Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Page | 1 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Published by: As-Saabiqoon Publications (SalafiEvents.Com) Twitter: @SalafiEvent Author: Abu Umar (Al-Madinah Al-Nabawiyyah) Copyright 1440/2019 by As-Saabiqoon Publications (SalafiEvents.Com). ALL rights reserved. NO part of this publication may be reproduced, edited, altered in ANY form by ANY means, without the prior written permission of the publisher. NOT FOR SALE PURPOSES FREE e-DISTRIBUTION Page | 2 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa CONTENTS Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….6 Chapter 1 -Ihyaa Turaath in Pakistan - a brief outline of the activities and their heads 1.1 Ihyaa Al-Turaath and their terrorist activities within Pakistan…………………………………………………………………………………….10 1.2- Abdul Azeez Noorstani- “Ameer” of Ghurabaa, LT and head of Jamia Athariyyah, Peshawar…………….……………………………………….17 1.3- Muslim Dost –“Shaykh” of the ISIS/ Daesh graduate of Noorstani Jamia…………………………………..…………………………………….24 1.4 Aminullaah Peshawari – head of University sponsored by Ihyaa Al-Turaath………………………………………….………………………………………59 1.5 Ghulamullah Rehmati…Pro-Taliban “Shaykh” with strong links with Ihyaa Al-Turaath…………………………..……………………………………63 1.6 Usama Bin Ladin- the common denominator for all the parties associated with Ihyaa Al-Turaath……………………………………………….64 1.7- Mududi and Jamāt Islami –Terrorist Ikhwaan-ul-Muslimeen of Pakistan…………………………………………………………………………………….72 Page | 3 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Chapter 2- Markaz Jamiat Ahle Hadith and its heads 2.1-Sajid Mir- “Ameer” leader of Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith…...81 2.2-Tariq Mahmoud Yazdani Ex-Ameer of Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith, Gujrat area………………………….………………………………………144 2.3-Zubair Ahmed Zaheer –Number four in the hierarchy of Jamiat…………………………….…….………………………..……………………….147 2.4 Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer--A fame seeking confused individual...150 2.5 Abdul Rauf Yazdani….Senior Da’ee……………….……………………152 2.6-Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai -“Muhaddith al-Asr” of Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith……………………………………………………………………………..155 2.7 Talib Ur Rahman-Senior Takfeeri Debater for MJAH……..…..163 2.8-Abu Turab – “Ameer” of Baluchistan Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith……………………………………………………………………………………..166 2.9 Afzal Qadri ex-Brailwi Peer who became an Ahle Hadith Speaker…………………………………………………………………………………...167 Chapter 3-Lashkar Taiba (LT) JuD the Khawaarij Takfeeris and its heads 3.1-Usool of the Khawaarij……….……………………………………………..172 3.2 Usool 1: Takfeer of the Muslims………………………………………..177 Page | 4 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa 3.3 Usool No 2 Making the Blood of the Muslims lawful….……...181 3.4 Usool No 3 Khurooj against the Muslim Leaders..................183 3.5 Usool No 4 Belittling of the Muslim Scholars……………………..187 3.6 Ameer Hamza Pro-Iranian Khariji……………………….................198 3.7 Shafiq Ur Rahman UK based LT cleric…………………………………201 3.8 Abu Hurairah the Mufti of JUD at the Rafidah Conference...202 3.9 Hafiz Saeed the Usama Bin Ladin of Pakistan……………..........208 Chapter 4 – Concerning Saudi Arabia the Land of Tawheed and the unjustified attacks by the Khawaarij groups such as Al- Qaeda, Daesh (ISIS) 4.0 Saudi Arabia security – Redline for the Muslim..………………..234 4.1 Doubts of the Takfeeris concerning Saudi Arabia……………….246 CONCLUSION: Final word on the complex relationships between the 3 entities………………………..………………………………………………….265 Page | 5 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Introduction احلمدهلل رب العاملني، والصﻻة والسﻻم على أشرف اﻷنبياء واملرسلني, نبينا دمحم وعلى آلو وصحبو أمجعني أما بعد: I start with the name of Allāh, seeking His blessings and His aid only, to clarify to the Muslims the dangers of partisanship and the consequent Bidah which has weakened the Muslims due to the resulting disunity. The original article is available in the Arabic language. The article was written at the request of Al-Allamah Rabee Bin Hadee Al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him), the Shaykh would consistently demand from us to bring proofs against Ihyaa Al- Turaath of Pakistan. And after several visits the original article in Arabic was written and completed and finally delivered to the Shaykh who was extremely happy to read it. This article is split into four different chapters and all of the chapters are inter-linked with each other. Three of the chapters refer to the three organizations who claim to follow the Salafi Manhaj in Pakistan and they are Ihyaa Al-Turaath of Kuwait, Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith (MJAH) and Jamāt Dawah/ Lashkar Taiba (LT). I have chosen to limit the topic to their heads only as they are ultimately misguiding the masses behind them. Page | 6 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa The first part focuses on the Ihyaa-Al-Turaath