Field: European Studies FRENCH70A: Introduction to French Fall 2013 Introduction to Tom Conley literature, from medieval period through 19th C French literature Exploration of variety of AESTHINT60: Eastern European writers Spring 2014 Literature and Art in George Grabowicz in the 20th century, an Era of Crisis and focused on holocaust and spread of Communism Repression Survey of historical HIST1511: Latin Kristen Weld relations between Latin Spring 2014 America and the US America and the US Exploration of varieties of youth protest across HISTLIT90AY: Rachel Gillette Europe (France, Fall 2014 Youth Protest in Germany, Czech Europe Republic) around 1968 Preparation for HISTLIT97: Lauren Kaminsky, sophomore paper, focused Spring 2015 Sophomore Tutorial Timothy Wientzen on modernism and time in Britain and Russia Spring 2015 HIST1290: History of the Russian Kelly O’Neill Survey of Russian history from founding of Russia Empire to 20th century Fall 2015 CULTBLF50: The Survey of art produced in European Postwar Peter Gordon postwar France, Germany, England HIST1974: Eurasia Introduction to Eurasia Fall 2015 in the Twentieth Timothy Nunan and the Middle East in the Century 20th century HISTLIT98R: Syllabus focused on public intellectuals in Fall 2015 Junior Tutorial Duncan White France, England, and Russia HISTLIT98R: Duncan White Spring 2016 Junior Tutorial Preparation for junior paper SLAVIC129: Russia Michael Kunichika Exploration of art and Fall 2016 and Race history dealing with race in Russia, from early Lauren Kaminsky epics to Soviet period Fall 2016-Spring HISTLIT99: Senior Duncan White Work on thesis and oral 2016 Tutorial exam Oksana Willis Fall 2016 RUSS102R: Focus on analyzing Language of Social historical and journalistic Science and Media documents in Russian Field: European Studies Survey of most of David ENGLISH 190WE: Fall 2016 Andrew Warren Foster Wallace’s works, David Foster Wallace including Infinite Jest (not petitioned for credit, but material used for oral exam) Political science Spring 2017 GOV1286: Central Yuval Weber introduction to Russia’s Asia and the relationship with Central Caucasus Asia and the Caucasus throughout history Exploration of variety of Spring 2017 SLAVIC195: Central Jonathan Bolton novels from East Central European Novel Europe (Czech Republic, After World War II Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary) in years following World War II Introduction to Spring 2017 FRENCH234: Françoise Lionnet Francophone literatures Francophone Studies dealing with questions related to human rights and Human Rights Field: European Studies Russian Empires Labzina, Anna Evdokimovna, Gary Marker, and Rachel May. Days of a Russian Noblewoman: The Memories of Anna Labzina, 1758-1821. [Late 18th Century] Drancey, Anne. Captive des Tch-tchqnes. Compiled by Claudine Herrmann. Edited by Edouard Merlieux. [1857] Tolstoy, Loe. Hadji Murad. [1912] Platonov, Andrei. Soul. [~1930s] Kundera, Milan. “The Tragedy of Central Europe.” (1984) Yegenoglu, Meyda. Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism. [2005] King, Charles. The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus. [2008] *Image of map included in back of packet (Image 1) Russian Countercultures Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Sons. [1862] Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Notes from the Underground. [1864] Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich. “Conclusion” in What Is to be Done? [1902] Nabokov, Vladimir. The Gift. [1938] Tsypkin, Leonid. Summer in Baden Baden. [2001] Evtuhov, Catherine, and Goldfrank, David. A History of Russia: Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces. “Chapter 21: Alexander II and the Era of the Great Reforms, 1855-1870.” [2004]. Said, Edward. “Reflections on Exile,” in Reflections on Exile. [2002] Race and Racism in Europe Frantz Fanon, “L’Algérie se dévoile.” [1959] Field: European Studies Smith, William Gardner. The Stone Face. [1963] Mathieu Kassovitz, “La haine.” [1995] Pamuk, Orhan. Snow. [2002] Alexandrov, Vladimir. The Black Russian. [2004] De Sousa Santos, Boaventura. “Toward a Multicultural Conception of Human Rights.” [1997] Scott, Joan. “Sexualarism: On secularism and Gender Equality,” in The Fantasy of Feminist History. [2012] *Image included in back of packet (Image 2) Imagining Modernity and Alternative Futures Frederick Winslow Taylor, “The Principles of Scientific Management,” pp. 4-21. [1911] Zamiatin, EvgeniƱ Ivanovich. We. [1921] Bulgakov, Mikhail, and Michael Glenny. The Heart of a Dog. [1925] Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. [1925] Stapledon, Olaf. Star Maker. [1937] Foster Wallace, David. Infinite Jest. [1996] Buck-Morss, Susan. “On Time” in Dreamworld and Catastrophe, pp. 42-96. [2000] Judt, Tony. “Introduction” in Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945. [2005] European Communism and the Individual Kafka, Franz. “In the Penal Colony.” [1919] Orwell, George. Homage to Catalonia. [1938] Jean-Luc Godard, “La Chinoise” [1967] Memorandum of Conversation between Leonid Brezhnev and Alexander Dubcek. [13 August 1968] Field: European Studies Kundera, Milan. The Unbearable Lightness of Being. [1984] Magda Szabó, The Door, trans. Rix, Len. [1987] Richard Ivan Jobs, “Youth Movements: Travel, Protest, and Europe in 1968.” The American Historical Review. April 2009, p. 376-404. Bolton, Jonathan. Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, the Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture Under Communism. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2012. Chapter 4. *Image included in back of packet (Image 3) Field: European Studies Senior Bibliography Pre-19th Century Plato. "Euthyphro." Plato Five Dialogues. [399-395 BC] Augustine, and Garry Wills. “Book 1, 2, 4, 7, 10.” Confessions. New York: Penguin, 2006. Print. [~390 AD] Kant, Immanuel, Theodore Meyer Greene, Hoyt H. Hudson, and John Silber. Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. New York: Harper & Row, 1960. 15-39, 50-72, 79-105. Print. [1793] Goldfrank/Hughes/Evtuhov/Stites, A History of Russia: Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces [2004]. Kivelson & Neuberger [eds.], Picturing Russia: Explorations in Visual Culture [2008]. Emden, Wolfgang Van. La Chanson De Roland. London: Grant & Cutler, 1995. Print. [11th Century] Rabelais, Franbois, Guy Demerson, Michel Renaud, and Genevicve Demerson. Pantagruel. Paris: Seuil, 1996. Print. [1532] A. M. Kurbskii, Prince A. M. Kurbskii’s History of Ivan IV: 25-71 [1573] Montaigne, Michel De, and Alexandre Micha. Essais ... Michel De Montaigne. Paris: Garnier- Flammarion, 1969. Print. [1580] Bellay, Joachim Du. Les Regrets. Paris: Laffont, 1958. Print. [1558] Curtis, David. Descartes, Discours De La M-thode. London: Grant & Cutler, 1984. Print. [1637] Molicre. Les Pr-cieuses Ridicules; Les Femmes Savantes. Paris: Maxi-livres-Profrance, 1998. Print. [1659] Molicre, and Claude Bourqui. Le Misanthrope. Paris: Librairie Gdndrale Franbaise, 2000. Print. [1666] Pascal, Blaise, Louis Lafuma, and Dominique Descotes. Pens-es, Pascal. Paris: Garnier, Flammarion, 1973. Print. [1670] Racine, Jean, and Josd Lupin. Phèdre. Prdface De Charles Pdguy. Notes De Josd Lupin. Paris: Livre De Poche, 1964. Print. [1677] Basil Dmytryshyn, "Modernization of Russia under Peter I and Catherine II": 16-70 Field: European Studies Voltaire. Lettres Philosophiques. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1967. Print. [1733] Gavrila Derzhavin, “Ode to the Wise Princess Felitsa” [1782]. Lavocat, Franboise. Les Confessions, Rousseau. Paris: editions Nathan, 1997. Print. [1789] Alexander N. Radishchev, Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow: 40-43, 91-107, 164-187 [1790] Labzina, Anna Evdokimovna, Gary Marker, and Rachel May. Days of a Russian Noblewoman: The Memories of Anna Labzina, 1758-1821. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois UP, 2001. Print. [Late 18th Century] Modernism Kafka, Franz, and Willa Muir. The Penal Colony, Stories and Short Pieces. New York: Schocken, 1948. Print. [1919] Zamiatin, EvgeniƱ Ivanovich, and Natasha Randall. We. New York: Modern Library, 2006. Print. [1921] Haãek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Svejk: And His Fortunes in the World War. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print. [1923] Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy, and Daniel C. Gerould. Seven Plays. New York: Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications, 2004. Print. [1924] Bulgakov, Mikhail, and Michael Glenny. The Master and Margarita. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. Print. [1924] Kafka, Franz. The Trial. New York: Knopf, 1957. Print. [1925] Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. New York: Harcourt, Brace. [1925] Davies, Stevie. Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1989. Print. [1927] Kulish, Mykola. Sonata Pathetique. Littleton, CO: Ukrainian Academic, 1975. Print. [1930] Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Despair: A Novel. N.p.: n.d. Print. [1934] Schulz, Bruno. Cinnamon Shops: And Other Stories. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1963. Print. [1934] ýapek, Karel, and Ewald Osers. War with the Newts. Highland Park, NJ: Catbird, 1990. Print. [1936] Field: European Studies Sándor Márai, Embers, trans. Carol Brown Janeway [Vintage] [1942] Nabokov, Vladimir. The Gift. New York: Vintage International, 1991. Print. [1952] Czesław Miłosz, The Captive Mind, trans. Jane Zielonko [Vintage] [1953] Night and Fog. Alain Resnais, [1955.] Gombrowicz, Witold, Eric Mosbacher, and Alastair Hamilton. Ferdydurke ; Pornografia ; Cosmos: Three Novels. New York: Grove, 1978. Print. [1956] Borowski, Tadeusz. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. New York: Penguin, 1976. Print. [1959] Bohumil Hrabal, I Served the King of England, trans. Paul Wilson [New Directions] [1971] Ryszard Kapuściński, The Emperor: Downfall of an Autocrat, trans. William R. Brand [Vintage] [1978] Platonov,
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