6/,5-%8,4HE*OURNALOFTHE(OUSEHOLD'OODS&ORWARDERS!SSOCIATIONOF!MERICA )NC ./6%-"%2$%#%-"%2 TH!NNUAL-EETING 0HOTO%SSAY 7AVESOF#HANGE !NDA.EW.AME n %8%#54)6%#/--)44%% 02%3)$%.4 4ERRY2(EAD #(!)2-!. 2ANDALL'ROGER !IR,AND&ORWARDERS )NC 6/,5-%8, ./6%-"%2$%#%-"%2 6)#%#(!)2-!. *EFFREY#OLEMAN #OVAN)NTERNATIONAL )NC TABLE OF CONTENTS -%-"%23!4,!2'% (('&!!4(!..5!,-%%4).'0(/4/%33!9 *AN-OORE ")., )NC TH!NNUAL#HARITY&UN&UN s!NNUAL-EETING0HOTOS s3PONSORS -ICHAEL2ICHARDSON s!NNUAL-EETING%XHIBITORS s(('&!!!NNUAL-EETINGS!9EAR "Y 9EAR 3ENATE&ORWARDING)NC #OMPARISON s/UR.EW)DENTITY !.EW.AMEn 'ORDON+EENE !BBA)NTERNATIONAL )NC 3ECURITY *IM'AW "EKINS)NDEPENDENCE&ORWARDERS )NC -ILITARY'OVERNMENT5PDATE !33/#)!4%-%-"%232%02%3%.4!4)6% *ACKIE!GNER -ARITIME/CEAN3HIPPING 0UGET3OUND)NTERNATIONAL)NC !33/#)!4%-%-"%232%0!4,!2'% 3MALL"USINESS $OUGLAS&INKE 3TERLING)NTERNATIONAL)NC 4ECH.OTES 90 2%02%3%.4!4)6% 4RUCKINGAND)NTERMODAL3ERVICES 3TEPHAN'EURTS *R 'OVLOG .6 %XECUTIVE3UITE '%.%2!,#/5.3%, !LAN&7OHLSTETTER !IR#ARGO!IR4RAVEL $ENNING7OHLSTETTER !33/#)!4%-%-"%23-!.!'%-%.4"/!2$ !&2)#! -ATHIEW$UNOD !'3&RASERS COMMENTARY %RIC"EUTHIN (EAD,INES4ERRY2(EAD 7ASHINGTON5PDATE 7ORLDWIDE-OVERS5GANDA,TD h)!-v *IM7ISE0!#% #APSTONE #%.42!,3/54(!-%2)#!#!2)""%!. #LIFF7ILLIAMSON 4RANSPACK!RGENTINA 32, DEPARTMENTS 2AFAEL-ORENO -ORENO)NTERNATIONAL3!DE#6 90 0AGE 0ORTAL!DVERTISING %!34%2.3/54(%!34%2.!3)! )NDUSTRY.EWS !DVERTISERS)NDEX 9OGESH4HAKKER ST#ENTURY2ELOCATIONS 7ELCOME.EW-EMBERS )NDUSTRY#ALENDAR 0RICE,ISTFOR(('&!!0UBLICATIONS 3TEVE,EWIS 3ANTA&E2ELOCATION3ERVICES -ALAYSIA %52/0% !BOUTOURCOVER4HETH!NNUAL-EETINGIN(ONOLULU (AWAII BROUGHTTOGETHER(('&!! -ARC3MET MEMBERSFROMAROUNDTHEWORLD/URCOVERAGEBEGINSONPAGE 'OSSELIN7ORLD7IDE-OVING.6 2OBIN(OOD !RROWPAK)NTERNATIONAL -)$$,%%!34.%!2!3)! 4(%0/24!,ISPUBLISHEDBIMONTHLYBYTHE !JAY"HALLA (OUSEHOLD'OODS&ORWARDERS!SSOCIATIONOF ,EADER&REIGHT&ORWADERS !MERICA )NC(('&!! 2ICHMOND(WY 0RESIDENT4ERRY2(EAD %RAN$RENGER 3UITE !LEXANDRIA 6!0HONE 'ENERAL-ANAGER "ELVIAN7#ARRINGTON 3R /CEAN#OMPANY,IMITED &AX % MAIL $IRECTOROF0ROGRAMSAND%DUCATION ./24(!-%2)#! HHGFAA AOLCOM7EBSITEWWW(('&!!ORG "ORIS!0OPULOH +AREN#ONOVER 3ENDSUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISINGANDEDITORIAL $IRECTOROF'OVERNMENTAND-ILITARY2ELATIONS 3OURDOUGH%XPRESS )NC MATERIAL ANDCHANGESOFADDRESSTO(OUSEHOLD #HARLES,7HITE %DWARD47ICKMAN -EMBERSHIP#IRCULATION-ANAGER 'OODS&ORWARDERS!SSOCIATIONOF!MERICA )NC 7ICKMAN7ORLDWIDE3ERVICES )NC *EAN-ATHIS (('&!! 2ICHMOND(WY 3UITE !DMINISTRATIVE!SSISTANT /#%!.)! -ARILYN3ARGENT !LEXANDRIA 6! *AMILA+ENNEY !LOHA)NTERNATIONAL-OVING3ERVICES )NC ,AYOUT$ESIGN%DITOR*OYCE$EXTER 'EORGE#OOPER !USTRALIAN6ANLINES (%!$,).%3 )!- AM very grateful to all the members and special invited guests who were able to join us in Hawaii Ifor HHGFAA’s 46th Annual Meeting. Unfortunately, as one member correctly pointed out to me, this was the last meeting of the Household Goods Forwarders Association. Not to worry, however. I AM pleased to announce that next year you will have the opportunity to attend the 47th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Our 2009 conference and trade show will be the very first gathering of the membership under the Association’s newly adopted name: the