1878. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 429 By Mr. SOUTHARD: The petition of L. B. Harris, for the repeal infringement of patents, and "for the use of such patented articles; of section 2291 Revised Statutes relati>e to homesteads-to the Com- which was referred to the Committee on Patents. mittee on the Judiciary. Mr. SAUNDERS presented the petition of Sila-s Garber, governo.r By Mr. SPRINGER: The petition of S. Wells Williams, late secre­ of Nebraska, and others, citizens of that State, praying for an appro­ tary of the legation to China, for the repayment of salary to his sub­ priation by Congress for the improvement of the navigation of the stitute-to the Committee on Expenditures in t he State Department. Missouri River at and H.ear Omaha, Nebraska, and Council Bluffs, By Mr. WALSH: The petition of Dr. W. W. Lockett and 55 other Iowa; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. citizens, of Fr~derick County, Maryland, for the past?age of a. bill Mr. CAMERO:N, of Wisconsin, presented the memorial of the Legis. granting arrears of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. lature of Wisconsin, in favor of an appropriation by Congress to aid Also, papers relating to the claims of Ezra Burtner and of Charles in the completion of the St.nrgeon Bay and Lake Michigan ship-canal H. Wiltberger for property taken by the United States Army-to and harbor, and to ext-end the time for the completion thereof; which the Committee on War Claims. was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Also, the petition of Hamilton Downs, of Watl hin~on County, Mr. HAMLIN presented the memorial of Charles R. Loring and Maryland, for compensation for whisky and brandy taken and used others, workingmen employed in the Brunswick mill, Brunswick, by the United States Army-to the same committee. Maine, and the memorial of George Y. Pratt and others, working­ By Mr. WHITTHORNE : Papers relating to the claims of Dr. W. men employed in the Windham mill, at Windham, Maine, engaged in J. Anderson, of Manry County, Tennessee; ot' J. H. Sims, of J. B. the manufacture of wood-pulp, remonstrating against any reduction Stacy, and of E. M. Shadden, for compensation for property taken of the duties which protect their labor, and also remonstrating and used by the United States Army-to the same committee. against the reimposit.ion of the war tax upon tea and coffee; which Also, papers relating to the claims of John P. Williams and S.C. were referred to the Committee on Finance. Moffett-to the Committee of Claims. Mr. WALLACE presented the petition of L. Mahaffey and others, By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Delaware: Remonstrance of 72 working­ citizens of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, praying for the repeal men of Wilmington, Delaware, against a reduction of duty on mer­ of the resumption act and for the remonetization of silver; which chant bar-iron-to the Committee of Ways and Means. was referred to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. WILLIAMS, of New York: Remonstrance of E. Kingsland, He also presented the memorial of the Union League of Philadel­ J. R. Romeyn and others, at Keesville, New York, manufacturers.of phia, remonstrating against the remonetization of silver; which was horse-shoe nails,1 against any change in the tariff-to the same com- referred to t.he Committee on Finance. mittee. He also presented the memorial of C. Poindexter and others, citi­ By Mr. WILSON: A paperrelating to the establishment of a post­ zens of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, engaged in the manufacture of route from Wirt Court House to Sandyville, by way of Reedy Ripple, iron, and the memorial of William Newell and others, citizens of Right Fork Reedy, Cairns' Mills, Turkey Ford and Falls, West Vir­ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, remonstrating against a reduction of the ginia,-.to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. tariff on iron; which were referred to t.be Committee on Finance. By Mr. YOUNG: Papers relating to the claim of Jesse J. Busby-to Mr. KERNAN presented the memorial of B. T. Babbitt and others, the Committee on War Claims. citizens of New York and Pennsylva,nia, and the meworial of Thorn­ ton & Chester and others, citizens of Buffalo, New York, remonstrat­ ing against a further extension of the Horsford patent for an ac:d substi~ute for cream of tartar for culinary purposes; which were referred to the Committee on Patents. He also presented the petition of Henry S. V a.n de Carr and Elsie IN SENATE. M. Reynolds, administrator and administl.'atrix of the estate of Rens­ selaer Reynolds, decea-sed, praying for the passage of a. law authoriz­ MONDAY, January ~1, ~878. • ing the extension of a patent for the improvement of brakeg for power Prn.yer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. looms; which was referred to the Committee on Patents. