i-K-rrr.j^ - ENDS ^^'•' EsTABUSHED 1893.—No. I 227. CRANFORD. UNION COUNTY, N. J.. THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1910 PRICE 3 CENTS ued. to Henry •••>•••>•••••) +.»••••••• •«•>.». *» the bam . Special Notices. CRANFORD LOCALS TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE IN THE WOMEN'S CLUBS y Money to loan on bond and i =-=-., Th..a~ Ladies~...... ' Ai...»d. Societyu«.......j, o«f* th...e » The Township Committee i.-.M a The last programme meeting of the Mwter Frank:!!. Paret Realty Co ^ Chronicle] l>re8byterian church held its annual regular meeting, last night, at -.vhich Wednesday Morning Club for 1909-10 election yesterday,, and .the fallowing the first .matter, taken.up wasi. ietior. Harry S BERRY & COMPANY For rent: u lar(;c funiish:«l :r»»ins was held yesterday morning, with JjwrnaL: bit-, fotiigliti eepliiBLJi'Mrew'* \U" serve for tho ensuing year from William M.r Sperry, askii.4 ihjit Mra. Hansel presiding-. - The first Cl^ Seventh _ street, ^between N01 inndy paper of the day was on "Thibet the which, and then ^ J- Pupils wanted for French, Gcnnaui Pi- ner; vice-presidents, Mra. P. West, PiAiiH barb** ' 'M'iiftf'wiifterfbyb - —-'•• entering the ^ ano. Knglish branches anil Chip Oarving; Mrs. Culin, and Mrs, Grainard; secre- It was brought out that this street Mrs. Jowler. This was followed by % bit the Jaijtj/ aiJJress Miss E. M. llowen, 14 Cranfonl tary, Mrs; Ponistorrt-treasurer. Mrs. hadnever been opened, and thi. Mr. avenue, Cranfortl, N. J. • ;i-talk on "Travelirig'in Thibet," by who was »t di Morton. - ^ Sp.crry^owncd_vll the land on -both aides Mra. Johnson. Cuts showing the" nnet For Sale: Beautiful new lu'no room hoiiw, the mouth of til Dry Goods, Notions, Stationery ull improveineuts and eonvenienceti; quar- .! Ridgely Folk made on Friday the of it. He proposes to open L'.ghtfi naturaFand architectural;'(features of promptly kUie(j m ter acre plot, Cranfonl: reasonable. Box 1". first of seventeen daily calls at thestreet, only a short diotance i> thethe country were shown. Ight, after the To Chronfclo- ~ ~~%~ ~ fiastetir Institute for treatment intend- northward, so that the requinii-ents n i SPRING FABRICS ON SALE* Nurso girl, 10, wishes to take cure of one ed to avert the possibility of contract- of traffic will be fully met. The mat- Tho regular meeting of the Vtog-- enaed; "Folk, deci^l ^ the Chapin dog, ter was referred to tho attorney. resu Club was hold in the" library , Box 150, Craufordl . i head examined the I killeklldd lasl t weekk. NeitheNihr the bboy or BSflCdlct inaeuin:.,J-. i- room a thia morning. The current bWed by Her,, I Kid Gloves 1.00 and 1.50 Wanted: -Suiall, furtiisiiod house for hi's family feel nlnrmed, as they cation r-'lated that owing to the fail- events paper was read by Dr. Usslng; June, July, August ami September; state 1 paper on "Dutch Music" by. Mra. xhnmed, and Un location and lowest terms per/' month; bfis-t are sure the dog merely scratched the ure of her former tenant, Mr«< Green, Hollingsworthj- and Mrs. Low contin- irtoiirew"York* ,„. o[ references; adilr«ss,"C. II. S," ill P»- arm, and.did not touch the flesh with to pay tho bill for water service at X Silk or Fabric Gloves in Blacks arid Colors ued the reading of her paper on ca»e evidence of I iino street, New York City. its Ueth. Hut of course, no chnncef 7 Pittsfield, Street, the company had "Women of \he White House." ''oik- will be * Upholstering, eai-|K'ts laid, mattresses however remote, are being taken. shut off the supply, and now refuse's udeofery nfr- Jour residence -if jiretefredd:; Ther16ttv (plus) birthdayofr " to- turn it on -againuntil- the de-bt - if itute for Charles Sheldon, 11 Cherry street. ' T " V. I. A. "NOTES ; - E. W. ....„ Scholes was made the occasion of u paid. .This lack of water, Mrs. bene- l)«imble room for two, with bonrd.-con- The Domestic Science Committee town and will " Latest Models in Corsets venient to station; '•»,•" Chronicle ofllco. " surprise party on Monday evening. dict said, is a great haVaahip-to' her, While he wus nttending the board of the V. I. A. enjoyed a helpful and oad. (GB. R.&G. W. B.* Royal Worcester) Kor Sale: Chickens, wirefencing, it**: and she asked the board to' inform meeting of the First M. E. church interesting talk last Friday afternoon, ind Friday afternoon limn |iiauo, Richiimml range; inquire 1" her regarding her rights. The clerk Orange avenue, Oriinford. some twelve neighbors took posses- given by Mian Bruce of New York ill have their Am) was directed to apprise Mrs. Benedict MEDIUM WEIGHT UNDERWEAR Lost: tUby's pearl'tei'thiiig ring, silver sion of his house, and on his return City, in the lunch room of Grant Golf club thin,ml that the complaint was a private mut- bell attached; suitable rewind for return gave him a reception as hearty us itter in which the committee hud no school. Mrs. Oleolt Payne/chairman oons. LISLE THREAD HOSIERY RIBBONS to Clironiclo office. of the committee, in a few happy lyns unexpected. authority ta take part. Milton" of WalnuF For Sulo.r Pine, ihorouKhbrcil -Jersey;] colored pupil in Committeemnn Smith presented a words introduced the speaker.