i .... a.ui .lie Alelhodist Uitilcli I, took iter jus; lb mouths Siinih. Viear of Barnard'Castle. lo achieve-siar- at lite organ. T he bride, Who is welt-know n I'ormcr-Bertina also won the chief race at Man u, m. i..i.n-.-li .-ae« .ilisv ilie ChUrch men:- „ i,me sue fir tiiven away by lier father, the. bride yt&tQ UUlU u lu Ulc i laid siege to in the district, served for three yeiav<lurin^ Chester, the Lancashire Handicap Chase on a dress of silver brocade, and veil with In • •••U ol silence. I. iy Wood. the war on tire Civil Nursing Reserve at Monday. orange hi,>ssom and pearls, she carried a In1.nil. ^ o. the previous year were in die forepart of l'J3li iiorothy hud been Chester-le-Ssireet. Latterly she has been em- Mr R. Black, whe rode the horse on each There u> bouquet of pmk carnations and tea-roses. read by the seir&tary iMiss cargnt e. u and liea: a by duly u ,ew uiuusauu ployed at the I'ein.illiu 1'actoiy, Harliard occasion, is a well-known expert amateur w The The bride-maid was Miss Patricia Norton \.ei*~ , i; CUUrCh iiieiul.eis pre.-elil. lie ' i'..ili>i wnn lieio.e i\ay s Land. A year Caaile. 1 he hi idegioom is a serving nielli jockey. after 'sister ol the bride; and the main in of minute""' s were signed by the Vicar, ltd a hall later sue was known to millions not ol the Sattl training Beguneni B.A.C. Captain Christie, who trains a dozen horses at honour .Mis ituduli' Baay. Mfss Morton wore wim;Wl « ue -a.it n waa tits pleasing duly io s the sai'jng inn. she made thai gaiineii. stationed at Slreailai'n. Milton Marlborough in \\ iltshire, h;.s unique a dress of shell pink 111a.10.a11t with head-'xl , in...ii..- io .lie Church oltiiials ior a , .-. world :anions as Churchill's cigar. Vet tiiveh away by her iather, the bride w,.r.> sPortin« connections in Yorkshire; lie is the dres» of pink caxuelias. The matron ol 5 olli'i : a very venerable ollice whieli he has uuiii n in only I.' oi her -u nims. a while satin dress Willi veil and coronet of on'y so" "f Mr and Airs \\ . L. Christie ol .ler- *. iiaiea bai-K W tile i:. h ceintuy. Mr J- Thomp Uorothy l.aniour wa.s born December tilth honour wore a blue crepe dress with' pink brauge blossom. She carried a bouquet 0r Abbey, and married Lady .lean, youngest vi i.i,, Ml ricker-gili have noih been \eiy m New "v,iuail.. ju.r nutter and mollicr labour featheied bead-dress. The] carried bomjuels " red carnations and loses. The bridesmaid daughten r of Lord and l.ady Zetland ot Aske Utl led to on i duues. The \iijir said he wei'e separa.eu when she was three year- of pink carnations. The duties of hot man was Alias 'Dons Boaersoli . (sisler of Ihe **g« Richmondh , captain Christie, who was an ccr 1 i not ha\e bad two better Chinch | ^ stayeu.with h.-r inodter, Carmen, were earned on. by Mi J. {.. Walker, and'"' 0 U MM bride, and she wore a dress :of pale green °* *.e *••""*<>" Highlanders, was captured .»eiia. Ii was pleasing io see them With i i „\|,- <jt i,. t.a-,lenerry and the wltl the groom-in... w.re Me--i> A. I., lilaud, V. w w s 1JUU s hue with floral head-dress and earned with a British Force cut off near tin IS. C. lack- Hiehdly iuces at tne door Of the church ea.ii .- ( Uorothy s nusilies» agent. The star's Carler, S. A. Kllon, \\ . J. Horn Wi ew anemones. There was a small attendant coast in 1940. It is said that many soldiers ol proW son, S. M. I Villi .ck. and E. Raw .loft. The stin....i>. It w.i> iii.e:.' have men with su.ii fajhemvas knieu some years ago in an'air Dorothy Siswick, o.' Streatlain, and slit this force slid down the precipitous cliffs in an organist was Mr l. T. Wiguiuiuu. The UlL" iii. i.s.. lie Was very pleased for ah plane crash While working iol Ttanseollii- wore an ankle length dress of red velvet and effort to reach a ship but a matter of ten minutes church decorations were of white lilac. Had done and tueir great kindness t<> neuuil Western Airlines, wreath of roses. She also carried anemone heat them in attaining their objective. Thev had i' .aoiiauy. Mr Culler thanked the Dorothy showed tier In been obliged to discard their equipment and following lite ceremony a reception was "•''' •i aptitude lor Master Hoy Siswick made a presentation to i ,. nun n ."or .lieir devotion in always , ii,..|-, iuiu« he.'oie -lie was were practically unarmed when surrounded by held al the Morrill Arms Hotel. Greta Bridge, ''•*••'•>• U iour. At ilie be- ilie bride of a silver horseshoe 10 coiae lo.waid, iilao llien the Germans. where over Wh guests attended. The honey oenig ready ln-a i of her inolliei iii.i In i luolliel a friend, man was Mr Reginald Dorter, ii,ii- ; deputy organists; the Captain Christie married Lady Jean Dundas moon is bring spent in London, and the organist ol .»> wlij ui eased her ii a pairtolic .osiLiine lor hymns at the ceremony was bride's travelling eusenible was an ice-1:l; e teauei .ol nie cnurcn Choir, and the mem- the occasions* slie climbed up on a decorated rove at Middleham Church the day before he reported for duty with his regiment. Lady Jean registered costume with black accessories ami silver ; »-'naa> •-clioo l leachers, and the ladies box, sang a war song, and sold Thrift Following the ceremony a reception was fox cape. w no .HI.!, ciiai ol ihe altar vases ; the .-,tuiiip> to pusaing .New oi leanians. her racing colours in 1938. she lias ueid ai tue bride's home and later the happy Both bride and bridegroom are well- secreiaiy. Miss i.a.gut -very gi.'tei'l, who tie .oilowed through in tins war. Alias L;I|U"UI. eiouple left on their hoiievinoon which i•s\ „„ Air W. L. Christie who is St-1 years of age is J: in 1 ,, f owner of the Jervaulx Estate and a remarkably known in lite Barnaul Castle distrTtt. The telt there wu, •he co. 1.1 not do. -•V personally, has sold mine War Bonds than jjeimt "pent - ill London•• ' • . lh•" e' bride -travelled WW xV,-li; THE MOST miC*m MILKING HAC'IINE bride's fa la-i tl w .,. ,• ..f ihe North of ••• •'"-••'-a io •'•lit suuday school teach- any other aiugle individual, she ha s L active man inspite of his age; he hunted with tl.e 'fin a light fawn :uat Willi blue accessories. : England t.hamois Co.. Ltd. The bride Itersell ''ls "" having uraiVh aj) a Mu ; Alls I'festou \a s. u the country in separate loiirs tinder- Bedale Hounds until he wasoverSO. Mr Christie 1111 EMM yzgzzm has seen four veins' service in Ihe A.I'.S. "i year s work and ail the extra work taken for the Motion Picture Committee for upwards of 60 years ago rode with some success B J.
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