NOAA Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) Imaging Support Task, October 2003—Title: WMO Pub. No. 47 (1955-72) Series reference information: WMO (World Meteorological Organization), 1955-: International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships. WMO No. 47, Geneva, Switzerland. (Serial publication; recently annual. Editions prior to 1966 were titled International List of Selected and Supplementary Ships.) Task background: Prior to the 1973 edition, WMO publication No. 47 (1955-) was published and previously available only in paper form. This project imaged all the editions and supplements that could be located at WMO and from other international sources (Table 1). Reproduced by permission of the World Meteorological Organization. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the UK Met Office in providing photocopies of two editions. Table 1: Editions and supplements of WMO No. 47 imaged for this task. Only one original supplement was located (1964s); it is not known whether any additional supplements were issued. The individual document contained in this file is shaded in the table. Year Source1 Edition Explanatory notes 1955 WMO Ed.(1)1955 Volumes were hard-bound through the 1963 Edition 1956 WMO Ed.(2)1956 1957 WMO Ed.(3)1957 1958 WMO Ed.(4)1958 1959 WMO Ed.(5)1959 Including Cyrillic characters for USSR call signs 1960 WMO Ed.(6)1960 " 1961 WMO Ed.(7)1961 " 1962 WMO Ed.(8)1962 " 1963 NOAA Ed.(9)1963 " (Cyrillic continues through 1968a) 1964s NOAA Supp.1964 Indicates amendments and insertions 1966 NOAA Ed.(10)1966 Loose-leaf binding adopted “to simplify keeping the publication up to date” 1968a JMA2 Ed.(10)1966+1+2 1966 edition with two supplements: Supp. 1(X) (1967), Supp. 2(V) (1968)3 1968b WMO Ed.(10)1966+1+2+3 1966 edition with three supplements: above, plus Supp. 3(XII) (1968)3 1970 NOAA Ed.1970 Edition numbering (previously listed in Introduction) was dropped in 1970 1971 NOAA Ed.1971 1972 Met Office2 Ed.1972 1. The NOAA volumes were provided by WMO to the NOAA/Climate Diagnostics Center in 1994, except for the 1970 edition, which was available at NOAA/NCDC. 2. Organization provided a photocopy for this project. 3. The indicated supplements (Roman numeral = month) were successively applied to the original 1966 edition, resulting in one volume. __________ (C) Copyright World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1957. All Rights Reserved. The information presented is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literature and Artistic works, under other international conventions and under national laws on copyright and neighbouring rights. Permissions and licensing Extracts of the information may be reviewed, reproduced or translated for research or private study but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. Any use of information should be accompanied by an acknowledgment of WMO as the source. Reproduction or translation of substantial portions of the material, or any use other than for educational or other non-commercial purposes, require explicit, prior authorization from the World Meteorological Organization in writing. The designations employed and the presentation of material in these publications do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The World Meteorological Organization does not warrant that the information contained is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use. WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION I#ETEOROLOGIQUE MONDIALE SeaetariPt of WO~WM&I+A Organiation Seel.Ltariat de POrgu&ation M&hrologiqne M0ndi.k Gsnera - switserld GenLve - Snt& INTERNATIONAL LIST OF SELECTED AND SUPPLEMENTARY SHIPS LISTE INTERNATIONALE I DE NAVIRES SELECTIONNES ET SUPPLEMENTAIRES 1957 EDITION / -ITION 1957 [ --WMO lOMM - No. 47. TP. 18 I PUBLICATIONS OF THE WMO Technical publications WMO - NO. WMO - NO. 2. TP. 1 - Offices meteorologiques du monde. 1948 edition. 32. TP. 10 - Energy from the wind - Assessment of suitable Price: Sw. fr. 14.- winds and sites. Price: Sw. fr. 10.- 5. TP. 2- Composition of the WMO. Bilingual (English and 35. TP. 11 - Diverses experiences de comparaison de radioson- French). Price: Sw. fr, 10.- des - Diagrammes aerologiques. Price : Sw. fr. 1.- 8. TP. 3 - Guide to International Meteorological Instrument 36. TP. 12 - Reduction of atmospheric pressure - Preliminary and Observing Practice. English-French. report on problems involved. Price: Sw. fr. 3.- Price: Sw. fr. 11.- 38. TP. 13 - Atmospheric radiation (Current investigations and problems) - Tropical circulation patterns. 9. TP. 4 Weather reports: Stations, Codesand Transmissions. - Price : Sw. fr. 1 .- Volume A : Nomenclature of stations. 