Carl Chun THE CEPHALOPO PART I: OEGOPSIDA PART II: MYOPSIDA, OCTOPODA ATLAS Carl Chun THE CEPHALOPODA NOTE TO PLATE LXVIII Figure 7 should read Figure 8 Figure 9 should read Figure 7 GERMAN DEEPSEA EXPEDITION 1898-1899. VOL. XVIII SCIENTIFIC RESULTS QF THE GERMAN DEEPSEA EXPEDITION ON BOARD THE*STEAMSHIP "VALDIVIA" 1898-1899 Volume Eighteen UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GERMAN MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Supervised by CARL CHUN, Director of the Expedition Professor of Zoology , Leipzig. After 1914 continued by AUGUST BRAUER Professor of Zoology, Berlin Carl Chun THE CEPHALOPODA PART I: OEGOPSIDA PART II: MYOPSIDA, OCTOPODA ATLAS Translatedfrom the German ISRAEL PROGRAM FOR SCIENTIFIC TRANSLATIONS Jerusalem 1975 TT 69-55057/2 Published Pursuant to an Agreement with THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION and THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. Since the study of the Cephalopoda is a very specialized field with a unique and specific terminology and phrase- ology, it was necessary to edit the translation in a technical sense to insure that as accurate and meaningful a represen- tation of Chun's original work as possible would be achieved. We hope to have accomplished this responsibility. Clyde F. E. Roper and Ingrid H. Roper Technical Editors Copyright © 1975 Keter Publishing House Jerusalem Ltd. IPST Cat. No. 05452 8 ISBN 7065 1260 X Translated by Albert Mercado Edited by Prof. O. Theodor Copy-edited by Ora Ashdit Composed, Printed and Bound by Keterpress Enterprises, Jerusalem, Israel Available from the U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service Springfield, Va. 22151 List of Plates I Thaumatolampas diadema of luminous o.rgans 95 luminous organ 145 n.gen.n.sp. 50 Pytoteuthis margaritifera Ctenopteryx sp., juvenile II Thaumatolampas diadema 106 155 CH. 50 Pterygioteuthis XV giardi, Pt. XXVIII Rhynchoteuthis , larvae III Thaumatolampas diadema gemmata, hectocotylus 157-160 CH. 50 and genitalia 93 XXIX Rhynchoteuthis, larvae IV Thaumatolampas diadema, XVI Pterygioteuthis giardi, Pt. 157-160 luminous organs 61 gemmata, luminous Brachioteuthis . larvae 166 V Abraliopsis morisii VER. organs 96 Brachioteuthis picta 64 XVII Octopodoteuthis RtJPPEL CHUN 162 VI Abraliopsis morisii VER., ( Veranya Brachioteuthis KROHN), XXX , juvenile male and juvenile stages larvae 109 166 64 XVIII Calliteuthis hoylei Brachioteuthis picta 162 VII Young larvae of GOODRICH 133 XXXI Brachioteuthis picta n.sp. Abraliopsis 80 Calliteuthis reversa 136 162 Young larvae of Histioteuthis 138 Juvenile Brachioteuthis, Thelidioteuthis XIX Histioteutlus 138, 139 gladius and arm alessandrinii VER. 83 Calliteuthis hoylei apparatus 166 Indeterminable larvae of GOODRICH 133 XXXII Brachioteuthis picta n.sp., Enoploteuthidae 82 Calliteuthis reversa 136 head, intestinal tract, VIII Abraliopsis morisii VER., XX Calliteuthis hoylei vascular system 162 arm apparatus and GOODRICH 118, 124, XXXIII Mastigoteuthis glaukopis buccal funnel 68 133 n.sp. 184 IX Abraliopsis morisii VER., Calliteuthis reversa 136 M. flammea n.sp. 181 mantle complex and Calliteuthis ocellata 128, XXXIV Mastigoteuthis cordformis genitalia 73 130 n.sp. 177 Abralia veranyi RUPP., XXI Histioteuthis ruppellii XXXV Mastigoteuthis VERRILL. mantle complex and 130. 