•r ■ n r ^est Shqwh hy Support o f the War Fund The Mary Cheney Library will The Mothers Circle 6f St. Anne be closed all day tomorrow, Armis­ will- meet thia evening at 8 o’clock niki at the home of Mrs. Richard N. A bout Town tice Day. ^ McCarthy, 87 School street. Average Circulation The Weather H For the Meoth «tt Oetober, 1S48 ForecMt of iJ. S. Weotber Bweoo A Bp^clrt Tn4€llBC of the Board ■'The Jolly So and Sew Club met last night at the home of Mrs. Al­ The Whlton Memorial Library of Stratejo*. created In the intereat will be closed all day tomorrow. Light mow or roln ttain efter- of the Advance oampalgn, will be ton Holt, 114 Campflcid Road. Mrs. We" Say — 8,4.56 nooa, clearlMg early tonight; cold* Stanley Napier of the same street, or w4th froecing tempemturco to­ a friend of the hostess, was a guest Ward Chenev Camp, U. 8. A. W. Member of the Audit Veterans, will meet tomorrow night : Friday fair, eonttaaei eoM. jHHribm'ara laaed to be present at the meeting. <he members will BweM ef Clieoki^oiia ......V gather for their meeting next night at S o'clock at the V. F. W. V Manchester^A City of Village Charm pfc. lilllan Pentland is home on Tuesday eveniW^ with the treasur­ Clubhouse. a IS^ay furlough from Camp er of the club, . Mrs. Frederick Speed, o il9 Moore street. A buaujeas meeting of the.Cove­ Is To Be (Cfataalfled AdvertWag oa Page 1) (TEN PAGES) Hale. Pando. Colorado, where ahe nant-Congregational church will VOL. L X 1II.,N 0.36 > MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1943 PRICE THREE CENTS haa been stationed since her gindu- Both the School Street and West follow the usual 7:30 o’clock aUoa from the Army A ^ ln lstraj prayer meeting tonight. - \ ' ^ School for WACs at Rushville Side Recreation buildings will be closed tomorrow for the holiday. Arkansas. In August. She repom The Ladles’ Aid Society of , Jap Ships Blasted at Rabaul nlenty of snow in that region. U Emanuel Lutheran church will feeling fine and enjoys her work. Teachers of the Second Congre­ Year!! gational church school will meet meet ’tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 iNazis Again Admit at the church. * YanksK Drive Ene The following new members tonight at 7 were Inducted Into Rotary last fright: Alexander Warner. S. Ray­ mond Smith. Walter Leclerc. Herb­ rW s Push Ahead; ert W;. Swanson and Airreu r ' r Schlebel. ' ' From 2\Mountains; Just Received! JUST 12 Whftle Line Ahlaze ■r \ ' Another Shi|>iiieiil of Seconds of Russians Attack in At­ Eighth AJt^y Gains Reds^ Skill U. S. Navy Officers tempt to Break Nar­ ‘t - f row Sector ■ Along Is Praised Army Troops t "Army Power ricaiis Smash Sozh River; Soviets By Nelson wanKio Peak Believed Qoser to Im -1* Fight Beside Of Germany Mount Rqtoiulo; Blankets portant Rail Center. | 4 - BlasUSlfips Even Outdoes Mechani- London, Nov. 11.—(A*)— : ,, ■#. i • a Marine Units A bove 1939 Port Facilities Russian forces slogging’ colly ■ Minded America ------ horn and Pesci through the wet snows of thej In Some Respects; Will Tide of Jungle Battle Japan Still Has Mighty British Forces At western Ukraine toward Po­ Be Greater in Future. land and Rumania were Swings Definitely To­ Wallop Poised Over vaiice Five Miles* ; S i ' P “pushing forward with far W’ashington, Nov. 11— —Rus­ ward Invaders in Asia. Solon Quotes Allied Headquarters, Al­ superior forces,” the German ’.’A*' .MU communique said today. Ber­ sia, in one generation tom by Bougainville Action. High-Ranking Officer. giers, Nov. ll.-H/P)—Skilled • 'V'* ^ V M lin broadcasts pictured the revolution and Invaalon, has shift* ’The photo above, taken from one of the U. S. Fifth Air Force planea which bombed Japan’s big American mountain tighters, whole Russian front from the In­ ed completely from peasant farm­ base on Rabaul island shows at least four enemy ve.ssols sinking or burning, against a background Southwest Pacific Allied Head­ Washington, Nov. Ger­ of the P'iftli Army stormed of smoke rising from blasted shore installations. The .