FEDERAL VOLUME 7 NUMBER 72 V4 ^A/ITED / 1934 % Washington, Tuesday, Apri/ 14, 1942 The President and projectiles, filled or unfilled, for the CONTENTS arms enumerated under (3) above; (5) Grenades, bombs, torpedoes, THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2549 mines and depth charges, filled or un­ Proclamation: Page filled, and apparatus for their use or Arms, ammunition, and imple­ E numeration op Arms, Ammunition, and discharge; ments of war, enumeration I mplements of W ar (6) Tanks, military armored vehicles, of_____________________ 2769 and armored trains; armor plate and Executive Order: BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES turrets for such vehicles. Arizona, lands withdrawn for OF AMERICA Category II use of War Department; A PROCLAMATION correction______________ 2771 WHEREAS section 12 (i) of the joint Vessels of war of all kinds, including RULES, REGULATIONS, resolution of Congress approved Novem­ aircraft carriers and submarines, and ORDERS ber 4, 1939, entitled “Joint resolution to armor plate and turrets for such vessels. T itle 6—Agricultural Credit: preserve the neutrality and the peace of Category III the United States and to secure the Farm Credit Administration: safety of its citizens and their interests”, (1) Aircraft, unassembled, assembled, Federal land banks, prepay­ provides in part as follows (54 Stat. 11; or dismantled, both heavier and lighter ment of loans________ 2771 22 U.S.C. 452 (i)): than air, which are designed, adapted, T itle 7—Agriculture: and intended for aerial combat by the Agricultural Adjustment “The President is hereby authorized to use of machine guns or of artillery or for Agency: proclaim upon recommendation of the Board Conservation program, 1942, from time to time a list of articles which the carrying and dropping of bombs, or shall be considered arms, ammunition, and which are equipped with, or which by amendments__________ 2771 implements of war for the purposes of this reason of design or construction are pre­ Agricultural Marketing Ad­ section * * *” pared for, any of the appliances referred ministration: Greater Kansas City Mar­ NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D, to in paragraph (2) below; (2) Aerial gun mounts and frames, keting Area, handling of ROOSEVELT, President of the United m ilk________________ 2772 States of America, acting under and by bomb racks, torpedo carriers, and bomb- release or torpedo-release mechanisms; T itle 10—Arm y: W ar D epartment: virtue of the authority conferred upon Prescribed service uniform, me by the .said joint resolution of Con­ armor plate and turrets for military air­ craft. Army nurses_______ *___ 2773 gress, and pursuant to the recommenda­ T itle 12—Banks and B anking: tion of the National Munitions Control Category IV Federal Reserve System: Board, declare and proclaim that the (1) Revolvers and automatic pistols War financing regulations__ 2773 articles listed below shall, on and after using ammunition in excess of caliber T itle 14—Civil Aviation: April 15, 1942, be considered arms, am­ .22; Civil Aeronautics Board: munition, and implements of war for (2) Ammunition in excess of caliber Flying school rating: the purposes of section 12 (i) of the said .22 for the arms enumerated under (1) Administrator permitted to joint resolution of Congress: above, and cartridge cases or bullets for waive certain provi- Category I such ammunition. sions_______________ 2775 Category V Exemptions: (1) Rifles and carbines using ammuni­ Buroker-Hicks Flying tion in excess of caliber .22, and barrels (1) Aircraft, unassembled, assembled Service___________ 2775 for those weapons; or dismantled, both heavier and lighter Shook Flying Service___ 2774 (2) Machine guns, automatic or auto­ than air, other than those included in United School of Aero­ loading rifles, and machine pistols using category IH; nautics___________ 2775 ammunition in excess of caliber .22, and (2) Propellers or air-screws, fuselages, Propeller airworthiness, barrels for those weapons; machine-gun hulls, wings, tail units, and under-car­ opaque finishes on wood mounts; riage units; propellers_____________ 2774 (3) Guns, howitzers, and mortars of all (3) Aircraft engines, unassembled, as­ T itle 16—tCommercial P ractices: calibers, their mountings and barrels; sembled, or dismantled. Federal Trade Commission: (4) Ammunition in excess of caliber Superior Felt and Bedding .22 for the arms enumerated under (1), Category VI Co., cease and desist (2), and (3) above, and cartridge cases (1) Livens projectors, flame throwers, order________________ 2776 or bullets for such ammunition; shells and fire-barrage projectors; (Continued on next page) 2769 2770 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, April 14, 1942 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued T itle 32—N ational D efense—Con. Department of Agriculture—Con. Office of Price