May 15, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6143 critical change—it’s the U.S.-China SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Spun in the stretch and draw away to a 21⁄4- Commission and the GAO as well. length victory; When my amendment stalled over a Whereas the victory was Calvin Borel’s SENATE RESOLUTION 199—CALL- first in the Kentucky Derby; committee jurisdictional point, on Sep- ING FOR THE IMMEDIATE AND Whereas Calvin Borel was born on Novem- tember 29, 2005, I chose to introduce UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ber 7, 1966, in St. Martinsville, Louisiana; the changes as a stand-alone bill, the DR. HALEH ESFANDIARI Whereas Calvin Borel hails from South Foreign Investment Security Act of Louisiana, the heart of Cajun Country, fa- 2005, S. 1797, which was referred to the Mr. SMITH (for himself and Mrs. mous for its production of many top jockeys Banking Committee. That bill was the CLINTON) submitted the following reso- during the last 20 years; and first bill introduced in recent years on lution; which was referred to the Com- Whereas Calvin Borel’s victory in the 133rd this topic. mittee on Foreign Relations. running of the Kentucky Derby solidifies his place in a tradition of Louisiana jockeys who S. RES. 199 Later the Banking Committee held a have won the Kentucky Derby, such as Eric hearing on the GAO report, and I testi- Whereas Dr. Haleh Esfandiari is one of the Guerin (1947), Edward Delahoussaye (1982, fied before them on October 20, 2005, at United States’s most distinguished analysts 1983), Craig Perret (1990), and Kent that hearing. of Iranian politics and is the Director of the Desormeaux (1998, 2000): Now, therefore, be it Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson In all of these ways I have just men- Resolved, That the Senate— International Center for Scholars; (1) commends Louisiana jockeys for their tioned, the Banking Committee was Whereas Dr. Esfandiari is a dual citizen of continued success at one of America’s most prompted by me to pursue this topic. Iran and the United States; heralded thoroughbred horseracing events, In the past couple of years, several Whereas Dr. Esfandiari has served as a the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs; high profile business deals have been communications bridge between the United (2) recognizes jockey Calvin Borel for win- approved by CFIUS that would allow States and Iran, advocating diplomacy and ning the 133rd running of the Kentucky dialogue; Derby on May 5, 2007; foreign-owned companies, in particular Whereas Dr. Esfandiari travels to Iran companies that are owned or controlled (3) recognizes the achievements of all the twice a year to visit with her mother; owners, trainers, and support staff who were by foreign governments, to acquire Whereas, in late December 2006, Dr. instrumental in helping Calvin Borel and other companies doing business in the Esfandiari traveled to Iran to visit her ailing Street Sense to victory; and United States. 93 year old mother for 1 week; (4) recognizes the achievements of all cur- More recently I was concerned with Whereas the current Iranian President, rent and former Louisiana jockeys in the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has initiated a Kentucky Derby. China’s state-owned CNOOC attempted crackdown on scholars and journalists in- to buyout Unocal, a US oil company. cluding Dr. Esfandiari, Canadian-Iranian f We won this one because of Congres- philosopher Ramin Jahanbegloo, and jour- sional pressure, and CNOOC withdrew nalist Parnaz Azima; SENATE RESOLUTION 201—SUP- its bid. Over the past 2 years, I have Whereas, on December 30, 2006, Dr. PORTING THE GOALS AND been pointing out that the CFIUS proc- Esfandiari was robbed of her Iranian and IDEALS OF ‘‘NATIONAL LIFE IN- ess has ignored some major issues American passports and travel documents at SURANCE AWARENESS MONTH’’ which threaten our national security. knife-point by 3 masked men on the way to Mr. CHAMBLISS. (for himself and the airport to return to the United States; The most publicized deal was the Whereas Dr. Esfandiari was held in Iran Mr. NELSON) submitted the following state owned Dubai Ports World, DPW, under house arrest for 4 months, interro- resolution; which was referred to the purchase of Peninsular and Oriental gated under conditions of intimidation and Commitee on Banking, Housing, and Steam Navigation, P&O, that would threat, and, on May 