THE OILON NEWS MAGAZINE www.oilon.com OILON BUILDS NEW FACTORY IN WUXI FOOTBALL LEGEND LITMANEN ROOTS FOR GREEN ENERGY Environmentally Friendly energy solutions since 1961 Oilon 50 years • NEW REVOLUTIONARY ECOPOWER • PyrolYSIS OIL DRAWING INTEREST OILON FLAME Oilon – The Warm Way OILON FLAME OUR MISSION is to provide Environmentally friendly energy solutions for our customers. Our Mission OILON GROUP P.O.Box 5, FI-15801 Lahti, Finland Tel.:+358 3 85 761 Fax: +358 3 857 6239 www.oilon.com Email: [email protected] 2 3 OILON FLAME Oilon – The Warm Way OILON FLAME EDITORIAL Oilon Flame Customer Magazine Fifty years of Oilon! OILON GROUP 6 50 years at Oilon – and still going strong FI F TY YEARS IS A RESPECTABLE AGE for anyone. In the last half a century, Oilon has accumulated a lot of experience, which is today 7 Burners for gas fuelled ships Eero Pekkola CEO visible in its product offerings, the versatility of services, and the 8 The big attraction demanding deliveries. 10 Oilon’s journey to the stars From the start, Oilon has adopted a fair and friendly approach towards everyone, especially customers, in its operations. This cul- 14 Customers are our friends ture, shared inherently by all Oilon employees, has continued with- 16 Combustion of process gases requires special expertise in the company throughout its existence. It is remarkable to see how 18 The cleaner future is already here significantly warm behaviour can help in developing business even in a tough competitive environment. 21 New spark from product development After considering what in our operations has helped us acquire 22 Jari Litmanen roots for renewable energy the important customer accounts we currently have, we once again 23 The award-winning OilonCare looks after the end customer ended up with our way of behaviour that emphasises respect for others. It has always been such a natural part of our customer con- 24 Low-energy houses are the future of housing tacts that we have not previously realized how important it truly is. 26 The Energon research centre attracts worldwide interest Today, we have turned it into a slogan – Oilon The Warm Way. This 28 Pyrolysis oil becoming a serious alternative reflects the promise we make to our customers. Another significant factor during our 50-year journey has been 30 A new Oilon factory was completed in Wuxi our strong investment in product development. From the ear- 32 Samba, football and environmental technology ly years, the company has invested more than 4 percent of its net sales in product development; in the past few years, the figure has reached 6 percent. This has been necessary in a strongly evolving business such as ours. In Oilon’s early years, it was essential to focus on efficient energy production, and year by year, environmental values have become in- creasingly important. This way, we have been able to continue a con- stant change process from our mission towards our vision: from en- vironmentally friendly energy production towards sustainable energy production. This change has been and will be possible only through strong product development. And we are committed to that. However, a company cannot prosper through a friendly face and development work alone. Export and international operations have always been among Oilon’s objectives. In the beginning, the near- by neighbourhood was sufficient for us. Our products were sold to Scandinavia and Russia. However, our success encouraged us to ex- tend our exports. Today, Oilon’s technology is used to cut down emissions on all continents, and Oilon’s burners are used on ships all over the world. Oilon has offices in Russia and Germany as well as production in China. The company exports products to 35 coun- tries, and in several countries, our business partners have been work- ing with us for up to 40 years. We are very grateful to both our customers and our business partners all around the world. You have made it possible for Oi- Oilon Group lon to celebrate its 50th anniversary this year. Thank you! Oilon is a private Finnish group of companies in Wuxi, China. Group subsidiaries outside Fin- founded in 1961. Oilon manufactures and mar- land include sales companies in Germany, Rus- kets heat pumps, burners and solar heat collec- sia and China. Oilon also has representatives tors for heating of houses. Applications for larg- in nearly every European country, Asia, Russia, er burners include power plants, industrial pro- South and North America and in some African cesses, hazardous waste incineration plants, dis- states. The family-owned company employs al- trict heating plants and ships. most 300 people and has over EUR 50 million Oilon Group’s production facilities are lo- turnover. cated in Lahti and Hollola in Finland, as well as Photo: Loma Graphics 4 5 OILON