w i 0 S L n ^ Average Dfiily Net Praas Ron For the Week Endtag ____ tiii8 Wurtkar. The executive /ward of toe Ths House OomihIttM and Board Mareh t, IN I ffkawwA ^ U. & WsNfeiv Mbmb Washington PTA, and committee of Directors of the Red Men’s So­ Local Youth Men Invited ^ f l F I X I ■ i T O I Z 1 4 1 ^ 1 1 f > i ^ T i ^ T t About Town chairmen, wll' meet tomorrow cial Oub will meet tonight at 8 Court Cases evening at 7:80 in the cafeterto of o'clock. 10,139 Vs4eF~rMr sM sranyi TMgM James J. Dowd*. 27, of 18* Oak To Qub Event IwUJrUlllu JlFraU I the Washington school. Mrs. On the Radio . -fiKs.Widassfisg Fsk—dwsm ICnMe IUvl«w, N a 1 Wom»n’* The Frlendchip Circle of the street, charged with drtvlflg while Manher af Uw Ao«t Am oCM ioR, will mt«t to- Ernest Ungersr, president, hopes Bureoo ol CIroalattene w W U g b M .N . for a hundred per fcent atten d ­ Salvation Army will omit Ita meet­ under the Influence of liquor or Maneheeter^A City of VlUetge Charm __ m n r •vcBliV ** clock ing scheduled for this evening. drug* and driving wl\lle hla llcenae Pops Concert to Feature aterp In Odd Fellow* hall. A* thle ance: Norman Kronick Does was under auapenalotj, was sen­ teal meetinR before The Regina d italla. Society will Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Au- Imiiersonationg on Ted tenced to 60 day* on each count, Country Qub Program (CWaMBcd AdverUslag oe Page IX) rally here March 20. the Rnarts meet this evening at 7:30 at the with aentence* to be served con. VOL. LXX, NO. 181 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 6,1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE e m m •r« requeeted to bring their white dette and family of 42 Lancaster Italian American Club on Eldiidge On Next Thursday road, have returned after a two Mackes Amateur Show currenUy. by Deputy Judge John gMMM to be certain they are of atreet. D. LaBellele In 'Tofown Court‘ this unUonn length for the floor work weeks’ vacation In Seberlng and Ths broad appsal of th* tntor* SL Petersburg, Fla. \ Norman Kronick son of Mr. and morning. they wUl p u t on. A daughter, their flset child, tainment for the March ‘‘LAdlaa’ Mrs. William Kronick of Stephen Dowds was aiTested February Powers Seek was born Saturday to Mr, and Mra. 18. A previous Tlrunken driving Night” at Manchester Country The DeWolf Art Guild will nicol Mrs. Charles Cole, tel. 4208. street was one of the featured per­ Foreign Relations Wm. Schinck of Cincinnati. Ohio. conviction four years ago makes in the chapel of the South Meth- chairman of the bski'd ham sup­ club has brought many requests WHAT IS YOUR per which St. Mary's Guild will Mr*. Schmick. prior to her mar­ formers on the Ted Mack Amateur the Jail sentenced mandatory, said *MQ- Meet to Ease Allies Continue Drive Odiet church tomorrow evening at that the evening be for men and serve at six o'clock Wednesday riage was Miss Cynthia Ann Pala- Hour over the ABC radio network Prosecutor Philip Bayer. l o u r o n ^ t o’clock. The subject for dis- ley. daughter of Mrs. Harold West Harold E. Houle, J r , 21, of 116 women. The conunlttee baa de­ cu^on wUl be ‘‘Coffin and Coun­ evening, urges those who have not last Thursday night. cided that the event will be open *M ANCHE5TER QUOTIENT already made reservation.s to do of Pitkin street. North School street, was fined $50 Are Re-Established Young Kronick who is a fresh­ to husbands and frlenda Thursday High Tensions try Tin Trays." Members ore ask­ so before ten o'clock tomorrow for tampering with a motor ve­ This Is one of a projected aeries of Informal ed to bring to the meeting articles The Ladies Aid Society will man at American International hicle, $10 for driving without a evening at 7:30. quizzes designed to give you more than a nod­ they have decorated since the last morning. They may also call Mrs College in Springfield,'Maas., haa William Hunniford. 4274: or Mrs. meet tomorrow evening at 8:00 at license and $10 for driving sm un­ A ‘‘Pops Concert” baa been ar­ ding acquaintance with your town. Its character. On City of Hongchon; meeting. It Is also hoped to have Four Great Nations Try Claude Porter. 