Interna- tional Association of Movers (IAM). I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Association’s volunteer leadership and particu- larly our Chairman, Randy Groger, in successfully guiding the effort to source and promote the adop- tion of a more relevant and descriptive name for the Association. Over the past year the Executive Committee, AMMB and the staff devoted countless hours to this endeavor. It was gratifying to see the overwhelming support we received from the membership for both the concept to forge a new identity "Y4ERRY2(EAD and the name that was proposed for your consideration and approval. (('&!!0RESIDENT Now that the change to the new name, acronym, and logo has been approved by our members, the staff and I have been addressing all of the administrative and legal actions that go along with formally incorporating the name into our operations. The effective date of the new name is January 1, 2009. Shortly thereafter you will begin see- ing the new name used in our communications, publications, Web site, etc. There will be a one-year transitional period to allow you to adopt and incorporate the new name and logo into your own operations, printed and display materials, advertising, business cards, and so on. Our goal is that everyone will have complied with the change to IAM by December 31, 2009. I AM not certain what impact or strategic directional changes this new name will bring for the Association. What I AM certain of is that this Association, with its new name and a renewed purpose, will become more relevant and a greater resource to our members, both here in the United States and abroad. IAM will be there for you—whether in dealing with the ever-increasing security and regulatory requirements being imposed on the shipping and moving industries, or in helping you to weather the certain fallout from the collapse of housing markets around the world and the slowing of the global economy. This is a very adaptive Association and, as time has proven, a very resilient industry. In my 40 years in this business I have seen us overcome more than our fair share of challenges. I AM also a firm believer that where there is change or challenge, there is also opportunity. And I am certain that with your continued support and involvement, HHGFAA—soon to be the Interna- tional Association of Movers (IAM)—will be there to help you identify and take advantage of those opportunities. ■ (('&!!4(!..5!,-%%4).'!0(/4/%33!9 TH!NNUAL#HARITY&UN2UN!NOTHER3PLENDID3UCCESS he Hawaiian gods were truly looking down on this year’s annual Graebel (Nambe chip and dip dish), Interdean (iPod Nano), Santa Fe T5K Johns Hopkins Breast Cancer Research Fun Run held by Management Team (Mont Blanc pen and iTouch), Nuss (Sony handy- Santa Fe Relocation Services! Between the participants and other cam), Lars Iversen—Santa Fe (US$500), and Elliott (grand prize: two generous donors this year, the event raised US$16,255for the Johns South African Krugerrand gold coins). Hopkins Breast Cancer Research Charity Fund—a new one-day The first Krugerrand was the grand prize for the lucky draw, record. Here are the results: since the value of the one ounce of gold alone was nearly US$1,000, plus