BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE c Volume 14, Number 4, 2019 LactMed Update ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2019.0045 Maternal Vaccination and Breastfeeding Philip O. Anderson uestions about the use of vaccines during breast- 14 weeks, their infants had a 36% reduction in respiratory Qfeeding are common. This column reviews the evidence illness with fever, and a 63% reduction in laboratory- and recommendations for administration of vaccines to confirmed influenza during the first 6 months of life com- nursing mothers. References and more detail can be found in pared with infants of mothers who received pneumococcal LactMedÒ and at the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- polysaccharide vaccine as a control. However, the relative vention (CDC) website.1 contributions of breastfeeding and passive transfer of ma- ternal antibodies during pregnancy were not determined. Breastfeeding and Infant Response A similar study conducted in Bangladesh found that in- fluenza-specific IgA levels were higher in the breast milk of Theoretically, high titers of immunoglobulins in breast mothers immunized against influenza than in the milk of milk might reduce the efficacy of the same vaccine admin- mothers immunized against pneumococcus. This difference istered to infants. Current evidence shows that when routine lasted until at least 6 months postpartum. The breastfed in- childhood vaccines are given according to accepted vacci- fants of influenza-vaccinated mothers had fewer episodes of nation schedules, breastfeeding not only does not interfere respiratory illness with fever in the first 6 months postpartum, with the infant’s response to any vaccine, but also actually which was positively correlated with the extent of exclusive enhances infants’ response to some vaccines. Breastfed breastfeeding. infants are also less likely to have fever and may be less likely to experience anorexia and reduced energy intake Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis after routine childhood immunization than those who are not breastfed. All components of this vaccine are inactivated. Adults should receive either the diphtheria, tetanus (Td) vaccine or Live Attenuated and Inactivated the diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine every 10 years. Women are recommended to receive Tdap Vaccines come in two general types: inactivated vaccines with every pregnancy. Those vaccinated after 20 weeks of that contain the antigens of the target organism, or live at- gestation have higher antipertussis immunoglobulin A (IgA) tenuated strains of the organism. Some inactivated vaccines levels in their breast milk than those who are not vaccinated. are made using recombinant gene technology whereas others Women, including nursing mothers, who have not received consist of killed disease organisms. There is no evidence or Tdap previously should be vaccinated with Tdap immedi- reason to believe that inactivated or recombinant vaccines ately postpartum. would harm a nursing infant. Live attenuated vaccines given A study of previously vaccinated infants found that at 21– to the mother could conceivably infect the infant, but most 40 months of age, breastfed infants had higher IgG levels live vaccines do not pass into milk or harm the infant. Two against diphtheria, higher secretory IgA levels in saliva exceptions are yellow fever and smallpox vaccines, which against diphtheria and tetanus, and higher fecal IgM against can infect infants and should be avoided in nursing mothers. tetanus than formula-fed infants. After vaccination, anti- Downloaded by OUHSC (University of Oklahoma, OK City ) from www.liebertpub.com at 05/14/19. For personal use only. pertussis antibodies appear in breast milk within 1–2 weeks; Routine Vaccines however, conflicting results have been reported on whether Influenza breastfed infants are protected from pertussis by maternal vaccination. The CDC and several health professional organizations state that breastfeeding is not a contraindication to either the Measles, mumps, and rubella live, attenuated (i.e., inhaled), or inactivated (i.e., injected) influenza vaccine, including H1N1 (swine) influenza vac- The measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine con- cine. All adults should receive one dose annually. Breast milk tains all live attenuated strains. No clear evidence exists of antibody responses are higher with the inactivated influenza live attenuated measles or mumps vaccine virus excretion vaccine than with the live vaccine. into breast milk. Numerous different strains of the rubella In a study of pregnant women who were immunized during vaccine have been used over time and in different countries. the third trimester and breastfed their infants for an average of Some strains have been found in breast milk and in throat Division of Clinical Pharmacy, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California. 