' ' . ' . ' * ' ;; . ' . ' ;{ 1819 ' $ . VICTORIA DAILY COLONIST FRIDAY MARcH8 4 , " ICONTWUKD[ FROM 1.0\023.1 NEW . AND PASTIMES . u ADTCKTUEXEXTB NT LOCAL AND FROYINCIAL . SPORTS . WELL AND TRULY LAID . ( : / A member Then wo would have to . Ere? I Colonist , LACROSSE . S Tramway got here at 11 o'clock in the morning . CoN Club will com Hon . Vonion , to the IThe the National The Victoria Lacrosse Mr speaking Ceremony of I 188J I Laying : FRIDAY . MARCH 8, . The bill to incorporate ' the Foundation . Electric Tramway Compauy and grant it : mence the seasons work by holding their motion to adjourn , remarked that it was the Hew St . ' Stone of Andrews , ., : their prtictico tomorrow afternoon at that those who opposed the bill i'tSSINEIt.S . certain privileges , extend 'I first strange , LEET CO viLu Church GORE & , Gorge , Royal Beacon Hill . Lovers of the I1l\tionlllluno: should txko the opportunity the : the I Steamer OLYMPIAN . from Puget_ lines to Esquimau . Por Sound will to attend . Humphreys claimed tho O Vallr. The 1) Mick . M' J Davis , G Hardy , Oak , Olk1l1l1 Cadboro Bays , come are invitod Hon Mr that . H Antonj- , T LlKUtfoot. P JIUKhoH 1 committee this hon . chief commissioner was out of order . Presence of a Large Spaeta . before the private bills FOOTBALL lathe -S-Concourse of . Mixer 11 Glbhn , W . f , S . S ItVoIl dlII Mr . Speaker said that he was not . He by Clergymen ,v KsUiorhout I ' Lioben , WRoth chUd , morning. The Municipalities Act intro " team to play against the tow-Addreiies the Various ( The Island [ Mrs Wright , Mrs Glide Mrs W IJ IJlinn , J Cox. duced by Mr. Boaven will give the city " was spoakingto the motion to adjoun.j; Present , and Historical Statement of the I * 1 I . J Mainland next Saturday , at Vancouver , F Walsh , I Howard , k Wtllot . A Mollhtt power to subsidize or guar and could discuss any question ho chose Church . Real Estate Financial and General Agents Johnson . H UomichamiiV/ Portor.W IJrudforu , corporation consists of the following men from : 1VIU3LLInS , S loans to Com Hon . Mr. Vernon was surprised at the Jf AUlngluiiii . J If 1'lku flinch antee interest on Tramway Victoria : C . V. Hugoniiij W. Fisher , W . S , , . Airs \V Knox . Alary Gales , Mrs Holman . of . Comox . oliiro : , and when this has been done work remark the hon member for I , Cox , L) and pathos Allison , P. Ribbon , L . Crease , W . Ward ; C Liepol , Jno linker \V U Mather Yesterday afternoon the atone of Ii bo . Ho was speak\ ing strictly to the question corner who . J DclKurdno. ' will begun in earnoat Cowichan : . Musgravo, R . 0. do ' , from i J and was going to show why the question the now St . Amlroiv'B Church ansi laid . ISLANDER , from ; : For Steamer Vancouver Mauritz and V . Forrest from Nanuimo building , which will bo ou , lloyd , Fred Taylor , Tile MyMcrlnim SmiiKglcr . not bo on at present The situated A E Hand ilr and Mrs W . and should voted when CONVEYANCERS NOTARIES AND ' Hold . J Ender , Loins J. H Hawthornthwaito , Iluvalocquo the corner of Broughton and Douglas SURVEYORS , , COLLECTORS , Wlllardf li110rh Rev Ir : Port Townsoiul has received was not a full House . hoped n . Chamberlain . I. The . TItus team is u good their lie . , Johnson , IIV AlI of four others Island bo streets , has already Loon described in this ovony . nI Crockett U Travolloyor , Mr Justice a communication from u resident Vic will back thu that thu resolution to adjourn would LORB , ono , and doubtless bring , aud when will mark ni Gray . 1 ' Gray , Miss Green , O K L L han toria in which it is staled that the boat is withdrawn and the debate adjourned un- paper completed , , HMcNutt , S LiQlsor , cup with them . -jator , 0 I'oLt'rii J Jlruwn J owned a thus wore . now era in the history of church architec , Wallace , Mrs Wallace . Cupt .n now steel steam yacht by cap til all members present GOVERNMENT STREET J It SJ OAK .djaX\ 1 TUM . Lure in this city. The architect , Mr . L . Paliuor J d , b? C Uamblo( I , E A Morris , tails whoso iiamo the Arym is not at lib Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir did not think this K: . Buttress Trimon , will hand over to the Pauline erty to divulge ; that she makes eight The following letter has been received was a snap vote at nIl The members Cable : Address OFFICE HOURS : A M M , re- ¬ : managars of St . Andrews a building of , 6:30 . to 9 P . : knots an hour in te1ldof fourteen as by Mayor Grant who were absent , if they had boon doing CCH'iSIUNJJoI . which will to feel BLODGETT . Victoria , B . C . of in . they have every reason potted , and that when Cupt Roberts DKAII Sm-l liuil'n talk with the oarsmen their duty , would have been their seats IUI\r8-3mo 1'uKot Sound . , wo . Tor Steamer OLYMI-IAN . from the saw last week she was Leo U'Counor anil Qaudaur and luwo The bill should bo taken up and carried , proud Co , and Co , K Olympian her bo Jacob Saul , Moore aud Hastlo 0 agreed Hint It would boat to have whatever The , , WAS witnessed , , . , ,, . hon . ceremoNy yesterday Prior . 