FLAME Oilon – The Warm Way OILON FLAME DID YOU KNOW? Oilon will soon introduce its own alternative for gas fuelled ships. » Burners for gas Ground source heat is also suitable for industrial use fuelled ships Orfer, an industrial company locat- ed in Orimattila, switched a year ago APPROXIMATELY THIRD O F sulphur and ni- bustion of liquefied natural gas will become from oil heating to ground source heat. Ac- trogen oxide emissions on Europe’s seas is commercially available during 2011. cording to Paul Stucki, the Managing Di- caused by ship traffic. In Europe and many – We wanted to pay attention to prod- rector of Orfer, the decision to move from 50 other sea areas, the emissions regulations uct development to be able to provide our oil to ground source heat was influenced by concerning ship traffic have become increas- customers with a finished and comprehen- both economic and environmental consider- ingly tight in recent years. The new emission sive solution. Designing the valve units con- ations. years at Oilon regulations for the Baltic Sea, for example, trolling the gas was challenging, because the – We have been very pleased with this were enforced in summer 2010. They limit- regulations concerning them have been open decision. We searched for a long-term so- – and still going ed the maximum concentration of sulphur to interpretations and our customers had al- lution that would be cost-efficient and en- in fuel to one percent. Nitrogen emissions ready formed certain expectations for them, vironmentally friendly at the same time. strong will also be limited in 2011. Emission reg- says Jani Kurikka, Sales Manager / marine Ground source heat is an excellent choice ulations for the Baltic Sea have long been burners at Oilon. for this purpose. I warmly recommend tighter than those of other sea areas, and Interest towards using liquefied natu- ground source heat to everyone considering they will become even tighter by 2015. ral gas is increased also by the fact that it a switch-over, Stucki says. One of the most interesting alternatives is cheaper than low sulphur fuel oil, which Orfer’s industrial facility has an area of for reducing ship traffic emissions is using is still the most used ship fuel in the Bal- 2,500 square metres to heat. Oilon’s Geo- liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel. Using tic Sea. pro RE85 ground source heat pump was LNG can reduce sulphur, nitrogen oxide and – The number of gas fuelled ships is in- installed in the facility, bringing savings of fine particle emissions of ships by 80 per- creasing fast, and using LNG in ships has nearly EUR 10,000 per year in the heating cent. Carbon dioxide emissions can be re- raised global interest. We’ve received nu- costs. As a provision for the coldest weather, duced by 25 percent. merous requests from our customers, and the facility still has oil heating available as a Oilon has strived to develop a solution worked hard to be able to meet these new hybrid solution. Another facility of the com- for its marine burner customers. A burner demands. pany is heated with gas. and valve unit developed especially for com- After the commissioning of the ground MODERN WORKING LI F E has become in- Pohjalainen started out as a welder. To- source heat pump, the facility’s oil consump- creasingly hectic and exhausting. The rate of day, his job includes the assembly of process tion has decreased by more than 33,000 change within companies has only accelerat- and power plant burners. His job has also in- litres per year. According to the savings cal- ed over recent decades and has, in part, con- cluded travelling to various European coun- culations, the investment in ground source tributed to the shortening of career lengths tries over the years. heat will pay itself back in around five years. in many sectors of the labour market. Em- During his long career, Pohjalainen has Orfer’s transfer to ground source heat is ployees move from job to job quickly, and or- had the chance to witness at first-hand Oi- tightly connected to the objectives of the ganisations no longer get to benefit from the lon’s growth from a small, local operator in- Lahti area business strategy, where the em- experience accumulated over long careers. to a global enterprise. phasis is on economical and environmentally However, Pentti Pohjalainen, 67, an em- - This has indeed been marvellous devel- efficient solutions. Orfer is also planning to ployee of Oilon, is a positive exception to opment. Oilon has always moved forward, try out other renewable sources of energy. this rule: he has an astonishing career of 50 and the same movement seems to contin- – Oilon’s ground source heat pump has years in Oilon’s service. Pohjalainen began ue today.
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