Property of the Watertown Historical Society 7bw« Times watertownhistoricalsociety.org Tow o nes Tow i I nes Tow UJ nes % wn Xltmee Tow cc nes Vol.5 (,"iS September 3,1998 4R PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. Price 75 cents Tow RU nes Serving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Town Times ^Officials ponder budget damage as another plan is developed by Susan Faber 18 referendum, the $25.3 million Dastur last Thursday on the effects As the Town Council's finance school plan lost decisively at the of future reductions on the schools. subcommittee comes up with rec- polls. The total $40.9 million budget "Any cuts at this time are not ommendations for crafting the next represented a 1.4-mill tax increase, going to be recommended by me," budget, the group is faced with the or a $140 per year property lax Dr. Dastur told the crowd of 75 to knowledge that cuts will affect the increase for owners of homes with 80 residents and town officials who School Department and ultimately an assessed value of $100,000. gathered to observe the special joint the school children in town. The Watenown-Oakville Tax- meeting between finance commit- As the result of three budget payers Association has fought tees of the council and school board. defeats at the polls this year, a total steadily forazero-mill tax increase, "I'm not advocating that we cut of $1 million has been sliced from claiming that there is enough money anywhere. There may be a savings the proposed school budget, elimi- in the town's general fund and of $1 million, but the damage can- nating hopes for more teachers, Grand List to cover the town's not be measured in dollars and computers, construction and main- expenses. cents." tenance projects, instructional sup- Town Council members, who Charging students to pay for plies and student field trips. have; the authority to cut the budget participation in sports may save Although the municipal budget further, listened to a report from some money, she said, but "chil- passed on the third try at the August Superintendent of Schools Dinoo dren need a well-rounded educa- tion. There are hidden expenses when you take recreation away from children." The schools pay a total Police presence lifted of $200,000 for the total athletic program, said Dr. Dastur, who noted from schools' hallways the high school athletics director by Susan Faber has recommended cutting the ice Watertown police officers will not patrol the hallways of Watertown hockey program. The school board High and Swift Junior High schools this fall as they did last spring, school has not acted on the recommenda- officials have announced. tion. The police presence was a temporary measure, said Superintendent of The town could share the main- Schools Dinoo Dastur, and was in response to a series of skirmishes, fights tenance, custodial and heating costs and threats among students last year. A high school student was also of the swimming pool at Water- arrested for hiding an incendiary device in a locker. town High School, she said, since "The summer was a cooling off period," commented Board of Educa- the schools use the facility less than tion Chairwoman Cheryl Carley on Monday. "I'm very optimistic the 50 percent of the time. It costs problems will be minimal. Our new disciplinary policy is very strict. $90,000 to maintain the pool each Disruptions will not be tolerated." year. The town could also take over A "Zero Tolerance" policy for violence, drugs and alcohol abuse was FIRST DAY: A young girl look her first steps off the school bus for the year drawn up in June following meetings between Dr. Dastur and Police Chief funding the salaries of parochial at JudsonSchoolinWatertownonMonday morning. Public andparochial John Carroll. When a fight occurs in a Watenown-Oakville school, the school nurses that are currently paid police will be called and students involved will be suspended from school by the public school department. schools opened their doors amid an unsettling atmosphere created by the and may be arrested, according to the policy. The town receives a 60 percent defeat of three budgets during the spring and summer. Watertown High School Principal Carol Rector handed in her resignation Monday to take (Continued on page 6) on duties as director of curriculum and professional development in Region 14. — Times Photo, Faber Watertown High starts year with good-bye to principal by Susan Faber being replaced by 80-minute peri- Carol Rector, principal of Wa- ods, allowing for more in-depth tertownHigh School,willleaveher coverage of material. The contro- position on October 9 and begin versial format has seen