-hip in the foreground, a Nachi class, 10,000- vested Crimea to the frozen fields ing to an economy of industrial quarters, Nov. 11—(^ —Powerful many's war strength is greater to­ up the heights and drove the around Nevel abiazc with heavy ton cruiser carrying ten 8-inch guns, was damaged in a subsequent bombing. (U. S. Signal Corps ra­ V ^ skill that in aor e respecta outdoes reinforcements of regular U. S. day than in 1939 and Japan still enemy fi-om twb mountains^ 5" ^ >^ 3 Soviet offensives even mechanically-minded Amer­ diotelephoto from NEA.) Army troops, landed without loss 100% Fine Wool— Grey Only Violent T«nk Battle ica. has' a mighty wallop poised over including Mount Rotondo , Donald M. Nelson, the U. 8. from warship-guarded transports, northvCest of Mignano where 3 . i 'A A vlolept tank battle was re­ Asia, a high-ranking U. S. Army ported near the Whits' Russian Number One war production man, fought today alongside the spear­ chieftain was quoted as saying to­ the main inland road to Rome t brought this impression back with Bricker Entry head of Marines on Bougainville }lAYl%)l’t’£K k rail center of Ctomel where Berlin day. passes through the heavily forti­ 3 said the Russian- attacked “with him from an extended tour of the British Empires Aid against badly decimated Japanese. fied line that Nazi soldiers havu numerous rifle divisions, masses European and African war fronts. The tide of jungle battle — a The statement was made by. been ordered to hold until New of tanks and planes’’ In an at­ The chief of the War Production For Race Mav welter of tanks, mortars and cam­ Representative Outland (D-Calif.) Year’s, Allied headquarters an­ $9.95 tempt to break a narrow sector Board declared that th- Russians ^ - ouflaged men contending In the who said he was quoting Maj. Gen. nounced today. i ■. of the front along th e Sozh river, have built a “great industrial na­ Stressed in Report roughest type of terrain—swung George V. Stfong, chief of the The Americans smashed for­ * If Mrst Quality—$14.98 Tax included ‘ tributary of the Dnieper. The Ger­ tion” which will be even greater Draw Others definitely, toward the Invaders of Army's Military Intelligence divi­ ward against German counter­ mans said they destroyed 217 in peacetime. the last big Solomons island pro­ sion, with the general’s permission. thrusts to the peak of Mount Ro­ tecting the Nipponese fortress of One of the SeasonV tanks. Cites Materiel Flow Separate Reports Point Outland, avowedly anxious to tondo overlooking the broad val­ • Slight misweave.a or holes which have been skillfully The Soviet factories perform Rabaul. prick any bubbles of U. S. optim­ The fresh Russian gains, pre­ Justice Sure ley leading to Cassino, eight mitaa Smartest Designs in mended. Blankets that will give years of wni-mth .nnd sumably carried the Ukrainian their munitions - tasks ip some Dozen Possible Cancli- To Goods Received in "Our Bougainville operations ism over the war task ahead, de­ north of Mignano. ways better than Americans, said were successful beyond our fond­ clared that Strong told a secret real service. Note the fine soft wool. Made for the offi­ Armies closer than 40 miles from dates in Both Par­ Wrecking Port Facilities New Hats the rail center of Zhitomir, as re­ Nelson. He cited as notable the ‘Reverse Lend-l-ease’ est expectations," said Rear Ad­ congressional session several weeks cers of the Navy. way they keep materiel flowing Evidence Not miral Robert B. Carney after Meanwhile, an Air Force state­ We have marked these far below our ceiling price— ^to give ported at midnight by Moscow. lies; Willke’s Sup­ Through Last June. ago that; ment disclosed that the Germans' At that time, the Russians were into and out of plants—"much bet­ watching the soldiers awarm Germany: ter than we have.” ashore and after'seeing an enemy already were blasting and wreck­ twelve lucky women wearing sizes 14 to 40 42 miles directly west of Kiev and porters Not Worried. — T* 1—The German Army has ap­ ing ships and port TaciUtlea at lunging swiftly forward on a 70- He envisaged a vast two-way Washington, Nov. 11.—<A*)i Fake in Case raiding Air Force lose 26 out of proximately three times as many trade between Russia and tfi^e Uni­ 60 dive-bombers and fighters with­ both the west and east coast porta - $1.98 mile front. Washington. Nov. 11.—(/P)—The — President Roosevelt and 1 combat divisions in the field today of Leghorn and Pescara, either in ’The German communique ac­ ted States after the war, aXMrting out sinking one of the ships in the 1944 presidential race had its first i the British government, in preparation for evacuation of knowledged the Russians had Daly Exhorts Jurors to convoy. I (Continued oa *ag. Five). k — - (Continued on^Page Five) public entry today — the name of separate reports, today laid^ One Transport Damaged those places or in fear of their TI COM A Real Investment made "a local dent" in a fresh at­ Bomba damaged one transport seizure by Allied amphiblbus MJtttcjitSTwk Comm* tack northeast bf the Crimean Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio fqr heavy stress upon the mate-' Give de Marigny Bene­ forces. n i J W I U M c o i po-t of Kerch arid told of attacks bu.
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