Pakistani Branch based in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan. This organization has strong links with terrorists from Lashkar Taiba and even Daesh, and this is acknowledged by the different governments including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Ihyaa-Al-Turaath is funding many Masaajid and Maraakiz of Jamiat Ahle Hadith as they themselves have admitted. Second part of this article concentrates on Jamiat Ahle Hadith who is the main recipients of the Turaath money. This organization - as will be proven - is calling to the Ikhwaani Manhaj of democracy, elections, unity with the Ahlul Bidaah, defense of Takfeeris like Usama Bin Ladin, Khurooj against the Rulers and Partisanship. However not all of the Ahle Hadith adherents are upon the Manhaj of Sajid Mir or Hafiz Saeed, there exists a small group whom are free of these two deviant personalities. Alhamdulillah, many of them have come to realise by the grace of .the dangerous path of Takfeer and Bidah ﷻ Allaah The third part of this article deals with Jamāt ud-Dawah (JuD) who is considered to be an Ahle Hadith faction by the leadership of Ahle Hadith. This group is a Takfeeri group, with links to terrorism through Al-Qaeda leadership, promoters of Usama Bin Ladin, Khurooj against the Rulers and Unity with all of the Ahlul Page | 7 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Bidaah including the Rafidah Shia. They are a designated terrorist outfit by majority of the Muslim Countries. They have been declared as the Khawaarij by the Mufti of south Saudi Arabia Shaykh Ahmed Bin Yahya Al-Najmi May Allaah have mercy on him. They operate freely within the Masaajid of the Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith, Pakistan. They are enemies to the Dawah of Tawheed (warning against Shirk) and wish to focus on secondary issues such as Water Crisis, Flooding, Drought in Thar, collecting sheepskin, collecting donations, protesting, singing Anasheed and so on. They will never clarify to the masses that grave worship is Shirk Al-Akbar lest they lose their popular appeal and donations. Additional chapter has been included regarding Saudi Arabia and this is because you find the Takfeeris have sheer hatred for the land of Tawheed. These unjust attacks on Saudi Arabia result from a deviant ideology and this pleases no one except the enemies of Islaam. Since Saudi Arabia is the backbone of the Muslim Ummah and the strength of the Muslims is correlated to the strength of Saudi Arabia by the grace of Allaah. Saudi Arabia since its inception has fiercely propagated the Aqeedah of Tawheed and this does not please the enemies from the Kufaar or the Ahlul Bidaah. The doubts of the Takfeeris have been thoroughly refuted in order to expose their true reality that these despicable enemies of Saudi Arabia are only fighting for the Page | 8 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Dunya. This is why they are humiliated and not able to form a country except for a very limited time, since they are corrupt and evil people. Page | 9 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Chapter 1 -Ihyaa Turaath in Pakistan - a brief outline of the activities and their heads Page | 10 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa Ihyaa Turaath and the terrorist activities in Pakistan All Muslims have been commanded to hold onto the rope of has mentioned in the ﷻ and to not be divided as Allaah ﷻ Allaah Noble Quran. This Ayah is incorrectly utilized by the innovators when they sit together, but in fact it is a proof against them since they differ with the Sunnah and with the Jama’ah who are the Sahabah. Differing with the Noble Quran, the Sunnah and the Sahabah is Kufr. The proof they differ is that they have some innovations which cause the differences and unity can only be established upon adherence to the Haqq which is free of innovations. Allaah the Most High said: َوا ْعتَ ِص ُموا ِب َح ْب ِل ا ه َِّلل َج ِمٌعًا َو ََل تَ َف هرلُوا all of you together and do not ﷻ Hold onto the rope of Allaah become divided From the Salafi Tafsir of this Ayah in the Tafsir of Al-Tabari we find the following: Younis informed me and said we were informed by Ibn ﷻ Wahb who said: Ibn Zaid said regarding the saying of Allaah all of you together”, he said: the ﷻ Hold onto the Rope of Allaah“ Page | 11 Reality of Ihyaa Al-Turaath Jamiat Ahle Hadith Jamaat al-Dawa rope is Al-Islaam, and then he recited “and do not become divided”. ﷻ Abu Jafar al-Tabari1 said regarding the saying of Allaah “Do not become divided”: do not differ from the religion of and His command which He has commanded you with ﷻ Allaah in His book, from agreement and coming together upon His .ﷺ obedience and the obedience of His Messenger The people of innovation misinterpret this Ayah to mean all of them unite on a single platform and do not differ with each other by overlooking any differences, and this is what the Ikhwaani Methodology is and this is total falsehood.
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