1 $10,000 CUT OFF ST. CATHERINE PARISH DEBT IN YEAR COLORADO PRIEST IHO WAS NORTH DENVER CHURCH E L ORDAINED AT AGE OF 62 IS BE OUT OF IN 1V0 MORE TRANSFERRED TO THE EAST J r L M Father Leonard Wrangler Was Long an Humble Congregation Growing at Rate of Fifty Franciscan Brother Families Each Twelve Months Colorado, after having his services self for the reception of Holy Orders. The annual financial report of St. of that debt was paid off this year for about a year, is to lose a priest He would just as soon have died as Catherine’s parish, Denver, tells an in addition to $1,265.33 interest. The he hkd long lived, a humble brother; pastor, Rev. E. J. Mannix, S.T.L., ex­ who was aged about 62 years when but religious obedience was woven so unusual story. It speaks of a parish pects to liquidate the remainder of he was raised to the sacerdotal state. strongly into his heart that he obeyed Th« National Catholic Welfare Conference Newt Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. debt reduced $10,000 last year, of ex­ the debt in two years. He is the Rev. Leonard Wrangler, without murmuring and before a We Have Alto Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the tra-parochial gifts that ranked fifth Father Mannix, whose vigorous T.O.R., chaplain of St. Benedict’s great while he was Father Leonard. Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service of all the parishes in Colorado, and leadership the past, nine years is re­ hospital. Sterling, whose health is The work of a priest came to him of missionary contributions that took sponsible for much of St. Catherine's failing and who is to return to the when he was an old man; but those third place among Colorado parishes. success, says: headquarters of his order, the Third who have been blessed with the re­ VOL. XXV. No. 27. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1930. $2.00 PER YEAR Last year’s receipts totaled $25,- “Our people are not the richest in Order Regular of St. Francis, at sults of his labors during the thir­ 759.40, of which $16,467.47 are or­ Denver, but they show a wonderful Loretto, Pennsylvania. The Rev. teen years that have elapsed since, in dinary receipts and $10,291.93 are spirit of faith and co-operation. We Patrick Fahey of Loretto has gone 1917, he was given the jwwer of con­ ti I classed as extraordinary. have about 450 families of good, sub­ to Sterling to take his place and secrating bread and wine into the '' ^ i h One of the biggest receipts of the stantial citizens with an increase of Father Leonard wilt go eart as soon Body and Blood of Christ must have I# year was the $5,837.58 cleared at the about fifty families a year. There as the state of his health permits him often thanked God for giving the P- - t : eighth annual mid-summer carnival are six parochial societies working to take the long journey. world this humble Franciscan cleric. held the third week in August. all the time for the parish good. In Father Leonard was for many The Benedictine Sisters who con­ m The church grounds comprise a full return for their constant ,work we years a simple Franciscan brother, duct St. Benedict's hospital at Ster­ frontage on Federal Blvd. between can boast of modern buildings ample belonging to a famous little com­ ling knew Father Leonard in Sioux Forty-second and Forty-first avenues, for our needs. Included among these munity of lay brothers who had a City, Iowa, where his order has con­ besides eight lots in the rear. The buildings is a fireproof school with college at ^ re tto , the Pennsylvania ducted a college. Through Bishop school buildings consist of a church, the largest gymnasium of any Cath­ town where the Apostle of the Alle­ Tihen and the provincial of the Third rectory, convent and school with a olic school in the city. Each class­ ghenies. the noted Russian prince Order. Regular, the Very Rev. Dr. gymnasium and community hall. The room is electrically ventilated and is priest Father Gallitzin. established a John P. M. Doyle, Father Leonard total valuation is at least $125,000, equipped for visual education.” church. Some years ago, the com­ was brought to Colorado. In losing which is pretty good for a parish that Father Mannix is very proud of his munity merged with the Third Or­ him. Sterling loses a man it has started nineteen years ag\> with noth­ people and parish* and they, in turn, der Regular, which is made up chiefly learned to love. » • V e # ing. are equally proud of him. Father of priests. As the work of the or­ Father Leonard was ordained in The financial standing of the par­ Mannix was born in Denver and der expanded and more priests were the same class as the Rev. Bernard ish is so strong that when $30,060 served as assistant priest at the Ca­ needed. Brother Leonard was com­ Weakland, now an assistant at the was needed two years ago to com­ thedral for eight years before com­ manded in obedience to prepare him­ Denver Cathedral. plete the school building, a dozen ing to St| Catherine’s. He was or­ firms competed for the privilege of dained in Louvain, Belgium. He is lending the money. And the interest assisted in the parish work by the First Issues of New California charged was only 5 per cent; $10,000 Revi William D.