Administration— pag® Farm Security Administration: p»ge FEDERALtfJjiEGISTER Con. Localities designated for V IS 3 « Typewriters, new and used— 2792 loans: Vacuum cleaners and attach­ Mississippi ____ ;________ 2801 ments________________ 2794 New York______________ 2801 War Production Board: Washington____________ 2801 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Amusement, gaming, weigh­ Department of the Interior: and days following legal holidays by the Bituminous Coal Division: Division of the Federal Register, The National ing machines and auto­ Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ matic phonographs, inter­ Applications for registration tained in the Federal Register Act, approved pretation of limitation as distributors------- ----- 2799 July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ order -------------------- 2787 District Board 11, relief or­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Agave fiber, amendment------ 2788 der amended_____________ 2799 mittee, approved by the Resident. Boilers, steam, and electric District Board 13, relief The Administrative Committee consists of generating equipment, denied_______________ 2798 the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer used, limitation order— 2790 Ford Motor Co., interim ex­ of the Department of Justice designated by emption______________ 2799 the Attorney General, and the Public Printer Boxes for canned foods, speci­ or Acting Public Printer. fications___________ -— 2788 Hearings, postponements, The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Diamonds, rough, amend­ 6t/C* I will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free ment_________________ 2789 Delta Coal Mining Co-------- 2798 of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Explosives and explosive Reed Coal Co___________ 2798 year, payable in advance. Remit money or­ equipment, amendment- 2786 Sergeant Coal Sales Co----- 2800 der payable to the Superintendent of Docu­ Farm machinery and parts, Sanders, Barney, complaint ments directly to the Government Printing dismissed-------------------- 2799 Office, Washington, D. C. The charge for etc., amendment---------- 2787 single copies (minimum, lOtf) varies in pro­ Furnaces, limitation order— 2785 Bureau of Reclamation: portion to the size of the issue. Furniture, metal household; Truckee River Storage Proj­ amendment__________ 2786 ect, Calif.-Nev., first form Iron and steel production withdrawal___________ 2800 maintenance, repair, and General Land Office: CONTENTS—Continued supplies, amendment----- 2783 Idaho, stock driveway with­ Kitchen, household, etc., ar­ drawal enlarged-_______ 2800 T itle 19— Customs D u t ie s: ticles, amendment--------- 2785 Department of Labor: Bureau of Customs: Pa&e Motor trucks, trailers, and Wage and Hour Division: Free entry of jerked beef for passenger carriers, sup­ Learner employment certifi­ consumers in Puerto plementary order-----^— 2782 cates, various industries Rico------------------ 2776 Office machinery, conversion (2 documents)________ 2801 Restricted exportations and order interpreted---------- 2786 Securities and Exchange Commis­ sion: importations---------------- 2777 Rotenone, conservation order- 2789 Commonwealth & Southern T itle 25—I ndians: Rubber, amendments (2 doc­ Corp., simplification of cor­ Office of Indian Affairs: uments) ----- 2782 porate structure ordered— 2805 Spokane Indian Reservation, Soil pipe and fittings, cast Florida Power Corp., & Florida iron, schedule_________ 2787 West Coast Towing Co., dec­ leasing of unallotted Sugar, direct-consumption, lands for mining---------- 2777 laration effective------------- 2807 amendment__________ 2787 Hearings, postponements, etc.: T itle 26—I nternal R evenue: Suspension orders: Columbus & Southern Ohio Bureau of Internal Revenue: Mills Novelty Co------------- 2784 Electric Co., Dillon, Read Income tax, bad debt deduc­ Talon, Inc______________ 2784 & Co_________________ 2807 tion_________________ 2777 Tea, amendment-------------- 2786 Jacksonville Gas Co., and Vitamin A, limitation order. 2785 T itle 32—N ational D efense: American Gas and Power Wood pulp, preference order Co__________________ 2804 Export Control: Interpretation_________ 2789 Proclaimed list of certain Michigan Consolidated Gas blocked nationals, supple­ T itle 46— S h ippin g : Co., Dillon, Reed & Co___ 2807 ment------------------------- 2777 Bureau of Customs: Standard Power & Light Corp_ 2805 Transportation of passengers Van Horn, Russell, and Don­ Office of Price Administration: in Canadian vessels be­ ald M. Stern, as Protec­ Chemicals; carbon tetrachlo­ tween Alaskan points— 2795 tive Committee________ 2808 ride_________________ 2792 Coast Guard: International Utilities Corp., Cotton textiles, carded grey General rules and regulations, et al., proceeding dis­ and colored-yarn
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