Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1948-1949 Student Newspapers 5-25-1949 Connecticut College News Vol. 34 No. 26 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 34 No. 26" (1949). 1948-1949. Paper 26. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1948-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ONNECTICUT liEGE EWS ~_N:- ..Oi· _2~6~:=:~~~:,;-=-;~~~~~N~-e~W~L~0:n~d~on~'~Co~nn:ec:ti~e~n~t.~":'~ed~n:eod::::a~l;'~\1~a~,~2:5:.~1~9~1~9~........; 1~0e:~'-:~eop~~, Reinhold Niebuhr Will Speak 31 A I C For Baccalaureate~ June' 19 st nnua ommeneem n Peril and Promis~ of I Mark Termination of Calupu the Future Is Topic of Professor's Talk Careers For Clas of 19 9 Reinhold Niebuhr, Professor of APplied Christianity at Union CIa.. Da). enior Theological Seminary, will speak .at Baccalaureate Service, June 19, Schedule of Events for Commellcemelll Ent rtainment To on the topic Peril and Promise of Weekend the Future. Professor Niebuhr dd To Festiv itv has spoken many times before at Thursday, June 9 Senior Banquet Location ttndtselosed CappNI md gO\\ ned nior of ~nege vespers, and his 'brother, tho Cia er t919 "Ill receive Richard, spoke at Baccalaureate Friday, June 10 thclr diplomas on Sunday 8rU·r· Student Exhibition of the 0 partment ot Art Bill Hall noon, June 12 at 3:30 in Palmer in June 1943. This exhibition will be open throughout the week Auditorium, according to ~radua· Professor Niebuhr possessed , Saturday. June JL uen chairman Sail)' Whitehead. an early profound interest in the Howard fumtard Jones. Protrs- Annual Meeting of the Alumnae cause of social juatiee and before Association Auditorium. ]0:00 a.m. SOl' or Engll. h at Harvard Univer- ·ity. will deliver thp commence- 1928had a national reputation as Trustees' Picnic for Reunion Alumnae 12:00 p.m. mont addr s. o3'radical preacher, closely associ- Class Day Exercises Outdoor Theatre, 2:30 p.m. ated with labor and Socialist or- President's Garden Party Jane Addams Lawn. 4:00 p.m. Commen ment week w ill be- gin on Thursday, June 9. with ganizations. Since then he has be- Senior Entertainment Auditorium 9:00 p.m, th annual sl'nior banqu t. Fr-iday .come an outstanding figure in REV. NIEBUHR Senior Sing The Wall, to:OO p.m. will mark the arrival ot ramUil"S Chrnstian theology and sociology. Sunday, June 12 and frlC'nds on' campu , as well as 'Christian Revolutionary Baccalaureate Service. Speaker: Reinhold Niebuhr, he open Ina: of th(' rt department publications and has published Union Theological Seminary hapet, 10:30 u.m. Professor Niebuhr has been de- nine books, the latest of which Is "hi bit on the Iourth floor 01 Bill scribed as a Christian revolution- Faith and History, a comparison Commencement Exerclses Auditorium. 3:30 p.m. Ilall, whl h Is .chodul.d to remain ary who has done more than any of Christian and modern views of Address by Prof. Howard Mumford Jam's, open through the week Harvard University The actual fesllvilies will start other theologian to r~ehabilitate history. His other books are. Dis- at 2:30 on saturday which has "the Christian dogma pf original cerning the Signs of the Times, 1,=================::;:========= b('(!n designated Clnss Day, when sin in present day thinking and The Children Of Light and the - • th(' %"nlor class wHi march down to rescue it from the neglect ot Children of Darkness, The Nature d M ~ d T to the Outdoor The ler in the tra· ,original sin in preseni d~y think- and Destiny of Man, Christianity Pro-l'. Howar urn or Jones ditional Laurel Chain procc"!;slon. ing and to rescue it: from the neg· and Power Politics, Beyond Trag· :J. led by an honor euard ot the lect and contempt of a more secu- edy, An Interpretation of Chris-,." G· G d . Ad I sophomore clafo's offi('('rs. FHty Jar science and- phisosophy." lian Ethics, Moral Man and Im- J 0 lVe ra uatlon l ress Juniors have been cnosen to car- The speaker received his B.A. moral Society, and Does Civiliza- Howard Mumford Jones, au·'-------------- ry the chain_ .at Elmhurst Coll~ge in Illinois in tion Need Religion? Address by rayson 1910 and did graduate work at thor, critic and professor, wllJ dis- I!"""I~ The program will be op<'ned by Eden, Theological Seminary in Three Students To cuss Scholarship at his com- an address of "....elcom trom Ann 1913. He has received various hon~ mencement address June 12. Grayson '49. cia