CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1879 He said India should also be very vigilant In 1996, California law enforcement agen- economic viability of future weapon systems as the economy of Pakistan was in the dol- cies fielded nearly 228,000 domestic violence early in the processÐduring the research and drums. It might take any dangerous step out related calls. National crime surveys show that development phaseÐrather than in the pro- of frustration. ``We should not forget the fact that Pakistan had a history of aggression domestic violence directly affects our commu- curement phase where such decisions had so against India and hence we should be on nities and families. A Safe Place provides a often been made in the past. Earlier scrutiny guard,'' he said. refuge and an important bridge for victims of where a wasteful or ineffective program could f domestic abuse to move to a position where be stopped or realigned means greater sav- they are better able to protect themselves. ings to the taxpayer. In the same vein, she IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 20 Part of this process draws in members of the worked with Mr. Dellums to lead the fight YEARS OF SERVICE OF ``A SAFE larger community in forums to learn more against the wastefulness of ``concurrent'' re- PLACE'' about this epidemic. search, development and procurement. On October 23, 1998, A Safe Place will cel- After ten years as Mr. Dellums' most trusted HON. BARBARA LEE ebrate its 20th year of providing quality serv- committee staff person, she made a bit of his- OF CALIFORNIA ices to families in the East Bay in conjunction tory. Ron Dellums was chosen by the Demo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with Domestic Violence Awareness Month. cratic Caucus to Chair the House Armed Serv- Friday, October 2, 1998 I would like to extend my congratulations to iced CommitteeÐthe first African American A Safe Place for 20 years of community serv- ever to do soÐin January of 1993, and he im- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to share with ice and to the five women being honored for mediately tapped Marilyn to be the first female you the exemplary work of a community serv- their longstanding work: Liz Hendrickson, Kim staff director in the history of the Congress' ice organization that addressed the need for a Kline, Cheri Pies, Nancy Brester, and civil four defense committees. He often told his col- battered woman's program in the East Bay. ``A rights attorney, Eva Jefferson-Paterson, for leagues how proud he was to have Marilyn Safe Place'' was founded by four women who her legal work on behalf of A Safe Place with with him to ``break the glass ceiling.'' Two began providing crisis counseling, referral, and the Oakland Police Department. Together with years later, Marilyn continued as staff director information services from an office in the Beth- A Safe Place and other partners to decrease to the minority of the National Security Com- lehem Lutheran Church in Oakland. Under the domestic violence, I am proud to join with A mittee when the Republican party took control leadership of the Executive Director, Ms. Safe Place and other partners to decrease do- of the House. For the past several months, I Carolyn Russell, the agency has grown with mestic violence by encouraging the continu- have been proud to have her stay on as my expanded programs and services. A Safe ation of similar programs of community service staff director subsequent to the retirement of Place continues to be the only shelter exclu- to improve the quality of life of all our citizens. my good friend and colleague Ron Dellums. sively for women and children who are home- f Though she was eligible to leave when Mr. less due to domestic violence. Dellums did, I consider it a personal favor that A Safe Place exists to provide battered TRIBUTE TO MARILYN A. ELROD she stayed on and helped ease the transition women and their children with transitional and to a new staff director with her valuable advice supportive services to enable them to break the cycle of violence and regain a sense of HON. IKE SKELTON and by sharing the benefit of her institutional self-esteem and personal power. OF MISSOURI memory. A Safe Place is a comprehensive and holis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As my colleagues and I know, having a staff tic approach to service the needs of battered Friday, October 2, 1998 person who is able to develop expertise quick- ly and thoroughly on a range of issues is ex- women and children under the Domestic Vio- Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, I want to bring lence Assistance program. This program con- tremely valuable. Ron Dellums knew that to the attention of my colleagues the contribu- when Marilyn briefed him on any subject, he sists of Emergency Shelter, Community Coun- tions of a great public servant, Marilyn Elrod, seling, Community Education and Outreach. A was getting the information and advice he on the occasion of her retirement from the needed to make competent legislative and po- Safe Place provides urgent safe shelter with staff of the House of Representatives. On Au- counseling and support services; a community litical decisions. During her twelve years in his gust 31st, after more than 29 years on the Hill, counseling and support group, and education personal office, she was always the defense Marilyn retired from her position as the minor- on domestic violence. A special therapeutic expert, but also became exceptionally knowl- ity staff director of the House National Security service is directed to children who have wit- edgeable on a variety of other subjects, espe- Committee. She will be greatly missed. nessed domestic violence. The most recent cially health care legislation. Marilyn, a native of Indiana, started her ten- program, and one of its greatest accomplish- But being an expert is not enough. Working ure on the Hill working for Representative Al- ments, is a partnership with the Oakland Po- with elected officials, a staff person has to lard Lowenstein in June of 1969 after doing lice Department in its implementation of a Do- have the confidence and capability to take the graduate work at American University. In No- mestic Violence Unit located in the police de- policy initiatives of the Representatives and vember of 1970, Ronald V. Dellums of Califor- partment with family violence coordinators. work them without straying from the electoral Recognizing that domestic violence is a nia was elected to Congress and before be- mandate. Marilyn, though fully capable in her health issue and battered women are seen by ginning his first term in the 91st Congress, own right, never crossed the line by supplant- medical providers, A Safe Place has devel- Ron hired Marilyn as a military caseworker ing the rights of the Members to make the de- oped partnerships with local hospitals to de- and legislative aide. From there she moved up cisions. velop a Domestic Violence Medical Response to become the Legislative Director for Mr. Del- Marilyn Elrod was able to carve out a most Project, where staff can respond to battered lums, a position she held until 1983. impressive career on Capitol Hill. She started women who are seen in local emergency In 1983, Ron Dellums assumed the chair of out on the bottom rung of the ladder as an rooms and clinics. the Military Installations and Facilities Sub- entry-level administrative staff person in 1969 Domestic violence in teen relationships has committee of the then Armed Services Com- and, with all of the downward pressures that increased. ``Young People Taking Action'' is a mittee. He quickly had Ms. Elrod appointed to women have as they rise through an institu- comprehensive teen violence prevention edu- the staff of the Subcommittee where she tion, advanced to become the staff director of cational program, providing education on teen worked for the next six years. There, she the House Armed Services Committee. Being relationship violence, resources and alter- helped him shift the focus of the Subcommit- the first to accomplish such an achievement, natives for battered teens and criteria for es- tee toward quality of life issues for military per- she has set an example for others to emulate. tablishing healthy relationships. This program sonnel. Increased attention to housing, child When staff director of the Armed Services is successfully implemented in the Oakland development centers, and bringing installa- Committee and minority staff director of the Unified School District. tions into line with Environmental Protection National Security Committee, Marilyn dis- A Safe Place has developed partnerships Agency guidelines were all part of the new played her incredible strength as an adminis- and joined forces with local agencies including emphasis in military construction funding. Ap- trator and her mastery of the legislative proc- law enforcement, the criminal justice system, propriately, this focus continues today. ess. She brought a management style to the medical community, social service agencies Marilyn was assigned to be Mr. Dellums' Committee which was a combination of open- and with families and friends of battered staff person on the Research and Develop- ness, fairness and consultation. It is part of women. The goal is to decrease domestic vio- ment Subcommittee in 1989 when he became the Dellums-Elrod legacy that a progressive, lence in our community to make it a safe chair of that Subcommittee. There she was a liberal ascended to be the head of the Armed place for our children to have a quality of life leader in the effort to have the Subcommittee Services Committee and led it with intel- without fear and violence.
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