138 gladius, cartilage, arm genitalia 76 XXII Teleoteuthis caribaea apparatus X Abraliopsis morisii VER., LESUEUR 141, 142 M. cordformis n.sp. 177 hectocotylus, genitalia, XXIII Larvae of Onychoteuthidae M. glaukopis n.sp. 184 luminous organs 67 143 M. flammea 1 8 1 XI Pyroteuthis margaritifera Teleoteuthis caribaea. XXXVI Mastigoteuthis, anatomy VER. 106 clubs 141 M. flammea 181 Enoploteuthis leptura XXIV Benthoteuthis megalops M. cordiformis 1 77 D'ORB. 86 VERRILL (Bathyteuthis XXXVII Mastigoteuthis, luminous XII Pterygioteuthis giardi abyssicola HOYLE) organs FISCHER, males and 145 M. glaukopis 184 juvenile forms 87 XXV Benthoteuthis megalops M. flammea 181 XIII Pterygioteuthis giardi. Pt. VERRILL, arm M. cordiformis \11 gemmata. arm, buccal apparatus 145, 151- XXXVIII Chiroteuthis (Chirotauma) funnel, larvae 87 152 imperator n.sp. 189 Pytoteuthis margaritifera XXVI Benthoteuthis megalops XXXIX Chiroteuthis imperator 90 VERRILL, intestinal 189 Indeterminable larvae of tract, vascular system Doratopsis e.xophthalmica Enoploteuthidae 85 145, 152 228 XIV Pterygioteuthis giardi, Pt. XXVII Benthoteuthis megalops D. lippula 229 gemmata, arrangement VERRILL, eye and D. sagitta 227 1 9 C. Chun XL Chiroteuthis veranyi n.gen.n.sp. 286 LXXV Velodona togata. n.gen.n. FERUSSAC 221 LV1 Teuthowenia antarclica sp. 373 Chiroteuthis imperator n.sp. 293 LXXVI Velodona togata n.gen.n.sp. 189 Sandalops melancholis 373 Ch.picteti 192 n.gen.n.sp. 295 LXXVII Tremoctopus hyalinus XLI Chiroteuthis imperator. Bathothauma 242 RANG, juvenile 371 nervous system, gladius. Toxeuma belone 296 Polypus, juvenile 378 viscera 201,207 LVI1 Bathothauma 250 LXXVIII Larvaej^f bristle bearing XLII Chiroteuthis. mantle Teuthowenia antarclica n. Octopoda 381 complex, intestinal tract sp. 293 LXXIX Polypus levis HOYLE 380 Ch. imperator 189 LVIII Toxeuma belone n.gen.n.sp. LXXX Polypus valdiviae 378 Ch. veranyi 221 296 LXXXI Eledonella pygrnaea 383 XLI 1 1 Chiroteuthis imperator Bathothauma lyromma VERR. 189 n.gen.n.sp. 303 LXXXI I Bolitaena diapharia XLIV Chiroteuthis. luminous LIX Gal iteul his ( Taonidium) STEENSTR. 385 organs, glandular knobs suhmii HOYLE 297 LXXXIII Bolitaena diaphana Ch. veranyi 221 LX Luminous organs of STEENSTR.. juvenile Ch. imperator 189 Cranchiidae 385 XLV Doratopsis sagitta n.sp. Cranchia scabra 268 LXXXIV Bolitaena 385 227 Liocranchia valdiviae 268 LXXXV Bolitaena diaphana, D. lippula n.sp. 229 Leachia eschscholtzii 275 Eledonella pygrnaea. XLV1 Doratopsis exophthalmica Corynomma speculator nervous system 392 n.sp. 228 289 LXXXVI Bolitaena diaphana. D. lippula n.sp. 229 Desmoleuthis pellucida Eledonella pygrnaea. XLVII Doratopsis. anatomy 283 static organs, D. sagitta 227 Bathothauma lyromma osphradium 405 D. exophthalmica 228 303 LXXXVII Bolitaena diaphana. D. vermicutaris RUPPELL LXI Larvae of Cranchiidae 304 intestinal tract, male 231 LXII Rossia mastigophora n.sp. genitalia 410 XLVIII Cranchia scabra LEACH 311 LXXXVIII Bolitaena. development of 257 LXIII Rossia mastigophora. arm chromatophores 398 Liocranchia valdiviae n.sp. apparatus, mantle LXXXIX Bolitaena diaphana, 264 complex 314 chromatophores. XLIX Cranchia scabra LEACH