Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-3-2006 Arbiter, April 3 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at archives@boisestate.edu. ISSUE 52 FIRST ISSUE FREE THE I N 0 E PEN 0 E N T STU 0 E N T V 0 I-C E 0 F e 0 I S EST" T E SIN C E 19 3 3 VOLoUHE 18 HONO"Y "PRILo 3 2006 NEWS PAGE 3 Pills like Adderall are becoming the wrong kind of study habit Everyone has an HIV status OPINION PAGE 5 Sex in the classroom: The pro's and con's of procreation education CULTURE ---------------------------~ PAGE 7 . Sick of long hair? Cut the crop. SPORTS ---------------------------- PAGE 12 Long-distance runner Rebecca Guyette prevails In the 5000 meter and leads the BSU track and field teams to victory ONLINE ---------------------------- Post your comments online at: WWW.ARBITERONLINE.COM Protecting ON CAMPUS your sexual condition isn't as difficult as it was health ---------------------------- BY CHAD MENDENHALL don't know ifthey have mv," Malcolm said, MONDAY "It's important to know."· The Center for years ago arid patients are able en- . News Writer On Friday, April 14 2006 Final Four Indianapolis Disease Control and Prevention said they es- joy their lives. \ timate that over one million Americans' are The pamphlet she gave me said there were a combination of local 7:15 p.rn. "Are you ready to hear your test 'results," agencies will sponsor the living with mv, and 24 to 27 percent of them several" ways to protect myself from Infec- \ SUB Brava Stage asked Mariah Malcolm, mv counseling and Spring Youth Leadership are unaware of their infection. tion, Including safer sex, monogamy and Come see the action on a huge testing coordinator at the mVServices Clinic . Summit In the Barnwell According to avert.org, Americans be- abstinence. Sharing needles to inject drugs, in Boise. and _Farnsworth rooms screen lV. Sweet prizes, free tween the ages of equal percent of vitamins or steroids, for tattooing or piercing I Truthfully, Iwasn't ready. I was scared. The 15-29 25 of the. Student Union food and refreshments also puts anyone at risk. Safer sex guidelines palms of my hands moistened and a fearful the total mY-positive population in the na- Building from 9 a.rn. to 3 Sponsored by Student Activities tion. Malcolm said mv testing among col- suggest the following: I sensation threw my stomach into a frenzy of p.m. lege students has picked up, especially when • Engage in sexual activities that do not and Swire Coca Cola: knots and spasms. I thought, "If the results This workshop will ad- couples go in together. "A respectful way to put you' in contact with someone else's I are positive what will I tell my wife? How dress sexually transmit- start a relationship is to be tested. Typically, blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. ted infections and vulner- TUESDAY could Icope with HIV?" • Use a new latex condom and water-based t My hesitation was obvious. "It's common couples that come here leave happy and ex- ability in youth popula- Ambassador Lecture lubricant every time you have sex. to be. nervous. Most people are absolutely cited: she said. tions. Physicians, profes- 10:45 a.m, to noon Malcolm said education is esseniial in pre- • Don't use oil-based lubricants. sionals, and people who petrified when they come in," Malcolm said. SUB Hatch Ballroom B venting the spread of infection. "We don't • Use a barrier for oral sex. I are infected or affect- The test she administered was called an. • Never share sex toys. If you do, wash them ed by these conditions Karl Theodor Paschke, mv rapid test and only required me to rub want it to be such an awful thing to be mv positive that people would rather not find out well and cover them with a new condom each I will discuss HIV, STDs, Germany's special ambassador my gums with a special cotton swab. The their status, because there is so much stigma, time. Hepatitis C and other is- to the United Nations swab was attached to a device that looked shame and misunderstanding with being Although Ithought my odds of having the. I sues. Management Reform, will give like a pregnancy test and only took 20 min- virus were low, the only way to be certain was positive," she said. Registration is free but a lecture titled "The United utes to determine the results. The test is free Malcolm has been working for the mv to be tested. Now Iknow my mv status. Do space is limited. Please e- and just as accurate as any other blood or mail your information to States and Germany: A Critical Services Clinic for over four years, and spe- you? For more information, or to arrange a I urine test. youthsummlt@alphaidaho. Partnership." Free. cializes in