. A ---------- ^ f THXJRSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1964 J ' ........ -.^n------- -— <-Tlia Waathar t B l l m r > t W O A Whigs Daily Mat Pfaas Run- iiatur^ilBt^r Coratns JfifntUt Vm the Wash EaUta - Oetshar It, t t a i . 4 J i'; ' ^ otoedy tsafght.'wMh .a ^ «•- ” eelspisf. lew hi aas, ritli eanitia- lArout Town Baluk-Rutsky mg tsmorrmr. high aem ML » ' 0 * 8 0 ^ PiMdc 144 win mMt M m ehaeUi^A CUy of Village Charm rrM iy «t 7:M ipm. ftt K«eney Miss CHoria Ann Rutsky of* 8 t SbIhwI. N«w malnbera will Manchester was dnited in mar­ iwuhre bobcat piiu after r»- riage to Anthony' Baluk Jr. of ■*: - TOL. u x n r , MO. u (TWENTY PAGES) pwittt^r 8 m Scout promlBo Windsor, At 8 t. Michael’^' Ukra- Pinehurst beef sale! ■M «M law,o< tfce paA. nian Catholic Church, Hartford, on Saturday, Oct. 3. V/eVe slashed prices on many of your favorife beef cufsl « t Brldcat’a Rosary Sodoty The .bride la the daughter of RMnbsIb, plaatiliv a s^ t with a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rutsky, ^(ta'lny Btaco Nov. 4 at 7;S0 S5 Irving St., Manchester. The are ronbidod to ri|>ort bridegroom Is the son of Mr. {^iday at 8 pjno. for a briefing and Mrs. Anthony Baluk, 687 .. ‘i China SCMioTi In the church hall. Matianuck Ave., Windsor. The Rev. Stephen Balandluk, th e Britiah American Club of St. Michael's Ukranlan Catho­ win sponsor a dance Saturday lic Church, performed the double ftn* membsis and guests from ring ceremony. Bouquets of S p.iB. to 1 ajn. at the club. white pompons were on the al­ OhailesVarrick’s Orchestra tar. Nuptial music was provided win play tor the dance. by the church choir. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor Khrushchevas Quick Fall Stuns Entire World lliss Patricia lioftus, daugh­ ter o f liCr. and Mbs. George length gown of silk organsa em­ * . liOftus, 194 Greenwood Dr., broidered with seed pearls. The » • * lias entered her freshman year gown was designed with scoop at The College of Our Lady of neckline, long tapered sleeves, the n m s, Chicopee, Mass. She fitted bodice and full .skirt ter­ Events Is a 19M graduate of Manches­ minating Into a chapel train. Her Mao T ze-tung Seen ter High School. elbow length illusion veil was Red Chinese Conflict arranged from a coronet of Army Pfc. Roger DuBay, son crystal and seed pearls. She car­ In State o f Mr. and Mrs. Aehille Du- ried a cascade bouquet of white World Red Leader bay. 14 Hudson S t, participat­ carnations, stephanotis and ivy. May Be Removal Key ed In preparation exercises at Mrs. Robert Taylor of Cov­ Camp Darlington, S. C., for entry, sister of the bride, was Outlook Bright TOKYO (AP)—Communist Chins joined the world’s Kxerclse Air Assault n. I>u- the matron of honor. Brides­ WASHINGTON, D:C. (AP)—The sudden fall from atomic powers today with an announceinent it has ex­ Bay, a supply clerk in the com­ maids were Mrs. Stanley Sa- power of,Premier Khrushchev stunned world leaders and For Settlement pany, la regularly stationed at dosy. Miss Barbara Baluk, sis­ ploded its first bomb in the western region of Chinac::; Ft. Campbell. Ky. He entered ter of the bridegroom, both of men on the street around theSvorld. The abrupt shakeup In Waterbury The. announcement came less-e----------------------------------------------- - the army In January 1964 and Windsor, Miss Claire Desrosiers, triggered reactions ranging from calm to alarm. nation* of Africa also i* bound than 24 hours after Moscow had # 1 received basic training at Ft. Mrs. Walter Isikowlcs, Mrs. Sal­ Speculation was widespread among government offi­ exploded a political bombshell to be worth watching. Gordon, Ga. DuBay was em­ vatore Vendrillo Jr., all of Man­ cials, diploiilatB-and in the press over the new leaders. W A T E R B U R Y (AP) — of Its own—toe ouster of Nikita The previous powers having ployed by Tober Baseball Mfg. chester, Mrs. Malvin Desilets of Contract negotiators called Khrushchev. China’s atomic nuclear capaUIlty are toe Uhlt- Co. In RockvlUe before enter­ Communist party head Leonid I. Brezhnev and Premier Tolland, and Mrs. Edward Dan­ a 7V^-hour recess today disclosure and toe retirement of ed SUtea, Russia, Britain and ing the army. iels of Hebron. Alexei N. KosMin. Would they follow Khrushchev’s pol­ Khrushchev are likely to raise France. Die matron of honor wore an Mjoce that roast icy (d peiMseful coexistence or steer the country on a new, amid optimistic reports of a China's Mao Tse-tung's sUture Russia helped China in early loy a l Circle o f King's Daugh­ aqua taffeta . cocktail length l>orliis