- Mis* timed from a tw LACES EMBROIDERIES RUCKNGS " cow;"Bossy,"Chronicle office.- Lizzie Holmes, a the fifth grade,, Grant school, letter from the' Pasteur Institute in Bruce is a convincing talker, clear in iostonand Hartfori lf.yoii can afford a ear, it»is your duty her arguments and endowed with • to yourself to gettho one -that offers tha taken ill in the classroom yesterday which it wnB sUted'thnt the -cxamina-i of the Royal Am. NEW RUCHINGS maximum of satisfaction at tlio cost in- and had to be sent home- in a cab. Astipn Of the dogja brain sent from keen sense of humor - and practical d a German Supper curred. Moral: Get a "Voiveicss Elinore' a precaution the class wnB dismissed Cranford last week showed that it common sense. - ; t of Cranford Council at tho garage of II. L. Fink, WcstBeld. r for the day and the room wfcs 'fumigat- was suffering from rabies. Accom- "Tho American Home," she Bald, ning to celebrate ths Struwburries that are sweet, and luscious AGENTS for BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS ed. Health Inspector Miller euid this panying the letter wus a bill for $lf> "cozy, dainty and economical, is a arc now on salo at Miller's, ami llio price M. Health trinity worthy of any woman today." : : 7: bu't prohibitive,:.-cither. __, ^morninmorning that no report of contagious for the service. "'"W "" grand coiiiirfl' <*"A tewd'rif will- Wetveli to-ttnT-person.r-'(iiseaa1---—o -'in- *thia-ou: r any oUier.-casc-..had '—Mrv-MUlur, owni'rjiLthe. landLgjong. Household Economics : signifies not ncreaso of member. Diiding and returning n''timid blnck and reached him this week. Dr. Mac- the proposed extension of "UiifOWSvo-' prizes for obtainirj white Angora cat. with a bell around neck: Connt'll, the attending physician, told Marketing is a fine art in' which ^ob- Miss Cochran, 207 Holly street.' nuc to L'ennx avcnue.-_etated that he cations will then be Do Not Fall to Witness the Demonstration on Principal Johnson last night that no was prepared to deed to the town^thc servation and experience are'-the—bcit- 'or. sale, suitably...for itoms had— strip —t3'--8traighttin- . the teachers. A practical lesson was given Clironiclo ofllco. Township Cprrirhitteefnan tirl of the operetta to To Kent: Room in private taniily,' .suit- chcr'8 diig was shot this morning by thBr sewer to Lenox Thif I P meats, which were illustrated Blake will be held able for couple or two goatlcniPii, excellent Policeman Jennings, who found the was agreed to. by means of a chart and photographs. It. was shown why certain ; cuts are UnimaU running. at-lartfe.;.umnuzzlBd.1. 1 I children, who hive offlce,- Sergeant Bill, in tliBijischargc of-hi» holders for arr -official •. expreaaii'ii - of l'eM^'"wliyi*5.^ers''pqScMi'i''^"WBjE"Ii*^~ ?tal_wccltB_J!Ul« For Kent: Unit of doulili iso 115 W. vnlue nhd others are the most expori- NEW PERFECTION XortlnLtuuuc.: SixjncjnijjuiiPliiltl duty, Is no respecter of persons, opinion on the ndvinability of the ay to their home on iinpruvciiiciits. lii([iiiro on premises klill In closing, Miss Bruce gave an "tTiovving its efiiciVncy."" sirffpliy held for ,organiu-1 parts of Qranforil-. (¥: I). Stone," "l'oiter and music has been arranged for. a decision pro-or con. The Freeholders ntly-elected trustee! j of operation. Iliis exhibition will interest >oVi. and iiuiidiii'g.'. -,)••••• -[a 1 are to be asked to Bend a rcprosentif' alcohol was recommended as tho best' ,1'iire lead awl pure oil .are. the. nmtorials .While no formal announcement has an ^churchj Mr. Hot beeti"niade,~tKS fact has been tivtj toCranfordtoTntplain'thepropo' fuel for the last named. __ take advautayc of'the opportunity to used in all work ilnne by L. It: Sreii3s6n „ On___AprO 29th Jllsa Briijo wilV pi^eglSent,'Mrr^fleF- r eal^t a- public meeting:.*!—thu__tai* l the"|iuiiilerT"' '. ' ~ " give a, practicaT~cooElng~9S and. Mr. Carnthen I Kixhns promiBod her hand; to Frank payers..; J,„,. ,„-,, >rJ_^-,.^.,,J ,.;... witness it. For Kent—One ftore In tho Win. h'i«rry-j tlon at the sarno hour and place^M i meetings are held j biilldlnc;. For snle. t"w6 fainiTylianso; an* B. Elser, City Editor of the Associat- A protest is also to be sent tn the no Fridny'fl affair. She will then show in. i v i i'n» •iV'ililiii.i'ln Vrr.
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