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NFO Opens On:18th January'21 | NFO Closes On:1st February'21 For more information, contact your mutual fund distributor or visit: mf.nipponindiaim.com Investors will be bearing the recurring expenses of the scheme in addition to the expenses of underlying schemes. Nippon India Asset Allocator FoF (An open ended fund of funds scheme investing in equity oriented schemes, debt oriented schemes and gold ETF of Nippon India Mutual Fund) Nippon India Asset Allocator FoF is suitable for investors who are seeking*: • Long term capital growth • An open ended fund of funds scheme investing in equity oriented schemes, debt oriented schemes and Gold ETF of Nippon India Mutual Fund Investors understand that their principal *Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them. will be at High risk Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. MCS/204/2020-22RNINO.MAHENG2002/21899 eye THE SUNDAY EXPRESS MAGAZINE WISH UPON AREPUBLIC MUMBAI,LATECITY What could be more 24JANUARY,2021 emblematic of acapital 16PAGES,`5.00 constantly on the build than the harmonyofa familiar monument? DAILYFROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES13, 14, 15 MEETING IN MOLDONEAR CHUSHUL At Netaji event, Indian,Chinesemilitarycommanders Mamata refuses to ` 50 per kilo speak after slogans ` 78 per kilo arebackattheLACtalkstabletoday ` 93 per kilo Meeting scheduledafter word from Beijingamidstextended winterdeploymentonbothsides in PM’s presence ` 60 per Dozen XIV Corps commanderLt logue at the senior level, the two Consultation &Coordination on troops dug in at severalplaces in KRISHNKAUSHIK General PGK Menon and South sides have been working the hot- India-China Border Affairs eastern Ladakh. The Chinese re- SANTANUCHOWDHURY WORLD NEWDELHI,JANUARY23 Xinjiang MilitaryRegion com- lines and other mechanisms to (WMCC), has also been attend- fusedtocompletethe disengage- &ATRIMITRA mander Major General Liu Lin are prevent anyuntowardincident ing the militarydiscussions. ment process and both armies KOLKATA,JANUARY23 MORE THAN two-and-a-half to meetSundaymorning at the on the ground. India has re- While the militarycom- broughtin additionalforces in the months aftertheylastmet, Border Personnel Meeting (BPM) turnedtwo PLAsoldiers who manderslastmet on November depth areas, deploying tanks, ar- WITH WESTBengal headedto Indian and Chinese military point in Moldo on the Chinese strayed across the LAC. 6, the lastround of diplomatic tilleryand air power. assembly elections, rivals TMC commanders will sit across the side of the LACnear Chushul. Arepresentative of the talksvia the WMCCtook place LastAugust, Indiantroops and BJP sparred Saturday during table Sunday to tryand make Sources said the meeting has MinistryofExternal Affairs will on December 18. surprisedthe Chinese by occu- celebrationsinKolkata to mark headway in talksoverthe situa- been scheduledfollowing word also be at the talksSunday. MEA Forweeks afterthe standoff pying dominatingheightsonthe the birth anniversaryofNetaji tion along the Line of Actual from China on amemothatIndia Joint Secretary(EastAsia) beganlastMay,whentheChinese south bank of Pangong Tso, and Subhas ChandraBose. ControlinLadakhwherethou- sent. With 50,000troops of each Naveen Srivastava, leading the came in 8kmwestofthe point in the largerChushulsub-sector. Her speechinterruptedby TALK SHOW HOST sands of troops have been in a armydeployedinthe region for Indian side in meetings of the that India says marksthe LACon Indian troops positioned BJP supporters who raised‘Jai LARRY KINGDIES faceoffsince May2020. an indefiniteperiod and no dia- Working Mechanism for the north bank of Pangong Tso, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Shri Ram’ slogans, Chief Minister PAGE 12 Mamata Banerjee, sharing adais with Prime MinisterNarendra Modi at Victoria Memorial, re- fusedtospeak,saying theyhad no right to “humiliateaperson In the pipeline: afterextending an invitation”. Upsetbytheslogans,Banerjee toldthegathering:“Ifeelagovern- Prime MinisterNarendra flagship scheme ment programme should have Modi with West Bengal some dignity.This is agovern- Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar ment programme, notthe pro- and Chief MinisterMamata grammeof apoliticalparty…This Banerjeeatthe Victoria to take