photo strike at . the Anaconda among world communist lead­ stages of its nuclear planning.. ters will spemsor a rummage gown designed with scoop neck­ MRS. ANTHONY BALUK JR. radical course t ' ' ' " Today’s announcement did bot Much of .the speculatton. both spondent in the Chinese capital American Brass Co. plant. ers. To toe Chinese, he is al­ sale Tiiesday beginning at 9:30 line, short sleeves and detach­ DELICIOUS, TENDER BEEF — yet priced way down lo reported that observers there The strike began at 6 a.m., ready the top spokesman for say whether China’s test waa Sjn. at Woodruff Hall, Center In the East and Weat, centered held in toe atmosphere or Un­ able floor length overskirt. She the honor attendant's. They car­ mother wore an aqua organza are united in the view that about 90 minutes before the ne­ international Communism. The Congregational Church. Those wore a matching hat with veil on the feeling that at the heart derground. ried bouquets of apricot and dress with matching accessories | [Aease your good s^se of thrift Here*s a i^)ecial of ^^bdab Khrushchev’s fall will result in gotiators decided to receSs until rift between Mao and Khru­ wlsMiig to donate articles for and carried a bouquet of white of Khruabchev’a removal was Red China is not a rigner o f white chrysanthemums. and a white orchid corsage. a boost to Mao’s leadership of 3 p.m. Pickets were stationed at shchev, with the Russian's tile sale may leave them at the and aqua chrysanthemums. Die the bitter Chinese-Soviet conflict someUmes aborUvs efforts to the Limited Nuclear Test l^un Miss Sandra Ferris of Man­ A reception lor 380 was held at I roast that looks and tastes Hke a mfflioo. Better biqr two. and a resulting loss of Soviet the Communist movement. the factory’s gates. ehnrefa Monday night between attendents wore apricot taffeta keep Moscow in tos driver’s Treaty, which bars nuclaar chester was flower girl. She White Eagle Hall. For a motor I prestige in the Communist In Taipei, Formosa, capital of John J. Driscoll, sub-regional testing in all areas except below T end 9. gowns and hats styled to match trip to Florida, Mrs. Baluk wore Qm for now. One to freeze. MmmionimnH-snules ahea(R NaUonalist China, the consenaua seat for toe Communist movs- wore a full length gown of aqua movement. director for tha United Auto ment, was doubtless a factor In toe surface of the earth. ’ ’ taffeta designed with scoop neck­ a blue mohair suit with black | “He accepted an open breach waa that Moscow would stin Workers Union, i s w ^ this his downfall. U.S. Secretary of State Dean line trimmed with lace. She car­ accessories. tai the Communist front rather reject Peking’s view that com Rusk forecast Sept. 23 that Mrs. Baluk is a graduate of I muniam should risk nuclear war statement: The Chinese announcement ried a basket of white and aqua Pinehurst easy to slice boneless U. S, choice oven U.S. Choice or Premium than subscribe to China's theoiy “ Since aufficient progress came as toe new leadersship In Communist Chlitss might scxpi chrysanthemums. Manchester High School and is of the inevitability of war," said for world domination. explode their Srst test devlct, now employed at Manchester roasts. Italy’s Communist party, the was made on all outstanding Is­ Britain is charting (dans to end SOUTH COVENTRY FIRE DEFT. Andrew Boyko^df East Hart­ the London Dally Express. sues to justify It, both sides that nation's own nuclear deter­ and said "for some time It tjiia ford, served as his cousin’s best Savings and Loan Association. BOTTOM Observers in Tokyo believed largest ■ in Weatem Europe, been known tost tos CMnsse Mr. Baluk is a graduate of Wind­ warned in a communique in have agreed to contlnu* nego­ rent program. man. Ushers were Robert Tay­ the change could pave the way The offlcUl New China News Communists were approeehOlg sor High School and is employed | Rome that it would not support tiations in an effort to arrive at. lor of Coventrj', brother in law EYE OF toward some form of reconcilia­ Agency only quoted a govern­ toe point w h en to w might j|e by Hi-G Electronics. any return to hard-line S ta lii^ an early aettlement." of the bride; Walter Ixikewlcz ROUND tion between the Soviet Union ment statement aaying “ CSUna able to detonate a first n uclsn Jr., Randell Iiikewicz, both cou­ and Red China. It was felt that tacUca by K hni^chev’s succes­ A management spokesman ekploded an atom bomb and devlee.” sins of the bride, and Salvatore ROUND Oiineae Chairman Mao T m - sors.
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