The SHOW Daily is Published by SAP MEDIA WORLDWIDE LTD. DAY TWO WEDNESday, 20th FEBRUary, 2008 FROM THE PUBLISHERS OF INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE Dassault Falcon A Promise Delivered Opens Spares We have now delivered on our promise”. These Centers in “were the words with which Singapore Prime Minister Lee India & China Hsien Loong officially opened assault Falcon will the inaugural Singapore Air- be opening its Falcon show 2008 on Tuesday. Dspares distribution And it was the timely centre in Shanghai, China preparation of a 82-million- and has signed an agree- Singapore dollar new site here ment for spares distribution which evoked such pride, after centre in Mumbai, India. The the Asian Aerospace show left inventory is valued at nearly for Hong Kong in 2006. US$2.2 million in Shanghai and US$1.5 million in Mum- Positive outlook bai and will be in place by Lee also said that despite high the end of March and May fuel prices and the slowdown L - R Jimmy Lau, along with Ho Ching, wife of PM Lee, respectively. in the US economy presenting with Singapore Airport officials Once operational, a stiff challenge for the aero- Dassault Falcon will have space industry, the long-term “The region is expected to said. “With China and India approximately US$8 million outlook looked positive. The lead the growth in air travel, integrating more closely into worth of Falcon spares in the Prime Minister said the signs as the industry’s centre of the global grid, demand for air Asia-Pacific region- nearly are especially encouraging in gravity shifts to the East,” Lee Contd. on page 02 double the inventory in this Asia. region from one year ago. Shanghai and Mumbai will join a regional distribution centre in Singapore, where Sikorsky X-2 Technology Update tooling for the Falcon 7X has recently been positioned, Offers Black Hawk Global Version and a satellite distribution Stephen B. Estill, “We would like to show- centre in Sydney, Australia. Vice President and case the technology to the According to Frank Chief Marketing Of- public since we have been Youngkin, Vice President ficer, Sikorsky spoke talking about for 4-5 years. of Worldwide Spares for to giving an update The helicopter will have the Dassault Falcon, “We have on the X2 technol- capacity to fly faster than launched aggressive cam- ogy programme and 250 knots combined with the paigns to increase service the recent MoU sign- bundle of technology that we levels, lower prices, extend ing with Tatas for the have been able to put togeth- our spare parts warranty and S-92 cabins. er like the new rotor designs end supplemental invoicing Currently the with low drag on the main associated with the ex- Stephen B. Estill technology has rotor mast, fly-by-wire technol- change transactions. We are already been ground ogy, all glass avionic cockpit, now focusing on a dramatic ith the first fly-by-wire tested and the company has composite shell and blades reduction in delivery times.” helicopter flown in taken a break from its testing in a fuel efficient with high Similar to Singapore, the WDecember last year, to showcase the aircraft to power-to-weight ratio.” inventories in Shanghai and Sikorsky is certain and excited the public at the HAI show in He said that the full flight- Mumbai will support the about its X2 technology. Houston next week. Contd. on page 02 Contd. on page 03 For Advertising & Editorials Visit Us At Stand No. F96 Sap Media Worldwide Limited [Show Daily] Or Call On Mobile : (65) 90927135 SHOW DAILY • SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2008 01 Day TWO - Wednesday 20th Feb. 2008 A Promise Delivered... Contd. from page 01 travel in the region will soar.” Over 800 companies from 42 countries and regions, representing 59 of Forbes’ top 100 aerospace companies, are displaying their goods at the 30 hectare space. Singapore sings Prime Minister Lee had some good news for Singapore, whose aviation output hit a high of $ 4.9 billion U.S. in 2007, a growth of more than 10 percent over the previous year. Up to $355 million worth of investments are likely to be flagged off during the six-day show. Contd. on page 03 Sikorsky X-2 Technology...... Contd. from page 01 testing of the H-92, which has programme where they will we have taxed our existing here to manufacture the tool- been incorporated with the X2 be introducing this technology supply, hence we needed a ing as per our specifications technology will be done in the onto the Hawks. second source, which is why and concurrently the process second quarter this year. “We Estill feels that this technol- we have elected to work with managers will help Tata feel that the global markets ogy will improve the helicop- Tata.” develop the metal and quality need a fast