8, 2007, was imprisoned Urban Affairs: have allowed DPW to take over the op- in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran; S. RES. 201 Whereas Dr. Esfandiari has been falsely ac- erations at various east coast ports in Whereas life insurance is an essential part cused by a news agency in Iran of being a spy the United States. The public outcry of a sound financial plan; for Mossad, of serving as the head of the Iran Whereas life insurance provides financial against this deal lead DPW to abandon section of the American Israel Public Affairs security for families by helping surviving its plans to operate the U.S. ports and Committee, and of encouraging an uprising members meet immediate and long-term fi- that portion of the takeover was sold against the regime in Tehran; and nancial obligations and objectives in the to U.S. based companies. However since Whereas senior government officials have event of a premature death in their family; conveyed the United States’s opposition to the DPW-P&O deal was canceled, other Whereas approximately 68,000,000 United this unjustified imprisonment: Now, there- transactions have been approved by States citizens lack the adequate level of life CFIUS that are just as questionable. fore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— insurance coverage needed to ensure a secure CFIUS has received over 1,600 notifi- (1) condemns the arrest, interrogation, and financial future for their loved ones; cations and investigated under 40. Of imprisonment of Dr. Haleh Esfandiari as a Whereas life insurance products protect those, only one acquisition has been deliberately provocative and illegal act; against the uncertainties of life by enabling stopped by the President. (2) deplores the continuing crackdown in individuals and families to manage the fi- Iran on journalists and scholars and the de- nancial risks of premature death, disability, This is a critical issue at a critical and long-term care; time. CFIUS seems to only get scru- liberate dissemination of misinformation re- garding their activities; and Whereas individuals, families, and busi- tiny when some major deal is in the pa- (3) demands the immediate, safe, and un- nesses can benefit from professional insur- pers. I have been paying attention to it conditional release of Dr. Haleh Esfandiari ance and financial planning advice, including all along. It needs reform, and I hope from custody, the reissuance of appropriate an assessment of their life insurance needs; we can make some progress. travel documents for Dr. Esfandiari, and the and provision of safe passage out of Iran. Whereas numerous groups supporting life I am glad that Congress is now tak- insurance have designated September 2007 as ing a closer look at CIFIUS reform. f ‘‘National Life Insurance Awareness Month’’ Rest assured that I continue to push SENATE RESOLUTION 200—COM- as a means to encourage consumers to— for this badly needed reform and as MENDING LOUISIANA JOCKEYS (1) become more aware of their life insur- Congress addresses this issue, I will FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUCCESS ance needs; keep your thoughts in mind. (2) seek professional advice regarding life IN THE KENTUCKY DERBY AT insurance; and Note too that I will ensure in par- CHURCHILL DOWNS (3) take the actions necessary to achieve fi- ticular that the national security as- Mr. VITTER. (for himself and Ms. nancial security for their loved ones: Now pects of this work are appropriately at- LANDRIEU) submitted the following res- therefore, be it tended to. I will not stand idly by and olution; which was referred to the Resolved, That the Senate— (1) supports the goals and ideals of ‘‘Na- allow a bill that is weak on national Commitee on the Judiciary: defense to pass. tional Life Insurance Awareness Month’’; S. RES. 200 Let us all work together to ensure and Whereas jockey Calvin Borel successfully (2) calls on the Federal Government, that the legislative process performs won the 133rd running of the Kentucky States, localities, schools, nonprofit organi- appropriately to defend our Nation, Derby at Churchill Downs on May 5, 2007; zations, businesses, and the citizens of the and let this bill I am introducing today Whereas Calvin Borel rallied Street Sense United States to observe the month with ap- be a new start. from 19th place to pass the pacesetting Hard propriate programs and activities. 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