Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. O F FSH O RE PL ANNING C H E C K L ISTS IN TE RN A TIO NA L O F FSH O RE F INA NCI A L C E N TE RS (IO F Cs) O E CD CONCEPT OF “TAX HAVEN” The OECD identifies a tax haven where: ­ The jurisdiction imposes no or only nominal taxes and offers itself, or is perceived to offer itself, as a place to be used by non-residents to escape tax in their country of residence. ­ Practices of the jurisdiction prevent the effective exchange of relevant information with other governments on taxpayers benefiting from the low or no tax jurisdiction. ­ A lack of transparency exists. ­ There is an absence of a requirement that the activity be substantial, since this would suggest that a jurisdiction may be attempting to attract investment or transactions that are purely tax driven. ­ There is no or only nominal taxation within the jurisdiction. ­ The jurisdiction offers itself as a place where non-residents can escape tax in their country of residence. The OECD is introducing measures to counter the distorting effects of tax havens on the economies of other countries. Favoured tax treatment by high tax jurisdictions is under attack from the OECD, the European Union and the United Nations. C L ASSES O F T A X H A V ENS OR I O F Cs Countries that have no income tax or that grant extensive tax exemptions Page 1 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Countries that only tax locally arising income (territorial basis of taxation that exempts foreign income) Countries that combine features of either of the above with a treaty network Low tax financial centres in countries offering special incentives and privileges, including international business company legislation High tax countries offering special incentives for offshore companies and qualifying holding companies. An extremely large percentage of otherwise high tax countries have special regions or regimes where offshore activities can be conducted. PO T EN TI A L O PPOR T UN ITI ES FOR T A X H A V ENS AN D IO F Cs IOFCs and tax havens have the potential to: Create a new source of invisible earnings for the country Increase the inflow of foreign currency and attract foreign qualifying companies Generate employment Create training and educational opportunities Enhance the financial strength and status of the country Foster the introduction and increased use of modern technology Develop exports and associated activities Develop tax and/or non-tax incentive programs Provide for — offshore companies — offshore trusts — offshore banking — offshore insurance — offshore shipping — offshore funds — co-ordination centres — headquarters companies — management and administrative offices Page 2 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. G EN ER A L AN D C ORPOR A T E A C TI VI TI ES C AR R IED ON IN IO F Cs Holding companies Finance companies and partnerships International headquarters and administration International shipping and air transport vehicles Insurance, life insurance, and reinsurance companies International pension funds Trust corporations and related activities Banking, finance, and treasury management Brokerage and arbitrage activities Venture capital funds and offshore funds Counter trade activities Joint ventures Funds for leveraged buyouts Location for ownership of intangible rights and licensing companies Assembly and manufacturing Professional services International and wholesale trading with third parties Joint ventures and partnerships in construction, mining, onshore and offshore drilling, and exploration activities Leisure industry activities Hotels and resorts Property and investment and international real estate ownership Time-share and holiday homes SER VIC ES FOR IN D IVID U A LS C AR R IED ON IN TA X H A V ENS AN D IO FCs Offshore trusts and trust management Employment trusts and employee share ownership plans Offshore employment companies Investment holding companies and private group holding companies Property and portfolio investments Insulation vehicles for estate and capital taxes Page 3 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Exchange control vehicles and planning Investment services and asset administration Offshore ownership of intellectual property rights Offshore roll-up funds and investment trusts Life insurance free of withholding taxes Offshore banking activities and brokerage advice Venture capital planning Retirement location Vacation resorts and time-sharing Location for producing works of artistic and cultural merit Pension planning Location for tax residence and tax shelter Tax deferment and secondary sheltering opportunities K E Y SE L EC