tap water isapublicprogramme.Ithankthe MemorialinKolkataon Prime Ministerand the Culture Saturday. Partha Paul to all cities, towns CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Jal JeevanMission-Urban: Cabinetto ED arrestsViva considerRs2,79,500-cr,5-year plan Group director KARISHMAMEHROTRA NEWDELHI,JANUARY23 BUDGET ’21 IN THE Budget,the Centreis Mehul Thakur likelytoannounce anew flag- ship programme —Jal Jeevan bers and relatives, ownedmore Mission-Urban (JJM-Urban) —to EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE than 25 companies. Mostof provide tapwater connections Astatue of Bal Thackeray wasunveiled near the NationalGalleryofModern ArtinMumbaionSaturday, his 95th birth MUMBAI,JANUARY23 these firms arenow defunct but to all statutorytowns, and, sepa- anniversary. PradipDas PAGE3 were usedto“divert hugefunds rately,sewer connections to all THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate from HDIL”in“connivance” with citieswithapopulation of over COUNTDOWN (ED) on SaturdayarrestedMehul HDIL promoterRakesh 1lakh, by 2026. IN&OUTOFCOVIDSHADOW Thakur,Director of Viva Group – Wadhawan. Government sources said the Farmers can enter Delhi run by the familyofVasai MLA The remand applicationsub- ExpenditureFinance Committee Unease in Punjab BJP: and leader of BahujanVikas mitted to the courtbyEDadded approved the Rs 2,79,500-crore Aghadi, HitendraThakur –for di- that Viva Holding, Viva Estate, five-year programme on for R-day tractor rally, ‘PM could solve row verting over Rs 196crore from Viva Kshitz EnterprisesPrivate December 17,and the Union HousingDevelopment Limited andVivaHome Housing and Urban Affairs InfrastructureLimited(HDIL) to Developers have receivedRs Ministryhas submittedthe pro- to stay near borders in aday if he wants’ the group and transferring two 90.51crore,Rs70.11 crore, Rs posal to the CabinetSecretariat. properties worthRs34croreofa 32.93 croreand Rs 2.75 crore, re- “Therewas ademand from Nalsejal,both official parade on Rajpath. day" if he wanted. companycontrolledbythe HDIL spectively,fromHDIL. states that cities notcovered un- ruralandurban MAHENDERSINGH As per the agreement,the RAAKHIJAGGA Manyother party leaders ex- promoters to the group without “Suchdiversion of funds der the Atal Mission for MANRAL farmers will enter Delhi from all LUDHIANA,JANUARY23 pressedapprehension that the anymonetary consideration. from HDIL controlledbythe Rejuvenation and Urban NEWDELHI,JANUARY23 thethree borders wherethou- protests could take aviolent Mehul is theson of Deepak Wadhawans to the Viva Group Transformation(AMRUT) MODELLED AFTER the ru- sands of them have been WITH NO quickend in sight to turn, even as theydread the civic Thakur,acousin of Hitendra controlledbyMrMehul Thakur should also be providedsupport ralJal JeevanMission, the HAVINGFAILED to convince protesting forthe pasttwo the farmer agitationand talks polls schedulednextmonth. Thakur. and others remain largely unex- forwater and sewage,” asource MinistryofHousing and farmers to stay outside the bor- months, but stay in the adjoin- with the government stalled, Aformer minister, Chawla, The agency also arrested plained,” the agency told the told TheSunday Express. Urban Affairshas proposed ders of Delhi despitetalksforthe ing areas and notventureto- thereisgrowing disquietwithin 78, told The SundayExpress, Madan Gopal Chaturvedi, achar- court. It claimedthat thesefunds “Morethan 3,500cities are aparallelprogramme to pastweek,the Delhi Police wardsCentral Delhi. the ranksofthe Punjab BJP. “Speaking as acitizen of India teredaccountant and director of areapparentlythe illegal fund di- notsupportedbyany structured provide tapwater connec- Saturday grantedthem permis- Thousands of tractors are Veteranleader and formerBJP and notasaBJP leader,Ifeel no afew companies ownedby verted from the Punjab and scheme… so the government tion in everyurban house- sion to carry out atractor parade headedfor DelhifromPunjab national vice-president Laxmi protestshould run so long. Aso- Mehul. Later in the day, alocal MaharashtraCo-operative has decidedtolaunchanother holdby2026. It will also fo- on Republic Dayinside the and Haryana to participateinthe KantaChawlasaid Saturdaythat lution to it should have been courtremandedMehul and (PMC) Bank.
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