^. j .'.- "L Lty „^_ .' ,Ha»Mi^^.. •^••^n«y.t ^>^pi»*^" ^•mi^m'mm-'K rT3BEN.">wrgpiyi* t 'V'IM^BV.-^ :«*.T:>7 58-56 Bennardo 's 4 Set Wins Nod In Tight Tilt By Richard Kwartler Special to THE T1CK.ER ..Tj.' A desperation set - shot from 35-feet out bV Gtt^SB^ Joe Bennardo with three sec­ onds to g6 gave the Beavears a hair-raising 58-56 triunapl**- Baruch School of Business and Public Administration City College of New York over Fordham . University Vol. XXXViii—No. 1 Wednesday, February 6. 1957 389 By Subscription Only las^t night at the Rams' &?/&•_ Bennardo's game -winning shot dropped through the hoop just as the final buzzer Five Hu nga rians was sounding. With thirty-five seconds to go, Fordham *s John Brady hit with a running one-hander to tie the Enter City College count at 56-all and was fouled after the shot by City's Ralph Schefflan. Brady missed the char­ At Uptown Center ity -toss and 6-9 Syd Levy re­ bounded for the Lavender. Ben­ Citv Colieee President Buell G. Gallagher has an­ nardo immediately called time out nounced that fi\Te Hungarian students have been admitted with ten seconds to go. ius fully-matriculated, day session members of the freshman After a huddle with Beaver class at the Uptown Center for the Februarv to June 1957 coach Dave Polansky, City pot semester. The students will be enrolled " the following the ball into play and tried to get semester depending on their - it to Levy in the pivot- Finding academic achievement ex­ The five students range in him closely guarded, Bennardo, hibited during the term. a*re from 21-24. Their previous m the clear, got the ball and the- Although" classified as non­ education consists of the com­ rest is history. ~ residents of New York City, the pletion of the gymnasium, which Although the Beavers failed. i» Hungarians will be able to at­ when equated with U. S. edu­ get a field goal until seven min­ tend the College tuition free. cation, is considered a combina­ THK TICKER Speetfpb*** <S*ce Harris* utes had elapsed in the "'first half.*" Normally, a non-resident, if tion of high school and the first UP AND AT 'ELM: Beaver Joe Bennardo C31) drives in for lay up in last night's Crry-Fordham game. Syd Levy Oefft) and Ram's Bill a*x-epted by a city college, must year of college training. CCST (SS) \ FOBDHAH CM>_ McCadney (next to Levy) wait for rebound. G F T G F * pay $10 per point in order to All five Hungarians arrived Bcnnatrd* 2 3 7 \ take courses. in the United States between Levy « 8 2« 3 2. S Lewis • • • 2 3* The . scholarships have been December 15 and January 1. 2 4 • Mmiffn" • 5 5. _ « IX. - . 2» provided by the Board of Higher Although two of' them lived FOS to Include Hazing n,Vc 4 i u B« eiMt i • ^» ScbeffUit ,51 13M*Ca-ta*r « • * Education which stated , three in Budapest, they did not know Sitter 1 • 2S«r»neH • • » months ago that the four citv each other while there. One of wtyuM uke ueui; Hxm- the younger TTKBI participated: tn In Ffeshman Program gnrian students on a tuition-free the first student demonstration The Freshman Orientation* Society has announced that they led at half-time by" five^ basis. **t) get freedom, both economic a two-week frosh hazing program, to be held February 11-15, points. 32-27. The Lavender half- The cfty ear.:.ot aff«rd to un­ unci political, from the Russian will be included among its plans for the new semester. time edge was mainly the result dertake maintaining the stu­ n::erv" and to show sympathy A meeting for freshmen is scheduled for tomorrow in of snaring key^offensive and de­ dents* room and board. However, for the Polish uprisings. the Pauline Edwards Thea- : fensive rebounds, a fine defensive Dr. Gallagher has stated that he Three of the four male stu­ ter, between 12 and 2, at IFC representatives will be job by City's Marv Rose in hold­ has received donations from dents are registered in the which time the Freshman given one hour to speak to the ing Fordham's scoring star Jim private sources for such support. School of Technology; one of Orientation Society and the freshmen. Fraternity members Cunningham to eight points and During1 the semester, the stu­ the men is a pre-med major; Inter-Fraternity Council will will be allotted this special time Levy's first-half total of thirteen dents witt live at Internationa! the only coed is majoring in acquaint the frosh with vari­ because, as a rule, most of their markers. Levy finished the eon- House on Riverside Drive. education. ous- school organizations. pledge programs are held in the test with twenty points. Cunning­ earry part of the term. ham was high man -with 23. At Hunter Colleges