1953 edition. 39. TP. 14 - Guide to Meteorological Library Practice. English- Bilingual (English and French). French. Price : Sw. fr. 1.- Price without cover: Sw. fr. 29.- 40. TP. 15 - Methods of observation at sea. Part II -Air tempe- Volume B : Codes. 1954 edition. English-French. rature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloud Price: Chapter I :Sw. fr. 13.- height, wind, rainfall and visibility. Price : Sw. fr. 1.- Chapter II :Sw. fr. 6.- Chapter 111: Sw. fr. 3.- 42. TP. 16 - The forecasting from weather data of potato blight and other plant diseases and pests -The standard- Volume C : Transmissions. 1955 edition. English- ization of the measurement of evaporation as a French. Regions I, II, Ill, IV, V, VI." climatic factor. Price: Sw. fr. 2.- Volume D : Information for shipping. 1955 edition. 44. TP. 17 - Atmospherics techniques. Price: Sw. fr. 3.- English-French. Regions I, II, Ill, IV, V. VI.* 47. TP. 18 - Selected ships. Bilingual (English and French). 17. TP. 5 - Bibliographie meteorologique internationale. Annee 1956 and 1957 editions. Price: Sw. fr. 10.- 1952. Fascicules I, II, Ill, IV. 50. TP. 19 - Artificial control of clouds and hydrometeors. Price per fascicule : Sw. fr. 20.- Price: Sw. fr. 3.- 21. TP. 6 - World distribution of thunderstorm days. Part 1: 51. TP. 20 - Homog6nBite du reseau europeen de radiosonda- Tables. Bilingual (English and French). ges - The relative accuracy of rawins and contour- Price: Sw. fr. 9.- measured winds in relation to performance criteria - World distribution of thunderstorm days. Part 1 : Superadiabatic lapse rate in the upper air. Tables. Supplement No. 1. Bilingual (English and Price: Sw. fr. 4.- French). Price: Sw. fr. 2.- 21. TP. 21 - World distribution of thunderstorm days. Part 2 : 24. TP. 7 - Artificial inducement of precipitation. (out of print) Tables of marine data and world maps. Bilingual (English and French). 26. TP. 8 - Methods of observation at sea. Part I - Sea surface Price : Sw. fr. 9.- temperature. Price : Sw. fr, 1 .- 56. TP. 22 - Regional charts of meteorological observing sta- 30. TP. 9 - Meteorological aspects of aircraft icing. tion networks - Region VI - Europe - Bilingual Price: Sw. fr. 1.- (English and French). 1st edition. Price: Sw. fr, 10.- A separate price is fixed for each Region. Other series ofpublications issued by the WMO Secretariat: Basic documents, Records, Reports and the WMO Bulletin. INTERNATIONAL LIST OF SELECTED AND SUPPLEMENTARY SHIPS LISTE INTERNATIONALE DE NAVIRES SELECTIONNES ET SUPPLEMENTAIRES 1957 EDITION / EDITION 1957 PRICE/PRI);: Sw. fr./Fr. s. 10.- I WMOIOMM - No. 47. TP. 18 I 1957 Blank page retained for pagination I11 TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DES MATIERES m IV V 2 9 12 14 15 16 19 20 22 23 30 31 39 42 46 50 51 53 56 61 62 73 74 77 79 80 81 85 86 106 140 IV INTRODUCTION This third edition of the "International List of Selected and Supplementary Ships" contains information supplied by Member-countries in accordance with Regulations 2.6,1.6 and 2,6.1.7 of the Technical Regul- ations of the World hleteorological Organization and is based upon data valid on 1 January 1957, In this edition, however, a few improvements, as yequested by the second session of the Commiscion for Maritime Lieteorology9 have been introduced, particularly simplifications of the data published in columns 3 and 12. INTRODUCTION Cette troisihme ddition de la "Liste internationale de navires s6lectionnds et suppldmentaires" contient des renseignements fournis par les Etats-Membres confordment aux rkgles et du Reglement technique de 1'0rganisation mktborologique mondiale; elle est basde sur des donnees valables au ler janvier 1957. Quelques amdliorations ont toutefois 6td introduites dans cette gdition, pour donner suite i la demande formulde par la Commission de md- tdorologie maritime sa deuxieme session notamment des simplifications des donndes publides dans les colonnes 3 et 12. EXPLANATOPS NOTES INCLUDING ABBREVIATIONS USED Column 1 This shows the name of the ship, which may be followed by the name of the -tate in which it is registered, when it is not the I.iember which selected the ship. Column 2 The call sign (generally a four-letter group). Column 3 The areas or routes on which the ship is normally plying. Column 4 TI.. type 02 barometer currently used to report atmospheric pres- sure; the following abbreviations are used . an : aneroid baroineter mer r mercury barometer Column 5 The type of thermometer currently used to report air temperature, abbreviations 2 mer ; dry bulb mercury thermometei- cle : electric (resistance)
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