Core Plasma Refilling and Erosion Goldstein et al. Heliophysics 2050 White Papers (2021) 4063.pdf Core-Plasma Refilling and Erosion: Science Justification Jerry Goldstein1 ([email protected]); Dennis L. Gallagher2, Philippa Molyneux1, Geoffrey D. Reeves3 1Southwest Research Institute; 2NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory Overview Global geospace circulation models for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; (b) wave do not currently couple dynamic plasmaspheric properties controlling energetic radiation belt elec- simulations due to computational limitations that trons; (c) scattering and energy degradation of ring will be overcome by 2050. A true GGCM will current ions drifting through cool plasma. Ion com- need to include a dynamic plasmasphere for both position is of particular importance. For ≥5% O+ physics and space weather prediction. Such inclu- concentration, the mass contribution from heavier sion requires that we answer longstanding, fun- O+ ions compares with that of H+ [Goldstein et al. damental questions about the life cycle of core 2019b; Fig 1b]. Mass loading governs the propaga- (<10 eV, plasmaspheric) plasma: how it gets into tion speed of Alfvénic waves & affects the growth the inner magnetosphere, and how it is eroded. of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves that Erosion and reflling are processes control- scatter energetic electrons. Plasmaspheric mass den- ling a fundamental space plasma population. Dur- sity at large L values may slow dayside reconnec- ing every geomagnetic disturbance, tens of met- tion. Erosion and reflling—the episodic recycling ric tons of plasma are rapidly eroded away, then of metric tons of space plasma—control the major- slowly and unevenly replenished. After several ity of magnetospheric mass and inertia. decades we still do not understand the cross-scale Cross-Scale Measurements. The cold ion popu- mechanisms proposed to be responsible for these lation (down to 0 eV) is rarely a primary observing 2 processes. Removal and replacement of this target—but it should be. Basic questions remain in enormous plasma mass is as important to the dy- part because of an enduring lack of knowledge of namics of the magnetosphere as solar-wind driv- fundamental attributes of the coldest plasma: den- ing. Our community must dedicate the resources sity, convection, ion species composition, and pitch and effort needed to solve this enduring puzzle. angle distributions. A true GGCM for the entire Other HP2050 white papers are discussing cold magnetosphere must include plasmaspheric dynam- plasma and ionospheric outfow in more general con- ics, but a lack of primary cold plasma measurements texts. This white paper deals specifcally with the sci- to compare with models has hindered progress in ence justifcation for studying reflling and erosion. this area. New core plasma measurements are sorely needed, and they must be cross-scale—spanning 1 Scientific Background, Goal, Objectives global, regioonal, and local. The most important A long term strategic goal is to understand how outstanding questions about core plasma involve the core plasma of the inner magnetosphere erodes multiple spatial scales: macroscale (several R ), and reflls (Table 1). The goal comprises two major E mesoscale (0.2–1RE), & microscale (single fux targets: (1) Reflling, and (2) Erosion. tubes). Tracking density of moving fux tubes on Earth᾿s Plasmasphere. The plasmasphere is global/regional scales (e.g., via global imaging) cap- the region of cold (<10 eV), dense (10–104 cm−3) tures how plasma is added, eroded, or redistributed. plasma extending several Earth radii (RE) into space Measuring full cold (down to 0 eV) ion distribution [Lemaire & Gringauz 1998; Darrouzet et al 2009] functions captures the microphysics of individual (Fig 1a). There remain major unsolved puzzles about fux tubes: ion trapping, heating, and transport. this region and its boundary layer, the plasmapause [Carpenter 1963; Carpenter et al 1993], including 2 Science Discussion the basic processes of reflling [Gallagher &Com- 2.1 Determine how core plasma fills the plasmasphere fort 2016], and erosion [Carpenter 1995; Carpen- Plasmaspheric reflling is how ionospheric ter & Lemaire 1997; 2004]. Also still unknown are plasma repopulates magnetic fux tubes that have the mechanisms creating oxygen-rich ion structures been emptied by erosion. As depleted fux tubes such as the cold dense O+ torus [Roberts et al 1987; convect across the dayside in contact with the iono- Fraser et al. 2005; Nosé et al 2011, 2015, 2018]. All sphere, they fll with ionospheric plasma, reaching these unknowns are captured by the 2 major objec- saturated levels on day-to-week timescales [Car- tives and 5 major questions in Table 1. It is notewor- penter and Anderson 1992]. That reflling occurs is thy that these 2 objectives map directly to 2major well established by decades of work [Gringauz et al. SWMI Goals of the last Decadal Survey [cf. §9-1]. 