' - p _ _ Tuesday,September10,2002 O ffense still falls short O b s e r v e r p a g e 2 8 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL. XXXVII NO. 10 HTTP://OBS ERVER.ND.EDU ND TV plans October debut N a p T im e The program kicks off in random and creative things ByJANELLE BEADLE early October on cable chan­ that ND students do every News Writer nel 3, and every other week day. will debut a brand new show. Although the station is not Notre Dame is just weeks The station’s first project an officially school sponsored away from the debut of its will be a variety show, she program, the students are new television station. said. Divided into five seg­ attempting to gain university Led by Faculty Advisor ments, this show will include permission to turn it into a Christine Becker and student the sections News, club. producers Lance Johnson, Entertainment, Interview, “This program will also pro­ Liam Dacey, Chris Spotlight, and Miscellaneous. vide an outlet to those stu­ Chamberland and Alex The news section will focus dents in other majors (other Grunewald, backers hope that on campus issues and events, than FTT) that are interested the station will provide a new with topics possibly including in aspects of film and televi­ outlet for Notre Dame broad­ students’ views on the trans­ sion and want to become casting. formation of the SYR. They involved,” Becker said. “Through this new medium, also hope to spotlight campus Anyone interested in televi­ ND students will be able to groups, such as the choirs, sion, film or acting can partic­ express themselves more acting groups, dance troupes, ipate in this program. Becker completely and in a unique and campus bands during the welcomes contact from stu­ way," Becker said. “It will feel entertainment portion. dents wishing to get involved. more like they are speaking The show also hopes to NELLIE WILLIAMSZThe Observer directly to the other stu­ include a “miscellaneous” Contact Janelle Beadle at A Notre Dame student sneaks in a nap on South Quad dents.” segment, to showcase the [email protected] between classes on Monday. Executive C a bin et Panel Students finalize 9/11 events criticizes unveiled the new consolidat­ ed student activities calen­ dar. U.S. policy The new publication, enti­ tled “Everything Under the Dome,” will be printed twice By MARIA SMITH weekly. The editions, cover­ News Writer ing Friday-Sunday and Monday-Thursday, will list a Last night’s panel of Notre broad variety of scheduled Dame professors who spoke on lectures, entertainment concerns vital to understanding events, and other campus and dealing with the aftermath happenings. “Everything” of September 11 analyzed many will be posted in the of the United States’ attitudes in LaFortune Student Center response to the tragedy. and distributed to residence “This panel is meant to inau­ halls for display. gurate this week of reflection,” Longenbaker encouraged said Scott Appleby, director of other students to submit the Kroc Institute for events to [email protected] . International Peace Studies. ♦ Student programming at The panel followed up on a the Hammes Notre Dame series of discussions presented Bookstore is moving after the events last year. Scott towards a reality. At Appleby, Jeff Bergstrand, Thursday’s Student Senate George Lopez, and Juan Mendez meeting, Bookstore manager particularly addressed the Jim O’Connor will speak on United States’ economic and the possibility of hosting political situation and how the events at the facility. attitude and actions of the gov­ Bookstore officials, noting ernm ent affected issues like the increased alumni pres­ human rights and international ence during football week­ affairs. ends, are reportedly eager Some professors criticized the to accommodate student United States’ attitudes towards events in order to show human rights and the fight their interest in the Notre against terrorism since NELLIE WILLIAMSOhe Observer Dame community as a September 11. “In the past year ExecutiveCabinet member Pam Ronson helps to finalize Sept. 11 events on campus at the whole. we have seen a deepening of acting of the Executive Cabinet while Student body vice president Trip Foley looks on. ♦ Cabinet members dis­ xenophobia,” said Appleby. He cussed potential options for stressed the need for the United supplements to The Shirt, States to work with other coun­ by a procession to the BRAMATI Student Body President the popular football spirit tries. “We are woefully undere­ Hesburgh Library reflecting Libby Bishop expressed con­ item. Members expressed ducated in foreign policy as a pool, where a prayer service fidence that the services will concern that The Shirt’s util­ nation,” he said on the issue of As the first anniversary of will be held. give the Notre Dame com­ ity is diminished during public opinion in foreign affairs. the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks On Wednesday, the munity a chance to remem­ cold-weather games, when Mendez, a law professor and approaches, Student anniversary of the attacks ber the events of Sept. 11 the kelly green ap p arel is human rights activist who was Government Executive that killed nearly 3,000 peo­ together. hidden under heavy jackets. once imprisoned in his native Cabinet members met ple, a rosary will be said at “[The mass] is going to be The most popular option was Argentina for defending political Monday to discuss campus- the Grotto at noon. At 5:00 a nice, reflective memorial,” The Hat, a gold winter prisoners, felt since the attack wide memorial services. p.m. that afternoon, Bishop said. beanie that would provide a the United States placed too Cabinet officials reviewed University President Father She also asked Cabinet unified student color at much emphasis on security and plans for the events, which Edward Malloy will preside members to encourage their games later in the season. too little on human rights. He will begin this evening. over mass at the reflecting constituents to attend the especially criticized the United Preparations have begun for pool. The Basilica and services. States’ support of totalitarian a vigil at the Grotto, to begin University Choirs will be on Other cabinet news: Contact Matt Bramati at at 8 p.m. It will be followed hand to provide music. ♦ Susan Longenbaker [email protected] see PANEL/page 4 page 2 The Observer ♦ WTLAT’S UP Tuesday, September 10, 2002 In sid e C olum n W hat ’s In sid e CAMPUS WORLD & BUSINESS Learning NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS SMC orders Arafat Ex-WorldCom Students Chillin’ out ND football from Chelsea reprinting of condemns em ployees react to with summer player still For most people, ordering off the yearbook terrorist demand events of music recovering menu at a restaurant is a pretty simple affair. You scan the menu and then tell attacks severance pay Sept. 1 1 from bug the waiter what you want. But for 10- Saint Mary's has PLO leader Former employ­ Notre Dame stu­ Scene music crit­ Notre Dame line­ year-old Chelsea, accomplishing this is a authorized a sec­ Yassir Arafat con­ ees of now bank­ dents offer opinions ics review summer backer Courtney ond printing of last rupt WorldCom hits. From " t a i C ' Teresa Fralish demned terrorist on how to remem­ Watson sat out year's yearbook. attacks against held a rally outside ber the events of Coldplay's "A Saturday's game has Asberger’s ------------------------- The first edition of Israel and vowed of the US bankrupt­ last September. Rush of Blood to against Purdue Syndrome, a form N ew s the book was to hold general cy court in New the Head," to the due to a viral infec­ of autism, ordering Production plagued with elections in York City and latest from The tion. He is still at a restaurant and E ditor errors, officials January. demanded sever­ Vines, to the Dave recovering. other social inter­ said. ance pay. Matthews Band actions can be very concert in Chicago. frightening situations. Children with Asberger’s just simply do not have the built-in sense of how to act around oth­ ers. They don’t understand why they page 3 page 5 page 7 page 12 pages 14 & 15 page 22 should say “goodbye” when a visitor leaves. Families of these children are left in a doubly difficult situation because, as W hat ’s G oing D ow n Asberger’s Syndrome has only recently What ’s Happening @ ND been identified, very few specific treat­ ment options are available. Student recovers missing Locked bike missing from When I began volunteering in ♦ Lecture by Nicholas Boyle, bike outside of B-P student dorm Chelsea’s home program last fall, I University of Cambridge, NDSP officers completed a report of A report of a locked bike being taken brought a solid knowledge of autism and “Revelation and Realism,” a bike being taken from outside from the south side of Fisher Hall. its treatment to my service. But I had llosburgh Center Auditorium, 4 Stanford Hall. The victim later noti­ There are no suspects. never heard of Asberger’s Syndrome, p.m. fied NDSP that he recovered his bike and I had no idea about how to interact outside Breen-Phillips Hall on Student reports missing with an Asberger’s child. Saturday. There are no suspects. wallet What I didn’t realize then was that ♦ Sept. 11 prayer service and The victim reported losing his wallet Chelsea and her family would teach me candlelight procession to the Two cars involved in wreck at an unknown campus location. more than I would ever help her to llosburgh Library reflecting pool, NDSP responded to a two-car acci­ learn.
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