Progress, th>e Universal LaW of fiatare; Though*, tbe Solvent of fier Problems. VOL. 3 . CHICAGO. APRIL 23. 1S92. NO. 126 thoughtfulness, why should a soul be re to one single passage os samples of hun­ my mind, the power of evil and design-1 Sickness, Insanity and crime are on quired to surrender, give up, or ahan dreds of others. This passage Is found Ing spirits in and out of the body to do' the Increase, and ignorance figures as A BATTLE. don that which is supposed to be th e In the 14th chapter of Duleronoroy, and great mental mischief. This is a point I PRAYER AND FAITH CURE. the universal cause. A large and in­ characteristic that distinguishes mann I reads as follows: "Thou »halt not cat that all sensitive persons should guard I creasing class cannot be reached by It Is Between Reason and from inferior animals? If man is the of anything that dieth of itself. well, and thus maintain family bar-< "Thy Faith Has Made Thee hygiene or sanitary efforts, because of only animal which the AllwUe Creator "Tinnì shall give It unto the stranger mony. their ignorance- Is It not very wise and Fanaticism. ha» endowed with power to reason, that Is iu thy gules, that he may eat it; My daughter conceived the idea, or Whole; Go In Peace." kind in the Spirit-world to come to our would it not bo criminal in Him to re­ or thou mayest sell it unto an alien." was inspired with it, that her father de­ relief by using the wealth, strength and A n O p en L e tte r to Ills Kirst- nounce it? You will observe, my sweet­ Now. if this scripture is to be read luded that she should accompany him I An Apology 1'or Bread and Wine sympathy of that grand, good woman to Iw rit. heart, that I use the words: “ If man is Ulorallv. I must say that God, who in­ in his travels, and wlillo he would lez-j and a Devil. heal and uplift the class that most need the only animal that can reason?” hut I spired Moses to write such a law, is lure and heal the sick she would be my help? We think so, and have no doubt wish you to remember that this I deny, meaner than any Digger Indian of whom public medium, and on pain of refusal a about the wisdom of the Spirit-world. [Nole and explanation. | Mrs. M. D. yet knowing that your theology claims history makes mention, for he, the Dig' curse, equal to the Pope's bull against T o t h e E ditor:—As healing Is one of Spiritualists will generally object to C., U the oldest of my seven children, ger, eats of his rotten meat himself, but the corner-stones of Spiritualism, an­ that man alone reasons, I give you the Spiritualism, was pronounced. cient or modern, It is no doubt wise to the Devil and bread and wine methods. four of whom reside in this country and benefit of the argument. Moses directed that the Israelites should To show the fallacy of such a mental Some will throw all of the methods of and moral state, as all will see, I will I keep ourselves receptive to all phases three in the “ Land o' the Leal.” My Still further, as Col. ingersoll has la­ not eat of diseased animals that had dependent upon the Spirit-world for the faith-eurists overboard at once and first born was my pride, my joy, my conically stated it: "If God did not }n- died of the disease, but might "sell it to set out, first, that I do not now. and pow>.-r and demonstration. We have cry " bosh'.” T hat m ight be wise if they hope. She wa- x> precocious, so far in lend man to think, why did he give him an alien,"—that is. a foreigner. If a never did believe in the existence of a only time to give vour readers facts as would give us something as effective as advance of other children, of my own or a thinker?” Birds have wings that butcher, in these degenerate days (?) literal hell and tormenting devils. we saw or heard them related; there a substitute: but if they will stop and anybody's else. When she was four they may flv. Reason is as much an a t­ sells tainted meat to anybody, what does 2. My daughter's mediumship wo» the law do with him? Puts him where tore. .Th.The suin'».*«. years old she asked permission of my tribute of the soul as the wings of a never equal to such a programme, con­ our brief letter, Mrs. Williams, of Port-1 first assistant teacher in the Winne­ bird are essential to the perfect speci­ the dogs wont bite him. And If Swe­ sequently she could not have been other heal the sick physically, mentally, denborg. by spiritualizing ibis fond pas­ land. Ore., is the wife of Judge Williams, bago Normal School and Collegiate In­ men of the carrier-pigeon. And, finally, than a detriment instead of a helper. a prominent and much-esteemed citizen, morally aud spiritually, and this can stitute. to go into his department, and on this point it seems to me that even In sage can get any thing sicttt out of it. he 3. No such feeling or sentiment ever only be done bv adopting methods should have a patent for his deodorizer. and able jurist, and was chosen by to gratify nor childish aspiration he al­ the Scriptures the exercise of reason U had a lodgment in ray heart, even General Grant a» one of his Cabinet. adapted to the class desired to reach. lowed her to sit in a class of children commended, hence we have: "Search Now, I wish to emphasize what I against the vilest of the’ vile, and how It is plain to us that Mrs. W. is con­ wrote touching tie character of Jesus, much less against one as precious as the Mrs. Williams is a woman of command­ trolled by spirits who have not outgrown about ten to twelve years old. Before the reason of things.” ing appearance, nervous organization, she was six years olu she was a first- But, my daughter, right or wrong, tour "Redeemer," and in this emphasis apple of ray eye. proud and high-spirited. At the time their former convictions, or else are -uf- class reader and passed an elegant ex­ live or die. sink or swim, survive or per­ 1 reaver that I disclaim ail thought of 4. Had »uch an episode ever occurred, her husband was one of President Grant's flcientlj- broad and comprehensive to amination in general geography. ish, I cannot be true to myself and say irreverence. I only quote without com­ not all the viclssitud*-» of time and eter­ advisers and one of the leaders of Wash­ adopt and use the means and methods When she was about nine, she wrote a that I believe that which contradicts my ment, just what the book says, if it is nity could have obliterated its memory. ington society, for some reason she lost best adapted to the class attracted to her little story that was a'terwards pub­ reason, the facts in nature and the ob­ irreverence, charge it not to me. but to Again, ray sweetheart objects to my her sight. This was sad and humiliat­ meetings. That scores are healed is lished as a’ literary curiosity in the ivun- servations of mankind. So. if to be the book, as you read it literally. The use of the Bible phrase, "wrath of God.” ing to one of her make-up. Through bevond question. jbl< O" *0*01*10 *i fl*. When she was about saved and counted among the remnant passages that I quoted are as follows etc. Does not the book »peak of "His the influence of a sister she was induced Mrs. William» declares that she sees twelve years old she developed wonder­ of those that shall have part in the first " And he looked around upon the multi­ anger?” yea. that "the anger of the to try the faith cure after others had I God and Jesus,_ and___ holds------------------------ daily converse,y ful phases of roediumship. embracing resurrection, it is essential that I should tude in anger." This is stated as a fact. Lord shall burn to the lowest hell." failed, and upon her knee» she promised h th ° ill clairvoyance, clairaudienee, automatic accept the "God of Moses” as the God of An older book than the New Testament, For the great day of His wrath is the universe, and Jesus Christ as a mi­ the Bible, is claimed to be divinely in­ come, and who shall be able to stand?” God if he would restore her ‘sight she Sh|£ * M* D * writing, etc.: but her health failed and would devote the remainder of ner life l _i „nifivmf«.-** lbcy cannot her principal guide said she was too raculous conception; then, my daughter, spired, and says, quite philosophically: There are lots of such passages, and you to healing and the promulgation of the nf lbe ®krgy h.*v.e young: they would withdraw their con­ with all mv paternal love, l shall have Anger dwelfeth only in the bosom of must take them just as they read. And to accept the orthodoxy of the couplet, | fools."fo Now, it may be that Jesus was according to this rule of interpretation, truth of these methods.
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