president, and 'orary degrees from many other Represent CQllege Professor Jones, who has Is scheduled to Include both the schools. These include a B.D. and competlUve and class songs. M.A. from Yale University, 1914- onferences laught English at flarvard since At UN C 1936, earned his BA at the Unl· Mildred 'Weber, retiring pre!;l· 1915. dent of the student government. Connecticut College will send vcrsity of iWsconsin, his MA at will deliver her larewel1 add~s. Post Graduate Positions representatives this.. summer to the University of Chicago and his In 1915 he was ordained mini;;- and the traditional ivy pre~umta· both the Mount Holyoke College Litt. D. at Harvard. He is a mem- lion to j\.1jss Park will be made by ter of the Evangelical and Re- ChaIrman Sally Whitehead. Hel- formed Church of America and Institute on the United Nations ber of the American Historical and the Finch College United Na- Association, of the American en Jane \VeUach win present the .had great success in expapding class gift to the school. as chair- the congregation. In 1928 he re- tions conference. of the American Academy of Arts man of the gUl commllt~. signed this pastorate and be<;;ame Isabel Harris, president of the and Sciences of which he has been Varlou.o::senjo~ will take part associate professor of the philoso- International Relations Club, will president since 194-t of the Amer- in a retfO.'ipecHve skit. roverlng phy of religion at Union Theolog- attend the Fourth Intercollegiate iean Philosophy Society, and of their lour years at Connecticut. ical Seminary. In 1930 he became Following the ~ion. the jun- Institute on the United Nations. Phi Beta Kappa. proIessor of Applied Christianity iors will form the .'cnior cla_" nu- and Christian Ethics at Union. This Conference, ,held at-ijinch Recent Books merals in front of the lihrary Professor Niebuhr was one of College, will last from June 19 to Among Profes~or Jones' more with thi year's laurel «hatn. recent books are: Ideas in Amer!· the founders of the Fellowship of e At -t:00 that sarre nfternoon. Socialist Christians in 1935, or- JU~:r~~uchner and Phyllis Clark ca, Education and World Trag - Pre~ld 'nt P rk \\ il hold hrr an· ganized with t1)e object of correl- '11attend the Mount Holyoke In- dy. American and French Cu~. OR. ./0. -E., .. ommencem"nt"-Jl':l1;'t" 6 ating Christian and social recon- wI J 1 23 as tw'e, and The Theor)" 01 Amen· stitute from June 26 to u y, . can Literature. Poems (Gar- struction. Since 1944 he has been vice chairman of the Liberal par- student assistant~. ~~d :~:~l~~~:goyles) and plays (The Case or Buchner Will Edit ty in New York. He has served as provides room an . Col- Prolessor Banoringl also are In· B~Td' Pol} phoniC 'la~~ participants, and .Connec.ti.cut ex- eluded in his literary o~tPut. HIS J 19-19·50 Ql1arterl~ college preacher at Yale, Har- lege is contributmg tUItiOn latest work, ~lodern ~hnds: an ung b~Palelottrina at vard, Princton, Wesleyan, the Quarterl)- has announ(.-ed lh It penses. ther anthology of ideas has become a '[ • I,. the 10110\\Lng tudcnt ha\'e heen University of Chicago, Vassar, Connecticut College, \~lth ~ text the basic novel n- for ~urse ~,Ulea e"'per er\ Ice appointed to starr JlOS,t iom (or Wellesley and Smith. New England colleges,. IS a IX? "VeIl known as a contrlbut,or to A m~icaJ vesper rvice will He has edited several religious the- )'ear 1949-50' ri Buchner sor of the Institute. MiSS LtOU:; the Saturday Review 01 Llt.era- be held at 5 o'clock on Sunda)· aj. , -51 editor-m.chie'; • ·ao(')" Puklin Holborn of the Governmen the ture. professor Jones has gaJ~ed tcmoon. la)· 29. in Harknf" Deirdre Coons. PT' i1la Harris. tment IS a consultant for the reputation of a demandmg par 'Il be one of the Chapel with the Palestrina Socie- Ruth Kaplan. Terr)' Fl) nn. nior Institute and WI et- critic. , editors, discussion l~ders at the me In addition, Pr~lessor Jones t)' of the College presenting \\·n· Be~erl\' Benenson. carolyn . theories on education have been ham ByTd'!l' Me. (or Fh:e \'oice~ Fmn. Anne Holland. Barbara mgs'd the theme HoW Can We found exvemely interesting by This is one of the greatesl \\ork...c; Rldgew8) Barbara Thom~on Un er I Achieve a Just Peace, the com tempOrary world. ,'n the ficld ol ac~ pol)phon'l.- will be junior editors .• (.aT') the Peop e .
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