and maneuverable ters efficiency and safety due The agreement not only processes for the internation- helicopter in the light armed to the reduction in the moving involves delivering composite al environment.” category, which is ideally parts in the rotor as well as materials for the S-92 but also Currently there are no suited for this helicopter.” the workload of the pilot. “We parts for the other international S-92 customers in the coun- Sikiorsky will initially intro- are also working on a program commercial as well as military try but Estill hopes that after duce the helicopter in this cat- called Sandblaster that will products. The commercial today’s developments the egory and already has three incorporate synthetic vision, value of the agreement is in situation might change. “Gen- designs on the board with a which enables the pilot to land excess of USD 800 million erally we like to have access small weapons suite configu- in a blacked-out or hostile over a 7-8 year period added to the market that we have a ration. “Although the helicopter environment.” Estill. supply chain from but that is is a new entrant in the market The company has now Under the agreement not the reason of this agree- and might not be produced started marketing the inter- Tata’s will produce fuselage, ment. We are bidding for the it in time to compete for the national version of the Black door structures, aircraft exte- Air Force’s VIP Programme light helicopter contracts in Hawk, which will be a com- rior skins and a combination with the S-92 aircraft for the the region we would certainly pletely capable Black Hawk at of these products for Sikorsky. Prime Minister’s flying.” like the customers to keep it in an affordable price since we Although the finer details of The other VVIP officials mind for the future.” have been able to resource a the agreement have not been that are already operating the Speaking about the pos- lot of the components to lower finalized, Sikorsky is looking at S-92 in this version include sibility of the technology being cost manufacturers. “We have the fuselage for the S-92 to be the President of Korea, The incorporated into the Black changed how we built the delivered within a time period King of Thailand, Emirate of Hawks Estill replies that there Black Hawk into a real com- of 18 months. “However it is Qatar and Kuwait, the Royal are some variants of the X2 mercial scenario. We have important that they meet the Saudi family, Prime Minister technology in the US Govern- started taking orders for the company standards and we of Turkey, besides there are ment programmes, but there same now and in these region are now working with Tata to several fortune 100 compa- no concrete plans to produce countries that have shown establish the manufacturing nies who also use the S-92 that programme into the Black interest include Korea, Philip- and quality systems to meet for their VVIP travel. Hawk currently. pines, Thailand, Middle-East our standards. Ideally within a Estill mentioned that However, the fly-by-wire and India.” time period of 18 months we Sikorsky is also consider- technology which has been Talking about the MoU would like to be able to export ing opening a maintenance developed from BAE Systems signed with Tata’s a few days fuselages to our global distri- facility in partnership model flight management control back Estill said that the MoU bution supply chain.” India and a concrete decision systems is going to be incor- is in the initial stages currently, “Sikorsky’s integrated on the same will be around porated onto four programs, it involves the manufacturing product team that specializes the end of this year. “We will which include the CH-53K for of composites and advanced in developing quality suppli- have a service center in the the US Marine Corps, the X2, materials as a second source ers is already ready in the US country so that the customers the Canadian MH-92 (set for for the S-92 fuselage. “The to assist with the technical can service their commercial delivery in late 2009-2010) global demand for the S-92 transfers. We will have a core aircraft in the partnership and the Black Hawk upgrade has increased to a point that team of engineers located model.” 02 SHOW DAILY • SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2008 Wednesday 20th Feb. 2008 - Day TWO Pg No. 3 Lockheed How between AD SHOW DAILY • SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2008 03 Day TWO - Wednesday 20th Feb. 2008 Glimpses of First day’s Fly Past Contd. from page 02 Dazzling flying display national colours as they went their manoeuvres were the solo followed by Italy’s trainer Shortly after Lee threw the about their dazzling display.
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