the collectors value. Winner Lenny Madussi with MS Move in -ENS2ESULTS Switzerland then donated the Krugerrand back to the charity. The 29 and under: Kainoa Ke-A-Aloha (new record of 20:17) auction of both Krugerrands was then handled by Aubrey Bowles 30-39: Brad Barker—Elliott (Overall Men’s Winner) with Elliott Botswana, who was able to set off a bidding war for the 40-59: Scott McMullin—Asian Tigers Taiwan first Krugerrand to a staggering US$1,700. This final bid was made by 60+: Aubrey Bowles—Elliott Charles Luyckx from Elliott, the original donor of the Krugerrands. Luyckx then redonated the Krugerrand back to the charity yet again. 7OMENS2ESULTS Following some very exciting bidding, both Krugerrands ended up in 29 and under: Lisa Drewry—Taylor Moving the hands of Paul Mason of UK-based John Mason International for 30-39: Mindy Vanden Berg—Graebel (Overall Women’s Winner) US$3,100. 40-59: Sophie Dillon—Moving Strategies In addition, there was another very generous donation of the second prize of US$500 cash, donated by Santa Fe’s own CEO, Lars Robert Cormier, Santa Fe’s group director, sales and marketing, Iversen, which was won by Kathleen Martens of Canadian Interna- acknowledged the support of HHGFAA President Terry Head and tional, who immediately donated the money back to the Breast Cancer Director of Programs and Education Boris Populoh, as well as the Research Fund. One-Group, Ben Carter with Stewart Harvey of Woodbridge, and For information on next year’s event in Orlando, or how to do- Catherine Goodrum with Trilogy Group, for their generous pledges nate a prize or participate, please contact [email protected]. and sponsorship of the fundraising efforts. hk, or Robert Cormier ([email protected]). Later that evening, there was also a special charity raffle and All proceeds raised from this year’s event will be added to the auction at the Santa Fe “Red Horse” cocktail reception. Generously more than US$750K raised toward breast cancer research since the donating prizes were Interconex (2 x US$100 cash cards), Italian fund was launched in 2002. Moving Network (Gucci tie), Aloha (Tahitian black pearl necklace), 3CENESFROMTHETH!NNUAL#HARITY&UN2UN 7ALKINGABOUT +FROM THE(ILTON (AWAIIAN 6ILLAGE2ESORT TOTHESTART OFTHE+&UN 2UN 4HE3ANTA&E#HARITY2UN2EGISTRATIONTABLE MANAGEDBYLEFT TORIGHT $AWN&ONTANO#772ENATAAND,AURA"USETTINI 6INELLI3COTTO3TEPHANIE2ALAINARIVO3ANTA&E2ELOCATION ,ETTHE 3ERVICESAND4INA"ORBA#77 RACEBEGIN 4HESERIOUS RUNNERS JUMPOUTIN FRONT5WE -UELLER )-3 'ERMANY AND-ICHAEL 2ATHBONE "RYTOR 0ARTICIPANTSGATHERON/CTFORTHETH!NNUAL"REAST#ANCER 2ESEARCH#HARITY&UN2UNDURING(('&!!STH!NNUAL -EETING HELDATTHE!LA-OANA0ARK (ONOLULU () !LOOOOHA he 46th HHGFAA Annual Meeting got off to its usual great start when over 1500 attend- Tees registered and were issued their name badges. In keeping with this year’s conference theme, “Riding the Waves of Change,” the registration area décor sported surfboards, hula girls and Hawaiian flora. The Association staff cheerfully welcomed everyone to “paradise” and were easily able to handle the large and eager crowd, answering their questions on the meeting’s various events
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