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap­ He also presented the petition of George F. Peck and others, inter­ proved. ested in life-insurance policies issued by the National Capital Life EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. Insurance Company of Washington, District of Columbia, praying that its charter may be repealed and the assets applied to the pay­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter of the Sec­ ment of its debts; which was referred to the Committee on the Did- retary of War, recommending an examination of a .compilation of trict of Columbia. · the records of the late•wa.r on the Federal and confederate sides, .Mr. CONKLING. I present a large number of ;petitions signed by with a view to the publication of the same; which was read. ·citizens of the county of Ulster, the county of Livingston, the county The VICE-PRESIDENT. This communication will beprinted,and of Genessee. the county of Orange, the city and county of New York, referred to the Committee on Printing. the county of Essex, the county of Steuben, the county of Albany, Mr. ANTHONY. I think that it should go ·to the Committee on and the county of Westchester, in the State of New York, praying Military Affairs. Congress to remonetize silver and to repeal the so-called resumption The VICE-PRESIDENT. It raises purely a question of the pro­ act. These petitioners are very numerous. As far as I know them priety of printing this work. The Chair thinks the proper reference and judge from reading the petitions and the letters accompanying is to the Committee on Printing. them, they are largely laboring-men. With them are men engaged Mr. ANTHONY. Very well. in enterprise and employing others. The bill having been reported. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication I ask that these petitions lie upon the table. · from the Sacretary of War, tmnsmitting, in compliance with a resG­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The petitions will lie upon -;;he table. lution of the Senate of the lOth instant, a copy of a report from Mr. CONKLING .:_Jresemed ·a memorial of workingmen of Troy, Major Suter, Corps of Engineers, upon the suxvey of the Missouri New York, protestmg against the reduction of the turitf on goods River a.t Omaha; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, of fQreign manufacture; which was referred to the Collllll1ttee on and ordered to be printed. Finance. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. l\Ir. CONKLING. I present a similar petition from workingmen residing at West Eaton, in the State of New York, engaged in the Mr. McCREERY presented • the petition of Lena. Bensinger, of manufacture of woolen cassimeres. I move its reference to the Com­ Louisville, Kentucky, widow ancl executrix of the late Nathan Ben­ mittee on Finance. singer, praying that she may be reimbursed a certain amount of The motion was agreed to. money paid the United States by her late husband as bondsman for Mr. CONKLING. I present a like petition, signed by a large num­ her son-in-law, who had failed to comply with the internal-revenue ber of workingmen residing in difterent counties in the State of laws; which was referred to the Committee on Claims. New York. I move that this J?etition be referred to the Committee He also presented the petition of J. C. Rudd, of Owens borough, Ken­ onFinance. · tucky, praying compemm.tion for the use by the United States as a The motion was agreed to. pot>t-offi~.:e of a building in that city owned by him from the year Mr. CONKLING. I present also a. memorial signed by manufact­ 1862 to 1875; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices urers of flour, residents of the county of Erie, and another by resi­ aucl Post-Roads. dents of the county of Albany, remonstrating against the extension Mr. HOAR presented the memorial of John Joyce and 61 others, of a patent for the use of certain acids in raising flour and bread. workingmen of Lowell; and the memorial of A.J. Nich6lls and 504 I move their reference to the Committee on Patents. others, workingmen and workingwomen of Foxborough, Massachu­ The motion was agreed to. • setts, ~mployed in the manufacture of straw goods, remonstrating Mr. CONKLING. I present a further memorial signed by resi­ against a reimpositi<m of the duties on tea and coffee; which were dents, workingmen of Keeseville, in the State of New York, engaged referred to the Committee on Finance. in the manufacture of horse-shoe nails, remonstrating against the . Mr. FERRY presented the memorial oi the Michigan State Grange, proposed amendment of the tariff.
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