11 Jowcll , U liI Simpson , MoUonuhl llros returning from a trip to Point Wilson the amount of lit inirao' will be. divided In tlio or defeated Tlio chief commissioner , ) : ) , , while IVBW t'EUTlI1F.MFM'VT8 $ . Uiminstor Heck and (;o. W Alublo , S J Pitts where she landed 12 Chinamen that had following ratio , 10 par; cent to the winner , iu was wrong in suggesting such aI Lhuiusgas a by very many both old and young tion at the limnt that the spiritual \ : \ , K O ' t ID . amo . : . WllHOH , Foil and Co porccuuL Hecoiut . M third , fourthII U K Johnston John us Prize :: ) " on the platform were clergymen I , loft night buforo . snap vote . repre side of life was not neglected . Prior sail Co . Js'lchollos andltenouf , EU Marvin Victoria the That will give all of IIH a fair clmnco of winning senting all thoProtestnnt denominations JAS. JONES . H . Ames Holdell Co . Turner lluolon and Co, Van and also a chauco for moat of us lo Kot our ox- Mr. Grant and Mr. Davie referred to The Rev . Mr . Macleod then made n J. LIP8KTT . S Luisor , Came : . anyway . mo with in this . Volkonburcli , Vain mul Brooks Haul Lyniio penaea 1'lcaso furnish par the necessity of waiting to take action city few closing , : Co . Jno . Is , remarks dwelling particularly and ilunsluVclcli Hand Parker " ) ticular: when It dollnitoly settled niion und I The oxurciana wore opened by the band Lynne , the old , yet always \ lucre tolugraiin the en- until members who wore absent , but who on the happiness which ho had experi- Per Steamer ISI.ANDKU . from Vancouver East will have the oarsmen of " 11 ; life , which has Into proper luxnds , bill , in "C battery ploying thai 100th Psalm , Fred Norris , M W \Vnltt , A Krsklno , Naval now , drama of English tries the took a Hveut interest in the were enced during his first year as pastor of St . Co , AL1IKKT II . llAM.M . which novo . D () a Storekeeper . Angus and O , Amy lloldim Ion the reputation of being ono of the their scats . Said Mr. Davie, the hon . after E . McLaren road Andrews , and fervently prayed that the A Lewis anil Co , AH dray , A Phillips . C It JlclJ , of Bcripturo . Mc- JONES was Bush , Pauline Seelcy and Richardson !portion and the Rev D & LIPSETT . 11 very best plays on the stage, present president of the council , should remember kindly fooling ono and Co, II Walter . II A LIHey , Itornstoln , saino towards another . , , are in hard training for the regatta . They line , Moderator of the , offered il flaY Co J C ] ' , J Fullerton outits The Victoria last night liy thu that he may possible bo absent himself Presbytery might continue . IIIk'J'V\ L . J O bovlln' , J tiller. Gooilacro Oleason company , who , in are now to bo seen daily on the water aomo matters to him up prayer . The following historical state % ' Barrett and time when of interest The doxology was then sung and the Mrs Field , Mrs! 1ilLciawl , 1'endniy and Co , ! : , ad ¬ Nearly ovary row boat for rental in Vic mont was then read by the secretary , lllv Inlet Cans Co . WO Cameron , W W Evans . this , their farewell performance but come up for discussion . Rev . Mr . Mcllno pronounced the bono . toriii has been already for the Win . ; , Esq . : Ifixp , \Vhytc W J JclFrco , P llrawn , Item Co dod another triumph to tho many they engaged Hon . Mr . Dunsmuir remarked that in diction . interesting , The proceedings were 24thof May . The congregation of St . Andrews Real Intro won hero . Every character was sven years , he had only been absent from Pres brought to an end by the band playing Estate and Insurance ' Pauline has invested in a new shell in byterian, Chut'chWRS formed under the SL'RINO Goous just arrived at Londoi well taken , the settings , as usual , wore his seat when the House was in session , the National Anthem . which ho expects to accomplish great pastorate of Rev. Thomas Summorville , & Shoo , Douglas street . * Ill! that: could be desitod , and the play two days , and then ho was sick . Boot Store SLIm 186(1( . , ran smoothly and satisfactorily to the things this season . Mr. '1. Davie repeated that no action on the September , . Public wor A CORRECTION . G-JITS for , say a $200 ship wits some in the XK1V: : HOOKS . entire audience . An outrigger skiff mop should be taken until the absent m mbnrs conducted for time ( purse , divided proportionately , is being hall on Broughtun street , and , in July , EDITOR : FORWARDERS AND .
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