1962; Singh and Horwitz 1992; Gallagher and Com- Importance of Core Plasma. Core plasma’s fort 2016]. Despite this long history, there remain 3 enormous mass argues for its central importance. At major questions about the supply of cold plasma. 102 - 103 metric tons (cf. Fig 1b), the plasmasphere’s (1A) How is the plasmasphere replenished? vast inertia affects time dependent behavior of multi- Reflling is a large-scale phenomenon of plasma ple geospace plasmas [cf. Goldstein et al. 2018, many fows from a nonuniform ionosphere—along entire references therein]: (a) Alfvén waves responsible feld lines, over a range of L & magnetic local time Table 1 Science Goal, Objectives, and Questions Science Goal Science Objectives Science Questions Understand how the (1) Reflling: Determine how core plasma flls the 1A How is the plasmasphere replenished? core plasma plasmasphere 1B How are ions trapped during reflling? of the inner 1C What causes the dense oxygen torus? magnetosphere (2) Erosion: Understand how the plasmasphere is 2A How does convection redistribute core plasma? erodes and reflls eroded and redistributed during disturbances 2B What role does interchange play in erosion? 1 Core Plasma Refilling and Erosion Goldstein et al. Heliophysics 2050 White Papers (2021) 4063.pdf (a) Core (<10 eV) Plasma (b) Mass Held by Plasmasphere Nightside Dayside cusp O+ fountain dayside nightside Total Mass + refilling H erosion + main dayside He + plume + O Earth torus O ion concentration range: 1% – 5% Mtot MH+ MHe+ MO+ dense O+ nightside trapping torus outflow region Figure 1 (a) Our community must explore the cross-scale, critical phenomena of source and loss of core (<10 eV) plasma. (b) Plasmaspheric core plasma composes the majority (102 – 103 metric tons) of the mass of the magnetosphere [adapted, Goldstein et al. 2019b]. (MLT). Observational studies of reflling have relied to distinguish these trapping mechanisms. Cold ion mostly on statistical analysis of in situ densities, moments would help diagnose supersonic fows/ to yield average reflling rates of a few to several shocks and estimate Coulomb collision timescales hundred (cm-3 day-1) [Denton et al. 2012]. Orbiting and compare with observed PAD evolution. Local spacecraft cannot follow the drift paths of convect- wave measurements would help determine which ing/reflling fux tubes, so ground-based and geo- mechanisms correlate with ion PAD isotropization. stationary studies have imperfectly addressed this We need system-level measurements of the global limitation by assuming strict corotation [e.g., Park reflling rate time to determine if reflling occurs in 1970; Higel & Lei 1984; Sojka & Wren 1985; Su 2 stages as predicted, and what the timescales are. et al. 2001]. The He+ reflling rates estimated from IMAGE EUV images [Sandel and Denton 2007] (1C) What causes the dense oxygen torus? were a frst system-level view of this process, but A major question has remained unsolved for 3 with coverage gaps and assuming strict corota- decades: what causes the dense oxygen torus [Gold- tion. Tracking reflling along convection drift paths stein et al. 2018]? Observations show factor-of-10 [Nakano et al. 2014a, b] to determine true feld-line to 100 enhancements in O+ (& O++) density dur- reflling is sorely needed. Local ion pitch angle dis- ing/after geomagnetic disturbances—inside or just tributions (PADs) are a reflling diagnostic; the tran- outside the plasmapause at any MLT [Horwitz et al sition from trapped ion PADs (inside the diffusive 1984, Roberts et al 1987; Fraser et al 2005; Nosé et plasmasphere) to feld-aligned (FA) beams (from al 2011, 2015, 2018; Goldstein et al 2019b]. These ionospheric outfow) is observed even in the absence enhancements are large compared to the quiescent of a plasmapause gradient, and for warmer ion ener- O+ concentration of ≤1% in the plasmasphere. If the gies [Sojka et al. 1983, 1984, Olsen et al. 1985, torus is asymmetric in MLT, it is not known where Menietti et al. 1988, Yue et al. 2017]. We need to the peak occurs or what controls that location. The connect global density increases to local reflling ion dense torus strongly affects mass loading. E.g., at beams for a defnitive picture of reflling >5% concentration the O+ mass contribution (tens (1B) How are ions trapped during reflling? to hundreds of metric tons) can equal that of the Another very basic question about reflling dominant ion H+ [Goldstein et al. 2019b, Fig 1]. O+ remains unanswered: how are ions trapped? During has properties (density, temperature), spatial and PA reflling cold ion beams emerge from the ionosphere distributions that are very different from light ions in each hemisphere and fow upward along the [Goldstein et al 2019b]. Enhanced O+ ion densities magnetic feld [Sojka et al. 1983, 1984]. For these are seldom observed during light ion reflling, and streams to be effective at reflling requires trapping, feld-aligned (FA) beams of O+ and H+ occur at dif- i.e., conversion of feld-aligned PADs to trapped ferent L shells [Singh &Horwitz 1992]. These differ- distributions [Singh and Horwitz 1992].
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