educating and counseling people confidential appointment, contact Mariah "The reason this virus is still being trans- org to register. with HIV and AIDS. She said living with the Malcolm at (208) 367·7038; I mitted at its current rate is because people WEATHER Boise State Student Union ---------------------------- o Canada J ,J expansion still in design phase BSU.recognizes our northern J J J ,J TUESDAY BY MICAH neighbors April 3-6 High: 56F / Low 45F MCLAUGHLIN News Writer BY TESSA SCHWEIG£RT from food to music to economics. "The welfare of our country is Architects have been chosen ll.sslstant News Editor linked in every imaginable way with and the design process to ex- pand available space for study- As students come back to Boise Canada's," he said. WEDNESDAY ing, events and food service is be- State after spring break, Canada Panel discussions will tackle top- High: 57F / Low 43F ginning on Boise State's Student Week also returns to campus for ics such as how Canada and the U.S. Union Building. The expansion of the fourth 'annual celebration of ev- share resources and energy, busi- the SUB is projected to cost about erything Canadian. From April 3-6, ness opportunities in Canada and Canada. Week provides numerous marijuana decriminalization. $27 million. "We have several problems in events, including lectures, a film A highlight of the week includes the SUB right now," said Leah series, a book exhibit and panel dis- a presentation from renowned THURSDAY cussions. Haida artist Robert Davidson in the High: 60F / Low 41F Barrett. Barrett is the Executive Director for the Student Union Norman Weinstein, an adjunct Student Union Building Lookout and Student Involvement and has instructor in the Department Room Tuesday at 7 p.m. been working on this project since of Anthropology and Canadian Books highlighting Davidson's Studies, said the week encourages carvings, prints and sculptures CONTACT 1999. participants to get to know their will be on display in the Albertsons ---------------------------- "The availability of food service NEWS has declined, the availability of neighbors from.the north. Canada Library throughout April. Other and the United States share the books authored by Canadians and (208) 345-8204 x 102 meeting and events space has de: news@arblteronllne.com clined or Is nonexistent, demand longest undefended border in the on Canadian' topics will alsobe on for student organization space has world, spanning more than ·5,000 display. • OPINION Increased and the book store Is miles. And, since Idaho is one of the Weinstein said he hopes the (208) 345-8204 x 112 bordering states, Weinstein s~d the' week's events will help and half the size it should be for an in- students letters@arbiteronllne.com ore stltution thislarge," Barrett said. weekespeciallypertainstoBSUstu" the publicknowll1 about their dents. Canadian neighbors. "We don't have any space." CULTURE . "I would encourage students tii He added that in addition to of- . '-The current SUB expansion (208) 345-8204 x 104 that is already fering a minorjnCanadianStul1les priijeetaddresses all theseIssues. realize Canada part , culture@arbiteronllne.com of their lives In Idaho. It makes good BSU also has an agreement the . Barrett says there are a number of With sense and Is delightful to University Calgaryfo st11dent Initlatives the expansion . learnmore .' of eXchange .. SPORTS ahoutwhat's already.pa.-tofyoUrllfe students andfacUltyflir IiseIlleS~'s win also address. These include (208)345-8204 x 103 you've not considered," Weinstein length. ..' '......'..v.~.:: . sports@arbiteronllne.com . .. 'PBIIlD BYM@.\ilJlEM1lEA!mrtEB . recogriitlons pfbiithveterans and said. .. .' For a fullll,sto,fcan:ada~kllC'-" the Intema.tlonaliZiltion ..tlf.the SU13directorLeahBarrett saldl!neofthe ~eatesfoblectlvesol Canada, influeDees: Aniericantivities, viSIt~ttP:/ !anthro, .. .. ADVERTISING the,expansion to provide Dloreprogramming space..... ~~~h~.#l~,iate;edWtaliadUlPii> '.. ',--" (208) 345.-8204 x 118 is ~tUte~'fium~~ buslness@arblteronllne,com World/National/What. the? stories ~urtesy ofKRT Campus Wire Services unless otherwise. credited; local/BSU stories are courtesy of the Boise State Website at www.bolsestate.edu. All stories are complled by News Writers. elryatR. Grey Jewelry Gallerydur- In the last tape, the kidnappers groups against Roommates.com, a what the? to listen to a band perform Iarana, a ing April. Proceeds will benefit the threatened to kill Carroll unless all roommate search service. The case, world local song and dance. Bush smiled Boise State Art Metals Program.
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