The second hour will be used With six and one-half minute* by the Big Brothers, FOS* stu­ gone in the second half, the Bea­ dent aides, to give the frosh vers stretched their lead to teat i a general - picture of all the points, -44-84. In the next MM Mercury to Learn of Fate Tonight (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 8) The City College Administra­ Mercury at the Baruch School. "vulgarity was a sociological tive Committee, a Board of High­ \vu.s the first to testify in the problem" and that "America, as a 4 er- Education Committee, will magazine's behalf- Agreeing with nation might be considered vul- —Alumni Group Head • •wide tonight whether Mercury. the Advisory Committee that jrar." Dr. Levy defied the charge the College humor magazine, w "r>ft«»Ti fails \r,. its hard that, the VmT>irvr ;'i nga7.ir.fr _ tya-i >•• ••-itinue r-ubiit-aT lor. und^-r ?h>- "porr.ojrraphic." His explanation Graduates to Jlelp School 3 :-an:e arid sou^ o: th«- Citv Col- of pornography was .based on a The Baruch School Alumni Association President Saul definition by Assistant lust riot Feldman in last month's edition of "Alumni Minutes," the Tr.e ter.-rr.ar. J5HE committee Attorney J. Lieb^r ir. an article Association's official publication, issued a "call to action** 1 w::I meet at the Confererne Room in the Herald Tribune, •which r to former graduates to 4*4- Hastt*Hr—C**"rie*re- to formulate stated that ' porn»eraohy is any "The arcrrrrnT 3 meet the chatleng-e **af the -'-e'-ommendations to the Board uo visuai representation showing ident discussed the work of the t > Mercury's fate. ;exua! intercourse and apparent inadequacies of the acts ot Association in trying to improve Flearings to "justify the stand­ evidence of sexual perversion." physical plant of the Baruch the" placement services of the ards ajni performance" o: Mer­ Dr. Levy felt that the prime School." cury were held January 9 at the problem was that the Adyxsory.^ Feldman, in referring to the Baruch School. The City College Uptown Center. > Committee failed to rfunctio^jy recent report of the Middle States Fund, he observed, has helped The controversy arose when accordance with the provisions Association, called attention to to make business organizations 1 the Advisory Committee on Pub­ established by President Gal­ **the cljeerless classrooms, totally aware of Baruch School gradu­ ates by subsidizing - a portion of lications, a group established by William Turner Levy lagher in a letter dated January inadequate extra-curricular fa­ 9, 1956 sent to ite three members, cilities, dangerously overcrowded the operation. President Buell G. Gallagher to form," Dr. Levy felt that Mer­ Thomas Brennan of the legal de­ corridors and stairways, and Feldman reported that the Col- review Mercery, charged the cery provided some "method of partment of the Hearst Corpora­ inept elevators, bulging: beyond lege Affairs Committee of the magazine with-being "dull and outlet for the emotions of young tion; Dr. Benjamin Fine, educa­ capacity.** Alumni Association is investi­ uninteresting in the extreme, in- people," but he stated that ~M«c- tion editor of The New York MIndeed> we would he remiss in gating "the variety of feearthafe common decency and good taste ctury runs through these," meth* Tunea; and. Fred Hechinger of the our duties both as citizens of our are charged today** at the Baruch and frequently pornographic.^ ods of outlet, "and does not hn^~ Herald HBWI. Dr. Fine re- city ana* S5 graduated of the- School to determine whether thtty Dr. WilHam. Tnrner I-evy, ger or dwell upon any of them." signed before the Mercary report School,** Feldman said, "if we coincide -with "the perpetuatio? of the Enghsh . While "admitting vnlgarity" in •were not to accept this chal­ of the principle of free highe facakjF advisor for toMerenry by en Pa«« «) lenge." education.** :-=? * $ II. nnp», -•LLiJJ'S 4- - I* Wednesday; Fefcruary^67^T957 TH€ TICKER Page 3L THE TICKER -Wednesday," February 6. 1957 Page 2 V -4^-vr- MCNY Promotions Ban "Off-Limit // Spring Semester Plans First Anti-Polio Shots Enrollment Shoivs Book Hawking Administered to 1430 Revealed by SC^Prexy The Accounting Department Student Dec recuse College rctruifitions prohibit the grave a testimonial dinner for Dr.' Registration figures again indicated the trend of de­ oved by BHE buying or selling of books in the Student Council President Sheldon Brand, in an inter­ Emanuel Saxe in honor of his clining student enrollment at the Baruch School. 2198 day- halls. This regulation is aimed at By I».
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