TI ON FA C TORS O F A T A X H A V EN AN D IO F C L O C A TION Political and economic stability Guarantees against future taxation Guarantees against expropriation or nationalisation Freedom from exchange controls Good professional and banking facilities Favourable long-term government policies Favourable attitude to offshore activities Confidentiality Strength of banking and commercial secrecy Freedom from banking controls and availability of local capital Location of offshore banking activities Effective legal, accounting, and administrative systems Favourable company law requirements Ability to use IOFC for central distribution activity Availability of duty-free zones Minimum import duty scales Good communications and transportation facilities Ability to conduct substantial business activities No withholding taxes Page 4 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Liberality of corporation legislation Low or no direct or indirect taxes on all or certain types of income and capital No inheritance taxes Flexibility to move out of tax haven location Minimum governmental controls Minimal currency risks Opportunity to obtain local tax rulings Acceptable level of fees and legal costs Availability of tax treaties Availability of investment concessions Freedom to import necessary raw materials and obtain work permits Security of property rights Minimal filing requirements (tax and corporate) Ability to take advantage of redomiciliation provisions Bearer shares availability Availability of share warrants to bearer or no par value shares Legislation permitting exempt companies and trusts Acceptance of trust legislation Ability to use nominee shareholders Good local directors Availability of qualified local staff B ASIC LIST O F T A X H A V ENS AN D IO F Cs Andorra Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Aruba The Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Belize The British Virgin Islands The Cook Islands Dominica Gibraltar Grenada Page 5 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Guernsey/Sark/Alderney Isle of Man Jersey Liberia Liechtenstein The Maldives The Marshall Islands Monaco Montserrat Nauru Netherlands Antilles Niue Panama Samoa Seychelles St Lucia St. Christopher & Nevis St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tonga The Turks & Caicos Islands The US Virgin Islands Vanuatu C O UN TR IES TH A T H A V E N O IN C O M E T A X OR TH A T GR AN T E X T ENSIV E TA X EX EM PT IONS: Andorra Anguilla The Bahamas Bahrain Bermuda Brunei (individuals) Campione The Cayman Islands The Cook Islands French Polynesia Grenada Kuwait Maldives Monaco Nauru Oman (individuals only) The Turks and Caicos Islands United Arab Emirates Page 6 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Uruguay Vanuatu C O UN TR IES TH A T IM POS E N O IN C O M E T A X ON FOR EIGN SO UR C E IN C O M E: Costa Rica Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador France (special rules) Guatemala Hong Kong Ireland (non-resident company) Jordan Kenya Lebanon Liberia Macau Panama Swaziland Uruguay Venezuela C O UN TR IES TH A T C AN B E US ED AS L O W TA X AR E AS B U T A LSO H A V E C ER T AIN TA X TR EA T Y B EN E FI TS: Cyprus The Netherlands The Netherlands Antilles Switzerland LO W T A X FIN AN CI A L C EN T ERS AN D C O UN TR I ES O F F ER IN G SPE CI A L IN C EN TI V ES AN D PR IV IL EG ES: Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbados The British Virgin Islands Brunei Cyprus Gibraltar Grenada Guernsey Page 7 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com Authoritative Texts on Practically Anything About Practically Everything Everywhere. Hong Kong Ireland The Isle of Man Jamaica Jersey Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macau Madeira Malta The Marshall Islands Mauritius Montserrat The Netherlands Nevis Philippines Puerto Rico Samoa San Marino Seychelles Solomon Islands Sri Lanka St. Helena St. Vincent Switzerland Note: Certain of the above countries also offer tax treaty benefits. H AR M FU L PR EF ER EN TIA L TA X R E GIM ES Note: Many international bodies, such as the OEC D, the European Union and the United Nations, as well as high tax jurisdictions, have directed attacks against harmful preferential tax regimes. Insurance Offshore Banking Units Co-ordination Centres Captive Insurance Regime Financial Services and Insurance Centres International Financial Services Centres International Business Centres Provisions for Fluctuations in Re-Insurance Companies Foreign Non-life Insurance Companies Financing and Leasing Co-ordination Centres Page 8 of 10 © www.BarrySpitz.com
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