LXIV Spiru/a australis LAM. musculature, nervous 257 319 network, structure of L Cranchia scabra, anatomy LXV Spirula australis LAM.. bristle tufts 389 257 mantle complex, arm XC Vampyroteuthis infernalis LI Liocranchia anatomy. apparatus 325 n.gen.n.sp. 419 juvenile forms LXVI Spirula australis 3 1 XCI Vampyroteuthis infernalis L. reinhardtii 269 LXVI I Spirula australis 319 n.gen.n.sp. 419 L. valdiviae 264 LXVIII Spirula australis. intestinal Amphitrelus pelagicus LII Euzygaena pacifica ISSEL tract 343 HOYLE 415 279 LXIX Spirula australis. nervous XCI I Cirrothauma murrayi Leachia eschscholtzii system, sensory organs CHUN 422 RATHKE 271 346 XCIII Cirrothauma murrayi LII I Desmoteulhis pellucida LXX Spirula australis. vascular CHUN 422 CHUN 278 system, oviducts, XCIV Opisthoteuthis medusoides Crystalloteuthis glacialis luminous organs 351 n.sp. 422 n.gen.n.sp. 290 LXXI Larvae of Spirula 361 Opisthoteuthis extensa n.sp. LIV Desmoteulhis pellucida. LXXII Spirula australis. shell 421 anatomy 278 332 XCV Opisthoteuthis medusoides Crystalloteuthis glacialis. LXX 1 1 Spirula australis. larva and s.sp. 422 anatomy 290 shell 332 Opisthoteuthis extensa s.sp. LV Corynomma speculator LXX IV Argonauta 369 421 Carl Chun THE CEPHALOPODA PART I: OEGOPSIDA ATLAS GERMAN DEEPSEA EXPEDITION 1898-1899. VOL. XVIII, PART I WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ERGEBNISSE DER DEUTSCHEN TIEFSEE-EXPEDITION AUF DEM DAMPFER „VALDIVIA" 1898-1899 IM AUFTRAGE DES REICHSAMTES DES INNERN HERAUSGEGEBEN VON CARL CHUN PROFESSOR DER ZOOLOGIE IN LEIPZIG LEITER DER EXPEDITION ACHTZEHNTER BAND CARL CHUN DIE CEPHALOPODEN I. TEIL: OEGOPSIDA ATLAS JENA VERLAG VON GUSTAV FISCHER 1910 Eingegangen den 15. November 1909, C. Chun PLATES . Plate I Thaumatolampas diadema n . gen . n . sp Figure 1. Specimen from Station 89, southern part of the Benguela Current. Left side. X 2.5 Figure 2. Same, ventral side. The ventral luminous organs are visible through the mantle % Figure 3. Specimen from Station 118: West Wind Drift, south of Cape Province. Chromato- phores on mantle were abraded; the light-colored gills and branchial hearts and the brown-red stomach are visible through the mantle. X 2.5 Figures are based on color sketches of the live animal. ** ! ."•>-V\ V ' ^SSl O/O/ ". ,- ' » * : * Plate II Thaumatolampas diadema Ch. 1 Figure 1 . Luminous organs of specimen from Station 18 Drawing based on a photograph of the live animal Figure 2. Head and funnel of specimen from Station 89, diagonally from the right. X 5. Figure 3. Specimen from Station 1 18, with opened mantle cavity. X 2.5 Figure 4. Specimen from Station 89. Funnel opened to show the funnel organ, the middle part of which is situated before the anus with the two and appendages. Anal organs red Figure 5. Mantle complex of specimen from Station 89. Richt anal organ (red) covered by vena cava Figure 6. Buccal funnel of specimen from Station 89, ventral Attachment to ventral arms has been cut, and ventral arms and tentacles bent down. 1,2,3, 4—points of buccal funnel Figure 7. Deep attachment of 3rd and 4th arms. Figure 8. Central and two adjacent eye organs. Drawn after the preserved specimen. ABBREVIATIONS a. post. — posterior
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