7002 The Wednes- , the Concordia Lutheran church. registered motor vehicle. Houle ranged with a w|<Je variety of en­ Its Mstory and Ita problem. Knowing Manchester an old blanket chest on exhlblOon. Members who are on the ClvHlan For West Germany day evening Lenten service will ^ was arrested yesterday by Police tertainment, directed by Fred better srtn give you a better understanding of Its Defense committee will meet at To End International follow at 7:.10. i Sergeant qeorge C. Dent and Pa­ Werner. Bruno Dtibaldo and Pa­ problems and perhaps point the way for molding 7 30. Hostesses who will serve to- trolman George P. McCaughey. tricia Parsons will present a So­ Ita future. Discord; Expect Ad­ moriv'v evening include Mrs. .lohn. nata for violin and piano. Mlaa Mi.ss Gloria Capi'cllo. Hil- Prosecutor Bayer stated that Weatera AlUea Restore Manpqester Development Commisalon Mrs. George ami Mrs. kre^l Wina- Houle adm itted taking 1951 in- Joan Stewart will sing. Robert ditional ' Conferences Resistance Increases liai*d street. Mis.*, .lune Mil* ler. ai.'-o Mrs .lohn and Mrs. Sam­ Richardson will play piano aelpc- INCOME TAX ikowakl. 89 Hollister street, and aerta from other vehicles and In­ Diplomatic Privileges uel Zwick. stalling them on ' bla own car. tlons. Trudy Qardnsp lyier »1U News Tidbits Paris, March 6—(85 — Deputlea Miss Lorraine Leclerc. 23 Mam demonstrate ballet and claasical With Restrictions and IS MY lUSINfSS atreet, are among the atiidents of Houle has a record of previous Culled From (/P) Wires of the four great powers wentSnto American Marinea Ad­ William K Reed, son of Mr. and dances. the Waterbiiry Hospital Schixd of motor vehicle conviction*. Review Rights; May their second session today In an Wherr Allies Pound Red Strongholds NIW TELEPHONE Mrs Frank H. Reed of 65 Pros­ George Vince, tenor; Mias June vance In SnowatoriB fai Nursing who will receive their pect .street, a junior at Suffield Other ' cases disposed of this attempt to find out whether a con- nurses' cup.s at exerciHCs to be held morning were: John H. Reynolds, McKinney, pianist, Mrs. Belledna Lead to Return of Britain’s Labor government dis­ Central Korea; Chinese .\cadomv. and Charles Kopp, were Mansur, contralto, and William closes plans to spend more than frence of foreign ministers on In­ PHONE 2-4764 tonight. Airontered the Waler- elected iiy the faculty to repre- 18. Flanders road. South Coventry, ternational tensions can he ar­ 'HOklH biiry Hospital Sohool of Nursing driving without a license, $6; Sweet, Jr., who will give Imper­ Full National Status $4,000,000,()00 on Royal A ir Fore* KOmA Reds Believed Chnean- .senl th at preparatory school at sonations. will be among the ar­ by spring of 1854 , . , Two men ranged. FOR APPOINTMENT last September and have surces.s- the recent Forum on Democracy Ralph J. HastUIo, 17, of R FD 3, JC. Rockville, making U-tum, $3 bond tists. and woman go on trial In New The four deputies were expected . j F m s s u h S trating at Hongchon; fiilly passed their first si.x months at Columbia University. Bonn, Germany, March 6. to get down to rases, after the isoors Btorge P. Anderson of nursing studies. forfeited; Ttieodore MaltszewskI, Refreshments will be served at —The western allies to­ York in first atomic spy trial in : ixOMA MacArthur Reports Big Meriden, speeding, $21. 7:30 by young members of the history .... Virginia and Massa- general statements yesterday by NEW ADDRESS The Dorcas Society will hold its the Weal and the Soviet llnion on 105 OLCOTT STREET Pfc. Thomas !•'. McMiilhn of Id Continued to March 10 were club: Miss Priscilla Anderson, day formally allowed West chuseUs authorities investigate Red Forces Moving to nmiilhly meeting Wednesday eve­ Mlsa Mary Ann Handley. Mias possibility that child whose body what they believe should be dis­ fPuMn Manchester. Conn. Pine street and Pfi’ .lohn M I'u- ning at 8:1,5 at Emanuel Lutheran charges of driving without a li­ Germany to set up its first beski. husband of .Mrs. Mary f cense and registration against Jo-Anne Handley and Miss Sandra postwar foreign ministry and is found off principal state high­ cussed in s major big four parley. Support Its 4th Army I I hiirch following the Lenten-serv- Sundquist The cigarette girl way near Richmond is youngster Today’s session could well tell tlie Dubeski of 28 Bilyue road, gradu­ ■ ire. Hostesses will be Mlsa Eleanor Boyd P. Chapman. Jr., of 126 will he Miss Jan Blair. to establish diplomatic rela­ missing from Quincy, Mass., or story whether a conference will be ated recently from the Radio * Casperson. Mrs. Sylvia Cocke, Mr*. Shadycrest drive. East Hartford. t . Tokyo, March 6.— Maintenance course at the Infan­ Also continued to the same date tions with “friendly nations.” Chicopee, Mass............ G overnm ent possible. ChsofchM try School. Fort Henning. Geor­ Elvira Daniels, Mrs. Magna Erick- Austrian Envoy |n Paris Parka-clad American Marinm .son, Mrs, Emma Harris, Mra. Alice is a driving under the Influence The permission was granted of President Juan D.
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