215 216 LACTMEDÒ UPDATE swabs of the breastfed infants, including the RA 27/3 strain Meningococcus used in the United States. Cases of infection with the vaccine Meningococcal vaccines are inactivated vaccines. Im- strain have been reported, but if an infection does occur, it is munization of the mother during the third trimester of preg- well tolerated because the virus is attenuated. nancy markedly increases the amount of meningococcal In one study, after immunization of their mothers with the antibodies in breast milk, including specific secretory IgA RA 27/3 strain, 25% of breastfed infants showed transient content. The vaccine is indicated in those who wish the seroconversion to rubella virus, but without any clinical vaccine, or with certain medical or exposure risks, and in disease. Another study examined a subset of 119 breastfed previously unvaccinated first-year college students who live infants whose mothers received the RA 27/3 strain. None of in residential housing. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication them had any evidence of side effects or seroconversion from to the meningococcal vaccine. maternal vaccination at 2–8 months of age. Haemophilus Varicella Varicella is a live vaccine indicated only for persons born Haemophilus vaccines are inactivated vaccines re- in 1980 or later or in mothers who have no evidence of im- commended only in adults with anatomical or functional munity. Mothers born before 1980 should usually receive the asplenia, sickle cell disease, or hematopoietic stem cell MMR vaccine. No studies have evaluated the effects of the transplant. Although there is some conflicting information on combined measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine the effect of breastfeeding on infants’ antibody response to during breastfeeding. However, some information is avail- Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines, there is no evidence able on varicella vaccine used alone. Two postpartum women that breastfeeding reduces protection against the disease. immunized with varicella vaccine provided preimmunization Breastfeeding alone increases antibodies against H. influen- and serial postimmunization breast milk samples. One sam- zae and reduces the incidence of H. influenzae type b men- ple of colostrum contained detectable viral DNA and B-actin, ingitis. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to the H. but all other samples were negative for these species. No influenzae vaccine. varicella gene sequences were found in any of the samples. In another study of 12 women vaccinated with live attenuated Pneumococcus varicella vaccine found no evidence of varicella virus ex- cretion into breast milk. In general, only patients >65 years should receive the pneumococcal vaccine. However, smokers, those with cer- tain chronic medical conditions, immunocompromised pa- Human papilloma virus tients, and those with cerebrospinal fluid leak or cochlear This recombinant vaccine, which helps to prevent cervical implant can receive it at a younger age. Immunization of cancer, is only recommended in women up to age 26 years. pregnant women with pneumococcal vaccine increases the No information is available on the use of human papilloma specific secretory IgA content of colostrum and milk. The virus vaccine during breastfeeding or its excretion into hu- antibodies in colostrum help inhibit epithelial adhesion of man milk. However, since the vaccine is not live, the risks to pneumococci to infants’ pharyngeal epithelial cells. Some the breastfed infant are low. evidence of decreased pneumococcal disease has been found among breastfed infants of vaccinated mothers. Infants who are breastfed for >90 days have a better antibody response to Vaccines for Those with Risk Factors some pneumococcal strains in the vaccine at 13 months of Hepatitis A age than those breastfed <90 days. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to the pneumococcal vaccine. Hepatitis A vaccine is indicated only in patients who wish the vaccine or in those with certain medical conditions, ex- posure risks, or travel in countries with endemic hepatitis A. Specialty Vaccines Downloaded by OUHSC (University of Oklahoma, OK City ) from www.liebertpub.com at 05/14/19. For personal use only. No information is available on breastfeeding, but the vaccine Adenovirus type 4 and type 7 is inactivated so the risk to the breastfed infant is low. The adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine is a live atten- uated vaccine indicated only for military personnel between Hepatitis B 17 and 50 years of age. No information is available on the use Hepatitis B vaccine is a recombinant vaccine directed of adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccine during breastfeeding against
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