mixed duties as director of curriculum and ._ professional development for the Region 14 school district on Octo- ber 13. "I'm very excited," Mrs. Rector said on Monday. "These are two areas I've done a bit of work in." Region 14 comprises Woodbury and Bethlehem, and Mrs. Rector's responsibilities will encompass the entire district. She will stay on at Watertown High "to make sure (block) sched- Residents and town officials gathered in the Polk School library last Thursday lo observe a special budget uling is working smoothly and there meeting attended by Board of Education and Town Council members. The council heard a report by are no glitches," she said. Under Superintendent of Schools Dinoo Dastur and comments from the board's Budget Committee on the impact the new scheduling formatapproved of further cuts on the school system. The proposed budget suffered its third defeat at the polls on August 18, by the Board of Education in July, and $1 million has already been cut from the school budget. — Times Photo, Faber 45-minute long class periods are 2 —Property Town Times, September 3 , of1998 the Watertown Historical Society • EBT CARds • Food Sumps • MOST MAJOR watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCRcdir MeatCenter USDA CHOICE STEAK SALE I HEMINWAY CENTER BONELESS PORTERHOUSE 485 Main Street, Watertown, CT • 274-2714 SIRLOIN or T-BONE PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2 - SEPTEMBER 8 WED | THU | FR1 I SAT | SUN I MON I TUE STEAK g§ 2 4 5 8 8.00 am to 8:00 am to | I 8:00 am to $ 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 7:00 pm 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 2:00 pm "Petitcet 3.9L Cut into Fillet Mignon Steaks Our 1/4 Ib. HAMBURGER PATTIES are made with only the finest quality 100% fresh USDA At NoNo Extra Extra Charge Charge ground beef. Our 1/4 Ib. SAUSAGE PATTIES are made with only the finest quality 100% fresh ground pork and spices. ALL of our fresh and frozen patties are in freezer bags and boxes • 20 per box made and packaged right here in our store. TENDERLOIO N off BEEFs*4.47. J Shoulder <£ * m*m Fresh Lean Grouni CHUCK or PATTIES LONDON BROIL m" .47. 5 lb. Box - 20 per Box....^...^. 7^45 box Cut From The Eye Round §!<:#% #%•• Fresh Hot or Sweet BUTTERKNIFE STEAKS *2. 27. ITALIAN SAUSAGE of Thin Sliced From The Round * /* •• PATTIES - •1.49. 5 lb. Box - 20 per Box 7.45 box SANDWICH STEAKS ST2.77. With Skewers, Plain or Marinated, OT With Veggies <£f% M wm Extra Lean GROUND ROUND or PATTIES BEEYF SPAR KABOBE RIBSS UNTRY*2,47 SPARE RIB.S 5 Ib. Box - 20 per Box 9.45box BABY SPARE RIBS CO $ *%<& ZW Sale 1.59. 3 Lb.. BoBox t/t f\m Boneless * f* m f\ SKINLESS HOT DOGS *0.95 CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 2.49 5 Lb. Box Boneless dj t SKINLESS HOT DOGS 9.95 CENTER CUT SPARE RIBS * 3 Lb. Box Boneless W/CASING HOT DOGS SONED PORK ROAST 5 Lb. Box WITH CASING CJ A f-A Fresh Grade A DRUMSTICKS, $ CQ I OVEN $77 NATURAL HOT DOGS 12.50. LEGS OR THIGHS" V^ STUFFERS511 11 5 Lb. Box c M A fim box RED HOTS *10i95 Delivered Fresh Daily - 5 Lb. Box FOOT LONG"* j j f Logue Farms of Woodbury HOT DOGS $11.9 A5 Native Sweet Corn 8/^1.99 Ml tllCM freth tt »ar NATIVE TOMATOES VeU $ Hillshire Farm NATIVE PEPPERS .69. HONEY BAKED HAM $ $2.4$ 9 NATIVE EGGPLANT _ .69. Land O' Lakes New Crop 2.79 $ AMERICAN CHEESE EASTERN POTATOES M. k,. 1 • 29.. Wunderbar BOLOGNA «.99 Franklin Farms MUSHROOMS to + fa.. • 99« Our Own Store Made $ 3.79 CLASSIC SALAD MLX $ 99 ROAST BEEF Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow Societyn Times, September 3,199 8 — 3 Friendly Neighbors Index Births page 17 Name: Bob Viera Residence: Watertovm watertownhistoricalsociety.orgCable 5 Shows 25 Post Office and CCDT Occupation: Golf Course Super- Calendar. 29 team up for stamp intendent Classifieds 30-35 page 6 Bob was scheduled to be feted Crossword Puzzle 24 September 2 at the Watertown Legal Notices 29-30 Appreciative family Golf Club, where he has been Letters 4-5 volunteers time course superintendent 40 years, Musical Notes 23 page 18 having begun his job there Labor Obituaries 12 Dayofl958.HegrewupinNorth Op/Perspectives 4 Brogna on season, Dartmouth, Mass., and started Perfect Date 31 McGwire, and more working at age 14 at the New Police Blotter 10 page 19 Bedford, Mass, golf course. Af- Property Transfers 26 ter high school and a stint in the Real Estate 26-28 U.S. Armyin 1953.it was back to Clockwork Rep getting the links, and obtaining a degree Religious 13-15 into 'Cahoots' turf management from the Restaurants 25 page 29 "University of Massachusetts at Safety Logs 10 Stockbridge.
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