-McCarthy. and Nebraska Registers Come Out N. Supreme Director Mathews Two new editions of The Register first Catholic paper in American his­ were launched this week. The Su­ tory to enter every home of a dio­ % of K. of C. to Speak Here perior California-Nevada Register, cese in its first issue. But it beat Pietro Yon, honorary organist of the Vatican, seated at the keyboard To stimulate interest in the inten­ In a letter Just sent to members, reaching every Catholic family in the Grand Island by only one day. sive campaign to increase member­ the Denver K. of C. say they arc great Diocese of Sacramento, and With two great diocesan editions of the magnificent new organ in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, which hw just been dedicated. His Eminence, Cardinal Patrick Hayes, Arch­ ship recently launched by the Knights proud of their membership because: The Nebraska Register, reaching now entering California, and with of Columbus, Francis P, Mathews of 1. We promote primarily the prin­ evei7 Catholic family in the Diocese the National Edition also represent­ bishop of New York, dedicated the organ, which cost $260,000 and is one of the largest musical instruments in the world.— (International Newsreel). Omaha, Nebraska, a member of the ciples of our Mother Church. of Grand Island, came off the press ed there. The Register today has a supreme board of directors, will ad­ 2. We conduct annually a great I of The Register, 938 Bannock street,. circulation in excess of 25,000 copies dress members of the organization in •' Denver, Tuesday and Wednesday re­ a week in that state. We publish retreat for our members. The Central California Register for four Colorado cities. He is scheduled 3. We have Rosaries and Masses spectively. The new California to arrive in Denver at 1 p. m. Satur­ said for our deceased members. paper, the second one published by the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno. Missionary Sisters of Sacred day, February 22, and will immedi­ The Register for the Golden State, The new Sacramento paper in its 4. We have organized a thorough has a circulation in excess of 11,000, first issue had ten pages; the new ately proceed to the tea room of the and efficient committee to care for and the new Nebraska edition one in Nebraska one, eight. Bishop Robert Heart Reach Golden Jubilee Year Denver Dry Goods company, where the sick members. excess of 6,000. Like other papers J. Armstrong of Sacramento and at least 100 Knights will greet him 5. We have a sound and economi­ ||o f the fast-growing Register family, Bishop James Albert Duffy of Grand Bishop Robert J. Armstrong of at a luncheon. He will be introduced cal insurance system to protect our The Missionary Sisters of the Cabrini was sent to the United States Sacramento, California by John J. Sullivan, state deputy of dependents. these editions incorporate the Na­ Island both wrote splendid letters by Pope Leo XIII, particularly for tional Edition of The Register and that appeared in the first editions, Sacred Heart, who conduct the the order. Mr. Mathews is one of the 6. We conduct , a Santa Claus Queen of Heaven orphanage, Denver, work among Italian immigrants. She leading lawyers of Omaha, a Knight party for the orphans of Denver and I have extra pages of local news add­ welcoming The Register to their dio­ arrived here with seven members of ed. The new California paper is the ceses. will observe the golden jubilee of of SL Gregory and an eloquent and the old folks at Mullen’s Home each her order. The order now has houses forceful speaker, who always has a year. [, __ their order in 1930. in seven states, and exists in Italy, LISTENING I f message that is'worth while. Follow­ 7. Weias.slsf in financing the ra­ The order was founded at France, Spdin, England, China, and 1 ing the Denver address Mr.
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